HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/02/1977CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Port Angeles, Washington
August 2, 1977
In the absence of Mayor Olson, the special meeting was called to order by Clerk ~
Parrish at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Buck moved the Council elect Councilman Haguewood
to serve as Mayor Pro Tem in the absence o£ Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Hordyk and carried. The purpose of this meeting is to consider
possible areas of cooperation with the County on the new Courthouse, and to
discuss the water transmission pipeline from the Elwha River.
Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood,
Ross, Wray.
Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath,
J. Honnold, R. Orton, C. Caso.
Manager Whorton informed the Council that on Monday, August 1, 1977 the
City received a grant offer in the amount of $1,025,594 from the Washing-
ton State Department of Social and Health Services. There are, however,
two specific conditions placed on the Grant Agreement which the Council
should be aware of. Condition P., "The applicant must submit a signed
and dated committed schedule for metering the entire system and this
must be mailed to the Department of water Supply and Waste Section in
Olympia, Washington, by September 15, 1977," and Condition Q., "The
applicant, by signing and dating this Agreement, agrees upon completion
of this project, that the Morse Creek supply cannot be used except in
an emergency situation and then only upon receipt of written approval
by the Department of Social and Health Services." Manager Whorton
further advised the Council that completion of the water system on
the E1wha River is expected about April 1978. If the Council authorizes
the Mayor and City Manager to sign the Offer and Acceptance of Grant,
Morse Creek would be designated an emergency stand-by system after the
Elwha System is completed.
A lengthy discussion followed between the Council and Manager Whorton.
During the discussion the Council directed the record to show that the
Council recognize the fact that (1) a conflict exists between the pur-
pose of the Emergency Drought Relief Act of 1977 and the dictates of t
State Department of Social and Health Services concerning the City's
primary versus supplemental water supply source; (.2) that the City had
complied with all the guidelines issued by the Economic Development
Administration in applying for and securing a grant and loan under the
Drought Relief Act of 1977; and (3) that as an energy conservation
measure the City will continue to pursue our efforts with the State
Department of Social and Health Services concerning utilizing Morse
Creek as a water supply source.
August 2, 1977
1. Cont.
The Council also discussed with Manager Whorton the retaining of Morse
Creek water rights and providing sufficient water to the Golf Course,
the PUD and the twenty-two easement taps on the line. Attorney walrath
will check into the legal aspects of the easements.
Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 22-77
Resolution No. ~-77
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles, Washington, authorizing the Mayor and the
City Manager to execute the Offer and Acceptance
Agreement between the State of Washington (Depart-
ment of Social and Health Services) and the City
of Port Angeles.
Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the Resolution as read by title
by Mayor Por Tem Haguewood. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and
it carried unanimously.
b. Consideration of running City power Sines to operate pump at Ranney Well.
Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood read a memorandum from Manager Whorton which gave
the Council some back-ground data on the running of a 3.14 mile under-
ground power line to the Elwha River at an estimated cost of $117,750.00
The Council discussed the proposed project with Manager Whorton, Light
Superintendent Honnold and Finance Director Orton. Subjects included
in the discussion were the purpose for running underground lines, cost
' comparisons associated with PUD extending their lines and with PUD
providing permanent power versus City providing the power to operate
the pumps, industrial expansion and the need for a subst&tion'n'the
airport area, and preparations for providing sufficient power for a
secondary Ranney Collector well.
Following this part of the discussion, Councilman Hordyk moved the
Council authorize installation of an underground power line to the
Elwha River with sufficient capacity to serve a substation at the west
end of the airport runway and adequate power to serve the Ranney Collec-
tor Pumping Station, with the project being financed with Light Depart-
ment funds. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray. The discussion
continued concerning the financing of the project, the net effect on
power rates, future industrial expansion, and the effect of one City
Utility Enterprise subsidizing another City Utility Enterprise
On call for the question on the motion before the Council, the motion
was unanimously passed.
Manager Whorton reported that approximately a year or more ago discussions
were held regarding the City combining facilities with Clailam County in
the proposed County Courthouse. The Staff came up with a number of ideas
on areas that could be shared or combined where savings could be realized.
The areas of cooperation are applicable to facilities, equipment and programs.
A general discussion followed between the City Council, County Commissioner
R. Richards and Manager Whorton. Items discussed included a City-County
Building Complex on the north side of Fourth Street, possibility of street
:ions for parking areas, 22,000 square foot requirement for a City Hall,
~sion No. 6 of a Real Estate Contract entered into on June 28, 1976,
aen the City and the County for sale of the "Roosevelt School Site"
ie County, a joint County-City Law Enforcement Facility, possibility
J August 2, 1977
2. Cont.
for a jail expansion to the north, availability of State grant funds for
joint City-County jail facility, a joint Communications Center, combined
purchasing, proposed plans of the school district to possibly move their
bus garage and administration to the Lincoln School site and the City's
possible interest in the School Administration property, possibility of a
joint local governmental data processing facility (City, County, PUD and
Port of Port Angeles) and City financing alternatives.
During the discussion the Council pointed out to Commissioner Richards that
the City has been meeting with the County for over a year concerning areas
of cooperation and that they appreciated his appearance at this meeting.
The areas the City is primarily interested in at this time are a joint jail
facility and a joint communications center with consideration heing given
for a City Hall on the north side of Fourth Street.
Commissioner Richards stated that the design development process started in
January 1977 and will continue for appriximately two more months, that the
intent is to call for bids approximately a year from now, that the County
is very desireous of including the City in the Courthouse Complex and would
like a firm commitment from the City on financing.
Councilman Ross then moved the Council direct the Staff to prepare the
necessary documentation for the Council to make a funding decision on a
joint County-City Complex. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck.
The discussion continued regarding scheduling a work session with the County
Commissioners. A work session was then scheduled for Monday, August 8, 1977.
On call for the question on the motion on the floor, the motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M.
City Clerk Mayor