HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/02/1956
Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington
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The City Counci.l met in regular session at 11:30 P .J.!. and was called to order by Hayor Neer. Roll call
ed the follcwing officers present: Mayor Neer, Councilmen Smith, Sandison, Matthieu, Wolfe, McFadden,
ani lo\axi'ield, 11anager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law.
It was moved by Councilman l-Iolfe tilat minutes of the previou> rreoting be approved as received.
Councilman J.!axfield ani carried.
Under the head of unfinished business,'bids for purchase of warrants and herrls in Port Argeles,L.I.D. No.
'171l,ere received as follows: GRANDE & CO., IN:;. , Warrants at Par. Botrls $100.10 at 45/8%; - , ,
BRAMHALL AND STEIN, i'larrants at Par. Borrls, $100.28 at 4 3/1$; TERRY THOMPSON & COMPANY, liarrants, par
,@ 5%, ,BPnis, $100.09 @ 5%. , ." " . , .
I By reconunendation of Mr. Bramhall and Manager Vergeer, it was moved by COUl'lcilman Mcfadden that the bid
1):>Y Granie & Co., Inc., be accepted. Moti~n secollied by Councilman Woll'e and unani1nously carried.
1 Leo lfui.te and others from the Lincoln Street Dibstrict appeared before the Council, also filed petitions
. reque,sting that Lincoln Street. be incl.uded in,subsequent street lighting project. After discussion and
I due consideration, Council approved the light installations on Lincoln Street and all residential area
possible in next improvement. .
I Council considered possibility of negotiating for construction in proposed L.I.D. No. 172, bids for the
sane having been rejected, being more than ~'above Engineer's estirrate. It was moved by Councilman
I Smith that the Manager be instructed to proceed with negotiat;l.ons and asceri;ain if the project can be
I completed within Engineer's estimate. Motion secomed by CounciJJJJan Mcfadden and carried.
.1 The thirty day period h~ving elapsed since completion and acceptance of 'contract by Osberg Construction.
Company in L.I.D. No. 167, it was moved by Councilrnan Smith that the 15% retained in amount of
'22,344.84 be,paid the cortractor. Seconied by Councilman MaxfielD. and ,earried.
i The contract of F. H. Jarnigan having, been completed and accepted arrl the thirty day period elapsed, it
'>fas moved by Councilman Sarrlison that the 15% retained for construction in Ll.D. No. 167 be j:aid in
amount of $11,126.56, less $1,1,.5.,.02 which ti).econtractor owesthe City: for utilities.~.lotion seconied by
I Councilman, Ivolf e and carried.
.Fixed estlJmte force account for L.I.D. No. 167 to Osberg Construction Comparij7 in amount of .$3,153.04 "as
'\filed for approval. It was moved, by Councilman Wolfe that claim be approved ani warrant issued in I'BiYment
of same. Secomed by Councilman J.latthieu and carried.
Manager reported street lighting Job canp1et$d by Conald W. Close and Comparw and recomner1J.ed acceptanee
101' the work. Final estillBte t~ DOll9.ld li. Close Co. for street lighting and traffic signal was presented in
amount of $8,387.64. It was moved by Councilman Smith that the aob be 'accepted ani that estimate be
[approved and paid. Seconied by COUllCilJnan Wolfe ,and carried.
.Estimates for \'Orlc done ani material furnished in L.I.D. No. 171 were presented for Council approval:
ITHE !lARf([3)N BROl'HERS CO., 1st estimate (J~), Cherry.Hill, L.I.D. No. 171, $3,010.70
,It was Il10ved by Oouncilrnan McFadden that estinate be approved.. and ,paid. Seconied by Councilman, Saniison I
and earned.
r MILONE AID TUCCI, 1st estlJmte (J~), Cherry Hill Stonn Sewers, L.I.D. No. 171, $21,769.40
,It I'ISS ,moved by Councilman McFadden 'that estimate be approved. Secorrled. by Councilman Sandison and carried.
I . .
One claim by Del. Guzzi Construction Compal'\l' for construction of emergency pumping station building was
[approved in alIlount of $4,973.15. It '.as moved by Councilrnan Sandison that claim be approved and paid,
,Secollied by COWlcilman.liolfe and. carried.
,Unier the head of row business, elaims paid J~ 26 were approved in total amount of $1,8,986.25. It was
moved by Councilman lkFadden that clalJm be approved as paid. Seconied by COWlcilman,Maxfield ani, carried.
,counci.l ,considered claim for danages filed by K. H. Heimbegner eaused by City truck spilling gravel on high":
~ay and breaking car glass. It was moved by. Counci.lman Matthieu that claim be referred to the Attorney.
Seconied by Councilrnan Smitil and carried.
IRepcrts of expenditures and receipts for City Departments, elso monthl;v reports of the Police, Fire, Nater,
iLight arrl Libraxy Deparlmcnts, were filed ,for Couneil approval. It was moved by Councilman Sandiso n ~hat
all reports be approved and p1Bced on file. Seconied by COWlcilman Smith and earried.
~he Lions Club requested that a recreation area on Ediz Hook be designated as Lions Memorial Park. This
was referred to the Park Board.
Manager Vergeer read communication from the Pollution Control Board stating that the legislature so far made
po appropriation for Federal Aid to cities for pollution control. However, if such legislation is forth-
,coming, this City ~Iould get d\l6 consideration.
J '
It was moved by COUllCilman McFadden that work rO.POI'ts of the Light atrl Hater Departments be_approved.a.ln_
p'laced on file. ~econded by Councilman Maxfield ;U;d carried. -
George lieUs, cab operator, appeared before the Commission and asked that permission be granted for three
stands on Lincoln Norlh of Front. It was moved U,y' Councilman lvolfe that tl-lO spaces be pennitted on
Lincoln and two on Front Street. Seeotrled by Councilman McFadden and carried.
i a
Under the head of introduction of Resolutions, the following was introdueed and read in full:
I ,RESOLlll'ION NO. 28-56 ,
! A RESOLUTION of the City of Porl Angeles, I~ashington,. transferring the sum of Six Hunired ($600.00) do:Dars
within Capital Outlay of tile Street Department Budget Appropriation from Ne, Equipment and. Contracts to
rifth Street Culvert and Right s of Iva,y.
1 It was moved by Councilman Matthieu tha t the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
\ Coureilman Sandison and carried.
. i There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned.
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