HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/02/1939 r'", '76 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington iAUe""t 2, 1939 19_ U""'.. wu"'.......'T'l.L.....,....EIOI.""'~T..I. "DIOO f The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissicners Beam and Masters, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes cf the previous session were read and approved. Police Judge, 'rhos. Geisness, reported 52 cases tried and $732.00 collected in fines for the month of July, 1939. Report ordered filed. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits and Licenses the following wer~ granted: Shell Oil Co., Construct Service Station T. F. Trumbull, Alteration and one room addition C. D. Earl, Jr., Dwelling R. P. Dwier, Construct Garage Rudy's Radio Shop, Master 1~ectrician Home Grocery, Soft Drink 1M. A. Martin, Auctioneer Mantle & Taylor, Soft Drink Habit Cleaners, Cleaning & Pressir~ Pinto Barber Shop, 3 Chairs Olympus Fountain, Soft Orin-I( OlymP'ls Hotel, Hotel, 44 Rooms Street Sho!" 1 Amusement Machine 2500.00 1000.00 500.00 50.00 10.00 5.00 90.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 44.00 24.00 Under the head of Reading and Passage of Ordinances the following ordinance was read by title and placed on its third reading and adopted: ! i AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 997 enti tied, "AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE OPERATION OF A MOTOR VEHICLE BY A PERSON WITHOUT AN OPERATOR'S LICENSE; BY A PERSON 1rnO IS INTOXICATED; IN A RECKLESS MANNER; PROVIDING CERTAIN TRAFFIC RULES; PROVIDING FOR THE REVOCATION OF LICENSES UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS AND DECLARING AN il!ERGENCY", by adding thereto a new section to be knovm as Section ~, providing for an offense of Negligent Operation; defining terms; and declaring an emergency. 'I It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing ordinance be placed on its final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Be3ll. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of Introduction of Ordinances the following ordinance was read in full and placed on its first and second readines: AN ORDINANCE amendine Section 76 of Ordinance No. 971, entitled, "AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO AND PROVIDING FOn '!HE LICENSIllG OF CERTAIN OCCUPATIONS, .VOCATIONS, TRADES, AMUSEMENTS, PLACES OF A1:l1SEMENT, EXHIBITIONS, ENTERTAIlmENTS AND CERTAIN MOTJOR AND OTHER VEHICLE5; DEFINING OFfENSES; PROVIDING CERTAIN REGULATIONS FOR S~f.E; PROVIDING P2NALTIES; PROVIDING FOR THE SUSPENSION ~ND REVOCATION OF LICNESES; REPEALING ORDINANCES I 1m. 418; 452, 682, 693, 703, 805, OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES ~.Nll OTHER ORDINANCES AIlD PARTS OF ORDINMCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH;" by changing the license fee for jUnk dealers from $75.00 per year tb $25.00 per year. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND I City Treasurer I City Light Department i Olympic Printery I C. A. Wolverton Fire Departme nt V. A. Sainuelson & Co. Olympic Printery I. C. Groves Union Oil Co. City Treasurer , Olympic Hot Springs I R. L." Jones " Thcs. H. Guptill I' Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. II II n n i Olympic LaWldry & Cleaners Olympic Stationers I Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. . II " l' P II Supplies Rent Supplies Convention Expense Pay Roll Volunteer Firemen Filter Cartridge SUDplies Meals for Prisoners Gas Cash Advanced for Stamps Swims Special Police Sign BOArds Service " .SO SO.OO 1.33 100.00 75.00 1.28 3.00 36.77 28.27 5.00 16.80 56.00 4.59 1.95 2.75 5.06 5.17 325.16 155.59 342.81 195.33 LaWldry Supplies Lumber " 3' I'ZZ -" CITY STREET FUND Earl Steiner Harold W. Bates W. D. Brear H. M. Durns Forest H. Waldron L. McGoff, Jr. W. A. McCorkle Gordon Wendell Henry Fisher Delmar J. Judy S. Besselman A. Caris C. L. McCarthy E. L. Keaton V. A. Samuelson & Co. Angele" Gravel & Supply Co. C. M. & St. P Ry D. A. Masters Gil's Welding & Forge Works Rent of Equipment n Q II 61. 88 40.50 6.75 76.SO 40.50 182.50 60.19 40.50 40.50 22.50 27.00 27.00 15.75 4.50 88.28 7.12 148.19 45.85 19.38 " 11 II' Repairs Nails, etc. Freight Car Hire Welding lo.. I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington August 2, 1959 19_ 77~ I I I I I Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Street Department . n WATER FUND City Light Department City Treasurer Olympic Printery V. ~. Samuelson & Co. Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Angeles Foundry Co. Angeles Cooperative Creamery Sa at tIe Plumbing Supply Co. Angeles .Gravel & Supply Co. Hooker ~lectrochemical Co. City Light Dept. Gunder Iverson Purmaid Dairy LIGHT FUND Sedric A. Payette Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. City Water Dept. H. B. Shennan Mfg. Co. James Hardware Co. City TreaS1lrer Paris Mota I' Co. Quick Print v. A. Sainuelson & Co. S. H. White Port mng~les Evening News CITYWIDE SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION FUND Angeles bravel & Supply Co. Pipe Paper Pay Roll . Office Rent Cash Payments Forms Truck Repairs Service Boxes Meter Boxes Cups and Dry Ice Supplies Concrete Chlorine Lights at Reservoir Truck ing August Rent Salary for July Materials Water at Store Connecto rs Lags Cash Payment s Tire Repair Envelopes Truck & Car Repairs Car Hire e Advertising Therebeing no further business the Commission then adjourned. Lumber, etc. .; i?J tJJtk-<J~ City Clerk 0;'- 0'1 -vO -"3.- J"q 01 ./ It!{ 1f~ Mayor 60.59 2.96 728 .72 289.40 25.00 73.89 23.05 5.45 8.42 15.30 3.11 54.21 21.35 14.87 2.94 42.00 40.00 67.36 4.03 2.01 30.50 1.16 8.73 .51 31.41 14.31 35.05 2.00 24.44 ~