HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/03/1982
Port Angeles, Washington
August 3, 1982
Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Members Present: Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood, Council1ren Gerberding, Hordyk,
POlharrn.1s, Quast and Whidden.
JVErnbers Absent: Mayor Duncan.
staff Present:
Manager Flodstran, Attomey Miller, Deputy Clerk Lannoye,
P. Carr, L. COsens, D. Frizzell, L. Glenn, J. Pittis,
R. Orton, R. Morgan.
Public Present:
H. Berglund, s. Fahnestock, -E. Levin, D. Bragg, R. Cockrill,
D. Price, F. Feakes, R. Winters, D. Taylor.
Councilman Whidden !roved the Council accept and place on file as received the
minutes of the July 15, 1982 special meeting; July 19, 1982 special rneeting;
July 20 t 1982 regular meeting; and July 21, 1982 continued rneeting of July 20 t
1982 . Councilman Gerberding seconded and COuncilman Quast noted several
arrendrrents to the Minutes of July 20, 1982. After further discussion the !rotion
to pass the arrended minutes carried.
Councilman Hordyk rroved the Council accept the items listed under the Consent
Agenda including payment #2 to United We stem Construction for work on the
Da.mta.m Improvement Project Phase II, Washington State Liquor Control Board
Correspondence, vouchers of $416,929.19, July 11, 1982 payroll of $182,665.93,
and July 15, 1982 payroll of $190,095.94. COuncilrnan Gerberding seconded and
the !rotion carried.
1. Award of Bid for 69 KV SWitches
Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood read a Ill2lIDranduro from Light Director Cosens regarding
staff's recrnmendation of award of bid for 69 KV switches. Councilman Quast
rroved the Council con= with staff's recrnmendation and award the bid to the
law bidder, Graybar Electric of Tacana, Washington, of $12,763.12, including
tax, for the 69 KV switches as specified in the bid specifications. Councilman
Gerberding seconded and the !rotion carried.
Manager Flodstran intrcxluced Bob Levin, the new director of the Econanic
Developnent Council, to the City Council.
2. Items fran the City Council not on the Agenda
Councilman Hordyk requested the Public Works Departrrent consider putting in
turning lanes on Lincoln Street at the intersections of 4th and 5th Streets.
Councilman Whidden questioned the status of the merge lanes from Front Street
Marine Drive and Councilman Hordyk indicated he preferred the previous merge
direction from left to right as opposed to the new direction.
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August 3, 1982
CouncillPan Whidden also cauplirrented the efforts of the Downtown businesses for
their planting of the Downtown flONer boxes.
CouncillPan Quast ccmrended Parks Director Frizzell and Frank Feeley, Jr., for
their work in putting together and advertising the Washington State Softball
Association I s Men' s "B" Slow Pitch Tournament being held in Port Angeles on
August 13, 14 and 15, 1982.
1. IDeal Option Sales Tax
The Council had discussed the status of the budget at the July 20th continued
meetings held July 21st and July 31st, and consideration of increasing the
City's revenues by implementation of the l:2 of 1% local option sales tax had been
one item discussed during those meetings. Manager F1odstrorn briefly reviewed
the City r s current need to either increase revenues or implement further
reductions in the budget and Council and Manager Flodstrorn then discussed at
length the watter of implerrenting the local option sales tax. During this
discussion the following individuals opposed the tax and made sane al ternati ve
suggestions: Hattie Berglund, Rosewary Cockrill, Jerry Cornell, Mr. Temperio,
George Mattson and Richard Winters. During this discussion Councilwan Polhamus
indicated that if the sales tax on food is rerrrnred he supported implementation
of the local option sales tax as he could not support any budget reductions in
police or the pool. Councilwan Quast read Resolution No. 25-82 he had prepared
supporting inplementation of the l:2 of 1% local option sales tax and IlDVed the
Council adopt the resolution as read. Councilman Gerberding seconded and after
further discussion rroved to amend the motion to allocate 20% of the additional
revenue generated to the human services agencies as provided to be filled in in
Resolution No. 25-82. After further discussion, the rrotion died for lack of a
second. CouncillPan Hordyk indicated he did not think the City needed the l:2 of
1% local option sales tax as the burden of taxation is becaning toe high.
