HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/03/2010CALL TO ORDER -
Port Angeles, Washington
August 3, 2010
Mayor Di Guilio called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to
order at 5:03 p.m,
Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers
Collins, Downie, Kidd, Mania, and Nelson.
Members Absent: Na n e.
Staff Present: Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, G. Cutler,
and N. West,
Based upon input from. Attorney Bloor, Mayor Di Guilio announced the need for an
Executive Session for approximately 50 minutes under the authority of RCW
42.30.110(1)(b), regarding the acquisition of real estate; and RCW 42.30,110(1)(i),
to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel. The Executive Session convened
at 5:04 p.rn.
The Executive Session concluded at 5:55 p.m., and the Council convened in open
session. No Action was taken.
The special meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p.m.
Mayor Di Guilio called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to
order at 6:03 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers
Collins, Downie, Kidd, Mania, and Nelson.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present:
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Di. Guilio.
Senior Games Proclamation
Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk. Hurd, G. Cutler,
T. Gallagher, D. McKeen, N. West, Y. Ziomkowski, T.
Pierce, P. Lusk, and T. Nevaril.
Mayor Di Guilio presented the Port Angeles Senior Center Supervisor D.
Bellemente, a proclamation recognizing August 22 -29, 2.01.0 as the City of Port
AngelesfOlynipic Peninsula Senior Games Week in Port Angeles.
August 3, 2010
PUBLIC COMMENT: John Ford, 174 Hoare Rd., spoke against HarborWorks, and provided additional
signatures for the petition to disband HarborWorks.
Janet Marx, 112 Lockaby Pl., spoke against. I-larborWorks.
Shirley Nixon, PO Box 1.78, spoke against HarborWorks, utility tax rebates for
Nippon, and expressed her concerns regarding the possible negative economic
impact that Nippon's co- generation project could have for the City.
Danmarise Rodriguez, 918 E. Lauridsen Blvd., thanked Councilmember Mania for
his response to her letter, and spoke against the Rayonier property acquisition.
The following members of the public spoke in favor of City funding for the
Hurricane Ridge Road year round opening:
Frank Crippen,
Heidi Simpson, 302 Doyle Rd., and
Ken Simpson, 302 Doyle Rd.
Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, spoke regarding the Utility Projects Bond
Financing, the Niche' property, and spoke in favor of the Resolution in opposition
to additional State and. Federal unfunded mandates.
Stuart Bonney, 95 Heather Park Rd., spoke against the process used for selecting .
the consultant for the Waterfront and Transportation. Design project.
Darlene Schanfald, 481 Rogerson Rd., spoke against HarborWorks.
ORDINANCES NOT 1. Utility Projects Bond Financing
HEARINGS: Finance Director Ziomkowski presented information regarding the Utility Projects
Bond Financing, She introduced. Financial Advisor Jane Towery, Bond Attorney
Ordinance No. 3406 Deanna Gregory, and Finance Department employee Trina Nevaril, She discussed
maturity dates, interest costs, annual debt payment, and stated that the current bond
market was the best one in the last 45 years. Jane Towery presented information
regarding the bond financing process. Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading
of the Ordinance by title, entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing
the issuance of electric revenue bonds of the City in the principal
amount of $4,925,000 to finance the cost of improvements to the
City's Electric System; establishing the date, form, terms, maturities
and covenants of the bonds; and approving the sale of the bonds.
It was moved by Perry and seconded by Collins to:
Approve the Ordinance as read by title.
Motion carried 6 -1, with Councilmember Mania voting in opposition.
(Cont' d)
Ordinance No. 3407
August 3, 2010
Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, combining
the City's storm water utility with the City's water and wastewater
utility; authorizing the issuance of water and wastewater utility
revenue bonds of the City in the principal amount of $5,695,000 to
finance the cost of improvements to the City's storm water utility and
water and wastewater utility; establishing the date, form, terms,
maturities and covenants of the bonds; and approving the sale of the
It was moved by Perry and seconded by Downie to:
Approve the Ordinance as read by title.
Motion carried 6 -1, with Councilmember Mania voting in opposition.
Mayor Di. Guilio recessed the meeting for a break at 6:40 p.m. The meeting
reconvened at 6:52 p.m.
1. Mid -Year Finance Report / Finance Newsletter
Director Ziomkowski used PowerPoint slides to present the 2010 . Mid-Year
Finance Report. She provided an update on revenues and expenses by individual
funds as of July 2010. . She also provided an analysis comparing previous years
revenue and expenses. She described the City's plans regarding the budgeting for
priorities process and the upcoming schedule regarding the budget. She stated that
there would be a Budget. Workshop on August 31, 2010, . to address the survey
results and budget priorities. Council discussion followed.
