HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/05/1986I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Whidden called the meeting to order at 7:01 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Whidden, Councilmen Hallett, Hesla, McPhee, Quast, Schermer, Stamon. Members Absent: Staff Present: Public Present: III MINUTES None. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington August 5, 1986 Manager Flodstrom, Acting City Attorney Kelly, City Clerk Anderson, D. VanHemert, M. Cleland, G. Booth, S. Brodhun, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, D. Wolfe, K. Rodocker, D. Heassler, B. Coons, M. Bowes, B. Jones. L. Sunny, M. Lemon, J. Ward, D. Ward, H. Berglund, B. Burnham, R. Page, T. C. Breen, M. Crawford, L. Stocker, V. Snow. 573 Councilman Hallett moved to accept and place on file the minutes of the July 15, 1986, meeting. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried. Finance Director Wolfe introduced newly appointed Personnel Manager, Bob Coons, and Parks Director Brodhun introduced Mark Bowes, Recreation Coordinator. IV FINANCE 1. Councilman stones #2 monitors, seconded. carried. Request for Progress Payment to Tejas Controls of $127,680.36 for SCADA Remote Metering System Stamon moved to authorize payment for the completion of Mile and #3 for 75% of the total purchase amount, less $5,000 for in an amount not to exceed $127,680.36. Councilman Quast Discussion followed. On call for the question, the motion 2. Request Payment to Riddell, Williams of $892 for legal representation on WPPSS Issues Councilman Quast moved to authorize payment of the July 18, 1986, Riddell, Williams bill in the amount of $892. Councilman Hallett seconded and the motion carried. 3. Consideration of Bid Award for Fifth and Oak Playground Equipment Councilman Schermer moved to accept the recommendation of the Parks Department and authorize payment of $5,615.84 to Pacific Playground for playground equipment at the Fifth and Oak Playground. Councilman McPhee seconded and the motion carried. 4. Consideration of Bid Award for Substation Switchgear Councilman Stamon moved to award the bid for substation switchgear for the Seventh and "I" Street Substation to Pederson Power Products of Omaha, Nebraska, in the amount of $109,865. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried. 5. Consideration of Acceptance of Work at Seventh and Peabody First and Final Payment Councilman Hallett moved to authorize payment in the amount of $11,500 to J. B. Excavation for removal of buildings, foundations, underground tanks, and clean -up at the Seventh and Peabody site. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried. 574 CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 5, 1986 V CONSENT AGENDA Following discussion at some length, Councilman Stamon moved to accept the items under the Consent Agenda, including: (1) Request progress payment on Campbell Avenue Sewer to Avon Construction of $6,218.94; (2) Request final payment on Boulevard and Lincoln intersection to Lakeside Industries of $2,508.08, plus retainage of $3,240.67; (3) Request permission to call for proposals on Recycling and Salvage at the Landfill; (4) Request permission to call for bids on Falls Creek Hydro Project; (5) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board; and (6) Vouchers of $1,117,572.99 and Payroll of 7 -13 -86 of $235,101.45. Councilman Hesla seconded and the motion carried. VI ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA Jack Pittis, 127 East Park, as representative of Derby Days, distributed the official brochure to Councilmembers. Bernie Brown, 3145 Highway 101 East, #17, spoke regarding problems with handicapped parking in front of the Library on Lincoln Street. Bob and Laura Holman, P. 0. Box 748, spoke regarding the Animal Control Ordinance, specifically pit bulls. Mr. Holman reported that pit bulls had attacked his cat in his yard, then bitten a boy on the City Pier. There was discussion at length. Phyllis Arndt, 1856 Dry Creek Road, commended Animal Control Officer George Bower. Richard Page, 918 South "G" Street, requested clarification on the Gund Plaza 50 -foot setback requirements. VII LEGISLATION 1. "Yard of the Month" Award Presentations Mayor Whidden presented Yard of the Month awards to: Bill and Davene Rodocker, Bill and Jean Folden, Ray and Ann Nelson, Ralph and Dorothy Gribble, Greg and Dana Richardson, Jim and Evelyn Woolett. Neighborhood Yard of the Month awards went to: Ron and Leslie Dimmel, Scott and Sharon Davidson, Stephen and Lori Jo Allison, Bob Hopf, Craig Ronish and Vickie Henderson, all residents in the 1600 block of West 14th Street. 2. EDC Presentation of Peninsula Promotional Video and Preview of New Investor's Guide Dick aster, President of EDC, presented a Peninsula promotional video and the new Investor's Guide. 