councilwan Whidden noted the budget shortfall expected for 1982 and indicated
the City did need to generate additional revenues to meet that shortfall or
consider implementing further budget reductions. After further consideration,
Councilwan Polhamus noted that the tax can be reviewed and lowered quarterly and
Councilman Quast then rroved his motion to adopt the resolution be further
amended to allocate a "proper" share to the hunan services agencies and that the
following clause be added to the resolution: "That the tax shall expire as of
December 31, 1983". Councilwan Gerberding seconded the amendrrent. Mayor Pro
Tern Haguewood reviewed the amendrrent to the resolution and the amendrrent carried
with Councilman Hordyk voting "No". On call for the question to adopt the
resolution the motion carried with Councilwan Hordyk voting "No". Mayor Pro Tem
H~guewood then read by title Ordinance No. 2225, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
imposing a sales or use tax, as authorized
by RCW 82.14.030 (2) , upon and to be
collected fran those persons fran whan
the State Sales or Use Tax is collected,
fixing the rate of tax, providing for the
administration and collection thereof,
consenting to the inspection of records,
providing penalties for violation, and
adopting a new chapter in Title 3 of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code.
councilman Quast moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinanc;e as read by
title; councilwan Polhamus seconded and the rrotion carried with Councilman
Hordyk voting "No".
2. Planning Ccmnission Minutes of July 28, 1982
Mayor Pro Tan Haguewood reviewed the Planning Corrmission minutes of July 28,
1982 and Councilwan Gerberding moved the council accept and place on file as
August 3, 1982
received the Planning Camlission minutes of July 28, 1982; Councilwan Whidden
seconded and the rrotion carried.
A. Parking Ordinance Revisions
Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Department reviewing
the Parking Ordinance revisions recamended by the Planning Ccmni.ssion at their
July 28, 1982 meeting. Councilman Gerberding rroved the Council schedule a I
public hearing for the August 17th regular meeting for consideration of
revisions to the Parking Ordinance. Councilwan Whidden seconded and the rrotion
3. Petition to vacate unnarred street, Alderwood Acre Tracts, public
hearing date set
Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood read a memorandum fran the Planning Department regarding
a petition to vacate an unnarred street in Alderwood Acre Tracts and the
Resolution setting a public hearing date for this item on September 21, 1982.
He then read by title Resolution No. 26-82, entitled
~LU;;;;:~ -I
> A RESOLUTION 01 the City
of Port Al1geles settin.g 0
~ hearing date for 0 petition to
vocote the unnamed street
abutting the west side of
Tracts 34, 3S ond 36, Alder-
wood Atre Tracts.
WHEREAS, the owners 01
interest ~n Tracts 34. 35 and
36 Alderwood Acre Tracts,
0";' of the east 301' of the
'Northwest 'I. 01 the Nor- ed th . 1 the f . I' d b
thea51 Y. of Section 16, rrov e CounCl adopt oregoillg reso utlon as rea y
Township 30 North, Ron~,: 6.'t to the Planning Camnission; Councilman Hordyk seconded and
WWM hove Iiled 0 petlllOn . th ' . ed
with ihe City Clerk to make SSlOn e rrotlon Carrl .
'\IotQtion of that portion of on
unnamed right.of~way abut. .
ting said properties; and tlon - Softball Week
WHEREAS. sold petitian 01'-
. pears to hove been signed by
the ownerS of more thon two-
thirds al the property abut.
ting upon the dght.of.way
&ought to be vacated;
OF THE CITY OF PORT Ldewalk ObStructlon Ordmance
ANGELES os fallows: .
