HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/04/1981 141 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, washington August 4, 1981 I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:00 P.M. I II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk, Polhamus, Quast. Members Absen"t: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney "Miller, Deputy Clerk Headrick. R. Orton, M. Cleland, J. Pittis, D. VanHemert, R. Rogers, K. Rodocker, L. Glenn, L. Cosens. Public Present: W. Hatch, K. Sweeney, T. Martin, G. Crawford, L. Stovall, T. Haley, D. Bragg, L. Sybil, R. Warner, L. Roys, D. Rudolph, R. Scheuerman. III MINUTES ~ouncilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the July 21, 1981 meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. IV ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. I V ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Councilman Quast noted that the Environmental Protection Agency has declined jurisdiction over tanker emission standards, and asked Manager Flodstrom if the federal government has been contacted in regard to local governments assuming that jurisdiction. Manager Flodstrom informed Councilman Quast that this question has been raised by several groups within the City, however, the federal ~overni1lent has not yet been approached. Councilman Quast then moved that the Council authorize staff to prepare a memo on this issue so that Councilman Duncan can submit it to EFSEC. The motion was seconded by Council- man Boardman. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Hordyk stated he felt the motion was useless since the EFSEC recordchas already been officially closed. On call for the question, the motion passed with Councilman Hordyk voting "NO..n At this point in the meeting, Mayor Haguewood revised the agenda format and placed Legislation No. 12, L.I.D. No. 204 Bonds, as the next order of buisness. 12. L.I.D. NO. 204: BOND ORDINANCE & ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER TO PURCHASE BONDS I Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Finance Director Orton informing the Council that the firms of Grande and Company and Campbell-Waterman Company have Submitted a proposal to purchase the bonds for LID No. 204 at an interest cost of 12.25% per annum. Mr. Orton recommended that this pro- posal be accepted. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2161 entitled, Ordinance No. 2161 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providin~ for the issuance of bonds for Local Im- provement District No. 204, in the total principal sum of $611,655.39. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood, and accept the proposal of Grande & Co. and Campbell-Waterman company for purchase of the LID No. 204 bonds. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried unanimously. 142 -. 'CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 4, 1981 0715B NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS Nolice i. he,eby given Ihoi ....Ied bid. will ... received by the Clly Manager of the City of Port Angele. Cll 140 W.sl F,onl; Slreet of .old City unli1 2:00 p.m. July 28 for furni.hlng Ihe following equipment and/or molerlol: lIem D..scrlplion I) One (1) 10lemodel go.oline powered. thr....wh....led. police heovy.duly malar scoole,. 2) On.. (1) 1981 new and 101e.1 half. Ion cargo van. 3) On.. (I) 1981'ow..nforcementmolo,c:ycle. 4) Three (3) 1981 new and 10lesl mini-pickup I,uck.. 5) OneIl) 1500G.P.M. Pump.r. . Bid .he..ls, speciflcolions and inslructlon. or.. available .~on was from Mo,ion Parrish. Personnei Dlreclor. P.O. Box 11 SO. PorI Angel.... WA 9B:l62 (206-457.0.411. exl. 111). S90led bid. should b.. moiled 10 David Flodslrom. CIty I Mono.ger. P.O. Box l1SO. 140 West Front Slreet. PorI Ang"l..., 'ard the Wosh,nglon 98362. All bid, ,hall be op..ned Clnd lobuloled fa, 'h.. CIly Council f, Sunset with 0 recommendation ol1oched for con,id..roiion by .Clid I ded by Council in .e..lon AUQuS14. 1981. I A certified ch..ck or bid bond for 5% of Ihe omounl bid shaH Clccompony each bid. All bid. 10 Include d..liv..ry.F.O.B. PorI Ang..les. Wa.hington. . I. Th.. Cily Council re.erve. the: righllo con.lder d..livery lim.. the b~d and to accepl or rejecl Clny or 011 bid. Or any port the,eof. ~ll Ford DAVID T. FlODSTROM J '1 ' City MOrKIger iC~ man I VI FINANCE 1. CONSIDERATION OF EQUIPMEN~ As per Finance Director 01 taken by the Council in r~ A. Police Motor scooter:~ bid for purchase of a Northwest, with a net Councilman Buck and ci B. Police Cargo Van: for purchase of a with a net bid of Buck and carried. COt polf $6,8 i Pub.: July 15,17. 19,1981 C. Three Mini-Pickups: Councilman Hordyk moved the Council award the bid for purchase of three mini-pickups to the lowest responsible bidder, Belveal and Wilder, with a bid of $19,355.20. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. D. Police Motorcycle: Councilman Buck moved the Council authorize staff to utilize the informal bidding procedure for the police motorcycle bid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried. The Council and Manager Flodstrom then briefly discussed the possibility of meeting with the Fire Department staff to discuss different concepts in re- gard to the purchase of a new fire truck (i.e. a mid-size or mini pumper). Manager Flodstrom informed the Council that Fire Chief Glenn has been in- vestigating different alternatives and will have additional information available at the August 11th special meeting. 2. MARINE LAB RETAINAGE I Councilman Buck moved the Council authorize release of the retainage in the amount of $13,235.50 to General Construction Company for work done on the Marine Lab. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. VII CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the items listed under the Consent Agenda including Vouchers of $113,210.09. The motion was seconded by Council- man Buck and carried. VIII LEGISLATION 1. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Rezone Request: Martin During the May 5, 1981 regular Council meeting, the Council agreed to table the public hearing on Mr. Martin's request to rezone 15,000 square feet on the northeast corner of Fourth and Francis Streets from RS-7 to RMF, so that a possible property trade could be investigated. At this meeting, Councilman Quast moved the Council take this matter from the table. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. Mayor Haguewood then re-opened the public hearing and re- I. quested a status report from Manager Flodstrom. Staff's efforts to find a piece of City property which would meet Mr. Martin's needs were unsuccessful, reported Manager Flodstrom, and Mr. Martin has requested the Council proceed with their consideration of his rezone request. Mr. George Crawford, 414 South Francis, then addressed the Council to speak in opposition to the proposed rezone, because multi-family housing would add to the already congested traffic conditions in this area. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. councilman Quast, Manager Flodstrom, and Mr. Martin then discussed the City's property at 7th and Peabody, and whether it would meet Mr. Martin's needs when it is available. Following a brief discussion, it was determined that Mr. Martin was not interested in the 7th and peabody property, for a number of reasons. The discussion then continued on 142 -CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 4, 1981 0809-1:89 lU!nbes '0",(1 x08 'O'd pOOM~JOd :al!JM JO U! dOlS VI FINANCE 1. CONSIDERATION OF EQUIPMENT BIDS As per Finance Director Orton's recommendation, the following action was taken by the Council in regard to the 1981 equipment bids: A. Police Motor Scooter: Councilman Hordyk moved the Council award the bid for purchase of a police motor scooter to the sole bidder, Sunset Northwest, with a net bid of $5,711.86. The motion was seconded by I Councilman Buck and carried. B. Police Cargo Van: for purchase of a with a net bid of Buck and carried. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council award the bid police cargo van to the sole bidder, Birdwell Ford, $6,826.87. The motion was seconded by Councilman C. Three Mini-Pickups: Councilman Hordyk moved the Council award the bid for purchase of three mini-pickups to the lowest responsible bidder, Belveal and Wilder, with a bid of $19,355.20. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. D. Police Motorcycle: Councilman Buck moved the Council authorize staff to utilize the informal bidding procedure for the police motorcycle bid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried. The Council and Manager Flodstrom then briefly discussed the possibility of meeting with the Fire Department staff to discuss different concepts in re- gard to the purchase of a new fire truck (i.e. a mid-size or mini pumper). Manager Flodstrom informed the Council that Fire Chief Glenn has been in- vestigating different alternatives and will have additional information available at the August 11th special meeting. 2. MARINE LAB RETAINAGE Councilman Buck moved the Council authorize release of the retainage in the amount of $13,235.50 to General Construction Company for work done on the Marine Lab. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. I VII CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the items listed under the Consent Agenda including Vouchers of $113,210.09. The motion was seconded by Council- man Buck and carried. VIII LEGISLATION 1. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Rezone Request: Martin During the May 5, 1981 regular Council meeting, the Council agreed to table the public hearing on Mr. Martin's request to rezone 15,000 square feet on the northeast corner of Fourth and Francis Streets from RS-7 to RMF, so that a possible property trade could be investigated. At this meeting, Councilman Quast moved the Council take this matter from the table. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. Mayor Haguewood then re-opened the public hearing and re- quested a status report from Manager Flodstrom. Staff's efforts to find a piece of City property which would meet Mr. Martin's needs were unsuccessful, reported Manager Flodstrom, and Mr. Martin has requested the Council proceed with their consideration of his rezone request. Mr. George Crawford, 414 South Francis, then addressed the Council to speak in opposition to the proposed rezone, because multi-family housing would add to the already congested traffic conditions in this area. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. I Councilman Quast, Manager Flodstrom, and Mr. Martin then discussed the City's property at 7th and Peabody, and whether it would meet Mr. Martin's needs when it is available. Following a brief discussion, it was determined that Mr. Martin was not interested in the 7th and Peabody property, for a number of reasons. The discussion then continued on CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 4, 1981 143 VIII LEGISLATION 1. Cont. I the need for mUlti-family housing, and the surrounding uses in this area, such as the YMCA. Councilman Polhamus then moved the Council grant Mr. Martin's rezone request. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. During discussion on the motion, the Council discussed what type of multi- housing structure Mr. Martin is proposing to construct; the economics of single-family versus duplex versus triplex; and whether this proposal would constitute a spot rezone. On call for the question, Councilmen Buck and Polhamus voted "AYE" with Councilmen Boardman, Duncan, Hordyk and Quast voting "NO." The motion to approve the rezone request was denied. Councilman Quast then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny Mr. Martin's rezone request because: (1) the request, if granted, will constitute a spot rezone, because of the small size, the location of the property and the surrounding zoning, and it is primarily for the benefit of the applicant; (2) granting this rezone could result in an apartment intrusion into a single-family residential zone; (3) this rezone is primarily beneficial to the prop- erty owner, rather than to the community as a whole; and (4) this rezone is not in the interest of the general pUblic or for the general welfare of the community. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried with Councilman Polhamus voting "NO." B. Rezone Request: Olympic Memorial Hospital I Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Olympic Memorial Hospital's request to rezone 7,000 square feet from RS-7 to PBP, located at 1014 Columbia Street, and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff. Mr. J. Sobieck, 1032 Columbia, asked if a green belt would be placed between the hospital property and the adjoining residences. Attorney Miller pointed out that the Council, in the past, has not exercised the authority it has to engage in contract rezones; rather, the Council has simply either rezoned or not rezoned the property. Ms. Lucille Stovall, representing the Hospital, then informed the Council that the Hospital is willing to discuss visual barriers for the parking lot. Mary Thompson then also spoke in opposition to the proposed rezone, statin,g that the Hospital will,eventually be taking all of the homes in' this area. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Buck then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning commission and grant the rezone because: (1) it would be in the best interests of the community to do so; (2) it will enable the Hospital to increase its facilities to the benefit of the entire community; and (3) it will be in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman. During dis- cussion on the motion, Councilman Quast expressed his disappointment that the City is still handling rezones in the Hospital area in a "piece meal" fashion; the City should face the fact that the Hospital will be expanding, prepare an EIS, and rezone the entire area in an orderly fashion. On call for the question, the motion carried. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2162 entitled, I Ordinance No. 2162 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles reclassifying property at 1014 Columbia Street from RS-7 to PBP: Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoi~g ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried unanimously. C. Rezone Request: Skerbeck and Burkhardt Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Drs. Skerbeck and Burkhardt's request to rezone 10,500 square feet from RS-7 to OC, located at 923 Georgiana, and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. 144 CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 4, 1981 1001'1\I S31:101S 'VnOII\IONI1V AI:l~ , I al:JIlUVd liD NOI.J....I!OdI! ::J UUndWD:J =. IIOVU · I 'J.. !V 11 338 - I ~ UMO JnoA eWMLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JO eXIJeWI P! N IBUOllclo UB '111M) e, JnO asO '06 Bin UO s~yor Haguewood read the Planning Commission minutes of July 22, 1981 with , pUB 18!oueU\l :he following action being taken by the Council: 'I 01 AeM--elqJqJod PUI, VIII LEGISLATION ~NANCENO_2~:ont. !.. AN ORDINANCE of the City,: , of Port ""lIeleo rec;loo.ilying I property 01' 101~ Columbio , Street from RS.7to PBP. I WHEREAS, thePlonning Commio.lon of the City of Port Angeles hos held 0 public hllorlh'g ond recorded hs recommilnda,jon to the' City CouncH In -the Plonning- Commission Minutes of July' 8,1981; and WHEREAS, the requirement;; of the Stote Env;tOnmenlol' Polity Ad "''''b...-.j,.-~~",.lu. 7V_" t aq ([!.M ^~!I!JI1J P;)UJqWOJ i It) II1Jalffi.![ .!!.;)!AilllplH ilWOJilq lI!AI "aJO o -Woa aJJA.laSJUO ill/l .(q J 'awoH IllJaunLoI JadI1llI Councilman Buck moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the rezone because: (1) the rezone implements the policy of concentrating specialized City-wide medical services functionally near the Hospital; (2) the rezone will contribute to the clustering of commercial activity, in conformance with commercial pOlicy No.2; (3) therezohe will achieve Land Use Objective No. 2 by leading to the grouping of similar and functionally related land uses: and (4) achievement of Comprehensive Plan Policies and Objectives is in the interest of the community and general public. The motion was seconded'by Councilman Polhamus and carried. I Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2163 entitled, Ordinance No: 2163 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles reclassifying property at 923 Georgiana Street from RS-7 to DC. Councilman Hordyk moved the council adopt the read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion man Quast and carried unanimously. foregoing Ordinance as was seconded by Council- Preliminary Plat Extension: McWilliams Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the McWilliams' request I for extension of approval of the preliminary plat of Seamount Estates Division IV, consisting OI 14 single-family lots on 4.2 acres, located between Sixth and Eighth Streets, west of Evans street, and east of Seamount Estates Division III, and requested comments or questions from .the staff or audience. There were no cOmments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Buck then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and extend the preliminary plat for an additional three month period. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. The Council briefly discussed Mr. Brewer's recommendation that the City waive the sign permit fee for those signs downtown which are brought into compliance with the new Sign Ordinance prior to the expiration of the period for which they are allowable. Manager Flodstrom pointed out that the fees charged are fees under the Uniform Building Code (Sign Code portion) and not under the new Sign Ordinance. The Council then questioned Manager Flodstrom and Assistant Planner VanHemert in regard to the expansion of the eye doctor's office at 9th and Lincoln. Mr. VanHemert was not sure of the conditions placed on this office when it expanded, and the Council directed Manager Flodstrom to look into the matter. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of July 22, 1981. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. I 3 . DESIGN CONSULTANTS: DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT PHASE I I COUncilman Boardman informed the Council that the Downtown Improvement interview committee had met July 30th to interview four firms for design of Phase II of the Downtown Improvement Project. The unanimous decision of the committee was the joint venture of Makers/ABAM/Lee. 'Councilman Boardman then moved the Council authorize Manager Flodstrom to sign a consultant agreement with Makersl ABAM/Lee for design of Phase II of the Downtown Improvement Project. The motion was seconded by Counclman Hordyk and carried. 144 CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 4,1981, -~ - ORDINANCE NO. 2162 ,;ont. l AN ORDINANCE 01 H.e City', : 01 Pori Anlle,les reclo..llying l prop..rty at lOI~ Columbia 'I Slreel from RS.710 P8P, , ,WHEREAS. Ihe 'Planning I Commis.ion 01 Ihe Cily 01, i Port Angel..s has held 0 ! public hilarl~g and recorded its recomiri.ndotion to fhe ~ City Cau",,~ in-Ihe Planning I Commission Minules 01 July i , 8.1981: and , . WHEREAS. Ihe requirements 01 the State Environmenlal i Policy Acl have been mel: and WHEREAS,lhe City Council., oller a public hlKlring, finds that 'Soid rezone would be in Ihe b'.sl int.resls 01 Ihe Cily and of Its dtiiens and In keeping ,wllh Ihe Com. prehens~Ye Pion; now, t th.refore J 8E IT ORDAINED 8Y THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES as lollows: 1 , Seclion 1. The OHiciol I Zoning Mop, Ordinance No, 21S8, and Ordinance No, 1709 are hereby amended 10 change the zoning 'of. .he lollowing described property ,Irom RS,7, Single-Family Residential, 10 PBP, Publ ic 8uildlngs and Parks: ' Lo16, Black~, Pugel Sound LANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Caoperallve Colony Sub- . division to the Townsite of . Pori Angeles. ayor Haguewood read Seclion 2, The City Clerk is he following action I hereby dire<:led 10 file a' I cerlified copy 01 Ihis Or. dinance with Ihe C1allam County Audilor, PASSED by Ihe CIIy Council 01 Ihe City 01 Pori Ang..les 01 a regular meeting 01 sqid Council held on Ihe ~Ih day 01 Augu.I, 1981. Samuel J, Haguewood MAYOR ArrEST: Marlon C Parrish, Cily Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig L Miller, City Allorney Pub.: Aug. 11, 1981. WHEREAS, _ Ih~--,\ requiremenls 01 Ihe Slole 'I Envlronmenlal Policy Acl hove- been met; and WHEREAS, Ihe City Council, ,.' , . . oller d public hearing, lindsle Councll brlefly dlscussed Mr. Brewer s recommendatlon that the Clty thaI said rezone would be.'",~ive the sign permit fee for those signs downtown which are brought into Ihe be.1 inleresl. of Ihe C,Iy,.. . d . , h ' , f h and 01 it. citizens and in~mpllance wlth the new S~gn Or ~nance pr~or to t e explrat~on 0 t e keeping wilh the Com'~riod for which they are allowable. Manager Flodstrom pointed out that prehen.ive Plan: now, f d h . f . d' d (' d ') Iherelore, ,'le fees charged are ees un er t e Unl orm BUll lng Co e Slgn Co e portlon I BE IT ORDAINED BY THEld not under the new sign Ordinance. CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY I . OF PORT ANGelES 0'1 lollows: fl' , l,e Council then questioned Manager Flodstrom and Assistant planner VanHemert Se<:lIon 1. The 0 ICla , . f h d 'ff ' 9 h d . 