HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/03/1976
Port Angeles, Washington
August 3, 1976
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:30 P.M.
III Members Present: Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Haguewood, Hordyk, Ross, Wray.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Taylor, Clerk Parrish.
D. Flodstrom, R. Orton, H. Kochanek, J. Honnold,
D. Frizzell, K. Rodocker, P. Carr, R. Parrish, J. Ach.
Guests Present: M. Coffey, W. Eder, K. & M. Greubel, C. Whidden, Mr. & Mrs.
J. H. Leightty, L. Sunny, J. Ward, K. Renner, J. Turpis, C.
Neilson, D. Rudolph, R. Philpott, E. Hutchison, E. Lenich,
C. Cantrell, R. Simpson, D. Ward, R. Dalton, S. Brown, N.
Turner, D. Hitt, L. Switzer, E. Sarna, E. Hassell, R. Long,
Reverend Lieby, H. & E. Rayment, C. Ritchie, R. Richards, D.
Councilman Anderson moved the minutes of the July 20, 1976 meeting be accepted
and placed on file as received. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray
and carried.
1. Sale of Surplus Equipment.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize the Light Department to sell
one (1) surplus 13.8 to 4 KV unit substation (3750KVA) to Martin Electric of
Lake Oswego, Oregon, at $1.58 per KVA, for a total sale price of $5,925 for
the unit. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and passed by the Council.
Councilman Wray moved the Council authorize the Light Department to sell 24
surplus 34.5 KV cap and pin type insulators to Anixter-Pruzan of Seattle at
$16.00 per unit, for a total sale price of $384. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Buck and carried.
2. Consideration of Bids.
Public Works Director Flodstrom advised the Council that the City did not
receive any response to the "Notice of Call for Bids" for construction of
a Caretaker's Building at the Landfill Site. Apparently the small size of
the facil ity (224 square feet) and the low cos t (pre 1 imi nary es timate of
$8500) were the main reasons potential bidders failed to submit bids on
the project. It was Mr. Flodstrom's recommendation that the Department
of Public Works be authorized to undertake those portions of the project
which it is capable of undertaking and subcontract out those activities
best done by others.
Councilman Wray moved the Council authorize the Public Works Department
to proceed with the project on the basis recommended by Public Works Director
Flodstrom. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood. During the
discussion on the motion, Mr. Flodstrom stated this project will be 50%
funded by Referendum 27 monies and that the building will have restroom
facilities, a lunchroom, and an equipment storage area. On called vote,
the motion was passed by the Council.
In reference to the City's Call for Bids on the Valley Street Water
Mains Project, Mayor Olson read Public Works Director Flodstrom's memo
which informed the Council that although bids were requested from thirteen
different building contractors, only one contractor, Del Guzzi Construction,
Inc. submitted a bid which amounted to $32,853.73. In light of the poor
response to the bid call, an inhouse project cost was computed and the
estimated costs for doing the work using City forces amounts to $24,345.48.
Mr. Flodstrom requested gu~dance from the C~unci1 o~ this particu1ar
project and any future proJects where the Clty has lnhouse expertlse and
equipment to complete the work.
August 3, 1976
b. cont.
Manager Whorton informed the Council that in the past certain public works
projects have been constructed by City forces as a routine practice. State
Laws, however, require that whenever the estimated cost for constructing any
public work or improvement, including cost of materials, supplies and labor,
exceeds $5,000., bids shall be called for. A problem is created when calling I
for bids on projects where the City has inhouse experience and equipment as
the private contractor construction costs will always be significantly higher .
to the taxpayer than doing the work with city crews.
The Council discussed all aspects of this matter with Manager Whorton, Attorney
Taylor and Public Works Director Flodstrom with Attorney Taylor advising the
Council that the Statutes provide the Council with authority to reject all
bids and order the improvement to be done by the City if in its judgement said
improvement or work, including the purchase of supplies, material and equip-
ment, can be done by the City at less cost than the lowest bid submitted.