3. Planning Commission Minutes of July 23, 1986 A. Shoreline Management Hearing Sea Farm of Norway Following Council discussion, John Foster, P. 0. Box 1478, of Sea Farm of Norway, answered Councilmembers' questions. Councilman Quast felt the de- cision could be delayed by one Council meeting and referred back to the Planning Commission if there was assurance of receipt of the finalized findings of the DOE and Department of Fisheries within ten days. Council- man Quast then moved to refer the matter back to the Planning Commission to await receipt of DOE's and Fisheries finalized findings. Councilmen Hallett and McPhee opposed a delay in the decision. Councilman Stamon spoke in support of a delay. Mike Lemon, 1026 West llth Street, stated that alternative locations and expansion of present pens had been discussed. Lengthy discussion followed. Bill Brouillard, 1030 Mt. Pleasant Road, was primarily concerned with impacts to recreational fishing. Dick Goin, 502 Viewcrest, felt there should be an investigation as to chemicals used in the fish farming operation. He indicated he would be willing to discuss the issue with representatives of Sea Farm. Hattie Berglund, 1834 West Seventh Street, questioned the accuracy of a letter from the Economic Development Council B. Approval of Minutes Councilman Schermer moved sion minutes of July 23, carried. 4. Presentation by Lisa Program 8. Resolution on Overgrown Lots Mayor Whidden read the Resolution by title, entitled CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 5, 1986 and felt it waS O I NF9 1T- 3. She was impressed with the promotional video, emphasizing that she was impressed with the portion on Battelle Northwest. Jim Blore, 525 West Fifth Street, mentioned that at a recent Shoreline Advisory Board hearing, a question of conflict of interest with the commercial fishing industry had been raised. John Ward, President of Olympic Outdoor Sportsmen, expressed concern with the potential loss of sports fishing areas and reminded Council of all the volunteer work that had been done by his organization. Jerry Glass, Chairman of the Planning Commission, answered questions by Councilmembers regarding the public hearing conducted by the Planning Commission on the issue. Following discussion, Councilman Quast moved for the purpose of obtaining additional evidence, the records be opened on this matter and that the Shoreline Management hearing, Sea Farm of Norway, on Ediz Hook, SMA- 85(10)- 73, be remanded back to the Planning Commission. Furthermore, that the applicant, with the assistance of the City Manager and the cooperation of the sports fishermen organizations, specifically John Ward, agree on the selection of a neutral observer and chairman of that mediation committee, in order that a possible compromise may be reached. Councilman Schermer seconded, and amended the motion to include that the Coast Guard, Pilot's Association, sportsmen, and Sea Farm all have representatives on the committee. Councilman Quast concurred. On call for the question, the motion carried, with Councilman Hallett voting "No to accept and place on file the Planning Commis 1986. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion Cochrun on Initial Efforts of Public Information Lisa Cochrun presented information on initial efforts and progress of the Public Information Program. She stated the goal of the program was to give proper advance notice of upcoming relative events to citizens. She also listed a number of other services the Program would provide. Leo Sunny questioned what this program could accomplish that coverage by the Daily News could not. Manager Flodstrom explained the newsletter would cover a wider range of topics not appropriate for or considered newsworthy by the Daily News and would give more matter -of -fact information. Discussion followed. Councilman Quast moved to expedite the first edition. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion seconded. 5. Proclamation of Farewell to U. S. Coast Guard Cutter CONFIDENCE Mayor Whidden read the farewell proclamation to the CONFIDENCE, wishing them a safe return to Port Angeles on the new vessel, ACTIVE. Mayor Whidden also extended the Council's best wishes on the Coast Guard's 196th anniversary August 1, 1986. He noted the Coast Guard has been an integral part of Port Angeles for over 120 years and hoped it would remain for at least another 120 years. 6. Consideration of BPA (Bonneville Power Administration) Metering Installation Agreement Councilman Stamon moved to authorize the City Light Director to sign a work order agreement with BPA. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. 