2. Fire Consolidation Plan
Manager Myers presented information regarding the Fire Consolidation plan as it
relates to the City's budget, He discussed the previous creation of the William
Shore Memorial Pool District, and the possible creation of a Transportation
District. He then introduced Fire Chief McKeen, who conducted a PowerPoint
presentation regarding the possible creation of a new Regional Fire Authority that
would consolidate the Port Angeles Fire Department and Clallam County District.
Chief McKeen provided a brief history of the process behind the Fire Consolidation
Plan. He introduced Clallam County Fire District #2 Chief Bugher, and discussed.
the Fire Department. Consolidation Ad Hoc Committee's recommendation to move
forward with the consolidation process. He described the next steps in the process,
which include bringing a Resolution of City Council to move forward with the
planning process, the formation of a planning committee, and eventually taking the
issue before the voters for approval.
Manager Myers stated that all of the planning committee meetings would be open .
to the public and that three Councilmembers would need to serve on the committee
if it was created. Council discussion followed.
August 3, 2010
Resolution No. 15 -10
It was moved by Downie and seconded by Nelson to approve the Consent
Agenda to include: 1.) City Council Minutes for July 15 and 20, 2010; . 2.)
Expenditure Approval. List: 7/10/10 to 7/23/10 for $677,939.75; 3.) Facade
Improvement Grant. Awards; 4.) Forks Prisoner Confinement Services Agreement;
5.) Award 2010 Tree Trimming Contract WF-109146-03; and 6.) Material
Purchase: Traffic Sign Materials, Contract No, S r- 1 0 -013. Motion carried 7 -0.
Community and Economic Development Director West provided a brief update on
the Facade Improvement Grant Awards. He stated once some of the projects are
finished that the City would post before and after pictures on the website. Council
discussion followed.
1. Resolution in. Opposition to Additional State & Federal Unfunded
Manager Myers presented information regarding the Resolution and stated that
Councilmember Kidd had been the one to recommended bringing it before the
Council, Discussion followed.
Mayor Di Guilio conducted a reading of the Resolution by title, entitled,
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, stating its support for continued partnership with the
Federal. Government in funding local public safety, transportation and
infrastructure projects, and its opposition to additional state and
federal unfunded mandates.
It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Perry to:
Approve the Resolution as read by title.
Motion carried 7 -0.
Electric Utility 2010 Resource Plan
Power Resources Manager Lusk presented information regarding the Electric
Utility 2010 . Resource Plan. He described the State's requirement regarding a
resource plan, and discussed conservation and renewable energy sources. He
provided information regarding the City's current resource mix and a forecast for
electric utility load growth. He stated that the plan would help save power
purchases by using less Tier 2 power from BPA.
Mayor Di. Guilio opened the public hearing at 8:1.7 p.m.
Mayor Di. Guilio continued the public hearing at 8:21 p.m.
Building Code Amendments
August 3, 2010 .
He described the upcoming process for submitting the plan to the Department of
Commerce by September 1, 2010. . Council discussion followed.
Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, spoke against conservation planning, stating that it
could lead to utility rate increases.
Director West stated that the amendment was intended to allow for an exception
regarding the need for a deck, permit for decks less than 30" in height. Council
discussion followed. Mayor Di Guilio conducted a first reading of the Ordinance
by title, entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending
Chapter 14.03 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to the
Building Code.
Mayor Di Guilio opened the public hearing at 8:24 p.m. There being no public
comment, the public hearing was continued at 8:24p.m.
Break: Mayor Di Guilio recessed the meeting for a break at 8 :25 p.m. The meeting
reconvened at 8:33 p.m.
1. Waterfront and Transportation Design — Consultant Contract.
Director West introduced Bill. Grimes from. Studio Cascade, who attended the
discussion via speakerphone. Director West stated that Studio Cascade had been
selected as the consultant for the Waterfront and Transportation Design project. He
described the consultant selection process, and the four Capital Facility Plan
projects included in the overall project.
BilI Grimes spoke regarding the scope and importance of the project to the
community. He discussed the phase schedule and the public outreach process.
Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Downie and seconded by Perry to
Select Studio Cascade as the proposer to complete the Waterfront Transportation
Improvement Plan and design work including Phase I and II of the project; and
authorize the City Manager to sign a professional consultant agreement with Studio
Cascade for Phase I tasks association with the Waterfront Transportation
Improvement, in an amount not to exceed $484,000; and authorize the City
Manager to make minor modifications to the standard professional services
agreement as required,
Motion carried 7 -0.