Councilman Wray commented that he would favor awarding the bid to the private
contractor if the private bid were close to the estimated cost using City
forces; however, in this case, the large discrepancy in the cost warrants the
Council authorizing City crews and equipment to do the work.
Counci'l man Wray then moved the Council reject the bi d recei ved on the Va 11 ey
Street Water Main Project. Councilman Haguewood seconded the motion and it
carri ed.
Councilman Wray moved the Council authorize the Water Department to do the
work on the Valley Street Water Mains Project. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Haguewood and passed by the Council.
Councilman Ross request Attorney Taylor to check into the action taken by I
the Association of General Contractors against the County of Snohomish and
the ramifications of the finding. ~
3. Sewerage Facility Plan Project.
Councilman Haguewood moved the Council approve payment of $2,109.00 to
CH2M/HILL for engineering services from 25 May through 24 June 1976, in
connection with the Sewerage Facility Plan. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Anderson and passed by the Council.
4. Payroll.
Councilman Buck moved the Council approve $108,087.10 Payroll. Councilman
Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried.
1. To accommodate the large number of people who were in attendance on the Oil
Port matter, Mayor Olson revised the Agenda format and placed No Oil Port,
Inc's request for an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan as the first order
of business under Legislation.
It is noted for Ule record that the "Oil Port" public hearing was held by I
the City Council on July 27, 1976 from 7:30 P.M. to 10:30 P.M., at the Port
Angeles Senior High School Auditorium, as scheduled.
Approximately 200 interested persons attended the hearing. The format of
the hearing was arranged so that both the proponents and opponents each had
one hour to present testimony followed by a 30 minutes rebuttal period for each
Northern Tier Pipeline Company was represented by Ed Fuller, Project Director,
and Martin Durkan, the firm's legal counsel. Both representatives presented
testimony supporting an oil-port in Port Angeles. The firm's president, D.
Michael Curran, was also present but did not speak. A petition signed by
67 Clallam County residents supporting the oil port was filed with the Council.
August 3, 1976
1. The anti -oil port porti on of the heari ng was chai red by Norma Turner,
Chairman of No Oil Port, Inc. Approximately twenty area citizens spoke in
opposition to the oil port. Ronald N. Richards, Vice-President, No Oil
Port, Inc. P. O. Box 524, Port Angeles presented the Council with a copy
of Clallam Councy Ordinance No. 70 of 1976, dated July 8, 1976, amending certain
Comprehensive Land Use Plan Language, for their review. On July 28, 1976,
Mr. Richards presented the City with a task force study entitled "Impacts of
a Crude Oil Deep Water T ermi na 1 a t Port Angeles."
The public was notified that no action would be taken by the City Council
at the public hearing but the amendment proposed by No Oil Port, Inc. would
be considered at the August 3, 1976 meeting of the City Council.
At this point in the Council proceedings, Mayor Olson requested legal counsel
from Attorney Taylor. Attorney Taylor advised the Council that the proper
legal procedure to be followed if the Council desire to consider an amend-
mend to the Comprehensive Plan is to comply with Ordinance No. 1123 which
requires that prior to any Council action the matter be submitted to the
P1anning Commission for their action, a public hearing by said agency, and
a report back to the Council.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council refer No Oil Port, Inc. 's request for
an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to the Planning Commission. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and passed by the Council.
2. Mayor Olson opened the public hearing on Emery and Hannah Rayment's Petition
to annex real property to the City of Port Angeles at 8:00 P.M. and requested
interested persons to speak on the proposed annexation at this time.
The Rayments addressed the Council and stated they wished to be annexed
to the City for Police and Fire protection.
Helen Radke, representing the Rayments, advised the Council that the annexa-
tion Petition was signed by all the property owners which represents 100% of
the total asse'ssed valuation of the area.
