HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/06/1941 .... Proceedings of tbe City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington 319 Au,;ust 6, 1941 19_ I I I I I The Commission met in regula~ session at 10 a.m. and was called to o~e~ by Mayor Beetle. Roll call showed the following officers present: J~yor Beetle, Commissicners Beam and Lind, Atto~ney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. ;' The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Police Judge, W. F. Phillips, reported 99 cases tried and $903.50 collected in fines for the month of July, 1941. Report ordered filed. Under the head of Applications for Building .t' ermi ts and Licenses the follcwing were granted: H: H. Van Brocklin, Move and repair house, Lot 10, Block 253, Tovmsite John Solf, Remodel House, Lot 20, Block 396, Townsite Nels L Sutherland, Ni; So. 60' rot 1, Bleck 167, Tovmsite, Build Office Gisli Frederickson, Lot 1, Block 297, Townsite, Build Dwelling,4 Rooms Mrs. Mel Dunlap, Remodel House, Lot 8, Bleck 391, Townsite K: L. Kirk, Build Garage, Lot 14, Block 230, Townsite A:W. Hovrell, Remodel House, Lot 12, Block 166, 'lovmsite ~nnex T~vern, Music Machine Goneis Cafe, Restaurant " ", Soft Drink Little Brick Tavern, Restaurant 11 II J Soft Drink II II 250.00 250.00 500.00 1000.00 450.00 50.00 200.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 12.00 5.00 5.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 12.00 5.00 5.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 5.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 25.00 10.00 The Little Place, II " n Restaurant Willmers Cafe, " .. , Soft Drink Marine Drive Lunch, Restaurant " Ii II J Soft Drink n Duck Inn, 11 II J Restaurant The Den, 11 n ", Soft tDrink Dickie's Tavern, Soft Drink .. n, Restaurant Natural Foods Shop, Bestaurant Larrick 1 E Cafe J Restaurant " ", Soft Drink City Drug, Soft Drink OlympllS Fountain, Soft Drin_~ Ben Weeks, Master Plumber R. D. Faussett, 2 Taxi 5-Passenger Cars Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolution was introduced: RE~OLUTION WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the miner cf the fcllowing described real property,' having acquired the same by Treasurer's deed d~ted July 31, 1941, under and by virtue of the authority of SeCtion 9593 of Re~ngton's Revised St~tutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 365, to-wit: Lot Six (6), Block Tvrelve (12), Tidelands West of Laurel Street in front of Port Angeles, Washington, and WHEREAS, Fobreboard Products, Inc., a corporation, has offered to purchase the above described real property from the "ity of Port Angeles for the swn of $187.55, and WHEREAS, The City Commission has visvled the smid property and is of the opinion th~t the offer is fair value and that at this time it is to the best interest of the City that it should be accepted and ~he' sale made. Nail, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the offer be accepted lInd that the City of Port Angeles sell the said property at private sale to the said Fibreooard Products, Inc., a corporation, for the swn hereinabove set forth, subject to any valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying said property to the purchaser, and that the City Clerk of the City of Port 5ngeles be, and he is hereby instructed tc execute said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the City of Port Angeles be, and he is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed. . .It was moved by Co~~ssioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lind. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of Reading and Passage of Ordinances the follo~2ng ordinance passed its second and third readings and was adopted. AN ORDIN~NCE amending sections 7, 10, 15, 16, 17, 19 and 23 cf Ordinance No. 1020 entitled n6,n {lrdinance relating to the use of the streets of the City of Port )ngeles; providing for designation of' special re.stricted zones; providing for the manner of parking; designating arterial .streets; establishing regu- lations and requirements for the safety and control cf troffic and the protection and safety of the inhabitants of' the Cito'; providing penalties and repealing certain ordinances in