August 3, 2010
1. Hurricane Ridge Road Funding Request
Director West provided an update on the Hurricane Ridge Road fundraising efforts
to keep the road open year round. He stated that the County had contributed
$20,000 and that the City could match this amount by contributing the same from
the Economic Development Fund. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Mania to:
Approve a matching contribution of $20,000 to keep Hurricane Ridge Road open
during the 2010-2011 winter season and authorize the City Manager to execute a
supporting contract with the National Park Service or other appropriate entity
specified by the Park Service.
Motion carried 7 -0.
CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Nelson and Mania had no report.
Councilmember Downie spoke regarding his attendance at the County Lodging Tax
committee, Port Angeles Business Association meeting, and how impressed he is
with the level of community enthusiasm there is right now.
Councilmember Kidd had no report.
Councilmember Collins spoke regarding his attendance at the Feiro Marine Life
Center meeting.
Deputy Mayor Perry spoke regarding his attendance at the Real. Estate committee.
Mayor Di Guilio spoke regarding the meeting with Jay Manning, Chief of Staff for
Governor Gregoire, addressing HarborWorks and the Rayonier property. Mayor Di
Guilio stated that. Iay Manning reassured him that Rayonier would pay for 100% of
the clean up of the Rayonier Mill site.
Manager Myers stated that he would be meeting with the Department of Ecology
regarding the Rayonier property on Thursday, August 5, 2010. .
Manager Myers recognized Teresa Pierce for her involvement in the PALOA
production, Oklahoma. He recognized Attorney Bloor for his participation in the
bike ride to Hurricane Ridge. He spoke regarding Nippon's co- generation project,
the community survey on the budget, and the upcoming Clallam. County Fair.
ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m.
Dan Di Guilio, Mayor
a Hurd, City Clerk
Date: August 3, 2010
Expected length of session: 50 minutes
Is action expected following the session: No
At the start of Executive Session, remind participants that:
Reason for Executive Session:
Only announced topics may be discussed
No final action can be taken in Executive Session.
Discussions are confidential.
To consider matters affecting national security.
X To consider the selection of a site or the acquisition of real estate by lease or purchase when
public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased price.
To consider the minimum price at which real estate will be offered for sale or lease when
public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of decreased price.
However, final action selling or leasing public property shall be taken in a meeting open to the
To review negotiations on the performance of public bid contracts when public knowledge
regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased costs.
To consider, in the case of an export trading company, financial and commercial information .
supplied by private persons to the export trading company.
To receive and evaluate complaints or charges brought against a public officer or employee.
However, upon the request of such officer or employee, a public hearing or a meeting open to the
public shall be conducted upon such complaint or charge.
To evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment or to review the
performance of a public employee. However, subject to RCW 42.30.140(4), discussion by a
governing body of salaries, wages, and other conditions of employment to be generally applied
within the agency shall occur in a meeting open to the public, and when a governing body elects to
take final action hiring, setting the salary of an individual employee or class of employees, or
discharging or disciplining an employee, that action shall be taken in a meeting open to the public.
To evaluate the qualifications of a candidate for appointment to elective office. However,
any interview of such candidate and final action appointing a candidate to elective office shall be in
a meeting open to the public.
X To discuss with legal counsel representing the agency matters relating to agency enforcement
actions, or to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to
which the agency, the governing body, or a member acting in an official capacity is, or is likely to
become, a party, when public knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse
legal or financial consequence to the agency.
Closed session under RCW 42.30.140:.
To discuss proceedings concerned with the formal issuance of an order granting, suspending, .
revoking, or denying any license, permit, or certificate to engage in any business, occupation, or
profession, or to receive a license for a sports activity or to operate any mechanical device or motor
vehicle where a license or registration is necessary; or
Meeting of a quasi-judicial body relating to a quasi-judicial matter between named parties
as distinguished from a matter having general effect on the public or on a class or group.
h ayo
Matters governed by chapter 34.05 RCW, the Administrative Procedure Act.
Collective bargaining session with employee organization, including contract negotiations,
grievance meetings, and discussions relating to the interpretation or application of a labor agreement .
or a portion of a meeting which the governing body is planning or adopting the strategy or position
to be taken by the governing body during the course of any collective bargaining, professional .
negotiations, or grievance or mediation proceeding, or reviewing the proposals made in the
negotiations or proceedings while in progress.
Time session began: 5:04 n.m.
Was session extended .
by announcement: No
If so, when:
Time session ended: 5:55 n.m.
In attendance:
All Councilmembers. Manaver Myers.
Attornev Bloor. G. Cutler. and N. West.