The Petition before the Council for consideration also indicated that the
property owners agree to assume the General Bonded indebtedness of the City
as established by the City Council in the meeting of July 20, 1976, that
the property will be zoned CAD, and agree to abide by the City Annexation
As there were no comments from the audience on Mayor Olson's second call,
Councilman Haguewood moved the hearing be declared closed. Councilman
Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried.
Mayor Olson read the title of Ordinance No. 1892 entitled,
AN ORDINANCE annexing portions of Blocks 5, C, 0,
E and G of Puget Sound Cooperative Colony's
First Addition to Port Angeles lying southerly
of U. S. Highway 101.
Councilman Ross moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by
title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unanimously passed
by the Council.
Councilman Hordyk moved the minutes of the Board of Adjustment July 27, 1976
meeting be accepted and placed on file as read by Mayor Olson. Counci Iman Wray
seconded the motion and it carried.
In reference to Jon Raymond's request for a Quit Claim Deed Whereby the City
would relinquish an easement within "Westend" Replat, Mayor Olson read Light
Department Superintendent Honnold's memorandum in which he recommends the
request be approved. The report explains that the City intended to acquire
an easement for future underground pad-mounted transformer locations, however,
the easement dated December 24, 1975 was improperly described and therefore
valueless. As installation of underground distribution facilities are by
customer request only, any future easements can be readily acquired at the
time of request.
August 3, 1976
Councilman Wray moved the Council approve a Quit Claim Deed relinquishing
easement and conveying to Jon and Mary Raymond the described easement for
utility purposes over and across the described property. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Buck and passed by the Council.
Regarding the request for authorization for the City to file as intervenors
in Northern Tier Pipeline Company's proposal before the Washington State
Energy Siting Council to construct an oil port at Port Angeles, Manager
Whorton reported that intervenor status would make the City a party in the
application process allowing the City to testify and present oral arguments
where appropriate, receive notices given by the Council to the parties, submit
written briefs, and receive notice of all Council action. This action does not
indicate the City has taken a position on this matter but does provide the City
the opportunity to participate in the Siting Council meetings on the application
rather than being limited to the public hearings only. Manager Whorton strongly
recommended the Council authorize Attorney Taylor to file a motion for interven-
Councilman Ross moved the Council authorize Attorney Taylor to file a motion
for intervention. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck.
During the discussion on the motion, Councilman Anderson indicated his opposi-
tion to the City dissolving any Ediz Hook property subleases with private
industry. The majority of the Council felt that the intervention process would
provi de the City the opportunity to be represented at the Si ti ng Counci 1
meeti ngs in an offi ci a 1 capacity and to present meani ngful in'put at the
On call for the question on the motion before the Council, the motion was
unanimously passed.
6. Mayor Olson introduced and read by title Resolution No. 15-76 entitled,
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles designating a
representative and an alternate to
represent the City in the formation of
the Participants Committee provided for
in the Participants Agreement with the
Washington Public Power Supply System
to which the City is a party.
Manager Whorton explained that an executive committee is being formed to
over-see construction of W.P.P.S.S. 's nuclear power plants 4 and 5.
Resolution No. 15-76 would designate a City representative and alternate, with
authority to vote the City's approximate 1/2 percent share, who would parti-
cipate in the selection of the executive, or participants, committee members.
Manager Whorton recommended Light Superintendent Honnold be designated the
City Representative, with either Councilmen Hordyk or Wray being designated
alternate, as both are knowledgeable in this area.
Councilman Haguewood moved the Council adopt Resolution No. 15-76 as read by I
title. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried.
Councilman Anderson moved the Council approve the designation of Thomas G.
Honnold to represent the City in connection with the forming of the Parti-
cipants Committee, with Councilman John Hordyk being designated as alternate
representative. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and passed by the
Counci 1 . .
7. Proposed Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1835.to establish thermal insulation
standards was left on the table. .
