HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/05/1965 ?"2 ....0 Proceedings of the Ci~ Gommission of the Gi~ of Port Angeles, Washington August 5, 19~ LllItI''''INnNCllc:o._I'..l!:UU_~ I The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. Officers present were Mayor Willson, Councilj' men Maxfield, Thorne, Cornell, Wolfe, Bettger and Schroeder; Manager Herrman, Attorney Moffett and Clerk McNeece. A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Schroeder and carrled, to accep~ as recelved, and place on flle minutes of the prevlous meeting. A motion was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried to approve the Claims vouchers for payment in the total amount of $140,842.96 and Payroll transfers in amount of $37,566.41. The following resolutions were read in full. RESOLUTION NO. 18-65 A RESOLUTION establishing a policy with reference to sick leave for employees. A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Schroeder and carried, to adopt the foregoing resolution as read. (This resolution sets up the policy to be followed concerning sick leave pay for on the job injury time loss.) RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles amend- ing Resolution No. 23-63 with reference to rate charges for Ocean View Cemetery. A motion was made by Councilman Schroeder, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, to tpble this resolution for further study. RESOLUTION NO. 19-65 I ~ A RESOLUTION providing for a loan from the Current Expense Fund to the Equipment Rental Fund. A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried, to pass the foregoing resolution as read. ($13,000.00 loan to be paid back in 1966.) The fcllowing Ordinance was read in full. ORDINANCE NO. 1567 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending Paragraph (e) Section 24.23 of the Code of the City of Port Angeles with reference to charges for turning on and off water connections and emergencies. ,A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Cornell and unanL~ously carried, to 'adopt the foregoing ordinance as read. (A charge of $5.00~is to be made for all turn ons or turn IOffs for a temporary period (of less than two months) for work performed on regular City work days, and $10.00 for work done at any other time.) A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried, to request the County Auditor to let the Council know whether a new election is to be held regarding the annexa- tion in the Mt. Angeles area so they will know what action to take. (The election held on July 20, 1965 was declared invalid.) I I A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Rettger and carried, that the Ci~y Manager, City Attorney and the Police Chief draw up a suitable ordinance to accomplish the purposedl as indicated in the proposed ordinance. (The Police Chief proposed an ordinance setting charges II for excess weight on trucks, which travel between two points within the city, and allowing no park-, ing of trucks on streets in residential areas.) IThe Light Department Audit Report for 1964 was presented to the Council for their information and study. A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and unanimously carried, to prepare whatever is necessary to grant a variance of the Building Code and allow the roofing of this particular structure (KONP Radio Station) with the cedar shingles as requested by Mr. George Buck. (This action wa~ taken.after a lengthy discussi~n. It was felt that this would not increasel the fire hazard appreclably Slnce the bUlldlng ltself lS a wooden structure.) A letter from the City Engineer was read stating that protests against the improvements in L.I.D. I No. 187 represents 37.4% of the total estimated cost of the improvement which is $140,968.70. A motion was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried, to approve the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant Charles R. Gallacci permission to construct a carport with a hold back of 24 feet instead of 25 feet on a lot at Park Avenue and Laurel Street. A motion was made by Councilman Schroeder, seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried, to approve I the Planning Commission's recommendation and grant Del Guzzi Construction Company permission to construct an additional duplex residential unit on the south 70 feet by 100 feet of Lots 10 and 11, Block 54, at 3rd and Laurel Streets, provided the connection to the present building be a common wall and that off-street parking be provided with one space per unit. A motion was made by Councilamn Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried, to concur with I I the Planning Commission's recommendation and grant Walt Reyes permission to construct multiple occupancy units for college student housing on Lots 18, 19 and 20, Block 1 Highland View Acre Trac~9J with provision that adequate off-street parking be provided. I I I ... I I I I I I I I ProceeDings of t~e Ci~ Commission of the Ci~ of Port Angeles, Washington Page -2- August 5 , 19~ LIlrIlPlll~TI"Gt:O. P.~.,U_~ A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried, to approve the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant Lowell K. Jaeger permission to construct a single family residence on a lot of less than 7000 square feet in the Apple Lane area. A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, that the Planning Commission minutes of August 3, 1965 be approved and placed on file. A motion was made by Councilman"Bettger, seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried, to accept the Park Board minutes of July 22, 1965 as read, and place them on file. A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, to accept as submitted, and place on file the Municipal Judge's monthly report; Volunteer Firemen Report; the report on the Electrical Department Status as of the Fall of 1965; and the report on Library Con- vention. Other subjects of discussion were the protest by Mr. Flatau (in person) concerning his sewer charge; the request of James Cahill and Dick Lorentzen (in person) for water service to an area adjacent td the City, south of Ahlvers Road, (This was discussed at length resulting in these gentlemen being informed that if they would see that the area was platted, with dedicated streets and alleys, up to City specifications, water service might then be considered.); extension of the fence on the Eighth Street Bridge over Valley Street; dogs roaming in yards; and better sprinkling methods. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. gll~ ~-"./ City Clerk c;t/~,~~#~ M yor NOTICE TO CON']':&ACT'OBS CALL roR. BIDS :'-'"otlce is hereb,r given that :sealed bUts for sanitarY ~cwer COllRtructlon j will be rcceived- at the office of the. CJty Clerk a.t tlle Clty Hall, 140 'Vest }?ronl Street, Port Angeles. I Washinglon untll 2 o'clock P.M.. 'If::l'!ltel1llJcr l, 1965, and not later, I :I~e ~~l t~: C!:i;;e~Il;:~~~ICl~, :~~I};~~~ tor the following approximate qUD.Il- t1rlcs of work amI m:Llcorial.s: ~ ~9.0f)O Lln. Ft 'l'ren[!.!1 F..xcHvaUnn ! 11.~~~ t;~: ~~: ~~:: g~~~:~~ ;:~~ i 16900 Lln. Ft. !I" COIH'rt'te Pipe , 3(1 Eacb 'Manholp-~ I Dl'lalled plane: and l'P~drir..atlOn.. I !~~)' c~:y Oi~~'~~~r f~~~~n t~e d~;~I;li ~i : l~~'l;~;i~ ~~~lQ b~~~~~~~ae~$2t5~O~~i ~~~s~ l~i~~~';n~jJj~:~ifl~~~~on~eturn of th~ I , QU',lifiC3.tiOll of lJlooers is re, qllir- i erl and the City resen'es the Tight t(1 l'(\I'u!"c to qualify nny I)l(lder Till' City reMI'\'es tilE' right to re-/ jN't allY or all proposals. A five pereent (5%) of totnJ bid nf"pCf'H Cll(H'k or hid bond of equal amount must 3ccompan:r each pro- pOf'n1. r.o~:I~:~~atliona~~c~~~ng;'ty r~~~l'~~~ln w~~1 be made In tbe City Council Cham_ !;('fS fl.1 7:~O P.M., S~Pt"mbcr :2. U6i'q B. B. McNEE(,K, Clt~. Clerk City of Port AnA'e]e~ ~ Pul>l1sbC'd: August l~ s.ncl 2'1;. 1965 il~ :1 I: ..' .... 263 .....