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Port Angeles, Washington
August 2, 2005
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Headriek called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
REGULAR MEETING: at 6:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Headrick, Councilmembers Braun, Erickson,
Munro, Pittis, Rogers, and Williams.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Qffmn, Attorney Bloor, G. Cutler, C. Hagar, M.
Madsen, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski,
Public Present: P. Lamoureux. All others present in the audience failed to
sign the roster.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by City Manager Quinn.
LATE ITEMS TO BE Manager Quinn asked to add an Agreemant with Parametrix for updating the
PLACED ON THIS OR Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan to be placed as item D. 3. under
FUTURE AGENDAS & Finance, and setting a public hearing for amending the Medic I Ordinance, to bc added
PUBLIC COMMENT: as item G. 2 under Resolutions.
Item D. 2. Shane Park Renovation, was removed from the agenda, as the bid date has
been extended.
A change in the order of business was noted. Item H. 1, the Bond issue, will be moved
up on the agenda as a courtesy to the Bond Consultants who were present in the
Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, asked several questions regarding the bond issue,
including what the interest rate would be on the bonds. Further, Mr. Lamoureux felt
the issue was progressing too rapidly and public input had not been allowed.
Mr. Lamoureux was informed that this issue had been discussed many times starting
in September 2004. Public input had been allowed and a presentation had been given
explaining the various financing options, with the bond being the most cost effective.
Staff further advised Mr. Lamoureux that a brief PowerPoint presentation would be
given this eveffmg, which would answer Mr. Lamoureux' questions regarcYmg interest
rates and how the bond payments would be financed.
August 2, 2005
LATE ITEMS TO BE Regarding Item I. 3. Electric Rate Study, Mr. Lamoureux asked if the information
PLACED ON THIS OR regarding the study would be available to the public after the Utility Advisory
FUTURE AGENDAS & comrmttee meeting of August 9, and prior to the public hearing of August 16. Public
PUBLIC COMMENT: Works & Utilities Director Cutler responded that information will be available in full
(Cont'd) compliance with the Public Disclosure Act.
ORDINANCES NOT 1. L TGO Bonds for Utility Extension into the Western Annexed Area.
HEARINGS: Finance Director Ziomkowskiintroduced Jean Baker of Seattle Northwest Securities,
the underwriter of the bond, and Steve Gaidos, the City's Financial Advisor. Director
LTGO Bonds for Utility Zinmkowski stated there would be a brief PowerPoint presentation, which would
Extension into the Western provide the details of the bond issue. She explained that the amount of the bond and
Annexed Area the interest rates are unknown until after the sale of the bonds. The bonds were sold
Ordinance No. 3212 earlier in the day than anticipated, to take advantage of a better bond market and obtain
a better interest rate.
Director Ziomkowski then gave a PowerPoint presentation that demonstrated the
change in interest rates over the years, the amount of the bond, the true interest rate
(<4.2% over the twenty-year maturity of the bond), how the funds would be used and
how the bond payments would be funded.
Following brief discussion and clarification, Mayor Headrick read the Ordinance by
title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing
for the issuance and sale of lira/ted tax general obligation bonds of
the City in the aggregate principal amount of $3,270,000 to finance
the acquisition, construction and equipping of various utility
improvements within the City's western urban growth annexation
area and to pay costs of issuance of such bonds; providing the date,
form, terms and maturities of the bonds; providing for the annual
levy of taxes to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds;
and authorizing the sale of the bonds.
Couneilraember Erickson moved to waive the requirement for a second reading
of the Ordinance. Couneilmember Pittis seconded the motion, which carried
Couneilmeraber Braun moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Couneilmember Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
FINANCE: 1. Contract with Morningside
Contract with Morningside Director Ziorakowski reviewed the reasons for transfemng the contract for mail and
copy room services to Momthgside Corp. and introduced Cthdi Kirchrneier, Vice
President for Employment Services and Craig Johnston, Employment Consultant for
Morningside. After which, Councilmember Williams moved to approve and
authorize the City Manager to sign the contract with Morningside Corp.
Couneilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Shane Park Renovation 2. Shane Park Renovation, Project 05-14
Project 05-14
This item will be returned to a future meeting as the bid date has been extended until
August 12, 2005.
August 2, 2005
FINANCE: (Cont'd) 3. 2005 Agreement with Parametrix Inc. for Clallam County Comprehensive
Solid Waste Management Plan Update.
2005 Agreement with
Parametrix Inc. for Clallam Director Cutler explained that State law requires the Solid Waste Management Plan to
County Comprehensive be updated every five years and the current Plan was developed in November 2000.
Solid Waste Management A grant from the Dept. of Ecology with pay 75% of the cost and signatories to the Plan
Plan Update will pay the remaining 25% based upon percentage of current waste stream.
Couneilmember Rogers moved to approve and authorize the City Manager to sign
an Agreement for Professional Services with Parametrix in an amount not to
exceed $86,000, *vhich was seconded by Couneilmember Pittis and carried
CONSENT AGENDA: Couneilmember Rogers moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1.) City
Council Minutes of July 19, 2005 Regular Meeting and July 26, 2005 Special Meeting;
2.) Expenditure Report - July 22, 2005 - $1,079,800.27; and 3.) Crown Park Sewer
and Stormwater Reconstruction, Project 03-12 Councilmember Erickson seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Braun participated in the PIP, At l0th Anniversary celebration, which
COMMITTEE the Japanese Delegation also attended.
Councilmember Rogers attended the Retreat sponsored by AWC. She felt AWC has
come up with great policies to help middle size cities like Port Angeles.
RESOLUTIONS: 1. Resolution Authorizing City Participation in Domestic Violence Grant.
Authorizing City Attorney Bloor explained the nature of the proposed Resolution authorizing the Legal
Participation in Domestic Department to apply for grant funding from the State of Washington, Office of Crime
Violence Grant Victims Advocacy, after which Mayor Headrick read the Resolution by title, entitled
Resolution No. 14-05
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Washington, authoring the filing of an application for grant funds from
the Office of Crime Victims Advocacy to be used specifically for domestic
violence cases by the Legal Department of the City of Port Angeles.
Couneilmember Williams moved pass the Resolution as read by title.
Couneilmember Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Setting a Public Hearing on 2. Setting a Public Hearing on Amendments to Medic I Ordinance.
Amendments to Medic I
Ordinance Manager Quinn noted that this Resolution sets a public hearing date of September 6,
2005, to consider changes to the Medic I program.
Resolution No. 15-05
Mayor Headrick read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, setting a public hearing date of September 6, 2005,
to consider proposed amendments to the City's Medic I Program
and regulation of all ambulance services, collectively known as
The City's EMS Utility.
Couneilmember Rogers moved to adopt the Resolution as read by title.
Councilmember Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
August 2, 2005
ORDINANCES NOT 2. Public Records Ordinance
HEARINGS: Attorney Bloor explained that this Ordinance was the result of changes to state statutes
(Cont'd) governing requests for public records. He then reviewed the significant changes that
would be made and reminded the Council that this was the first reading for this
Public Records Ordinance Ordinance and it will be returned to a future meeting for adoption. Brief discussion
followed and Attorney Blour provided clarification regarding fees charged for records.
This matter was continued to the meeting of August 16, 2005.
OTHER l. Olympic Discovery Trail Interlocal Agreement:
Director Cutler introduced two gentlemen in the audience, Mr. Bill Sterling, former
Olympic Discovery Trail Public Works Director for the City of Greely, Colorado,and currently the Trail
Interlocal Agreement Coordinator, and Mr. JeffBohman, a representative of the Peninsula Trails Coalition,
and currently the Elwha Project Management Specialist for the Olympic National Park
Director Cutler reviewed the negotiations between City and County staff to coordinate
future funding, design, construction and maintenance of the Olympic Discovery Trail
from Marine Drive to the Elwha River. He stated that signing of the Agreement allows
the City to pursue additional state grants for further development of the Discovery
Trail. Director Cutler asked Council to particularly note item 3. of page 81 of the
packet, which clearly states the City will not be responsible for maintenance of the trail
outside the City limits.
