HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/05/1948 I I .1 I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19~ August 5, 471~ '~_,.__n'__n..'m. ........ jThe <:ommission met pursuant to adjournment at 10:00 A.M., and Vias called to order by Mayor Epperson. Officers 'present were ),layor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Wilson, and Clerk Law. I I' The bids submitted to fUrnish for the Light Department one diesel power plant were, . !recOnSidered. Mr. Steele informed that due consideration and study had been devoted to the bids individuallr, / and it was moved by Commissioner Steele that the bid submitted by Fairbanks-Morse Company for $70,589.00 be" V laccepted~ Motion seconded by Mayor 'Epperson. All members voted Aye, and the motion was unanimously carried: "~i. NOtlC~,oj';I~r~b~. ~T;'e~E~~u bIds Pursuant to a resolution adopted, fixing date of hearing for vacation of a p~rtion' f:11l be received by tile City Clerk " . . , f the Clt:r of Port A. ngeJes. at the of the alley In Block 200, Towns1te of Port Angeles" the followl.ng notJ.ce was I f~~~ ro~b]o ~, ~~.I,d A~~~st r12Et, ~~~\~ posted: to furnlsb for the Ll>:ht Department I i flppr<l~imately 111)0 lineal feet of 111- I dustrlal fenclng and gates. Speci- fications may be obtalnel'l at tIle ot- flce or the Llgllt Superintendent. :The CommIssion reserYCB the right to reject any or aU bids. ~ J. cff'~. ~fc~~.. PubUsh August 6, 12, 1945. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 4th day of August, 1948, a Petition was filed with the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, to vacate the following described portion of an alley, to wit: The Northerly Three (3) feet of the _Alley extending Easterly from the East margin of Lincoln Street, a distance of One Hunired Fifty (150) feet in Block Two Hundred (200) Townsite of Port Angeles. NOTICE IS JilJRTHER GIVEN THAT ON TIlE 4th day of August, 1948, the City COilUllission of the City 0 f Port Angeles duly adopted a Resolution dire cting the t a hearing on j said petition to vacate said portion of said alley be held in the City Commission Room of the City of Port Angeles in the Fire Hall, on Wednesday the 25th day of August, 1948, at the hour of 11 o'clock A.M. DATED this 4th day of August, 1948. J. 1::. Law, City Clerk AFFIDA VIT OF POSTING IN THE MATTER OF TIlE VACATION OF the following described portion of an alley, to-wit: The Northerly Three (3) Feet of the Alley extending ~asterly from the East margin of Lincoln Street, a distance of One Ilundred Fifty (ISO) Feet in Block Two Hundred (200) Townsite of Port Angeles. -iH~~H~~-~HEHHHH~-iH!-t"* 1 STATE OF WASHINGTON) I!, . ) ss. I' ,I COUNTY QF GLALLAM ) I ,Ill. E. Dqdge, being firot duly sworn, deposes and says that he was at the times herein mentioned of fUll age,,1 a resid<!nt of Port Angeles, Clallam County, State of Washington, and a citizen of tha United States and of I ,the Sta~e of Washington; That on the 5th day of August, 1948, he posted true and complete copies of the "origir.aJ, notice of hearing on petition to vacate the certain portion of an alley described in the notice "hearing ,hereto attached. lone copy was poste<il at the front door of the Court Ilouse in Clallam County, Washington; one at the front ,of the qity Building at 140 West Front street, Port Angeles; one in a conspicuous place on that certain ,IPortion:.of an alley which is sought to be vacated in the petition in the above entitled matter. H. E. Dodge II Subs cri~ed and sworn to before me this 5th day of August, 1948. i Betty M. Church, .Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Port Angeles. !;y Commias.ion Expires 11-13-50. IThere b~ing no fUrther business, the session was declared adjourned. of ' 1,1 ''''I I J5tA ,\ C;-~....~ - I Mayor I I I , I I I , , I I, I I I ~ ,I , ~ I (). C: ~, f City Clerk