HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/05/1954 I I. 'I I ::0 Proceedings of the City Com~ission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington .403 August 5 19~ It was moved by Councilman Sandison that minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Seconded by Council- jman Nolfe. All voted Aye. Hotion carried. Ume:- the head of ~iniShed business, bias to 'purchase Geheral Obligation Street Improvement Boros were Ire?elVed as follows: Foster and Marshall par plus a total premium of $29.00. Interest rate, 2.<$. 1st J:labonal Bank of Port Angeles, par plus $2~.00 premium, interest rate, 2.35%. It was'moved by Councilmsn McFa<:lden that the offer by Foster and ~larshall be accepted. Sew med by Councilman Brown and unmimously Icarrled. IPursuant to call for bids published to furnish power poles for the Ligh17 Department, the following were received: Casc~de Pole compa~i $~,738.25. Puget Timber Company, $5,258.30. It was moved by Councilman ~own that,the bld,by Cascade Po e Co. be approved as awarded. Seconded by Councilmsn McFadden All voted \Aye. Motlon earned. · I IT~e Council authCllT'i~ed ~lanager Vergeer to proceed with obtaining rlgj'lts-of-way for the Enlarged Improvement iD1Strict, also publish palls for, am a\~ard bids for clearing and removal of buildings. Manager Vergeer reported'that pre-payments of $50.00 per lot for sewer improvement in the East 5th and Penn Street area amount to $2,225.00. Also that option for purchase of the Perfection Bakery bUilding is arranged at price of $18,000.00, $4,000.00 per year for four years and $2,000.00 the last payment, interest at 5 %. It >Tas moved by Councilman liolfe that option be executed and building purchased as per lagreeroent. Seconded by Councilmsn }[cFadden. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ' ,In consideration of an appointment to the Planning Board to replace Emery A. Ste>Tart resigned CQuncilma.'1 'Sandison informed that he had contacted Hugh Hankins regarding the appointment and ~~. liankins~s ,;illi to serve. Councilman Sandison then recommended that Hr. Hankins be appointed to serve on the Flanning I 'Board. No other nominations appearing, it was moved by Councilman Brown that the appointment be confi1"llled, Seconded by Councilman KcFatden and unanirr~usly carried. I The State Iliglway Department submitted offer to stripe paved streets in the City at cost of $70.00 per mile. ,Council approved the offer e.nd authDrized that certain streets be striped. I Under the head of ne" business, Council approved claims paid July 20, 26, and August 3, in total amount of $17,658.73. It >Tas m(1;ed by CounciLll3Jl Po-,;ell that claims be approved as paid. Secomed by Councilman Brown. All voted Aye. Hot ion carri ed. i The Council examined departmental reports as follo..s: I~onthly l:lldget reports of departments, Police Dept. tor July, Treasurer's report to June 30, Folice Judge report tor July. It >Tes m(1;ed by Councilman Holfe ' that the reports be accepted and filed. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. .ill members vet ed Aye. Motion .'e arri ed. , - , Harold Donahue appeared before the Council and requested that the alley in Blk. 133 of Certer's Subdivision be vacated, he being the owner of all except one Lot in the Block. The Council informed that a petition requesting vacation of the alley is necessary before the date of hearing is set or any action taken. I l1i.nimum prices for purchase of property were requested on City Lots as follows: i Lots land 2, Blk. 153. It was mOlfed by Councilman Neer that the minimum be fixed at $250.82. by Councilman McFadden. All voted Aye. ].:otion carried. I Lots 13 and 14, Blk. 127. It was moved by CouncilE>.an Nolie that the minimum be set at ~3oo.00. ed by Councilman Sandison and carried. I Lot 19, Blk. 243. It >Tas moved by Councilman McFadden that minimum be fixed at ~~200.00. Seconded by Councilman lrrown. All voted J..ye. Notion carried. 1 - Lots 9 and 10, Blk. 245. It wae moved by .coWlcilman Bro\;n that t'le minimum be $100.00 for the t>TO lots. Seconded by Councilman NeeI' and unanimously carried. Lot s 16 and 17, Blk. 245. It >Tas moved by Councilman Brown that minimum be $200.00 for the two lots. Seconded by- Councilman ~[cFadden ani carried. ; Lots 9 and 10, Blk. 155. It >Tas moved by Councilman Wolfe that minimum be $150.00 for the t>ro lots. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All vet ed Aye. Motion carried. ! Lots 13, ~, 15, Blk. 113. It >Tas moved by Councilman McFadden that the minimum be $225.00 for the three lots. Seconded bv Councilman Brown and carried. I Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, Blk. 356. 