Section 1 The petition ta. . urth f f . b . d '
make such ~acatia" shall be ,:vlewed a f er dra t 0 the sldewalk Q structlon or mance
heard and determined by this' suggestions of the Council made at the July 20, 1982 regular
Council on the 2"t day 01 . "
September, 1982,whichisnat;ted further recarmendatlons from the CounCll. Richard
more than sixty (60) days nor: for a sidewalk obstruction, addressed the Council regarding
less than twenty (20) days d' . th . 1 '
hereafter. 3I1ce and after further lSCUSSlon e CounCl lllStruCted
Section 2. The City Clerk lS'r prepare a final draft of the ordinance for their further
hereby di..ected to gnie twen-
ty (20) days nalice 01 the
pendency of said petition ac-
cording 10 the provisions 01 'e _ Covered Loads for Hauling Materials to Landfill
RCW 35.79.020. . . _
PASSED by the Council 01 ,
the City 01 PorI Angeles tn;s ; '.. . .
Srd doy of August. 1982. quested staff prepare an ordmance establlshillg addltlona1
SAMEUL J. HAGUEWOOD 'd" loads hauled to the landfill at their July 6 1982 regular
ATTEST:rpt to reduce the htter caused by uncovered loads hauled to
Marian C. Parrish. City Clerk )rney Miller noted a revision to the ordinance establishing an
APPROVED AS TO FORM: '2 0 f . . ddi' th 1 f
Croig L Miller. City Attarney !.o or a non-Clty user ill a tlon to e regu ar ees.
Pub.: Aug. t,. 22. 29, Sept. 5, ';ed the ordinance and Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood read Ordinance
:~:"'L.L.u-j,JY'"nue"';" entitled
A RESOLurION of the City of Port Angeles
setting a hearing date for a petition
to vacate the unnamed street abutting
the west side of Tracts 34, 35 and 36,
Alderwood Acre Tracts.
ewood proclairred the week of August 9 - 15, 1982 as "Softball
les in honor of the tournament being held in this City and
e to all participants.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
establishing regulations and rates for
use of the City Sanitary Landfill, and"
amending Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance
1862, Section 1 of Ordinance 2128, and
Sections 8.32.010 and 8.32.020 of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code.
.&JV ./
iWCuing Carrnission minutes of July 28, 1982; Councilwan ~"ihidden
ootion carried.
8L 'ql ' , , , , , , .. 8"'1,
· rking Ordinance Revisions
.86 ::n . . . . . . , '. ''''uewood read a m:m:Jrandum from the Planning Deparbnent reviewing
I '6~d"""" (,,,,,~ce revisio~s reccmrend~ by the Planning ~ssion at their
at $ 'ql'l ting. Counc~lman Gerberding rroved the Counc],l schedule a
_7... 'ql . . . . .... ir the August 17th regular meeting for consideration of I
~ .8P~~parking Ordinance. Councilman Whidden seconded and the nntion
.86 'qr ' . . . . . . . .. uoz,'
street, Alderwood Acre Tracts t uhlic
I ewood read a memorandum fran the Planning Departrrent regarding
late an unnamed street in Alderwood Acre Tracts and the
~g a public hearing date for this item on SepteIIDer 21, 1982.
title Resolution No. 26-82, entitled
A RESOUJrION of the City of Port Angeles
setting a hearing date for a petition
to vacate the \1r1rlaIred street abutting
the west side of Tracts 34, 35 and 36,
Alderwood Acre Tracts.
Councilmm Quast rroved the Council adopt the foregoing resolution as read by
title and refer it to the Planning COrrrnission; Councilman Hordyk seconded and
after further discussion the nution carried.
4. proclaIl'ation - SOftball Week
Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood proclairred the week of August 9 - 15, 1982 as "Softball
Week" in Port Angeles in honor of the tournarrent being held in this City and
extended a welccme to all participants.