1 , Zoning Map, Ordinance NO'\ regard to the expanslon 0 t e eye octor s 0 lee at t an LlnCO n. I 2158, and Ordinance No. 1709 . VanHemert was not sure of the conditions placed on this office when it r ~~ng~er:i.':.' z:n~:;d: I~: panded, and the Council directed Manager Flodstrom to look into the I tollowing described property ter. Irom RS-7. Single-Family Residential. 10 QC, Office Commercial: LoIS 36. ." ond 38, Block No. I. Perkin. Subdivision 10 Ihe Townsite 01 Pori Angeles, Seelion 2, The City Clerk i. hereby direcled 10 file 0 I cerlilled copy 01 Thi. Or. IGN CONSULTANTS: DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT PHASE II dlnance wilh Ihe Clalla", Cau"ty Audilor, PASSED by Ihe Clt,-Council ,ncilman Boardman informed the Council that the Downtown Improvement ~t~~~5~:a~::~n:n~fe~~ ~rview committee had met July 30th to interview four firms for design of Councilh"ldonthe~lhdoyol se II of the Downtown Improvement project. The unanimous decision of , 'Augusl 1'/81. dl' ' . f I I . '1 dma I 'Samuel J, HogueWOO COI11li\lttee was the Jo~nt venture 0 Makers ABAM Lee. COunCl man Boar n I MAYORJn moved the Council authorize Manager Flodstrom to sign a consultant I AMTlESnT:C Parrish, CiIyClerk "eement with Makers/ ABAM/Lee for design of Phase II of the Downtown ana, FORM' I I APPROVED ASTC? Allo;"ey irove,ment Project. The motion was seconded by Counclman Hordyk and Craig L. Miller, 'II' . . I Pub,: Aug. 11, '~'_' ,.crled. VIII LEGISLATION Councilman Buck moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Plannin~ commission and approve the rezone because: (1) the rezone implements the policy of concentrating specialized City-wide medical services functionally near the Hospital; (2) the rezone will contribute to the clustering of commercial activity, in conformance with Commercial Policy No.2; (3) the rezone will achieve Land Use Objective No. 2 by leading to the grouping of similar and functionally related land uses; and (4) achievement of Comprehensive Plan policies and Objectives is in the interest of the community and general public. The motion was seconded 'by councilman 'Polhamus and carried. I Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2163 entitled, Ordinance No. 2163 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles reclassifying property at 923 Georgiana Street from RS-7 to DC. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion man Quast and carried unanimously. foregoing Ordinance as was seconded by Council- the Planning COI11li\ission minutes of July 22, 1981 with being taken by the Council: Preliminary Plat Extension: McWilliams Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the McWilliams' request for extensiOn of approval of the preliminary plat of Seamount Estates Division IV, consisting of 14 single-family lots on 4.2 acres, located between Sixth and Eighth Streets, west of Evans street, and east of SeamOunt Estates Division III, and requested comments or questions from ,the staff or audience. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Buck then moved-the Council concur with the recommendation of the planning COI11li\ission and extend the preliminary plat for an additional three month period. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. I ncilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place ission minutes of July 22, 1981. The motion was k and carried. on file the Planning seconded by Councilman I 144 CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 4, 1981 A. \'r ~ - -- --71 ORDINANCE NO. 2'~ ,",...1 , ~ ORDINANCE 01 the City 01 PlIrt Angeles reclo..ilying 1 property at 923 G...,rg;ano Stre.t Irom RS.7 to OC. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City 01 i &oil : Angeles hos held a public heoring and recorded 1."s ~.cQmmendotion to the cili Council in the Plonning Commission Minutes of July 8,1981; ond WHEREAS. " the. requirements of the State' Environmental Policy Act I have been met: and WHEREAS. the City Council, .. .. , . . olter d public hearing. lin~s Ie CounC:Ll brJ.efly dJ.scussed Mr. Brewer _ s recorrunendatJ.on that the CJ.ty thot said relone would be.'n:l.ive the sign permit fee for those signs downtown which are brought into the best interests 01 the C,ty '.. .,. . . and 01 its citilens and in)mplJ.ance wl.th the new SJ.gn Ordl.nance prl.or to the expl.ratl.on of the 'keeping with the com',j,riod for which they are allowable. Manager Flodstrom pointed out that pr.henslve Pion; now., f h d f d h . f 'ld' d (' d ') therefore. (Ie ees c arge are ees un er t e Unl. orm Bul. l.ng Co e Sl.gn Co e portl.on 1 8E IT ORDAINED 8Y THEld not under the new sign Ordinance. . CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY I " OF PORT ANGELES as " ; follows: 011' . ,Ie Council then questioned Manager Flodstrom and Assistant Planner VanHemert Section 1. The ICIO ; _. . I' . I Zoning Mop, Ordinonce NO., regard to the expansl.on of the eye doctor s offl.ce at 9th and Ll.ncoln. 1"se.ondordlnanceNoed.1709 . VanHemert was not sure of the conditions placed on this office when it are hereby emend to , . . . change the loning of the pandedr and the Councl.l dl.rected Manager Flodstrom to look l.nto the Ilollowing dell<:ribed property ter. Irom RS.7. Single. Family Residentiol, to OC. Ollice Commercial; Lots 36, 37 ond 38. Block No.1. Perkin1i Subdivision to the Townsite 01 Port Angeles. Section ,. The City Clerk is hereby direded to Iile 0 , certilied copy 01 This Or. IGN CONSULTANTS: DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT PHASE II dinance with the ClaUarn County Auditor. PASSED by the City.council ,ncilman Boardman informed the Council that the Downtown Improvement ~ltr~~~~~ o~:~:,,:n~i''':af~ 'erview conunittee had met July 30th to interview four firms for design of Council held on the 4th day of se II of the Downtown Improvement proj ect. The unanimous decision of t AU9ust'~~~eIJ.H09u.woodl corrunittee was the joint venture of Makers/ABAM/Lee. 'Councilman Boardman 1 MAYOR1n moved the Council authorize Manager Flodstrom to sign a consultant , ~~r~~~:C. Parrish. Ci~~lerk :eement with Makers/ ABAM/Lee for design of Phase II of the Downtown I APPROVEDASTc~F~tto;ney 'rovement Project. The motion was seconded by Counclman Hordyk and Croig L. Miller, ty , . L Pub., Aug.11, 1~.___, .~l.ed. VIII LEGISLATION ~NANCENO:'2162 :ont. l AN ORDINANCE ol.he City I I. 01 Port Anlleles reclassifying: property oj 1014 Columbia . S"88llrorn RS.7 to P8P. I WKEREAS. thePlonning I Commission 01 the City 01 I Port Angel.s . hos held a publi< hllOrihil and reco,ded Its r&comm.ndo1lon to .he. City Caun.. -In -the Plonning i Commission Minutes 01 July I 8.1981; gnd WHEREAS. ths' requiremttnts of, .he- Stale Environmental Polley Ad ,.ueJlVfWIi~..