HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/05/1936 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 411 " AUlmst 5. 1936 193_ I I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll oall showed the following offioers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Police Judge, Thos. Geisness, reported 16 oases tried and $138.00 colleoted in fines for the month of July, 1936. Report ordered filed. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits and Licenses the following were granted: J. F; Desler, Addition to dwelling, Lot 3, Blk. 417, Townsite Mrs. P. Burke, Hotel (24,Ho oms ) E. Edwards, Second Hand ~tore White's Barber Shop (2 chairs) Port Angeles Reoreation, 4 Pool T~bl~s Port Angeles necreation, Restaurant Port Angeles "Reoreation, Soft Drinks Reliable Furniture Co., Second Hand etore /' Harry Turner, Soft Drinks Mrs. B. Cassilio, Soft Drinks Jerry A. Smith (Red dooster) Restaurant Frank L. Willey, Restaurant Union Drug Co., Counter Lunch Union Drug Co., Soft Drinks v. 400.00 24.00 15.00 2.00 40.00 15.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 / / . Under the head of Unfinished Business,- The Oity Clerk reported that pursuant to call, one bid was on file for the improvement of Eighth utreet from the west margin of Lincoln Street to the east end of lumwater Creek Bridge, as follows: I LEGAL PUBLICATIONS I '" '" XH'I'(('I'~ '1'0 1l1UIl[.ln~ , X"th'f' 1~1 her"\or ~iy('T1 llmt t'pal- ('() loldc; will bl' l'cl:\'iv('oI b~' tlH' ~~~\;:;l,l '1{:,~il;~l:>i~l~:~'ll.t '~~l tif .~ ~O~'l\f<~\l\~ 1:~31j, ,It 11I;lll) n.l:1., :llld I\,'l l:dl'r. t r:: _~_: :~ :~i.l.~ :i::,i>~~]l :(!l~ \ t ji:;\ l:~~~~\ii ~~._~.],~ ~~~~lf(~ ldt\" 'l'1", \\'('I'l<. t"OlllCIlll,i:\t<"11 1~ f01' Ih,: 1'<J1l9t'.'U"tl'HI "f.. an HSllllalll."1 ~ ~1:11~;l"l~ N; ~ jJ~~ ~,~~ It'il~I:'I'~\':: ;~Pll ,;~;,~"::f~~ :-:f!,(.;,t h, Ihp l'll~t ,.nrt of tlH' Tilln- W:I I e1' lJl'lrlg'l'. .\11 Idlh ;,I1L\11 b,' Ilr,- t';::;l ~~ ~:~ "~~f \'i;-, t ;Ih>~~l"~lt~ ~'10l ~, ~:) C;;l' t I~ ~ 1I11'iOUHI hul :1nr'l 1<':lrll" \ll"I-':JlIle tI, \ ~(;;'t t ::~:;~~~~;J;,'~;.l:< ~~:';'i~h'I'I:; ~,i::;:, t ;:~:~" t I~~~ loId wi I] !lot II,' c.'lJn;.id,'~",.d 1 ,\ be!Il') of :;0':: "f till' :.mollnt of t.hp "(oW 1":](" (I1'k" 11111~t ill! fUI'- nl>'ll,'d ],~- the "UC"l't':<::<\"ul hi'l,ll'!". ]'bn_~ :1111] fllIL'{'lfk:,t1on~ lllny ]ll~ ublidlled [l'"m lilt" ('II" ('1.'1\ l1P"1l ..It'llUl<I1!Il.l;" till' f-<Ulll "r :~",."IJ, \\'1l11"h SIUIl \\"111 tll' l'pflllll!l'rl If Ih" lllilns 1111'\ ~l,\"_'ifh'illi1Jll:; ;'1", ,duna',] l~, tlw Clt'l"l~ 1'1':01'" tIll' \'1<113 ,,\1'" {\I"'Il-; ::::h;~gll\'i \~', l'~~J:~~{ll ~:~~ ;" I~l' ;\~'ri;I\:II:~'1 x. -'I" rU\\'E:IX:-: j ~~1"\~1":,2::'~S:~ll~~' y,lli'!~3~ _i 1675 tons of Bituminous cement "Plant Mix" Type, Class F in place @ $6.65 ------------------- $11,138.75 The bid was referred to the City Engineer for ohecking. Under the head of Introduotion of Resolutions the follOWing Uesolution was introduced: RESOLUTION' ACCEPTING EIGHTH STREET BRIDGES WHEREAS, The Bity Engineer having reported to the Commission that the Eighth Street Bridges, Docket No. Wash. 1245R had been completed, there being no defects in materials or workmanship, and reoommended the acoeptance of the said bridges, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. That the City Engineer's report be approved and that the Eighth Street Bridges, Docket No. Wash. l245R be, and the same are hereby accepted. It was moved by eommissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of