HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/06/1947 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 367 August 6 , 1951- ~The Comission met in regular session at 10:00 A.Il.. and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call showed the follmring officers present: Mayor Epperson. Commissioners Steele and Johnson. Attorney Wilson and Clerk Law. , I . . 'Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. IUn~er the head of ~Pllcation;'for wilding permits and licenses the following were granted: IBuilding permits: /~ tJ"cf . ,Tbe Apostolic Faith Build 9-Room Dwelling: Lots 17-18, Blk. 255, Townsite 'Fred Pemoyer Remodel Dwelling; Lots 12-15. Blk. 576, Townsite . 'I 'Percy Bailey Remodel Dwelling. and Turn It; Lots 1-2, Blk. 115, Townsite ,B.. E. James Build 2-Room Cottage; Lot 2, Blk. 48, Townsite ~R.. J. Gilbertson Move Dwelling; Lot 17, Blk. ll2, Townsite "Louis Olson Build Wood Shed. Add Porch to Dwelling; tot ll, Blk. 9, P.S.C.C. ,Wm. Foster Add Bed Room to Pi'esent House; tot 8, Blk. 1SO, Townsite ,Loop Auto Wrecking Co. Storage Shed; Lot 4, Blk. 25. N.R.Smith Add. IHarold Littlefield Remodel Foundation; Lot 5, Blk. 578, Townsite ~. :Licenses: if'll'" ,Derr Drop 1m! IDew Drop 1m I'llelf Drop 1m '[!Dew Drop 1m :Harrington & GUe s II,Harrington & GUes ,Harrington & GUes iNason's cafe Nason I s cafe Nason's cafe Nsson's Cafe Rayonier cafe Rayonier Cafe Rayonier cafe Rayonier Cafe Brown's Drug Store Mary Hughes Lou Kiszak Club Cafe IClub Cafe ! Club Cafe \Salad Bori ':Salad Bmrl i,Salad Bowl i'Jamss W. caven 'Wallace B. Smith 2 Amusement Machines Restaurant Music Machine Soft Drink 5 Amusement Machines 7 Card Tables So ft Drink 5 Amusement Machines Restaurant Music Machine Soft Drink 1 Amusement Machine Restaurant Music Machine Soft Drink Soft Drink Place of Re1\1ge Occupation Tex License--60 Days Restaurant Music Machine Soft Drink Restaurant Music Machine Soft Drink Master Plumbers Second Hand Dealer 9,000.001 800.00, 500 .00 500.00 : 200.00 I 500.00 200.00' 400 .00 100.00 I I 48.00' 12.00i 12.00i, 5.oo( 72 .001 55.00, 5.00' 72.00' 12.00 12.00 5.00' 24.00' 12 .00 12.00' 5.00 5.00 2.00 500.00' 12.00' 12.00' 5.00 12 .00 12.00; 5.00, 25.00 , 15.00 I I , i Under the head of unfinished wsiness, bids for construction of concrete sidewalks on West 8th Street, were ,opened as follows: A. Contesti, $5,976.25; Owens Bros., $6,048.75. It was moved by QJlIll1issioner Johnson 'that the bid submitted by A. Contesti be accepted. Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All members voted Aye. Motion carri-ed. , I Pursuant to bids published for the sale of unused equipnent by the Garbage Depertment, no bids were submitte~. IThe City Eneineer presented signed easements for road right of way to Water Dam, and it was moved by . Commissioner Johnson that $525.00 be paid for the easements, and &7,287.55 for cost of road construction. ,Motion seconded by Mayor Epperson. All voted Ays. Motion carried.. . . , . iA sublease on a portion of Ediz Hook Reserve by the City of Port Angeles to Reyonier, Inc., was presented I Iby . Attorney Wilson. It was moved by Mayor Epperson that the Commiseion approve the said lease and autborizel the Mayor and Clerk to sign the same. Motion seconded by Commissioner J obnson. All voted Aye. Mot ion ! carried. ""I I . . ,Under the head of new business, a recommendation by the Fire Chief and Building Inspector was brought before' [the Commissicn for the condemnation of a building at III East Front Street. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the recollIlllendat1cn be accepted and notices posted confirming the same, pemitting thirty days 'for removal. Motion seconded by Commissioner Steele. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. Tbe report of Police Judge Taylor for June 1947 showing 154 cases tried and $1,967.00 fines collected was 'approved and ordered rUed. 