Councilmember Williams moved to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the
Olympic Discovery Trail Interlocal Agreement with Clallam County.
Couneilmember Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Councilman Williams inquired about the continuation of the Trail up Peabody and
Valley Creeks. Director Cutler stated this topic is on the agenda for discussion at the
next Parks Commission meeting and will be brought to Council in September for an
amendment to the Parks Comprehensive Plan.
Discussion ensued regarding extending the Trail up Valley Creek and Jeff Bohman,
3753 Canyon Edge Circle, stated that several agencies are working together and have
scheduled a work party on Valley Creek, Saturday, August 13, 2005, at 9:00 a.m.
Anyone wishing to participate is welcome.
Request to Circulate an 2. Request to Circulate an Annexation Petition - Adamich: Homestead Avenue
Annexation Petition
Adamich: Homestead Community and Economic Development Director Madsen suunmfized the reformation
Avenue relating to the request to circulate an annexation petition for approximately 2.94 acres
on Homestead Avenue. He reminded the Council that prior to approving the request
to circulate a petition, the Council must ensure the applicant is aware that ifarmexed,
the property willbe designated RS-9, Residential Single Family, taxes assessed against
the property will include a fair share of the City's bonded indebtedness, and
development of the site requires dedication of a right-of-way along McDougal Street.
Discussion followed, especially as regards the County zoning for this land to ensure the
zoning density is not being decreased by this annexation, which it will not.
Mayor Headrick asked Mr. Adamich if he was aware of the above mentioned
requirements, and Mr. Adamich replied affirmatively.
Couneilmember Williams moved to authorize the circulation of the annexation
petition. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Rogers.
August 2, 2005
Request to Circulate an Mr. Adamich asked the Council who will be responsible for maintaining the 30 x 735
Annexation Petition foot ship dedicated for the right-of-way. He stated that there are problems with water
Adamich: Homestead and a ditch and he wants to make sure the City is going to maintain this area before he
Avenue builds three new homes on the property. If he must do the maintenance himself, he will
(Cont'd) stay in the County and keep the land. Lengthy discussion followed. Councilmember
Pittis noted that the dedication will not take place until development begins, there fore,
this discussion is premature. After further discussion, Mayor Headrick suggested Mr.
Adamich discuss this issue with Staff to attempt at resolution prior to bringing the
signed petition back to the Council. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried
Electric Rate Study 3. Electric Rate Study
Director Cutler stated that HDR Engineering and Staffare nearing completion of the
comprehensive rate study for the electric utility. This item will be presented to the
Utility Advisory Committee at its meeting of August9, 2005. After which, the study
will be presented to the Council, followed by a public hearing on the proposed rate
Couneilmember Braun moved to set a public hearing for August 16, 2005 to
receive a presentation and comments on proposed rate adjustments. The motion
was seconded by Councilmember Erickson and carried unanimously.
INFORMATION: Manager Quinn noted that under the Public Works Budget Status Report, all contracts
are within budget.
Regarding the Community & Economic Development Report, he noted the building
permit activity is substantially higher than it was at this time last year.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Based on input from Attorney Bhior, Mayor Headiick annotmced the need for an
Executive Session for approximately forty-five minutes under the authority of RCW
42.30.110(b), to consider acquisition of real estate and RCW 42.30.110(i), to discuss
with Legal Counsel an item of potential litigation or the legal risks of a proposed
action. No action was anticipated. The Executive Session convened at 7:35 p.m.
RETURN TO OPEN The Executive Session concluded at 8:15 p.m., and the Council convened in regular
SESSION: open session. No action was taken.
VRicha~d A. I~adri'ck, Mayor ' - B~cky J. Up~,~it~Olerk"' ] - -