5. Draft Sidewalk Obstruction Ordinance
Attorney Miller reviewed a further draft of the sidewalk obstruction ordinance
incorporating the suggestions of the Council wade at the July 20, 1982 regular
meeting and requested further recomrendations fran the Council. Richard
Winters, applicant for a sidewalk obstruction, addressed the Council regarding
the drafted ordinance and after further discussion the Council instructed
Attorney Miller to prepare a final draft of the ordinance for their further
6. Ordinance - Covered wads for Hauling Materials to Landfill
The Council had requested staff prepare an ordinance establishing additional
fees for "uncovered" loads hauled to the landfill at their July 6, 1982 regular
meeting in an attempt to reduce the litter caused by uncovered loads hauled to
the landfill. Attorney Miller noted a revision to the ordinance establishing an
additional fee of $2.00 for a non-<::ity user in addition to the regular fees.
The Council discussed the ordinance and Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood read Ordinance
No. 2226 by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
establishing regulations and rates for'
use of the City Sanitary Landfill, and
arrending Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance
1862, Section 1 of Ordinance 2128, and
Sections 8.32.010 and 8.32.020 of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code.
---'-r-_._-_....z. .~.;
, ORDINANCE NO. 2226 ..
AN ORDINA,NCE of the Chy of Pori Angeles eSlablishing
reg~lalions ond 'ales fo, use of Ihe City Sanitary Landfi II; and
amending Secliansl and 2 of Ordl"ance 1862, Section 1 of 0,-
dinance 2128, and Seclions 8.32.010 and 8.32.020 of lh.. Pori
Angeles M~"icipal Code. "
Seclion L Sedion 1 of Ordinance IB62 and Sectian 8.32.010
of Ihe Port Angeles Municipal Code ore each omended 10 reod
as fallows:
Sedian 8.32.010. As used in Ihls Chopler, Ihe following
terms hawG tne followrng meanings:
(1) "Commercial User" means ony person hauling refuse
from, or os 0 result of any business, commercial or industrial
enterprise. regordless of where sajd enterprise is located.
(2) "Non-City User" means any user of Ihe Sanitary landfill
Site who resides outside of the City limits..
(3) "Cove.-ed Load" means thot material to be deposited in
the Sanitary landfUl is confained Or' restrained. such that t~e
material cannot fall, slip, or otherwls.e es'Cope from the vehicle
in which il Is Iransporled 10 the Sanllary landfill, and lhereby
be deposited onto Q roadway or property adiacent to the
roadway .
Seclian 2. Seelion 2 of Ordina,..e 1862, Seclion , of Or.
dinance 2128, and Sedion 8.32.020 of Ihe PorI Angeles
Municipal Code are each omendecl to read Os 'oltows:
Seclion 8.32.020.
(1) Role - Commercial. Outside Cily a"d Uncave,ed load.,
Commercial users, non-City use-rs. and uncovered 'oads of City
~'ers shall be charged and shall pay lhe following roles far
dumping refuse ot the Soo.itory landfill Sjte~
Pounds Rnt~
0.199 $ l.00
200-399 2.00
400-599 3.00
600-799 4.00
800-999 5.00
1000.1199 6.00
1200-1399 7.00
1400.1599 8.00
1600-1799 9.00
1800-1999 10.00
2000 and Over 11.00 pe' Ion
(2) In addition la the tees eslablished by S~bseclian (1) of
this Section, uncovered loads of non-Crty users snail be (:nar9-
ed on additional $2.00 fee.
Section 3 This Ordinance sholl be effeclive on Seplemb.., I,
PASSED by Ih.. City Council of lhe City of Pori Angele. 01 a
,egulor me..ling of sold Council held on Ihe 3,d day of A~gusl,
Marian C. Parrish, Cily CI..rk
Approved as to form:
Craig L. Mille,. City Altorney
P~b.: A~g. 24, 1982
Samuel J. Hoguewood
August 3, 1982
Councilwan Whidden rroved the Council adopt the foregoing updated Ordinance as
read, Councilwan Polhamus seconded and after further discussion the motion was
arrended to make the Ordinance effective September 1, 1982. Councilwan Quast
requested handouts and signs be prepared to notify users of the change. On call
for the question the motion carried.
