HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/05/2008
Port Angeles Regional
Chamber of Commerce
Quarterly Report
Mid-Year Financial Report
Port Angeles, Washington
August 5, 2008
Mayor Braun called the regular meeting ofthe Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00
Members Present:
Mayor Braun, Deputy Mayor Wharton, and Councilmembers
Di Guilio, Kidd, Perry, Rogers and Williams.
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Manager Madsen, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Upton, G. Cutler, T.
Gallagher, D. McKeen, Y. Ziomkowski, N. West, L. Dunbar,
P. Lusk, S. Roberds, B. Coons, S. Johns, and T. Pierce.
Public Present:
E. Petersen, T. Jennings, B. Booher, D. Neupert, P.
Lamoureux, R. Gruver, and D. Pilling. All others present in
the audience failed to sign the roster.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilmember Williams, followed by
a moment of silence in memory of Washington firefighters Andy Palmer and Daniel
Packer who died in the line of duty fighting fires in California.
Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, addressed the Council regarding public comment at City
Council meetings, ideas related to Phase III for Lincoln Park and the Port's property sale
in the area of the airport, fluoridation, and the need to stop funding special interest group
Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Report:
Russ Veenema, Executive Director ofthe Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce,
introduced Board members Dave Neupert and Edna Petersen. He discussed tourism as
it relates to the current economy, indicating the 2008 marketing decisions were made in
2007. Much has changed since that time, and there is a need to focus on the 1-5 corridor
for marketing. Mr. Veenema reviewed current marketing efforts, such as the cooperative
campaign involving Victoria Express, the Coho, the Visitor & Convention Bureau, and
the Cities ofSequim and Port Angeles. He also reviewed KIRO TV's featured "Trip on
a Tankful". Mr. Veenema summarized 2008 lodging tax revenues as compared to 2007,
expressing the hope that August will be better than last year. He indicated vacation
decisions are on hold for many people, but gas prices have been coming down which may
result in vacations to the Peninsula. Mr. Veenema itemized positive attributes to the
marketing effort, such as the downtown sidewalks and pavers, the Olympic Discovery
Trail, and the unveiling of the "Avenue of the People" this coming weekend, something
that was aided by Lodging Tax funds.
Mid- Year Financial Report:
Finance Director Ziomkowski used PowerPoint slides to discuss the City's current
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August 5, 2008
Mid-Year Financial Report
Electric Utility 2008
Resource Plan
financial position, where the City is going, challenges being faced, what to expect in 2009
and 2010, and the state of the local economy. Director Ziomkowski advised the Council
that the total City budget for all funds is almost $110 million. She emphasized that every
fund is treated as a separate entity, so the funds cannot be co-mingled. She focused on
two funds that are funded by taxes and provide basic services: the General Fund and the
Street Fund. The two funds total almost $19 million, and she reviewed in detail the
unexpected decrease in revenues for the year, as well as revenue trends that encompass
sales, property, and utility tax. Director Ziomkowski also discussed current trends with
respect to investments in that short-term interest rates are down. She reviewed the Street
Fund, indicating there are fewer funding sources available in spite of more demands on
street and transportation programs. In addition, Director Ziomkowski discussed reserves
and the policy that a minimum of 10% of the budget, or $1.7 million, must remain in
reserves. She stressed the importance of not using reserves for operating expenses. The
same policy requires the designation of budgetary savings to capital projects.
Director Ziomkowski provided an economic outlook, discussing trends in revenues and
expenses. She summarized the City's past efforts in absorbing additional services while,
as the same time, sustaining reduced revenues. Every effort was made to balance the
budget without cutting services, and Director Ziomkowski advised the Council that the
City cannot continue to do more with less. She urged the Council to make the difficult
financial decisions now, to communicate with the citizens on why service levels cannot
be sustained, to meet with legislators to discuss problems, to determine whether tax
increases are possible, and to re-examine operating and capital needs and the resources
necessary to meet those needs. Discussion followed.
Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 7:36 p.m. The meeting reconvened at
7:50 p.m.
Electric Utility 2008 Resource Plan:
Director Cutler introduced the City's new Power Resources Manager, Phil Lusk, who
used PowerPoint slides to discuss the proposed Electric Utility 2008 Resource Plan. The
Plan is required by State law for those serving more than 25,000 customers, and it must
be submitted to CTED by September 1, 2008. Mr. Lusk advised the Council that the
ultimate goal is to assure that future resources are adequate to meet projected loads,
which is especially critical as the Bonneville Power Administration moves to a tiered rate
structure in order to accommodate new growth. Mr. Lusk discussed current and future
loads and resources, after which he responded to questions posed by the Council.
Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at 8:14 p.m.
Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, engaged Mr. Lusk in discussion on such matters as a co-
generation plant and possible partnerships.
Gene Turner, a City resident, referenced a previous movement having to do with
community-based solar, asking the status of that potential project. Attorney Bloor
reminded the Council that the public hearing is not intended to engage in discussions with
the public. Director Cutler indicated that comments will be addressed by staff and
responses provided at the next meeting. Mr. Turner felt the solar concept was a
wonderful idea, and he encouraged this type of community involvement.
There being no further testimony, at 8: 19 p.m., Mayor Braun continued the hearing to
August 19,2008.
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ADA Compliance
Resolution No. 10-08
State Purchasing Contracts
Interlocal Agreement
Appoint City
Representative to Clallam
August 5, 2008
Manager Madsen indicated there would be an item for discussion under City Council
Committee Reports. Deputy Mayor Wharton asked for discussion regarding the Joint
Statement issued July 22, 2008, which was added to City Council Committee Reports.
Councilmember Williams offered kudos to Manager Madsen for the content of his guest
appearance on KONP Radio Monday afternoon. Mayor Braun added the appointment
of a City representative to the Clallam Transit PTBA under Other Considerations.
Mayor Braun asked Human Resources Manager Coons for a status report on the search
for an interim Manager and a permanent Manager. Human Resources Manager Coons
informed the Council he had contacted four Executive Search firms, and all four will be
providing proposals for the search for a permanent City Manager. He also placed ads for
an interim Manager with a deadline of Wednesday of next week. He indicated he had
been contacted by some individuals with regard to the Interim Manager position.
ADA Compliance Resolution:
Human Resources Manager Coons advised the Council that applications for Community
Development Block Grants require the applicant to have a policy and notice of
procedures regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Resolution
presented for consideration adopts such a policy, establishes an ADA Coordinator for the
City, and creates a complaint procedure.
Mayor Braun read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting a
policy and notice regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Councilmember Di Guilio moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion
was seconded by Deputy Mayor Wharton. Councilmember Rogers reported the CED
Committee had reviewed the policy and procedures and recommended them for approval.
Discussion followed on the self-evaluation checklist, and Mr. Coons indicated the Parks
Department has focused on ADA compliance in terms of City Parks. A vote was taken
on the motion, which carried unanimously.
State Purchasing Contracts Interlocal Agreement:
Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler indicated the State has instituted a new
interlocal agreement for its participating organizations to use the State's purchasing
contract program. He noted it saves the City money by not having to advertise for
competitive procurements; the cost is $1,000 per year. Following brief discussion on the
anticipated savings, Councilmember Perry moved to authorize the City Manager to
sign an initial Interlocal Agreement for State purchasing contracts with the State
of Washington, and to authorize the Director of Public Works &Utilities to sign the
annual renewals for the agreement. The motion was seconded by Councilmember
Kidd, and following discussion on budgetary savings and improved efficiency in staff
time, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
2. Appoint City Representative to Clal/am Transit PTBA:
Mayor Braun referenced a letter received from Clallam Transit with regard to the need
for the appointment of an elected City official to serve as the City's representative for
purposes of the Public Transportation Benefit Area to review the composition of the
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August 5, 2008
Appoint City
Representative to Clallam
Transit PTBA (Cont'd)
Department ofFish &
Wildlife Lease Agreement
Equipment Purchase -
Electric Transformers
Transfer Station -
Modification 2008~00 1
PTBA. Councilmember Di Guilio moved to appoint Mayor Braun as the
representative for the PTBA. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
1. Department of Fish & Wildlife Lease Agreement:
Director Cutler reviewed a lease agreement with the Washington Department ofFish &
Wildlife, allowing the WDFW to operate a fish-rearing channel on City property. The
former agreement expired, and a new lease is being finalized to allow the WDFW to
continue to operate its fish-rearing channel under a two-year lease. He explained the two-
year time frame was necessary so the City could have the opportunity to see what happens
with respect to the dam removal project. The lease agreement was discussed by the
Utility Advisory Committee and recommended for approval. Councilmember Kidd
moved to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign a fish-rearing channel lease with
the Washington State Department of Fish & Wildlife, and authorize the City
Manager to make minor modifications to the lease, if necessary. Councilmember
Rogers seconded the motion, and following brief discussion on the terms of the lease
and the dam removal project, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried
Equipment Purchase - Electric Transformers:
Director Cutler informed the Council that the Port of Port Angeles will be adding capacity
to the Terminal 1 dock to allow large ships to operate entirely from shore power. In
addition, Evergreen Fiber has added an electric chipper that requires additional capacity.