7. Consideration of Additional Morse Creek Pipeline Engineering Services Councilman Quast moved to authorize expansion of the scope of work for the project to include engineering for Morse Creek pipeline repair, thereby increasing the Schuchart budget amount to $180,000, and subconsulting the geotechnical, surveying, and inspections amount to $80,000. Councilman Hallett seconded and the motion carried. 576 CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 5, 1986 RESOLUTION NO. 23 -86 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, declaring the existence of a public nuisance and requiring the elimination of such nuisance. Councilman Schermer moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Coun- cilman Stamon seconded and amended the motion to include that lots which have L ipper', �e ca ed 4nd inspected by the Public Works Department be stricken X from Councilman Schermer concurred. On call for the question, the motion carried. 9. Presentation of Solid Waste Utility Report Councilman Stamon moved to postpone the presentation until the August 19th Council meeting. Councilman Hesla seconded and the motion carried. 10. Request Authorization to Apply for Referendum 38 Grant to Cover Reservoirs Councilman Hallett moved to authorize the Public Works Director to submit a Referendum 38 Grant application to DSHS for their consideration. Council- man Stamon seconded. Following some discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried. 11. Consideration of Employment Contract with Director of Fine Art Center Councilman Schermer moved to concur with the City Manager's recommendation and authorize Mayor Whidden to execute an employment agreement between the City of Port Angeles and Duncan McKiernan for the position of Fine Art Center Director. Councilman McPhee seconded. Councilman Stamon spoke in support of the motion. Following some discussion, on call for the ques- tion, the motion carried. 12. Information on Goals and Objectives in Preparation for 1987 -88 Budget Manager Flodstrom announced a special work session meeting scheduled Thurs- day, August 7, 1986, in the old Council Chambers, 134 West Front Street, at 7:00 P.M. 13. Request for UAC (Utility Advisory Committee) Meeting in August by City Light A Utility Advisory Committee meeting was scheduled for August 25, 1986, at 7:30 A.M. in the City Light Conference Room. VIII CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS /LATE ITEMS Councilman Hallett noted the Eighth and Peabody intersection signal modifi- cation was five percent under the approved budget. He also referred to Item 16 on the Information Agenda, a letter. regarding the use of the hotel /motel tax, stating he had questions about the letter. Manager Flodstrom indicated the letter contained incorrect information. He said a letter of response would be drafted for Council's approval at the next regular Council meeting. Councilman Stamon made reference to the Humane Society monthly report, noting that of 31 stray dogs picked up in June, 16 were returned to owners; out of 38 stray cats, only 5 were returned to owners. Councilman Stamon encouraged Councilmembers to attend the dedication of the Washington Vietnam Veterans Monument tentatively scheduled for Veterans Day in November. She noted the award of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant to the North Olympic Health Planning Council. Councilman Quast complimented the Parks Department for painting the "Wel- come to Port Angeles" sign on the east end of town, and on the appearance of the Lincoln and Boulevard Intersection. He complimented the Solid Waste Division on the comprehensive report given in the Council's packet. Councilman Quast noted August 15th would be the anniversary of the removal of the toll from the Hood Canal Bridge. He stated there would be a final hearing before the Ninth Circuit Court in Seattle on September 3, 1986, at 9:30 A.M. in Room 815 of the Federal Building at 1010 First Avenue in order to hear further testimony upon request of the State. He encouraged as many citizens as possible to attend. Mayor Whidden stated he hoped to hear something from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) as it related to possible acquisition of properties from the "A" Frame to the Coast Guard gate on Ediz Hook. Mayor Whidden also announced CPR training classes were being given by the Fire Department and encouraged all Councilmembers to attend. He further noted from the Information Agenda the invitation to attend the Change of Command ceremony on the Coast Guard cutter CONFIDENCE at 11:00 A.M. August 8, 1986. IX ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Whidden adjourned the meeting to executive session at 10:12 P.M. for the purpose of discussing pending litigation. X RETURN TO OPEN SESSION AND ADJOURNMENT The meeting returned to open session and adjourned at approximately 10:35 P.M. City Clerk Mayor Prepared by: j (Lama 577 CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 5, 1986