'It was moved by Councilman Neer that the minimum be $500.00 for the four lots. Seconded by Councilman Brown. All voted Aye.. ' Moti.on carried. Term of contract sales >Tere considered. It was moved by Councilman Neer that a policy be established whereby 25% down payment is required and term of cont,ract not to exceed one year. Seconded l:!Y Councilman Sandison and unanimously carried. Seconded I Second- The Council considered agreement for tennination of power contract bet>Teen the City and Public Utility Dist- of" !-:lct No. 1 of Clallam County, the same now being in process of negotiation. Manager Vergeer cit ed advantages .,;"..~ ~o the City by terminating the contract, also to P.U.D. and industries. Mr. Vergeer then read in full the I .~ 'l.'~ contract a~ drafted and recomme~ded th~t the May?r be aut~orized to execute. agr:ement between the P.U.D. and ...'<( )..ti~O the City as explllined at 'Councll meet~ng, by- whch the Clty 1dll. pay ~he Dl.5tnct &224,000~00 for te~nat-;(.~' ,/' t- ~.'on of the existing power cor.tract by December 31, 195~Cand the Clty Wlll transfer to the District, htle} l\ '1>'" to the City's eleotric distribution system South of the hali section line running East and \'lest through'~ I 110 ~ Sections ~, 15 and 16, bounied on the East by v,'hites Creek and the .Iest by Valley Creek;) Also authorize ~e 'the execution of a water agreement commencing January- 1, 1955 and extending a period of (en years at the rates contained in the proposed agreement. It >Tas the opinion of Council m!!lIlbers that all matters bave been very- well ironed out and it >Tas 'moved, by Councilman I-!cFadden that the recommendation be approved ani the ;Mayor authorized to execute agreements. J.lotion seconded by Councilman .lolie and unaniibously carried. I ' > ,Council discussod traffic to the scene of activities on Chadwick Day ani rates chargeable for transportation by for-hire cars. It apjJcars that a fee of 75~ per passenger is agreeable by all. It was moved by Council- inan Neer that a fee of not to exceed 75~ be established on that day for the Ediz Hook run. Seconded by 'Councilmail Brown. 'All voted Aye. Motion earried. I ' ~ager 'fergeer reported receipt of communication from the U. S. CoastGuard announcing a'meeting August '11th, 10:00 jb,lclock A~ II., at the Coa.stGuard Air B,!-se at >Thi~h time the Ediz Hook Lease and elilr.ination 'of 166:> feet of the same >rill be discussed. l~. Vergeer also informed of meeting with County Commissioners '3Jld Reid Priest regarding, drainage problem of FraIlklin School and the Priest developme!lt project. Mr. Verg....r then announced that the Union-Radio Cab Co. has discontillliled using the stand at Fl:'ont and Lincoln as pre.viously requested, thereby eliminating traffic hazard at that ,corner. Also read a letter from Cliff Arney- i.,nforndng of agreement with the Lee Hotel to park one cab in front of the Hotel. This >Tas referred ,'to Ohief Kochanek for investigation. j. ,.. 404 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington All2',Q+; i'^""ti ""...rt 19.-!j4- iii.... '"", . ....." ''''''", .m'..... ,'.""..... ...... I , !'fa.ror Smitp annoul1f'ed a meeting of the Survey and Rating' Bureau scheduledifor September 20, 21, 22 in Seattle, urging the Fire Chief and Building Inspecto'r to attend. I ' .' ~Q,Uncil discussed return. visitation of Hayor Smith to Rosenheim and appointment of a Council member to ;~erve as Mayor ProTem. during his absence. It Has moved by Councilman McFadden that Councilman NeeI' be ~lected to act as Mayor curing the absence of Y.a,yor Smith. Secomed by Councilman Powell. nl rnbinbers voted !Aye except Councilman Neer who voted opposed. Motion carried. I On be~alf' of', the Council, Council.!nhn rowell presented Mayor Smith \dth appropriate card autographed \:If City ?ffielals, w.Lshing the Hayor Bon Voyage am Safe !leturn. Also several postcards reminding the Mayor to ,account for his whereabouts. I ttier the head of introduction of Resolutions, the following was introduced an:! read in full: I DlPROWlENT RESOLUTION NO: 166 ' . A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles, ~lashin,gton, declaring the intention of the City ~ouncll to construct and improve certain streets wi thin the city and do all work necessary in connection therewith, and fixing a tir.le arr.! date for the hearing on this resolution of intention. ~ BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Argeles, Washington, as follows:' I Section 1. That it is the intention of the City €ouncil