Park Depart:rrent Review Ccmnittee
Park Board Recamnendation
Mayor Pro Tan Haguewood reviewed merrorandums from Manager Flodstran and Parks
Director Frizzell regarding the Parks and Recreation Board's recamnendations for
the formation of a review conmittee to review all aspects of the Parks and
Recreation Depart.rrent. Councilwan Hordyk moved the Council :i.rrplement the Park
Department Review Corrmittee and authorize the Mayor to appoint two Council-
mnbers to serve as rrembers .of that Ccmnittee. Councillmn Quast seconded and
the rrotion carried. Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood appointed Councilwan Quast and
himself to serve as rrembers of the Park Depart.rrent Review Conmittee.
8. conditional Sales Agreerrent - Seattle-First National Bank
10 yd. durrq::> truck and 2 police sedans
At the July 20, 1982 regular meeting the Council awarded the bid for conditional
sales financing of a 10 yd. dump truck and two police sedans to Seattle-First
National Bank. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood read Resolution No. 27-82 by title,
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
authorizing the Port Angeles City
Manager to execute a Conditional Sales
Contract with Seattle First National
Bank of Port Angeles.
Councilman Quast rroved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by
title. Councilwan Whidden seconded and the motion carried with Councillmn
Hordyk voting "No".
9 . Professional Review Organization - Self-Insurance Health Fw1d
At the July 20, 1982 regular meeting the council approved contracting with the
Professional Review organization of Washington to review hospital bills
submitted under our health program. Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood read Resolution No.
28-82 by title, entitled
RESOLUTION NO. 28-82 . A RESOLUTION of th"!l:lty
of Port Angeles ollfnod:;Zing
the Port Angels. City
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles ~~;:~~n~~a~~t:t~nt~z ~~;:
authorizing the Port Angeles City I fesslanal Review O'ganiza.
Manager to enter into a Services Contract tian for Weshingtan Stete.
. WHEREAS. the Port
with the Professional Review Organizatid Angeles City Council has
for Washington State I deter~ined that health cost
. COf1tolnment measures ore on
effective means of reducing I
Councilnian Quast moved the council adopt the foregoing Resoluf employe.. health claims;. and .'
. WHEREAS, the ProfeSSional,
title; Councilwan Whidden seconded and the motion carried. Review Organization for
- Woshrngton Stote provides
: professionol review services
10. Old Mill Road Construction Fund In a,der to monitor the quali.
ty and necess.ty for in.patient
~ bospitok services wl1ich will
Mayor Pro Tan Haguewood read Ordinance No. 2227 by title, enti hove 0 positlvo.eff..cl 0'; City
j empfoyee claIms. expense;
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles PORT A~GELES os follows: J
. .. SectIon I. The City
establ1.shing an Old Mill Road Constrt1ctJ Manager is hereby authoriz.
Fund providing for administration of I ed to execute 0 Services Con.
ede I'd .. l' . tract with the Prof..sSlonall
F ra Al MuniClpa prOJect monles. ReView Organizational fa
Washington State. rl
. . . . PASSED by the City Council
councllwan Gerberdlllg rroved the CCuncll adopt the foregolng 0 01 the City 01 Port Angeles atl
title' Councilman Polhamus seconded and Councilwan Hordyk votr 0 reg.ular meeting of thel
' I Counc,l held on the 3rd do I
the project should be financed through an L.I.D. August, 1982. yo
~T~S~; 0 R PRO T E M
Marion C. Parrish, City Clerk
Craig l. Miller, City Attorhey l
! Pub.: Aug. II, 1982
- I
August 3, 1982
Councillnan Whidden IlDVed the Council adopt the foregoing updated Ordinance as
read, Councilwan Polhamus seconded and after further discussion the rrotion was
amended to make the Ordinance effective September 1, 1982. Councilman Quast
requested handouts and signs be prepared to notify users of the change. On call
for the question the rrotion carried.
