HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/03/1949 I I I I I :Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: IDIWING PERMITS: 10/ 1!:d s-. ~ lB. H. Jones Andrew Casilio Deluxe Cleanerlf Hov,a rd McDonald ,James G. Derrick H. Stark IE. F. Roth i Ma ry Ma rtin Frank Pollow I'Frank, Pollow ,Frank Pollow LICENSES: 'f ?;'( .. I'Marine Drive Lunch Restaurant 'J.larine Drive Lunch Music Machine 'IMarine Drive Lunch Soft Drink !.IaTina Drive Lunch Amusement Machine 'IHarbor Tavern Music Machine Harber Tavern Soft Drink Harbor Tavern Amusement Machines Leg Ca bin Tavern Music Machine ~Log Cabin Tavern Soft Drink "Log Cabin Tavern Amusenent Ilachines- ,The Marina Restaurant IThe Marina Soft Drink 'The Marina Amusement Machines P. A. Recreation Amusement Machines P. A. Recreation Soft Drink P. A. Recreation 6 Bowling Alleys P. A. Recreation 6 Pool Tables Salad Bowl Restaurant 'Salad Bowl llusic Machine :Salad Bowl Soft Drink City Drug Soft Drink 'IHabi t Cleaners Cleaning & Pressing . Bills Iunde; the head of unfinished business, pursuant to bids published to furnish/for the light and water Dept's. ,the following were opened: Remington Rand, Inc., $13.81 'per M. Moore Business Forms, Inc., $625 and 5.40 per M. Pioneer, Inc., $9.60 per M. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the bids be recorded and I;contract awarded to the low responsible bidder complJ'ing with specifications. .Motion seconded by Mayor iFeel~y, All voted Aye. Motion carried. Estimates submitted by the Engineer on contracts for trenching and backfilling on Francis and Race Sts. and ,No. Laurel Street repair were as follows: John Bruch Co., trenching and backfilling, $2457.26; Hugh Govan,': iNo. laurel St. repair, $3173.48. It was regularl;)' moved and seconded that the estimates be paid as submitted. Motion carried. I I "Rex Oakes appeared regarding complaint previously filed opposing car repair and gas dispensing a;t 310 West !14th.Street. Mr. Oakes was advised to consult the City Attorney in his office. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington .___Allgll~t. ~ , 19~ ...lelt.. .~_1..........".._.~.. 111770 ~. ,The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. were: If.ayor Feeley, Conullissioner Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. Mmnutes of the previous session were read and approved. Construct 2 car garage, Lot 21, Blk. 4, Cain's Subd., Lt. 18 Construct 5 room Dvmlling Let 9, Blk. 22, /I. ll. Smith's Addition to existing Bldg. E~ Lot 11, Vf~ Lt. 12 N. R. Smith's Utility room on Back Porch Lot 7, dlk. 179, Cain's Subd. Refoo! existing dwelling Lot 5, Blk. 345, Townsite Remodel existing dwelling Lot 19,. Elk. 246, Townsite Construct Apt. & garage Lot 10, W~ Lot 11, Iffilk. 41 N.R.Smith Re-roof Existing dwelling Lots 1 - 2, B1k 380, Townsite Move Bldg. from Lot 3 Elk. 88 to Lot 7, Blk. 34, Townsite Move House from Lot 3 Elk. 88 to Lots 18-19 Elk 125, D.W.Morse Sub. Move Bltlg. fromLot 2, 4, Blk 88, to Lot 7, Blk 125, D.W~Morse Sub. :,Un:le~ the head of new business, R. H. Jones and L. L. Newell requested in writing that the 'sale .of old growth timber on the S.E. quarter of the N.E. quarter of Sec. 23, Tovmship 30, iowned by the City. The request was referred to the City Engineer. City advertise Range 6, WVIM., 569 ..., Officers pre sent:1 ,I Ii BOO.OO 3000.00 1000 .00 175.00 600.00 150.00 1500.00 100.00 2000.00 700.00 800.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 24.00 12.00 5.00 72.00 12.00 5.00 48.00 12.00 5.00 48.00 48.00 5.00 60.00 60.