HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/04/1948 ,.. 468 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington AW(\lst 4. 19~ ilThe Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Officers lipresent Vlere: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Wilson and :Clerk Law. iMinutes of the previous session were read and approved. I~nder the head of applications for building permits and licenses the folloVling were granted: "" If/lto - Build Garage & Woodshed; Lot 10, Elk. 375, Townsite Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 7, Blk. 382, Townsite Build 5-Room Dvrelling; Lot 14, Blk. 293, Townsite Put in New Frames & Sash in Present ])vrelling; Lot 10, Blk. 288, Townsite Remodel Porch; Lot 15, Blk. 27, N.R.Smith Add. Move House; Lot 8, Blk. 69, Townsite Remodel Existing Dwelling; Lots 19-20, Blk. 298, Tovmsite Building Ilermi ts: David J. Moffat Vern Christensen Jack DelGuzzi Emil Carlson Arthur Pontine Frank Pollow Andrew Pearson ~o ,Licenses: 7.;tO' 'Port Angeles Recreation l,port Ange les Recreation ~ort Angeles Re crea tion Port Angeles Recreation 'Marine Drive Lunch 'Marine Dri ve Lunch Rayonier Ca fe Rayonier Ca fe Rayonier Cafe Harris & Schuller Robert B. King Olympic Fountain Olympic Founta in Olympic Fountain Tip-Top Tavern Tip-Top Tavern Tip-Top Tavern The Ma rina The t.(a rina The Ma rina Lee Hotel Lee Hotel Aggie's Dog Hous e Aggie I s Dog House Aggie I s Dog House IAggie 's Dog House )tose's Place Rose's Place 'Rose I s Place Loop Auto Wrecking Co. Loop Auto Wrecking Co. 500.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 200 .00 , 150.00 1,000.00 ! 250.00; 2 Amusement Machines Bowling Alley 6 Pool Tables Soft Drink 1 Amusement Machine Music Machine 1 Amusement Machine Restaurant Soft Drink Master Electrician Master Plumber Restaurant Music Ma chine Soft Drink 2 Amusement Ma chine s Music Machine Soft Drink 2 AnU1sement Me chine s Ite s tauran t Soft Drink 2 Amusement Ma chine s Hotel 1 Amusement Ma chine Restaurant Music Machine So ft Drink 2 Amusement Machines Mus i c Ma chine Soft Drink Junk Dealer Second Hand Dealer 48.00 60.00 ' 60.00 5.00 24.00 i 12.001 24.00 12.00 l~:ggll 2.50 12.00 12.00 5.00 48.001 12.00, 5.00 48.00 12.00 5.00 48.00 I 95.00 24.00 12.00i 12.001 5.00 'I' 48.00 12.001 5.001 25.00 15.00 I Under the head of unfinished business, the bids as submitted for one diesel light plant were opened as follO'/fs: A. G. Schoonmaker Company $59,840.00, $57,400.00 and $53,860.00; Fairbanks-lI.orse $70,589.00. It was moved by Commissioner Steele that a special meeting be called for 10,00 A.M., Thursday, at which time contract will be awarded. Motion seconded by Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. J ' iflnder the head of new rosiness, the report of Police Judge Taylor for June, showing 103 cases tried and ~1,423.00 fines collected, was approved and ordered filed. A petition requesting better water service in the Fairmount District was referred to the Engineer I s Dept. 'for filing. A petition requesting installation of a street light at Third and i1ashington was granted, and Supt. Lean instructed to install said light. Bond for Elsie M. Stahl, by U.S. Fidelity and Guaranty Company, No. 451702, was approved. Anthony M. Vendittuoli, having sold his interest in Ade's Tan and Yellow Cab Company, requested that the licenses be transferred to Rex Oakes and James H. Britt, the new owners. The request was granted. The Commission discussed the possibility of construction of a new fire hall as per modified specifications. It was moved by Commissioner Steele that bids be published for the said construction, to be opened August 25th. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. i 'Police Chief Ide requested permission to purchase one Chevrolet car, trading in one Oldsmobile Sedan on :purchase price. It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the Chief be authorized to my the new car. Secpnded by Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. +- Under ths head of introduction of resolutions the follovnng was introduced: jiESOLUTION WHEREAS, a petition has, been filed with the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles by the ovmers of Ilnore than two-thirds of the property abutting on the following described portion of an alley in the City of Port Angeles requesting that the same be vacated, to wit: The Northerly Three (3) feet of the Alley extending Easterly from the East margin of Lincoln Street, a distance of One Hundred Fifty (150) feet in Block Two Hundred (200) Townsite of Port Angeles, AND WHEREAS, it is necessary to let the Commission fix a time and place for hearing on said petition, N(JI[, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles that a hearing on said petition to vacate said alley be held in the City commission Room of the City of Port Angeles on Wednesday the 25th day of AUgust, 1948, at the hour of 11 o'clock A.M. It Was moved by Commissioner Johns on that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by 'Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I I I I I ... I I I I' I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington AUgJHLU-.o-ContinuedJ 19~ 46~ I ...,..._.,__w,_ .....no __, [Under the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale 0 f real property by the City, the following was introduced: Earl Zahn Lots 9 and 10, Elk. 458, Tm'ffisite 125.00 lIt was moved by Commissioner Steele that the foregoing resolution be approved and the property sold. 'Seconded by :Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: 71> 1.:<7 - CURRENT EUENSE FUND: E. C. Steele Wm. S. Johnson Dorotl\)' Boha c City Street Dept. !QUiCk Print Peninsula Herald Western Union I City Light Dept. ;, Olympic Stationers 'I 'Port Angeles Conorete Produots :Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. I Hazel' s Cafe Lincoln Welding Argeles Shade & Linoleum The Marina Union Drug Co. McClellan Hdwe. & ron. Co. Peninsula Printing Co. United Janitor Supply Co. Middleton Motor Parts Zellerbach Paper Co. ]<~tchard 's Ass. Service I Todd!s Cycle Shop , Deines Studio Olympic Laundry & !Cleaners Redio Service Appliance Itffirlatt1s Grocery Antone Smith Grocery Loop Auto Wrecking ~. I Harris & Schuller McMahan Fuel Co. Filma ck Corp. Natural Gas Corp. of Wash. Tony l~si Ernest Harding Harold Thomps on C. A. Wolverton Thomas Hutchings CITY STREET FUND: 1~~/.75 Harris & Schuller Port Tie & Lumber Co. 07 WATER FUND: ii'l- D~'n's Auto Electric !City Street Dept. General Electric Supply Corp. Quick Print Ci\iY Light Dept. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Hooker Ele ctrochemical Co. Pacific Water Works Sup. Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Olympic Foundry Co. Rensselaer Valve Co'. Marckmann & Williams Port Angeles Concrete Prod. 