7. Park Department "Review Ccmnittee - Park Board Reccmnendation
Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood reviewed rrerrorandtmlS from Manager Flodstran and Parks
Director Frizzell regarding the Parks and Recreation Board r 5 recanuendations for
the forwation of a review ccmni.ttee to review all aspects of the Parks and
Recreation Depart:rrent. Councilwan Hordyk moved the Council iroplerrent the Park
Depa.rt:Irent Review Ccmni ttee and authorize the Mayor to appoint two Council-
members to serve as rrembersof that Corrmittee. Councilman Quast seconded and
the rrotion carried. Mayor Pro Tan Haguewood appointed Councilman Quast and
himself to serve as rrembers of the Park Department Review Camtittee.
8. Conditional Sales Agreement - Seattle-First National Bank -
10 yd. dump truck and 2 police sedans
At the July 20, 1982 regular meeting the Council awarded the b:l~NU8~
sales financing of a 10 yd. dump truck and two police sedans t'
National Bank. Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood read Resolution No. 27. '
311~ AJJ1VnO
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
authorizing the Port Angeles City
Manager to execute a Conditional Sales
Contract with Seattle First National
Bank of Port Angeles.
Councilwan Quast moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolut
title. Councilwan Whidden seconded and the rrotion carried wi
Hordyk voting "No".
arZ$ ~ql ... "~~"~';';H'~
-". 'ql"'" '('qI6s"d
~ -reqolll
l'oI. "6~d ' . . . . . se!le!'D
$for "Zo-\ll~
9. Professional Review Organization - Self-Insurance He
At the July 20, 1982 regular meeting the Council approved cont'
Professional Review organization of Washington to review hospi
submitted under our health program. Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood r
28-82 by title, entitled
,8i :~J.~; .. ... .. '" !
A RESOIlITION of the City of Port Angeles l.
authorizing the Port Angeles City
Manager to enter into a Services Contract
with the Professional Review organization
for Washington State.
Councilman Quast rroved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by
title~ Councilman Whidden seconded and the rrotion carried.
10. Old Mill Road Construction Fund
Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood read Ordinance No. 2227 by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
establishing an Old Mill Road Constrtlction
Fund providing for administration of
Federal Aid Municipal project monies.
Councillnan Gerberding IlDVed the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by
title; Councilman Polhamus seconded and Councilman Hordyk voted "Non, indicating
the project should be financed through an L.I.D.
August 3, 1982
11. Black Diam:md Water District Request for Water Service fran the City
Mayor Pro Tan Haguewood read a memorandum from the Public Works Depari:nent
regarding a request fran the Black Diarrond Water District to purchase water fran
the City of Port Angeles (the Black Diarrond Water District is entirely outside
the City limits). Council questioned staff regarding the City's capabilities to
provide the water required by the Black Diarrond Water District and Mayor Pro Tan
Haguewood noted the City's policy of not extending or providing any services I
beyond the City limits. After further discussion Councilman Quast rroved the
Council instruct staff to draw up the appropriate instrurrent to arrange a
wholesale water sale to the Black Diarrond Water District, including a hold
harmless agreerrent; right to turn off in cases of emergency, and provisions for
passing on peak dewand costs of turning on the second ptmp. Councilman Hordyk
seconded. During discussion of the rrotion Fred Feakes advised the Council that
the Depari:nent of Social and Health Services was requiring the Black Diarrond
Water District to make this request for purchase of City water before DSHS will
consider the District I s application to inprove and expand their existing water
source and treat:Irent plant; and that purchase of City water would require
expensive capital improverrents to their existing system. He indicated he would
agree with a decision to deny their request to purchase water. After further
discussion, the rrotion to draw up an instrurrent offering City water for sale to
the Black Diarrond Water District was called for and failed. Councilwan Quast
abstained as he indicated he did not consider the request a "bona fide"
request. Councilman Gerberding then rroved the council deny Black Diarrond Water
District's request for purchase of City water; Councilman Polhamus seconded and
the rrotion carried with Councilman Quast abstaining.
