HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/04/1937 ,... 512 __~ ___AJllJ1!.sj; L 1937 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington '"IC....."""...U>TTU..T...,"".............C....,g.. 193_ The ~ommission met in regular session ~t 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. I Roll call ,showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioner Masters, Attorney vonniff and vler~ Ha~kins. The minutes of the previous session wera read and approved. Under the head of Applications for BuildinG Permits and Licenses the followin<3: were granted: R. ~chier, Build A1dition, Lot 11, Blk. 106, TOTInsite Geo. F. Taylor, Alteration, Lot 20, Blk. 37b, Townsite J. It. Bland, Build House, Lot 1<:, Blk. 179, ~ownsite J. ',I. .J.lstatt, Build HiIluse, st Lot 10, Elk. 282, 'rownsite J. "'. ',Ioods, 2 Barb ~ Chairs A. P. MarQuis, 1 Barber ~hair Pinto's Barber Shop, 3 Barber Chairs loo.or 995.00 lOrD.OO 3000.00 G.OO l.00 3.00 Police Judge Pro tem, ftalph Jmythe, reported 35 Cases tried and ,~386.00 collected in fines for the month uf July, 1937. Report ordered filed. The ~ommission examined and allowed t he following claims and ordered wanan ts drawn for same: CURRENT E7..PENSE FUND Fire Department R. L. Jones Paris Motor ~o. Glenn1s Service StatiJn 1. C. Groves Ii. D. Mor2iseey Evening News Trick & J.lurray i7est~rn Union CITY STREET FUN] Filion Mill & Lumber Co. , Lysall ',Ield ine & Fo r"e,iorks . Evening News I Union Oil Go. Harrv Johnson . City" Light Department , Max ;:itockinger & ~ons Port Angeles Iron "orJ:s : Nattinger-L-evy Co. , Adolph J. Close LOharles Lusk Lovell McGoff, Jr. t! H IT WATER FUND Lysall ':lelding & Forge ,Iorks Port Angele sIron .Iorks Union Oil Co. of Calif. Q.uick Print Olympic Print"ry Port An!"eles voncrete Products vo. ,\ngele s ~Foundry ~o. I Hersey Mfg. Co. Hook~r Electrochemical Co. I Light Dellt. LIGH'~ 1'U?lD J. Lloy~ 41dwell Inc. Ed ttupert City ':Iater Del1t. Q,uick .Print Port Angel;8 ~vening News Olympic .Princery LIBR,\R:L FOrlD John~on & Boric City Treasurer Blackburn Printin~ ~o. Jennilu 1Iorris Bellingham Bookbindery The Fuget Jound New~ 00. G-UAR.,NTY F'lHlD City Treasurer LIiW'P nrV1;;'3TU';rlT ",Hm City Treasurer PRY Roll Special Police Repai rs Grease, Oil, etc. Meal for Prisoners Special Police Publica tions Supplies Tele gram Lumber Repairs Call for Bids Oil Truck Hir e Mat,rial Repairs Iron Rod Insurance Premium 7latchman Hauling 1Jood 11 Dirt Shon ,Iork If - II Kerosene Printing and Supplies Printing ;:iewer Pipe Meter Boxes Meters Chlorine Li3ht a ~ !\e s er v o.ir Insurance on ranges Piling :Iood \'Jat~l' at ..Jtore Room PI' in ti ng & "'U!lP li es Ad vel' tis ing Prin t il1g Creosote, Tar, etc. Li,:ht & Ila ter Wal~r[ln ~s Petty Cash Binding Books Taxes ~?711~ There bein~ n0 further business th~ Com~ission th,n adjo~rned. .Iarran ts Purchased City vlerk ~ g1 4-''''''' .... ofj. .y")'Y S" {t-- "c qJ qS' ".- ~( ,.;.1 ~ G8~.00 57.CO :3.40 3.75 26,95 21. 0 0 25.06 2.60 1.13 34.8~ 7..50 11.13 3.5.25 3.5.88 :1.30 5.00 G. 70 51.78 6.CO le.OO 15.or 6.H: 7.40 9.39 7.57 17.34 19.73 5.20 14.28 109 . 51 14.30 1...3 4.50 13.00 2.01 19.94 21. 00 35.50 d.93 6.85 7.50 lJ. .i5 105.72 .90 2Gb.63 6126.05 /f~~-.:c, Mayor I I I I I