- 8 J8p.1O:)&J 8U8SS1l3 8MUOS UlU-Ol-ApeeJ U81QOJd fiuIJHUlfiu8 SS8U!Snq JnoA 8A1OS !-J8lSej 'Jar.;ea a'lJ. 18GOm )mmm~ IEJElGG ,. I I....~I -'-11 Councilman Buck moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the rezone because: (1) the rezone implements the policy of concentrating specialized City-wide medical services functionally near the Hospital; (2) the rezone will contribute to the clustering of commercial activitYr in conformance with Commercial Policy No.2; (3) the rezone will achieve Land Use Objective No. 2 by leading to the grouping of similar and functionally related land uses; and (4) achievement of Comprehensive Plan Policies and Objectives is in the interest of the community and general public. The motion was seconded "by Councilman Polhamus and carried. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2163 entitled, Ordinance No. 2163 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles reclassifying property at 923 Georgiana Street from RS-7 to OC. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Council- man Quast and carried unanimously. .LANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Mayor Haguewood read the Planning Commission minutes of July 22, 1981 with the fOllowing action being taken by the Council: preliminary plat Extension: McWilliams Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the McWilliams' request for extension of approval of the preliminary plat of Seamount Estates Division IV, consisting of 14 single-family lots on 4.2 acres, located between Sixth and Eighth Streets, west of Evans Streetr and east of Seamount Estates Division III, and requested comments or questions from the staff or audience. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Buck then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and extend the preliminary plat for an additional three month period. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. ncilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place ission minutes of July 22, 1981. The motion was k and carried. on file the Planning seconded by Councilman I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUgust 4, 1981 145 VIII LEGISLATION 4. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING: CITY/PUD/CLALLAM GOVERNMENTAL CONFERENCE I Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Light Director Cosens explaining a proposed Memorandum of Understanding between the City, Clallam County PUD #1, and the Clallam Governmental Conference, to implement the provisions of the Northwest Regional Power Act on a local level. The Memorandum en- courages cooperation and coordination by the three entities in the areas of energy efficiency, reducing energy consumption, reducing power demand, power resource development, and energy planning, and directs that an Energy Advisory Committee be formed by designating a staff member from City Light and the PUD to assist in coordinating conservation and resource development in Clallam County, monitoring the Regional Power Act, offering recommenda- tions to the Governmental Conference participants on energy related matters, and commenting on A-95 reviews of energy projects or programs. Councilman Buck then moved the Council authorize Mayor Haguewood to sign the Memorandum of Understanding between the City, PUD, and the Clallam Governmental Conference, and appoint Power Manager Greg Booth as the City's representative on the Energy Advisory Committee. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Hordyk questioned Manager Flodstrom and Light Director Cosens at length regarding any additional costs this agreement may impose on the utilities; the work load of Power Manager Booth and his duties as Energy Advisory Conunittee representative; and whether this agreement would be a "stumbling block" if the City attempted to pursue other sources of power on the peninsula. Councilman Hordyk also expressed his concern regarding the Clallam Govern- 'mental Conference's review and comment on the A-95 Reviews. Following several other comments from the Council and Manager Flodstrom regarding the intent of this agreement, the question was called for and the motion passed with Councilman Hordyk voting "NO." I 5. RIGHT-OF-WAY REQUEST: DEER PARK ROAD Mayor Haguewood referred to a memorandum from Public'Works regarding a right-Of-way request over City owned property on upper Deer Park Road for utility purposes. The request for easement was originally made by Mr. Lewis D. Baker. However, the City Engineer recommended deeding a 60 foot right-of-way to Clallam County and an additional 10 foot easement to the PUD. The County has made an offer of $200.00 for timber in the subject area. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council authorize Mayor Haguewood to sign the Quit Claim Deed to Clallarn County for road and utility purposes, subject to the terms and conditions of the quit claim deed from the united States of America to the City of Port Angeles, recorded under Volume 308, Page 28 and filed,under CCAF 378440 records of Clallam County. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman. During discussion on the motion, Council- man Hordyk questioned Public Works Director pittis as to the purpose of the proposed easement, and the location as it relates to Morse,Creek. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council. 6. ORDINANCE: GAMBLING AT CLALLAM COUNTY FAIR Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2164 entitled, Ordinance No. 2164 I AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending Ordinance No.- 2095 and Section 3.52.020 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, relating to gambling, and levying a tax upon the income derived from the conduct of certain activities by authorizing agricultural fairs. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried unanimously. 146 CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 4, 1981 VIII LEGISLATION 7. CEMETERY BURIAL VALUT FEES Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 28-81 entitled, Resolution No. 28-81 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles establishing a fee for the services provided at Ocean View Cemetery for concrete burial vaults. I Councilman Hordyk moved the Council ad~pt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. 8. PROPERTY EXCHANGE, R. NASON Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Public Works Director Pittis con- cerning a proposed property trade with Mr. Ray Nason. Public Works has found that Mr. Nason is paying taxes on that portion of the access road to the Landfill which cuts across his property. Furthermore, no information exists indicating that the City has acquired ownership of an easement or right-of-way across Mr. Nason's property. The City has, however, used this roadway for access to the Landfill for approximately 38 years which is approximately 19 years prior to Mr. Nason's ownership of the property. Mr. Nason proposes that the City trade 0.775 acres of property which would be a 50 foot right-of-way along the existing access road for a strip approximately 30 feet in width, along the west side of sublots 134 and 135 which would also equal 0.775 acres of property. Councilman Buck then moved the Council refer this matter to the Real Estate Committee. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast. During discussion on the motion, Councilmen Quast and Hordyk pointed out that this matter I' should be considered by the entire Council and does not really need to go before the Real Estate Committee. After questioning Manager Flodstrom in regard to the 100 foot right-of-way which would be traded to Mr. Nason, Councilman Buck withdrew his motion., Councilman Quast then moved the Council authorize Manager Flodstrom and Attorney Miller to draft the appropriate papers for the above-mentioned property exchange with Mr. Nason. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. 9. SEAPLANE SERVICE ON MUNICIPAL PIER Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Mr. Lee Roys, Forks, requesting permission to operate a seaplane service (rides and tours) from the Municipal Pier. Mr. Roys, who was present, then explained that he and his partner felt the Pier would be the most appropriate location, because of the seaplane moorage facilities. They have not yet approached the Port in regard to their facilities. Councilman Buck then expressed his concern regarding commercial use of the pier, and stressed the need for establishing some type of policy for use of the Pier. Councilman Hordyk stated that he had no objection to this use, however there should be no fueling or advertising on the pier, and a hold- harmless agreement would be required for use of the floats. Councilman Quast concurred with Councilman Buck's statement regarding the need for a use policy for the pier, and suggested Mr. Roys try and obtain space nearby on another pier. Councilman Quast then moved the Council deny Mr. Roy's I' request for use of the Municipal pier for a seaplane service. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. Councilman Buck then suggested the Council proceed as soon as possible with developing a policy for commercial activity on the pier. The Council then agreed to discuss this matter at the August 11, 1981 special meeting. 10. SECOND ANNUAL HOOK TO PIER SWIM Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Laurel Brown, Account Executive for KONP Radio Station, requesting use of the Municipal Pier for the Second Annual Hook to pier Swim on August 16, 1981. Manager Flodstrom also noted CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 4, 1981 147 VIII LEGISLATION 10. Cont. I that KONP has requested placement of a plaque on the pier naming the winners of the swim. During discussion on this request, Mayor Haguewood questioned Attorney Miller in regard to the city's liability if the City participates in this event. Attorney Miller explained that the City is not promoting the event therefore the City would not be liable for any injuries or accidents occurring off of the pier. However, KONP should be required to show proof of liability insurance. Also discussed was whether the swimmers would land on the beach or on the pier, and whether a plaque should be permitted. Councilman Quast then moved the Council authorize use of the Municipal Pier August 16, 1981 for the Second Annual Hook to pier Swim, subject to KONP providing proof of liability insurance. The motion was seconded by Council- man Boardman and carried with Councilmen Buck and Hordyk voting "NO." 11. USE OF MUNICIPAL PIER FOR MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY FUND RAISER Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Larry Sybil and Vicki Becker, of the Family Skate Center, requesting use of the Municipal pier September 7, 1981 for a Muscular Dystrophy fund raiser. The P.A. Wheel Skate Club will be performing their abilities on skates and many merchants will be partici- pating. Liability insurance will be provided by the Muscular Dystrophy Association. I Councilman Quast then moved the Council authorize use of the Municipal Pier September 7, 1981 for a Huscular Dystrophy fund raiser, subject to only one donation container being used, which is clearly marked as to what the dona- tions are for, and no signs or banners attached to the buildings or stakes driven into the ground. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. During discussion on the motion, the Council and Ms. Becker discussed what activities are planned for the fund raiser, and further discussed the need for a specific use policy for the pier. Following this discussion the question was called for and the motion passed with Councilman Buck voting IINO...II 12. L.I.D. NO. 204 BONDS (See Register Page No. 141.) IX ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. X LATE ITEMS None. XI COUNCIL/STAFF REPORTS Councilman Boardman: Questioned Light Director Cosens and Manager Flodstrom as to what could be done with the unsightly wires on Railroad Avenue. Councilman Buck: Informed Councilman Quast that during his absence the City decided to self-insure. I Councilman Quast: Asked if there would be an opportunity for interested parties to provide input on Phase II of the Downtown Improvement project. Councilman Duncan: Reported on the July 31st meeting with Mr. Lakewold of EFSEC, and informed the Council that closing arguments are 90ntinuing through- out this week. Manager Flodstrorn: Anno~ced that the Director and other various representa- tives from the Department of Commerce and Economic Development for the state of Washington will be in Port Angeles August 18th and 19th. Informed the Council and staff that they have been invited to a luncheon August 21st at Harrington's 148 CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 4, 1981 XI COUNCIL/STAFF REPORTS to discuss changes in the national and local economy and its effect on business. Reminded the Council of the special meeting on August 11th, and outlined the sUbjects to be discussed. Informed the Council that he has received a report from the Port of Port Angeles on "Proposed Alternative Accommodations for Relocation of the United States Coast Guard Air Station Group Offices and Marine Facilities at Port Angeles." He will make copies of the report and cover letter for the Council members. Handed out a report from Fire Chief Glenn concerning an update of the proposed Advanced Life Support Systems for I. Port Angeles and informed the Council that there will be additional information on this sUbject at the August 18th Council meeting. Announced that there was no need for an Executive Session following the meeting. XII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. ~"'I_'I~> ~.~ City Clerk yor ORDINANCE NO. 21 (,l AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angele, amending Ordinance No. 2095 and Section 3.52.020 of the Port Angeles Mun1c1pal Cod., relating to gambling. and '~~~~ of~~~U~; ~:~~nuc~mof certain activities bV authorizing agricultural 'oirs. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF PORT ..ANGElES os fol~:~~~n 1 . S~c':ion 1 of Ordinance No. 2095, and Section 3.52.020 of the. Port Angele, Municipal Code ore ber.by amended to read os follows: 3.52.020 Persons Subject ~o Tax _ Tax Role. There IS hereby levied upon 011 persons. associotion~ cnd organizations conductmg or operating within this ~~:il:i:~cVi~~ed a~~lo:, ~h~ax of~ the following amounts to be paid to the city; Provided that for the year 19B1 only any agricultural. fair authorized under the provisions of Chapter 1"5.76 or 36.37 RCW, which conducts any octivlty governed by the terms of this ordinance and by Chapter 9.46 RCW. sholl pay a tax of One Hundred Fifty ($150) Dollars, in lieu of any tax ~:::~;~d f~:~inl~omtl~~.; activities by the terms of 1hlS ordinance: ~ A. Bingo. in the amount of the gross receipt. therefrom, less the amount of money paid in cash. and paid for merchandise. actually awarded as prizes during the taxable period, multiplied by the rote of ten percent; I B. Raffles. in the amount of the gross receipts therefrom, less the amount of money paid in cash. and paid for merchandise. actually awarded as prizes during 1he taxable period. multiplied by the rate of ten percent; I th;' ::~~~;m:tt ~:e;~o~~ ~ ' I receipts therefrom. less the amount of money paid. in cosh. and paid for mer- chandise. actually awarded as prizes during the taxable period. multiplied by the rote at ten percent; O. Any punchboards or pull tabs. in the amount of five percent of the gross receipts directly from the operation of the punchboards 1 or pull tabs thems.lves. Section 2. This Ordinance Is :~i:~aJ t~:r p~~~c ~:i~~: safety and welfare, and to meet 0 public emergency ~nd ,hould toke effect 1m- m~~~~~lb.bY the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting held on the 4th day ~~~~:r~:'~::~~wood Mayor ~~~:~:C. Parrish. City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM, Craig l. Miller. City Attorney Pub.: Aug. 11. 1981. - - -. I ORDINANCE NO. 2161 . AN ORDINANCE of the City , of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the issuance at bonds for local Improvement District No_ 204, in the total principal sum of $611 ,655.39, WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2041 of the City of Port Angeles. Washington (the I "City"). passed and approved on August 21, 1979, Local Improvement District No. 204 (the "District") was duly creoted; ond WHEREAS. the I~' provements provided for In Ordinance No. 204 have been completed and accepted by the City; and WHEREAS, the total .cost attributable to the property owners in the District of acquiring, constructing and installing said improvements. plus all cost, incidental thereto, is $668,584.91, and on assessment roll for the District in the total amount of $668,58".91 has been con- firmed In the manner required by low bV Ordinance No, 21.... of the City. passed and approved on May 20, 19~~~~~AS, a total of $56.929.52 01 the assessments on said assessment roll for the , District was paid by property owners during the thirty (30) day period permitted by low for the payment of asseS5ments without penalty. Interest or cost; and WHEREAS. after applying the amount of prepaid I assessments to the payment ;of the cost and expense ~f t~e improvements in the Distract ,and to the payment of all ~ expenses Incidental thereto. it is necessary that the City I issue local Improvement District No. 204 Bonds In on amount equal to the unpaid balance at the assessment roll, to wit, $611.655.39. to pay the balance of such cost and expense; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Port Angeles. Washington, os follows: Section 1. For the purpose of paying the costs - at- tributable to the property owners in the District of acquiring. constructing and installing improveme~ts therein, plus 011 costs m- cidental thereto, and to redeem 011 outstanding warrants issued to pay for " such improvements, the City shall Issue Local 1m. provement District No. 204 Bonds (the "Bonds") in the aggregate principal amount of~~1:;~d~9~hall b. dated August 1. 1981, sholl be in the denomination of $5,000 each. except for 80nd No.1, wh.ich shall be in the denommatlon of $1.655.39, sholl be num. bered from _1 to 123, In- clusive. shall bear inter.st at the rot. of 12.250/. per ~nn~m payable annually beginning August 1. 1981 and annually thereafter on August 1 of eoch year, and shall mature AUTghu:~~n~~hall be payable in lawful !"o~ey 0.' t~e ~~ni~~~ I I .....u9u~1 I, I 'fY;J. The Bonds shall be poyable in lawful money of the United Slates of America at the office of theJ:ity Treasurer in Port Angeles.. Wosfi'i'n'g'ton, solely out of the special fund of the City known as the ''Local Improvement District No. 2004 F\Jnd" created by Ordinance No. 2041 of the City. The Bonds sholl be redeemed at par in advance of their schedule maturity. in numerical order, on any interest payment date whenever there sholl be sufficient money in the Local Improvement District No. 20.4- Fund to pay the. same and 011 bonds of Local Improvement District No. 204 which are prior in number to the last bonds to be redeemed. over ond above an amount suf. ficient for the payment of the interest next accruing on all the unpaid bonds of Local Improvement District No. 204. NOlice at such intended redemption shall be given by moil to the original pur- chasers or the account manager thereof (or to their successor in business) at their mom 0 I ,9 - fJoCtively; in' Seattle, Washington, and by one publ icatian thereof in the Cify official newspaper not more than twenty (20) nor less than ten (10) days prior to such redemption date. Section 2. There has heretofore been created 0 Local Improvemenf DiUrict No. 204 Fund and the City has levied ossessments payable into said Fund in the tofal amount of $668,584.91, of which $56,929.52 were prepaid prior to the adoption of this Ordinance and not less than $611,655.39 remain payable into said Fund in fen equal . annual installments together with interest and penolties thereon in ac- cordance with Ordinance No. 2144 of the City adopted on May 20. 