of the City of Port Angeles, \/ashington, to order t~e construction and improvement of the follolling described highway, 'streets, alley and drive together Wlth all necessary appurtenances thereto and by doing all work necessary in connection therewith: I A. Clearing, draining, grading, ballasting and paving of a highway up Tumwater Canyon oetween Cedar and Tunrifater Streets from l'ari,:e Drive to Lauridsen Bouleval<'d and "A" Street, thence westerly .on l..aundsen Boulevard to '''C'' Street, mth a 24-foot >Jide asphaltic concrete pavement. I B. Grading, draining, ballasting am paving of J.larine Drive from a point 200 feet east of its ~ntersection with "A" Street to Ediz Hook Road with 8-inch cement concrete pavement 20 feet to 24 feet wide, With cement. concrete curbs and gutters where necessarY" with a 9-foot wide asphalt parking strip on the ~outherly slde of said paving, ,rith the construction of a precast concrete bridge 28 feet >ride and with a 4-foot wide walk across the lagoon >Taterway. . I C' Filling, draining, grading and ballastirlg of West Front Street produced >resterly from Oak St,reet to its ,intersection >rith Valley Street or to a point approximately 150 feet >Testerly of the W. margin of CherTY Street.. Valley Street from West First Street to West Front Street as produced; Cherry ?treet from West First :;treet to West Front Street as produced, with 50-foot >ride asphalt pavement; and the iUley bet>Teen Front and First Streets extending from Oak Street to Valley Street. ~d improv~jC~~~n~a J~i ~~e arl:~i~ t\rl~~~s ath:~ ~IT"t~e~f ~~~~ ~~~~g~ t,m a d~;~e t~~ ~~~~~cted [property lying lIithin the city limits, it is the intention of the Council to create an enlarged 'local iin- provement district to pay the cost of such iroprovements. ' . , 1, It is estimated that approximately 18% of the cost of these improvements shall be charged to the property lying betwe1n the termini qf the proposed improvements and extenting back from the llBrginal lines thereof to the middle of each Qlock (or at least 90 feet back) 'on each side thereof, an:! that approx- pnately S2% of the cost of such improvements will be charged to the remainder of the property within the enlarged district, the proposed bourrlaries of which are as follows: ' I Beginning at a point on the Northerly Margin of Lauridsen Boulevard and the E'lsterly Hargin of :'F" Street, which is the South>lest corner of alock Four Hun:l.red Fifty-EiJ.lht (458), To>rnsite; thence Norther1,y along the said Easterly Hargin of <"F" Street to the Northerly argin of 'Threlfth (12th) Street, thenceWest'erly along the said Northerly HarGin of Twelfth (:!.2th) Street to the Nesterly line of Lot Sixteen (16), Block Three Hundred Fifty-Seven (357), TClmsite; thence Northerly alo~ said Ivesterly lot line produced Northerly to the Northerly Hargin of the 'alley bet>Teen Tenth (10) and Eleventh (11) Streets; tJ'ience 'westerly' along said Northerly Hargin of the said alley between TeIlth (1.0) and Eleventh (,11) Streets to the Easter1,y 11argin of "1." Street; the,nce Northerly alang the said East,erly line of "L" ptreet to 'the Norther1,y ]'largin of Tenth (10) Street; thence l'jesterly along the s,aid J\ortherly Margin of Xenth (10) Street to a point near the center of Suburban Lot Forty-Eight. (~) >h ich is 'Thre Hundred Fifty (250) feet Easterly 'from the Ea.sterly Y",rgin of "N" Street; thence Northerly through Su~urbar: Lot Forty I Eight (48) and the center of Blocks 'Th.o (2) and One (1) of ,the Subdivision of Suburban Lot Thirty-Eight (38) to the intersection 1'Ii th the Southerl,y line of the C.M.St.P. & P. R.R. 'Right of Way line; thence lWat~~ ll,terly along the said Railroad Right of Way line to the intersection of the EaGt~rly Line of Suburban Lot Xhirty-Three; thence Northerly along the said Easterly line of Suburban Lot Thi>:ty-Tqree (33) and along the Easterly line of Suburban Lot Thirty (30) to the Strait of ,Juan de Fuca; thence Northeasterly along t he out~ shore line of Ediz 'Hook for a distance of, approximatoly three thousand six ,hundx:ed a11d forty (3640)' fee'"; thence on the approximate course of S 45 551 E. to an :i,ntersection with an at right mgles to the Inner Harbor Line; thence Southerly an:! Easterly along said Inner Harbor line 'to the North>Test corner of Block Nine (9) >tIich point is on the Easterly margin of ".A." Street; thence Northeasterly a distance of 370 !feet along the Eastmoly margin of "A" Street; thence in a Southeasterly diredtion on the extension 'of aline 'fifteen (15) feet Northerly of an parallel to the C.M.St.P.. & p. R.R. mail! line' tangent