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 I" tJ I 10sco .R&ins requested tbat lots en east Eighth Street be developed for playground purposes, thereby benefitting Ithat vicinity. Mr. Rains also conplimented the Commission on work being done, and it was his opinion that I Jif all c~tizens will co-operate, much more oan be accomplished. 'Iunder ths head of introduction of resolutions, the following was introduced: RESOLUTION FOR TRANS}1ffi OF ITEMS WITHIN FUNDS WHEREAS, IT APPEARS, That requirements of certain departments for the year 1949, made necessary the expend- itures of sums of money greater than contemplated, and IViHEREAS, the amount provided for other items within the same legal classification have not been exhausted, land portions of the said sums oan be transferred within the same legal classification, and fWHEREAS, Those requirements were not and could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of prepara.tion 10f the budget; NOVl, THERE}"ORE, BE IT RESOLVIID, That the following transfers of funds be made, to-wit: (Current Expense Fund: , Mayor's Department: l~tching Contribution Matching Contribution to to Bond Office Records Miscsllane DUB: Elections to Uisce llane OU5 I ~ Street Fund: Blacksmith to Extra Labor 5.00 25.00 200 .00 3,420.00 ....... ,... 570 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Continued. AUf!llst 3. 19.ML I~~ fund: Taxes Li"ht Fund: Diesel Operation Diesel Operation Sani tation fund: . Misc. Tools & Supplies lIJ.sc. Tools & Supplies 'I 'Library fund: . Binding . Books Park }'und, . Seeds & Fertilizer . '~r':(. Parking Meter! Traffic Control FUnd: Warehouse Rsnt- to Maint., Road to Dam 300.00 to to Insurance Water 500.00 " 500.00 to to Garage Rent Ad ve rti si ng 30.00 25.00 I to to Office Records & Sup. Periodicals 185.00 60.00 to Offi ce Su pplie s 25.00 I It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. Allmembers voted Aye. Motion carried. to Office Records & Supplie s '75.00 The Commission examined and approved the following claims, an:! ordered warrants is"ued in payment of too same: ,I 0 S 'CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: .:::'(~. "'-" Pacific Tel. {. T~Co. Fitchard's Associated Station Hazel's Cgfe' Thrift Market CITY.STREET RlND: Ilugh Govan ~/73.-:t.!. S3 WATER RIND: '3 J 'no '.:::..:', Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. '$. N. liallgren Co. Western Utilities Supply Co. 'Pacific Water Works Supply Co. :Puget Soon:! Naviga-tion Co. Wills on Hardware Co. Star Machinsry Co. G. L. Drake John Bruch Company LIGHT FUND: S~{).J.!.., Pacific-Tel. & Tel, Co. Eugene E. Vlilliams i:Willson Hardware Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. Gen~ral Elsctric Supply Corp. I, Sanitation FUND: ;Jll~ Earl Davidson ;t'i',~ LIBRARY FUND: ~l;O;;- lee Hods on PARK RIND: If). S Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone Service 6'7.61 Car repair 28.67 Meals for prisoners 143.28 Lime .47 First & final Es t. , No. Laurel St., 3,1'73.48 Phone Service 3.75 Fittings 5'7.95 Pipe & fittings 506 . 90 Fittings 204.'15 Hydrant Ext. 19.02 Freight Charges 4.52 Tools 15.02 Tools 28.72 Dozer Work 285.94 Ditching 2,457.26 , Phone Service 61.41 Car Expense 14.70 Lamps & Tools 17.98 Freight Charges 1.25 Insula tors 484.77 Car Mileage, July 34.09 Expense 9.98 &xpellse 19.91 Pho ne Se rvic e 10.30 I I There being no further business, the session IVas declared adjourned. IJ &. ~, (j City Cle rk ~ df/fJat ff L?~._ yor ~ I