1981. BOlh principal of and Interest on the Bonds ore payable solely out of the locol Improvement District No. 204 Fund and from the Local Improvement Guaranty Fund of the City. Section 3. The Bonds sholl be in subs.tantially the following form: - UNItED STATES OF AMERICA NO._ $_ STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF PORT ANGELES LO-.CAJ.JMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 20.4- Laws of Washington 1965. Cnaptaf 7, Sec. 35,45.070 provides, in part. as follows: "Neitner the holder nor owner 01 any bond. interest coupon, or warrant issued against a local improvement tundsholl .have ony claim lh.r.for(i_gD}nst.iP:,,~~ity or fawn bvwnlt:h J~:lt..dssued_ .:;~~i~tl o~:~~~l~l~'.:~~. f~~ the- improvement for which the bond or warrant was issued and except olso for payment from the locol improvement guaranty fund of the city or town as to bonds issu&d ofter the creotion of a local improvement guaranty fund of the city or town. The city or town shall not be liable to tile holder or owner of any bond, interest coupon. or warrant for any loss to tile local improvement guaranty fund occurring in the lawful oper-otion tllereof." The City of Port Angeles. a municipal corporQtion of the State of Washington, hereby promises to pay to bearer on the first day of August 1993, the principal amount 0' FIVE THOUSAND DOllARS in lawful money of the United States of America, together witl1 interest thereon from the date hereof until payment of the principal sum has been made or duly provided for at the rate of _':to per annum payable August I, 1982 and annually thereaher on August 1 of each year, upon presentation and surrender of the annexed interest coupons as they severally become due or until such principal amount shall have been paid or duly provided for, Both principal of -and in- terest on the bonds are payable in lawful money of the United States of AmericQ Qt the oHice of the City Treasurer in Port Angeles, Washington, solely out of the local Improvement District No. 204 Fund created by Ordinance No. 2041 of the City, and from the local improvement guaranty fund of the City. Neither the holder nor the owner of this bond shall have any claim therefor against the City of Port Angeles except for payment from the special assessments made for the improvement for which this bond was issued, and except os agQinst the 10CQl improvement guaranty fund of the City and the City shall not be liable to any holder or owner of this bond for any loss to the ~hu:rl~:''rul f~~~ra~~~~r~~ne~e~f by the City. The remedy of the holder or owner of 0 bond in case of nonpayment shall be confined to the enforcement of the assessments and to the guaranty fund. This bond is one of an issue aggregating in all.th princrpalSiJm-ot::"l~55. , issued to pay port of the cost for certain street im. pravements within local Improvement District No. 204 created by Ordinance No. 2041. The bonds of this issue ore subject to redemption at par in advance of their scheduled maturity, in numerical order, on any interest payment date whenever ther-e shall be suHicienl money In the local rmprovement District No._ 204 Fund to pay the same and all bonds of local Improvement District No. 2~ which are prior in number to the last bond to .be redeemed, over and above an amount suf- ficient for the payment of the interest next accruing on the unpaid bonds of local Im- provement District No. 204. In case this bond is coiled for payment before its final maturity, each and every interest coupon not accrued at the time of such payment sholl be void. Call for payment of this bond shalt be mode by the City Treasurer by moiling notice of such call to , or ttleir successors in business, at their main offices in Seattle, Washington and -by one publication of such call in the ~~~e O~~~i~1 t~:~f7a&O) ~~: less than ten (10) days prior to said call date, and when such call is made this bond sholl be paid on tne dote the next interest coupon thereof shall become due after such call. It is hereby certified and declared that this bond and the bonds of this issue ore issued pursuant to and in compliance with the Con- stitution and lows of the State d~nan~::~~nt~~o~itY~~~d th~; all acts, conditions and things required to be done precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have happened, been done, and performed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Port Angeles, Washington has caused this bond to__ be signed on behalf of the "City with the facsimil. .. $ignecL.on.h.ehoJL. of the Clty- with the facsimile signature of its Mayor, to be attested by the manual signature of its Clerk, the official seal of the City to be impressed hereon, and the interest coupons attached hareto to be signed with the facsimile signatures of said officials this 1st day of August, '981. CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON By (facsimile signature) Mayor ATTEST, (manual signature) City Clerk The interest coupons to be attached to said bonds shall be in substantially the following form: NO._ $_ On the 1st day of _, 19_, the City of Port Angeles. Washington, will pay to the bearer at the office of the City Treasurer the sum shown herein in lawful money of the United States of America out of the locol Improvement District No. 204 Fund of the City, said sum being the inter.st due that dote on bond numbered _ 'of local Improvement District No. 204 of the City. This coupon is subjea to 011 the terms and conditions contained in the bond to wmcn IT IS attached. CITY OF PORT ANGELES, ~ WASHINGTON By (facsimilesignoture) Mayor ATTEST, (facsimile signature) City Clerk Section 4. The Bonds sholl be signed on behalf of the City by the facsimile signature of the Mayor and the manual signature of the City Clerk and sholl hove the official corporate seal of the City impressed thereon. The interest coupons attached thereto shall be signed with the facsimile signatures of said officials. Section S. The sole of these Bonds to Grande & Co., Inc./Campbell, Waterman, Inc. at the price and pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in their offer dated the 4th day of August, 1981, is hereby ratified and con- firmed. ~ - Upon the sale aheid Bonds the appropriate City officials ore hereby authorized to do eyerything necessary for the prompt printing, issuance and delivery of the Bands and the proper application of the proceeds thereof. Section 6, This Ordinance sholl become effective five days from and after its passage, approval and publication os required by low. th:A~~t;D :l ~ho~t c~unn;~lle~~ Washington, at a regular meeting thereof and ap- prayed by its Mayor on this ~th day of August, 1981. CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON By Sameul J. Haguewood Mayor ATTEST, Marian C. Parrish City Clerk CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK STATE OF WASHINGTON) )55: COUNTY OF CLALLAM) I, MARIAN C, PARRISH, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I am the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, and the custodian of it5 records: that the attached and foregoing is a full. true and correct copy of Or- dinance No. 2161 entitled: "AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the issuance of bonds for local Improvement District No. 204. in the total principal sum of $611,655,39:' and that said ordinance was duly passed by the af- firmative vote of each and all of the members of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at 0 regular meeting regularly held on August 4. 1981, at which all members of the Council were present: that soid ordinance has not been altered, amended or repealed and the some is in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the officio I seal of the City' of Port Angeles this 5th day of August, t981. Marion C. Parrish, Clerk Port Angeles. Woshington (SEAL) Pub.: August 10,1981.