conflict herewith;" and in addition providing for the designation of special restricted commercial zones and declaring an emergency. It was moved by Commissioner Lind that the foregoing ordinance be pla ced on its final readir;g and adopted. Seconded by Co~issioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The U~yor declared the rno}:.ion carried. The Commissioner examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: mRRENT EXPENSE FUND Ol~'ffipic Printery Port iAngeles Evening News Olympic Printery City Treasurer II tI Park Fund Werrents Publications Supplies Street Light s Light & Water Supplies 14.78 15.38 4.35 563..45 8.70 1.39 Olympic Printery .... r'" 320 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington AUJ1:Ust 6. 1941 19_ Dr. R. L. Gilliam UK>," ...,....A...~OT'IU.OT.............-..ttn1... GG~l'>l'> Olympic Printery Eveiling News Pre s s , Inc. Olympic Printery II II J. J. :!:alley Port lAngeJres Motors City Treasurer Fire Department Frank W~cdonald & Sons Harold Hibbs Plumbing & Heating Sanderson Safety Supply Co. City Treasure':' Henry Myren Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. CITY STREET FUND Sig Larson Frank Macdonald & Sons 11 ~ II II Thcs. H. Guptill Fixi t Shop Angele s Foundry Angeles Gra'lel & Supply Co. Middleton Motor Parts Co. Peterson Wholesale Hardware Co. Charles R. W.tts Co. n II WA TER FUND Wa ter Depa rtment Puget Sound N&vigation Co. City Street Department Da n Hurley Middleton Motor Parts Co. . n II II Olympic Printery Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Hibbs Plumbing & heating Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Angeles Radiator & Tire Shop Willson Hardvrare ~o. James Hard'nare Co. Union Oil Co. Palmer Supply Co. ~arckmar~ & Williams Peterson Wholesale Hardware Co. LIGHT FUND Puget Sound Navigation , City Treasurer II City. Water Departn:ent Chas. E. Beam Thos. P. Window ,i A. W. Ward : Iliddleton futor Parts Evening News, Inc. Willson Hardware Co. Rayonier, Inc. Olympic Printary Union Oil Co. Line Mate,1a1 Co, Westinghouse Electric United Janitor Supply Go , Co. Supply Co. Co. LIBRARY FuND City Treasurer Puget Sound NeVIS Co. J. K. Gill Co. of Weshington Edwin Allen Bock Co. The H. R. Wilson Co. Olympic Stationers Jennilu Norris The Colle;:e Bindery PARK FUND William Hense City Treasurer Harold Hibbs Plumbing & Heating United Janitor Supply Co. R. O. McNamara City Treasurer Northwest Taro Co. Peterson Wholesale Hard~are ~o. , Puget Sound Navigation Co. I The Electric Go. .... Professional Services Supplies Cards SUPl'lies n Tires Pennzoil, etc. Light & Water at Fire Hall Volunteer Firemen Pay Roll Shop Work Floor Flange Gas Ilasks & Helmets Light & Water City Barn Labor Sewer Pipe Labor Shop Work Rods Signs Keys Uade Curb Inlets BriCk, Cement, etc. Pa rts Files Pavement Markers Signs Pay Roll Freight Ga s 01 ine Car Expense Supplies Shella c Stationery Lumber Bushings Service Boxes Repairs Blocks SUpplies Oil Pipe Fittings Rules Freight Ca sh Payments Water at Store Car Expense " tr Cement Mvertisement Lamps, etc. Shop Work Stationery Oil Line Hardware Tube Janitcr Supplies Light & Water Books Supplies Petty Cash Magazine Protectors Recondi tioning La'Ml Mowers Light & Wa ter Toilet Seat Supplies Labor Light & Water at Playfield Fertilizer, etc. Vise Freight Globes 3.15 21. 63 7.9B 8.24 7.2fJ 12.65 1.80 24.98 9.64 28.24 51.00 8.38 .; 1.42 154.95 I \\~'b G.70 4.20 147.03 213.30 31.39 .74 4.94 2.16 25.75 ,1 44.30 ~/ 20.04 .(3 2.49 1-" 71.69 36.77 14.70 10.10 27.43 19.50 9.50 1.13 12.72 26.31 .50 ~ 37.59 4.12 1\''1 9.22 4.92 4.33 542.90 38.93 3.39 .90 70.46 1.90 24.05 6.30 14.25 .33 2.00 20.05 ~? 3.25 30.33 / 20.40 ,,~ 'V 74.22 2.99 10.60 6.76 28.56 2.37 ')! 16.97 55.20 ;).f 4.28 J 7.38 2.23 5.00 26.02 3.39 13165 I 22.50 ~ 28.83 , 47.12 IS S' 4.12 .55 3.83 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington August 6, 1941 19_ .... 321 CITTIVIDE SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION FmVD Angele s Gravel & Supply Go. tt II ~. I' II L.I.D. REVOLVING FUND I City Treasurer Theri' being no further busines3 the Commission then adjourned. Taxes ~mL~ Ci ty Cle rk I I I I Lumber (,'"Y r 1\9 { Brushes :Cement Jete. 7d!~ 42.86 25.58 55.52 1073 .6'3 155.74 11ayor -;/ ...4