8. Mayor qlson read Parks ~nd Recre~tion Director Frizzell's memorandum regarding
., comm~nlty requests to nng the Llberty Bell. To accommodate the public.and to
provlde a systematic approach for ringing the. bell, Mr. Frilze11 and the Park
Beautifi<;:ation Commission recommend a city policy 'be established 'to ring the bell
on Memorlal Day, July 4th, Flag Day and Veterans Day between the hours of 9:00
A.M: and 3:00 P.M. .For all other requests to ring the bell, 30 days advance
notl~e.m~st be provlded, ~owever, the 30 day notice may be waived if unique
COOdl t.lOns warrant the wa 1 veL . .
August 3, 1976
8. The Council discussed the proposed policy with Manager Whorton and Parks
Director Frizzell.
Following the discussion, Councilman Buck moved the Council accept the
policy as proposed. The motion was seconded by Councilman .Haguewood and passed
by the Council.
9. Under late items, Mayor Olson introduced and read in full a proposed "Amendment
to the Agreement between the City of Port Angeles and the Downtown Parking
Association, Inc." The purpose of the amendment is to expand the purposes
for which surplus funds can be used.
Councilman Buck moved the Council approve the Amendment to the Agreement
between the City of Port Angeles and the Downtown Parking Association, Inc.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried.
10. The Council next considered a request from the Port Angeles Kiwanis Club, Inc.
for closure of Laurel Street on September 4, 1976, for the annual salmon
barbecue, in conjunction with the Derby Days Celebration.
Councilman Wray moved the Council approve the Kiwanis Club's request for
closure of Laurel Street, between Front and First Streets, on September 4,
1976 for the salmon barbecue. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk
and carried.
Public Works Director Flodstrom advised the Council that City Management
requested CH2M/HILL come to Port Angeles and provide an update on the Sewer-
age Facilities Plan Project and the Sewer System Evaluation Survey portion of
the study that is about to be started.
Jim Butts, CH2M/HILL Consulting Engineer, presented a very comprehensive
progress report on the total project. In brief, he explained that at this
point in the study, an Infiltration/Inflow Analysis Report has been completed.
The findings of the report have determined that the groundwater and stormwater
intrusions in the City's sewer system are excessive, and it is therefore
necessary at this point to proceed with an evaluation survey of the sewer
system. The Department of Ecology has reviewed and approved CH2M/HILL's
Infi ltrationlInflow report and approved the proposed Sewer System Evaluation
Survey (SESS) which the Department states is a necessary item following the
conclusion that excessive infiltration/inflow exists within the City's sewer
sys tern.
In order to proceed with the SSES, it is necessary to amend the City's
Agreement with CH2M/HILL for the Preparation of a Sewerage Factilities Plan,
dated December 31, 1976, to authorize the engineering firm to conduct the
physical survey and rainfall simulation portions of the Sewer System Evalu-
ation Survey. (SSES): .
Councilman Haguewood moved the Council authorize Manager Whorton to execute
Amendment No.1 to CH2M/HILL 's Agreement fo~.~urnishing Engineering Services
to the City of Port Angeles for the Preparation of a Sewerage Facili.ties Plan,
authorizing CH2M/HILL to proceed witht-he Phy.sical $urvey and Rainfall Simulation
portion of the Sewer System Evaluation Survey. The motion was seconded by
Counci lman Anderson and passed by t ne-CoGnci 1.
12. In reference to Council action at the July. 20y.~976.Council meeting wherein the
Council approved $360 as the City's.share in-the 701 Grant given to the Clallam
County GQ~ernment~l Council for a Planner, i! has~~sequently been determined
that the CHy share will amount to $412.00." . c . . . .., .'
Counci1man Ross presented a report gn the proceedings of the Governmental
Council relating to securing a planner to study the impact of a major industry
such as an oil port on Clallam County. The Citizens Advisory Committee has
not been appointed as yet, Councilman Ross stated, and this issue raised
considerable discussion among the Council members. The discussions concluded
with the decision that should problems arise in selection of the Advisory
Committee members, Councilman Ross has Council authority to withdraw the
City's share.