New Business,- John W. Throckmorton and wife, by their attorneys, Trumbull, Severyns & Trumbull, pre- sented a claim for damages in the sum of $5300.00 for the death of their son, Clyde Throokmorton, alleging that the said Clyde Throckmorton was struok by a City Fire Truck which caused his death. No aotion was taken, the matter being laid over by the Commission for oonsideration. The Commission examined and allowed the following olaims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Pao Tel & Tel Co. Evening News Pao Tel & Tel Co. Olympic Printery City Treasurer Walkling Motor Co. Pine Hill Service Lysa1l ilelding & Fo rge p.A. Concrete Products P.A. Concrete Products Puget Sound Navigation V. A. Samuelson & Co. Port ^ngeles Iron Works Service Publications Serv i oe Supplies Cash advanced ReRairs for stamps 1.25 47.11 .75 5.90 1.00 16.20 26.11 9.15 ~~:99 1.50 1.25 4.11 " Works Co. Co. Co. Bridge Drains Pipe, etc. Freight Grease Truck Repairs ..... ,.. 412 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington August 5, 1936 193_ Haugen Sheet Metal Works Angeles Gravel &: Supply Co. r. c. Groves V. A. Samuelson &: Co. Glenn's :>ervice ;)taUon Pac Tel &: Te 1 Co. Pac Tel &: Tel CO. J. R. McDonald J. H. Thorn ton Pac Tel &: Te~ Co. C. L. Sarff City Treasurer Fire Department WATER FUND Central Motor Parts &: -aohine Works Pac Tel & Tel Co. Purmaid Dairy Purmaid Dairy E. A. Thomas AngUe s Foundry Pert Angel es iron i'orks E. Kohler Puget Sound Navigation Co. Lysall Welding &: Fo rge ,Iorks Ligh t Departme nt Hooker Eleotroohemical Co. Crane Co. LmHT FUND Water Department .' Burroughs Adding Maohine vo. Pine Hill Service Lysall Welding &: Fnrge Works Puget Sound Navigation Co. Westinghouse Eleotrio Supply Co. Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. Port Angeles Iron Works A. S. Knight Co. Pac Tel & Tel ';:0. 'J. Lloyd Aldwell, Inc. Quiak .rrint City Treasurer , Olympic :Printery LIBRARY FUND City Treasurer i Jennilu Norris Demoo Library Supplies Paoker-Scott Company 'Willson Hardware Co. ,Grange Warehouse Co. R. L. Polk & Co. Amerioana Corporation The National Geographical Society The H. W. Wilson Co. Pac Tel & Tel Co. . The Puget Sound News Co. 8th STREET BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION FUND IPacifie Testing Laboratories GUARANTY FUND City Treasurer City Treasurer Repairs Lumber Meals for prisoners Recharge Battery Oil, ete. Se rvi ee " Services as dog catlll'nelr Special Police Ser vi ce Grinding Lawn Mower Water Pay Roll Repairs S~rvic e July Rent August Rent Repairs Meter Boxes Shop l'lork Parts & Labor Freight Shop Work Gasoline Chlorine Pipe & Bi ttings Water at Store Mechanical Service Rep airs Tools Freight Pole Top Fixtures Parts Angle Irons Mete r Boxes Service Ins. on ranges printing Misc. Cash Payments Cards Light & Water Supplie s " Wa ter Pail Fer tilizer Directory Book Books Subscriptions Service . Books Service <1'1 Ib1t, - I.!" .;- .2-+-1, ,r Ie ~ - 'There being no further business the ';:ommission adjourned to meet I Taxes on Lot 10, Blk. 264, Filing Fee ~ f > / /')YYJ ~-v~_ Ci ty GIerk .... 3"' ! ~ ,\ . .75 876.58 18.20 1.50 5.60 4.30 3t65 25.00 9.00 6.25 1.50 420.00 108: 00 I 2.97 '4.25 40.00 40.00 7.02 28.56 2.50 23.00 4.76 18.94 17.10 14.43 43.12 I 8.04 16.75 1.27 8.98 8/55 25.80 2.19 7.63 39.91 13.05 6.00 21. 06 25.71 3.06 I 7.53 1. 75 7.50 . 8.80 1.75 2.30 10.00 6.00 2.50 41. 80 4.25 21.14 21.00 7,]. qlc 94.76 1.95 I August 7~h at 2 p.m. x~ Mayor I