12. Convention Center Update
Manager Flodstran requested this item be continued to the August 17, 1982
regular meeting.
13. Downtnm ~roverrent Project Phase II - Update
Public Works Director Pittis updated the Council on the current status of the
Downtnm ~roverrent Phase II project, indicating the work was approxiwately 60%
14. Conservation Program Anendrrents
Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood read a IrellOrandum from Light Director Cosens
recamending the Council adopt a resolution authorizing the extension of the
Street and Area Lighting Efficiency Program and the Residential Water Heater
Wrap Program. He then read Resolution No. 29-82 by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City
of Port Angeles. authorizing
1he execution of contracts ex-
Adminis.tration for
Weatherization and
WH EREAS, the City of Port
Angeles ond the Bonneville
Power Admini$tration
entered into 0 controct for
weatherization and conserva-
tion programs within the City
of Port Angeles; ond
WHEREAS. this ogreement
terminotes on September 8,
1982; ond U
WHEREAS, the Bonneville
Power AdminhJration hos of.
lered on e,ten,ion of this ed as an informational item only.
~ agreement to ,tie City uotil .
, September 30, 1983; and
. WH.E~E~S. the City. Council y Request for Ambulance Service Policy
fmds It IS In the best Interests - - -
01 the City and its electric I
customers to extend this guewocd read a letter fran Don Taylor IWA Secretary and Doug
agreement and the progroms ." .
ollered under this ogreement Personnel Manager, requestlilg the developrent and possible
fo~~~ P~~~:EFORE BE IT f a Medic I ambulance program. Fire Chief Glenn advised the
HEREBY' RESOLVED BYTHE CI- . sions for special taxation for this type of service which would
Moyor ond the City Clerk ore
hereby outhorized and
directed on behalf of the City
to exe-cote the following
l. Amendatory Energy Con~
.servot~qa. Agre~me"t. .Con~
troct No. DE-MS79-B1 BP.
'doted 5/14/82;
2. Amendotory Agreement'
No.6. to Contract No. DE.
M~7Q_B1BP dated 5/14IB2:
RESOillrION NO. 29-82
A RESOIlll'ION of the City of Port Angeles,
authorizing the execution of contractS'
extending the City's agreerrent with the
Bonneville Pcwer Administration for
Weatherization and Conservation.
k reported the UAC approved this request and IlDVed the Council
ing Resolution as read by title; Councilman Whidden seconded and
No.6, to Contract No~ DE-
MS79-81 BP r dated 5/14/82:
3. Amendatory Agreement
No.8, to Contract No. DE-
MS79.81 BP, dated 5/ 14/81 ~
thot the City of Port Angeles
se~ects for payment for these
programs the Revolving
Working Capitol Advance
Method, and each executed
contract is to reflect the
choice of tha1 payment
PASSED by the City Council
of the City of Port Angeles at
a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 3rd day of
August, 1982..