He eXplained that commercial customers pay the City to purchase the transformers.
Following brief discussion, Councilmember Rogers moved to authorize the City
Manager to sign a contract and purchase order with WESCO Distributors, Inc., of
Portland, Oregon, for three 1500 kV A transformers manufactured byABB Inc., at
a price of $101,502.51, including sales tax. The motion was seconded by
Councilmember Perry and carried unanimously.
Transfer Station - Modification 2008-001:
Director Cutler presented information pertinent to the final phase of construction of the
Transfer Station, which is scheduled for completion later this summer. The work involves
removal of the old scale house, the scales, and paving the recycle area and the roadway
from the recycle area to the front entrance. He proposed to do the work through a
contract modification with Waste Connections. Deputy Mayor Wharton moved to
approve and authorize the'Director of Public Works & Utilities to sign modification
2008-001 with Waste Coqnections of Washington, Inc., in the amount of$13,734.28,
including tax. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried
Councilmember Di Guilio moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1.) City
Council Minutes of July 15, 2008, regular meeting; July 18, 2008, special meeting; July
22,2008, special meeting; July 29, 2008 special meeting; 2.) Expenditure Approval List
from 7/5/08 to 7/25/08 for $3,986,411.20; 3.) Recommend Appointment of City
Representative to Clallam County Animal Issues Advisory Committee; and 4.)
Washington State DOT Maintenance Interlocal Agreement. The motion was seconded
by Deputy Mayor Wharton and carried unanimously.
As a follow-up to the meeting of July 29,2008, Councilmember Perry reported that he
and Ray Gruver had met with representatives of the League of Women Voters with
respect to the facilitation of a public forum. Councilmember Perry distributed a response
from the League, reviewing the proposed format for such a forum and answering
questions as posed by the Council. Following discussion and further input from
Councilmember Perry and Ray Gruver, Deputy Mayor Wharton moved to accept the
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REPORTS: (Cont'd)
August 5, 2008
League of Women Voters proposal as presented. The motion was seconded by
Councilmember Perry and carried unanimously.
The Council then directed its attention to the selection of a date for the public forum.
Councilmember Perry moved to conduct the public forum on Wednesday, August
27,2008, at 6:00 p.m. He reiterated the forum would be limited to two hours. Deputy
Mayor Wharton seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Deputy Mayor Wharton introduced for discussion some of the action items that had been
previously identified by the Council, such as seeking a facilitator to improve the
Council's process. Additionally, in view of the Joint Statement, she suggested that the
Council consider revisions to the City Council Rules of Procedure. She felt it important
to begin by analyzing the situation and doing some debriefing. In the ensuing discussion,
individual Councilmembers expressed the opinion that the public forum should be the
first priority, after which consideration could be given to the Rules of Procedure. To that
end, staff was asked to obtain copies of procedures from other municipalities for the
Council's review.
Councilmember Kidd reported on her attendance at Andy Palmer's funeral, and she
expressed her pride in the Port Angeles Fire Department.
Councilmember Williams introduced for discussion the Real Estate Committee's proposal
to surplus the Niichel property, the largest contiguous parcel in the downtown area.
Attorney Bloor explained that, in this instance, a public hearing would not be required by
State law or City ordinances. However, in the past, the Council has typically held public
hearings before declaring property surplus. So, even though not legally required, the
Council may choose to conduct a public hearing. Following discussion, Councilmember
Perry moved to set a public hearing for September 2, 2008, on the matter of
declaring the Niichel property surplus. The motion was seconded by
Councilmember Williams and carried unanimously.
Manager Madsen had no additional reports other than what was provided in the
Information Agenda.
Based on input from Attorney Bloor, Mayor Braun announced the need for an Executive
Session for approximately 15 minutes under the authority of RCW 42.30.140(4),to
discuss a position or strategy during contract negotiations, with no action to follow. The
Executive Session convened at 9:31 p.m.
The Executive Session concluded at 9:47 p.m, and the Council convened in regular open
session. No action was taken.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:47 p.m.
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Gary Brau /, Mayor
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