August 3, 1976
12. cont.
Councilman Haguewood moved the City's participation in the Clallam
County Governmental Council 701 Grant for a Planner be increased to
$412.00. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried.
1. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file the June
Light and Water Work Reports. Councilman Haguewood seconded the motion
and it carri ed.
2. Mayor Olson:
3. Councilman Wray:
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
~L~ e. I?~
City Clerk
the Port Angeles City Council
will conduct a public hearing
August 3. 1976 at 7:30 p.m.
in the Council Chambers at
134 West Front Street on a
petition to annex to the City
of Port Angeles the fallaw-
~r.g described property:
l. Lots 16.20 and portion of va.
cated streets, exclusive of
~ight-of.~ay, Block 5, Pug~t
s.;und Cooperative Colony s
, irst Addition to Port An.
geles; Lots 1.5 and portion of
ocoted streets abutting.
Block E, Puget Sound Cooper.
ative Colony's First Additan
to Port Angeles: Lots B, 9,
and 10. and portion 01 va-
cated streets abuttIng, Block
D. Puget Sound Cooperative
Calony's First Addition to Port
Angeles: Block G-frofJI
Plaza Shopping Center to
Harding Street; That portion
tol Lots 11. 12 and 13. Block
C, Puget Sound Cooperative
Colany's First Addition to Port
Angeles, lying southerly of
Highway 101 and portion of
vacated streets abutting.
All interested persons are in-
vited to appear and voice ap-
proval or disapproval of the
. Marian C. Parrish
g/1f70 . City Clerk
('If, af Part Angeles
-:-l~ .~> ~~. ..~
Commented on change of command of the U. S.
Coast Guard Cutter Campbell from Commander
Hegstrom to Commander Shanower on August 3,
1976. Commander Hegstrom will be serving in
Honolulu, Hawaii.
Presented extensive report on Heat Pumps.
Logal publication
The Sanitation Department 01
the City 01 port Angeles.
WaShington plans to conslrucl a
carelaKer's building wllh II~
own worK forces.. The wor 1
Involved consists 0
constructing a wood Irarne
building and a concrete sl~b for
steam cleaning vehicles,
109 ether with the necessary
plumbing and wiring at the
la~~f~III~I~~. eslimaled cost for
the structure is S8,5OO. ~Ia~s
and specifications .are on !lle n
the office of the Clly ~~~I'~~":d
A.sslslant Director
{"".-lof Public WorKS
Pub.: AU~76. ,
_.~~~_.."..--m6.~C ~-.
NOTI~~[~~g~~~~~TORS ,
Valley Streel Waler Mains I
NOTI CE IS HEREBY GIVEN thaI sealed bids will be received at
the office 01 the Clly Engineer at the City Hall, 140 Wesl Front
Street. Port Angeles, Washington until 2:00 o'clock P.M. August 2,
1976, and nollater, and will be opened publicly at thai lime In Ihe'
City Council Chambers for the following approximate quanllllesof;
work and materials: . -
2,200 L1n. Ff. Trench Excavation and BacKfill I
2,200 Un. Ft. S" A.C. Water Main
2 Each Fire HYdrants I
Detailed plans and speclllcalions may be obtained Irom the
.office of Ihe City Engineer upon a deposit of fifty (SSO.OOl. Said]
'deposit will be refunded 10 all prospective bidders upon return 01
lthe plans and specifications.
Qualifications of bidders is r. equired and the Cily reserves Ihe!
right to refuse to qualify and bidder. j
The City reserves the righllo rei eel anyor all proposals.
, A five per cenl (5 per cenl) of lotal bid deposll cheCK or bid bond I
-of equal amount must accompany each prolXlsal. I
I Official acceplance, reiection or continuallon by the City Council
will be made in the Cily COuncil Chambers 817:30 P.M., AUl/ust 3,
JOHNC~iY~~~I~;e~ I
Rub.: .JulJ6)'6, 1976. Cllyof Pert Angeles J