Morian C. Parrish, City Clerk
Craig L. Miller, Ci1y Attorney
Pub.: Aug. 11, 1982
August 3, 1982
11. Black Diamond Water District Request for Water Service fran the City
Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood read a nerrorandum from the Public Works Department
regarding a request fran the Black Diarrond Water District to purchase water fran
the City of Port Angeles (the Black Diamond Water District is entirely outside
the City limits). Council questioned staff regarding the City's capabilities to
provide the water required by the Black Diarrond Water District and Mayor Pro Tem
Haguewood noted the City's policy of not extending or providing any services I
beyond the City limits. After further discussion Councilman Quast moved the
Council instruct staff to draw up the appropriate instrurrent to arrange a
wholesale water sale to the Black Diamond Water District, including a hold
hannless agreement; right to turn off in cases of errergency, and provisions for
passing on peak demand =sts of turning on the second pump. councilwan Hordyk
seconded. During discussion of the rrotion Fred Feakes advised the Council that
the Departlrent of SOCial and Health Services was requiring the Black Diamond
Water District to make this request for purchase of City water before DSHS will
=nsider the District I s application to inprove and expand their existing water
source and treatlrent plant; and that purchase of City water would require
expensive capital inprovements to their existing system. He indicated he would
agree with a decision to deny their request to purchase water. After further
discussion, the rrotion to draw up an instrurrent offering City water for sale to
the Black Diamond Water District was called for and failed. Councilwan Quast
abstained as he indicated he did not consider the request a "bona fide"
request. Councilwan Gerberding then rroved the Council deny Black Diarrond Water
District' s request for purchase of City water; Ccuncilwan Polhamus seconded and
the motion carried with Councilwan Quast abstaining.
12. Convention Center Update
Manager Flodstran requested this item be continued to the August 17, 1982
regular meeting.
Downtown Improvement Project Phase II - Update
. lector Pittis updated the council on the current status of the
m:mt Phase II project, indicating the work was approximately 60%
:vation Program AIrendments
~guewood read a merrorandum from Light Director Cosens
;:! Council adopt a resolution authorizing the extension of the
1 Lighting Efficiency Program and the Residential Water Heater
\Ie then read Resolution No. 29-82 by title, entitled
A RESOIllI'ION of the City of Port Angeles,
authorizing the execution of contractS'
extending the City I S agreement with the
Bonneville Paver Administration for .
(S ~~~~~ SONn~'" Weatherization and COnservation.
AalftftYk reported the UAC approved this request and ITDved the council
-aaopt-~~oing Resolution as read by title; Councilwan Whidden seconded and
the ITDtion carried.
X l5. WPPSS update
This was included as an informational item only.
16. PenPly Request for Ambulance Service Policy
Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood read a letter fran Don Taylor, IWA Secretary, and Doug
McInnes, PenPly Personnel Manager, requesting the developrent and possible
inplerrentation of a Medic I ambulance program. Fire Chief Glenn advised the
Council of provisions for special taxation for this type of service which would
. "
, . . .
August 3, 1982
need to be put before a vote of the "people of Hospital District #2. The Council
instructed Fire Chief Glenn to draw up some proposals for this type of program
for their further consideration at the first rreeting in September.
Councilwan Gerberding reccmrended the Council authorize the Fire Chief to
dispatch the ambulance to a response frc.rn a responding agency with which the
City has a mutual aid agreement in a disaster type situation. The Council
concurred to consider this item at the September meeting.
Councilwan Gerberding also requested Light Director Cosens obtain inforwation
frc.rn BPA regarding any elasticity of demand studies BPA has conducted for the
sale of surplus pcMer outside of the region.
Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood requested the Council and staff endeavor to help find a
solution to the brawn lawn problem in Port Angeles.
Councilwan Quast suggested the DcMntown litter bins be redesigned and signed;
Public Works Director pittis and Parks Director Frizzell indicated plans for
this are currently in process. Councilwan Quast also noted the design of the
new Transit booths allowed for a draft, and suggested a possible rerrod.el.
Roserrary Cockrill, Marsden Road, requested inforwation on the water rates
affecting the bravo lawn problem and Manager Flodstrom spoke of the need to not
only water, which is not overly expensive, but also to feed and take other
measures to green up one's lawns.
Manager Flodstran advised the Council of a retirerrent party sponsored by the
City Elriployees Club, Thursday, August 5, 1982 in honor of Pat Rodrran, Frank
Springob, Ralph Wait, Paul Fernandez, Marguerite Hartness, Everett Pritts, Vern
Hutto, and Ken Rodocker.
Mayor Pro Tan Haguewood adjourned the meeting to an executive session at
9:50 P.M.
The meeting returned to open session and adjourned at approxiwately 10: 20 P.M.
~ t!J.~