between Oak and Cedar Streets to the angle point of the Inner Harbor Line at the Northwest corner of the intersection elf Railroad Avenue 'an:! Oak Street; thence Northerly along the Westerly Hargin of Oak Street produc ecj Northerly one hundred fifty (150), feet; thence Southeasterly across the Ilarbor area 'parallel to Railroad Avenue, to the Westerly 11argin of Chase Street; thence Southeaster~ along the Inner Harbor Line to the Westerly Margin of vacated Liberty Street extended Northerly; thence Southwesterly along said extended Westerly Margin of Liberty Street to the Southerly Hargin of vacated Railroad Avenue; thence Easte'rly al ong the ::;'outnerJ.j Hargin of vacated Railroad Avenue to its junction with the East City Limits Line; thence South along the East City Lilllits line to the Northerly Right of Way Line of the C.M.St.P. & P. R. R. Co.; thence l'lesterly along said Right of ,'lay Line to the Easterly Margin of vacated Liberty Street; thence Southerly along the said margin of vacated Liberty Street to the line designated as the Westerly brink of Ennis Creek Valley, 'continuing Southerly along the Westerly brink of Ennis, Creek Valley am lfuites Creek Valley to the Northerly Margin of Lauridsen Boulevard, East of Nalcott Street; thence Westerly al ong said Northerly Margin of Lauridsen Boulevard to the place of beginning, ,excepting certain lots and portions lying in Tumwater Creek Valley, Valley Creek Valley and Peabody Creek Valley. , Section 3. The City's engineers are hereby directed'to sut:m4t to the Council at 'or prior to the date fixed for such hearing a statement of the estimated cost and e>.-pense of such :lJnprovements, the portion of ,such cost andexpense that should be borne by the property >lithin the propos:,d enlarged district" the local improvement disttict assessments outstanding an:! unpaid against the property ~n such proposed district, and the aggregate actual valuation of the real estate, including 25% of the actual valuation of the improvements in the proposed district according to the, valuation last pfaced upon it for the purposes of general,taxation, together ~ith a diagram or print showing thereon the lots, tracts, parcels of land and other propertY':-hich, will be specially benefited by said improvements ani the estim9.ted mtount of the 1. cost and expense th"ereof' to, he bor. ne by each lot, tract or parcel of ,land or other :property wi}.hin the proposed enlarged district.' " < " 'Section 4. All p~sons who may desire to object to th ~ fOrIMtion <;f such e~rged diS,trict are j hereby notified to appear ij,lrl present such objections at i' ~eetlng of "the Clty Counal to be ,held in the Roosevelt Junior High School Auditori'Jlll, Port Angeles, ~rashlngton, at 7:30 P.M. on the 22d day of Sept- ember, 1954, which tinie and place is hereby fixed for hearing of matters relating to said proposed im- I provements and all objections thereto and for detennining the method of 'payment of said improvements. I I ~ ,I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington August 5 continued 19~ AN ORl1INANCE of t he City of Port Angeles to be Imown as the "Building Code", regulating the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration" repair, moving, removal, conversion, demolition, occupancy, equipment, use, aread and maintenance of buildings or structures in the CitY. of Port Angeles, I providing for the issuance of permits an:! collection of fees therefore, declaring and establishing fire districts, pro1llling penalties for the violation thereof, adopting by reference a unifonn building code and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance, and specifying the effective date hereof. . It was moved by Councilman NeeI' that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first reading. Seconded by CounciLllan .folfe and unanimously carried. Under the head of introduction and reac'ing of Ordir.&r,ces J the following was introduced am read in full for consideration: ORDINANCE llU. 1331 . AN ORDINANCE vacating a portion of Ninth Strect running from the 1cIest line of "B" Street to a line 50, fe~t East of the East line of "C" Street in the City of Port A.'1geles, Ifashington. It, was moved by Councilman Pewell that the foregoing Ordinance be' approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman McFadden. .u.l voted Aye. 110tion carried. ;I/\L~ Ma8"or Amendmsnt: "That the service areas as between the City and the District shall be defined in the I\greemant of cancellation am service t'acilities of each of the parties redistributed to accommodate such service area", 4051 . ~