'Co. J ohns-I~nville Sale s Corp. Seattle Plbg. Supply Co. Willson Hardware Co. A. H. Cox & Co. , Peninsula Electric Co. r7 LIGHT moo: ;( (,,,.2 - 'Olympic Stationers City Treasurer llultigraph Sales Agency Pacifio Tel. & Tel. Co. , Elk Drug Co. Home Ele ctric Co. Line Material ;Co. ,James G. Martin I Truck & Equipment Co. Schreine r Chevrolet Co. :, Puget Sound Navigation Co. I City Water Dept. I Olympic Painters & Decorators 'Willson HardY/are Co. General Electric Supply Corp. Graybar Electric ,Co. Harris & Schuller 1,0 SANITATION l<1JND: IJ'/ - LeRoy Jagger , Larry's Service Station Expens e Acct. Expense Aoct. Stenographic Services Gasoline Paper Legal Publications Wires Rent Office Supplies Co. Sevrer Pipe . Services 126, 1627, 1552, 800, 872, 351W Meals for Prisoners Hinge Cloth Shades 100 Targets 1 Eottle Creolin 10 Aluminum Plil tes Courtesy 300ks Supplies 25 # Whi te Regs Paper Towels & CUps Auto Repairs Val valine Oil Prints, Photography Supplies Laundry Sa pplie s Dog Meal Dog Me al Horn Radio Cabinet, Dinner Boxes Fuel Oil Trailer, Duplicate Gas Traveling Expense Traveling Expense Traveling Expense Traveling Expense Traveling Expense 55.90 40.41 19.06 , 2.50 1.25 29.96 5.91 50.00 45.58 8.24' 47.56 210.22 4.54 5.26 2.06 .57 5.61 13.85 2.47 8.42 51.57 I 97.25 4.90 5.76 .67 1.65 6.38 10.05 2.06 ' 65.69 42.12 19.11 1.40 16.58 56.05 13.00 12.00 28.69 Drift Bolts, etc. Redecking East 8th St. Bridge 76.60 1,885.15 Pa rts Gas, Oil, & Service Plug Printing Rent and Lights Phone Chlorine Fittings Pipe Pipe Valves Fittings Sewer Pipe Gaskets Fittings Tools Parts Switch 1.74 98.88 .55 76.32 50.91 44.41 55.95 117.47 182.15 15.60 71. 62 3.05 59.35 5.45 77.55 56.15 25.06 1.10 Office Supplies & Service Postage Supplies Phone & Pole Rental Band Aids Connectors and Fuses Hardware, Tools Car Expense Truck Repairs Seat Freight Chgs. Water at Sub-stet ion Painting Hardware Pole Compound, Wire Truck Equipment Hadio Cabinet 13.91 5.85 5.70 125.80 2.86 19.02 703.29 8,12 415.45 56.08 2.09 24.70 206.00 6.40 910.60 150.69 8.43 Car Mileage for July Gasoline 30.5B 7.57 ..... ,..- 470 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington August 4, continued, 19~ 'SANITATION FUND: City Street Dept. Harris & Schuller Kelllleth OI,en tj.:2.. PARK FUND: /, fI). Port Angeles Motors Cherry Hill Florists School District No.7 iPacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. City Street Dept. Hood Canal Auto Freight Zellerbach Paper Co. Ol:iJllpic Painters & Decorators Olympic Stationers City Light Dept. PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: Washington state Penitentiary I' Enterprise Develoj:XllSnt Corp. 1 Harris & Schuller Port Tie & Lumbe r Mill City Street Dept. Kenneth Owen M. H. RhOdes, Inc. <to FIREMENS PENSION :roND: .33 Clallam Co. Medical Service Corp. rtf L. 1. REVOLVING FUND: Jh , , City Treasurer Gasoline & Oil Repair Gas Tank Garage Rent Drill Holes in Pipe F.LoVlers and Shrubs Recreation Payroll and Expense Phone Service 1051, 1530M , Gasoline Freight Supplies Painting Rediform, Statement Pad Cha nging Lamps at Civic held 9:2.-0 73 Signs Par eel Post 12 Plates # 15 Ga1v. Ro Cedar Gasoline Warehouse Rent Co.'s Share of July Collections Medical Service Fees for August Taxes and Recording Lots 9 and 10, Blk. 458 , 111.21; 2.58 30.00' I I 1.05 20.27 1,552.55 10 .5'1. 17.25 .1.00 . 12.84 ,180.25 .68, 16.00; 98.00 3.06 6.11' 19.28 8.74 15.00 770.74 I 33.00 Ii There being no further lusiness the session was declared adjourned to 10:00 A.M., Thursday, August 5th. 50.84 I I O. t. Xcu-u- tI City r;lerk ..... ~,I~ ~-s; ==----_ I Mayor ! I I I I I