'Commissioner Steele reported that he had attended the Institute of Government and described benefits I received. It was his opinion that from the instruction and education den ved, it was the duty of each IState and City official to attend these sessions. Mr. Steele also reported activities of the Hobby Club, land made a motion that the City endorse the said Club. Motion seconded by Mayor Epperson. All ~ted Aye. 'Motion carried. Chief Ide also Bpo&.e regarding the Club and believes it to be lIOrthy of more support. I , IUnder the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following was passed third and final reading and ,adopted: I Ordinance No. ll84 :AN :ORDINANCE relating to the use of the streets of the City of Port Angeles, des1gnating arterial streets, repealing Se cUon 5 or Ordinance No. 1087, and de claring an emergency. It .was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and finsl reading and jadQpted. Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. I,uzuier the hsad of introduction of resolutions for the sale of real property by the City, the following was j introduced , . HarryCohen tot 9, Blk. 34. T01lOSite . il,5OO.00' ! 'It "was moved by Commissioner Steele that the foregoing resolution be approved and Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. I . I the property sold. ~ ~ 368 , \ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington August -5. continued, 19AL ..... 'IThe Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of the same ~ l.aIRRENT EXPENSE JiUND: /11,;(!J. , I E. C. Steele ' Expense-Seattle Trip 42.231 IMadge H. Nailor Expenses: Attending Municipal Institute 29.0? :Port Angeles Evening News Legal Publications 28.60 'Qu.ick Print Purchase Order Books 46.87 Kroll Map Co. 100 Maps of City 55.64 Tide Water Associated Oil Co. Gasoline 2ll.72 Ol3mPic Stationers Pen Points, Cash Register Rolls 2.951 City Treasurer Light, Water, Garbage, St. Lites, Fire Hydrants 1,162.65, City Light Dept. Rent 00,00 I City street Dept. Mechanical Labor 59.40 Peter J. Naugllton, Sheriff, Jeff. Co. Meals for Prisoner 27.00 I Hazel's Cafe Meals for Prisoners 158.58 Johnson & Bork ! Gal. Paint 5.09 I Park & Shop Food Stores 12 Bars Lava Soap 1.24 Marlatt's Grocery 12 Cans J4re 1.24 Paul W. Olson 2 Plastic Seat Covers 46.55 ,F1tchard Associated Service Tires & Tubes 49.411 \'fray & Raber 1 Window 5.69' Harold Hibbs PlUIIDing & Heating Plumbing Supplies 7.86 ' Johnsen & Bork Paint Supplies 21.49 Lunt's Battery Service Battery 44.8l . 'i/ ICITY STREET l'llND: ,j7( j7 \ Cro= Zellerbach Corp. ,Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Tide Water Associated Oil Co. ','McClellan Hardware & FUrniture Todd's Cycle Shop Elk Drug Co., Inc. Harold Hibbs Plumbing ~ Heating Western TJ:~Qtor & Equipment Co. Automotive Parts Service I,The Electric Co. F.2 WATER FUND: / t) 3 t) , City Street Dept.l Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. IQuick Print ,City Treasurer ,Eity Light Dept. Pert Angeles Concrete Products Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. IHugb G. Purcell Co. 'Willson Hardware Co. ',Epperson & Sons l'FOrt Ue & Lumber Co. Pucketts Radio Service IHersey Mfg. ::0. LIGHT FUNDI .2,{ tJS..3 -:.? [City Street Dept. ' Clallam County P.U.D. #1 IYfray & Raber P.A. Upholstering & FUrniture Co. ?ide Water Associated Oil Co. Ol3mpio Stationers. Quick Print 1',Pacific Telephone & Telegraph, Co. Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. ,City Water Dept. I~. Keys Willson HardITSre COiilpany ;Line Material Co. IGeneral Electric Supply Corp. Cit;y Treasurer 'iPort Angeles Motors General Electric Supply Corp. 'SANITATION FUND: II';;;!-' 'City TrealJlU'er Ipity Street Dept. LeRoy Jagger '. 'LIBRARY FUND: 47'1,'i':l.- Catherine Richard 'Margaret Wilson Fannie Stark City Treasurer Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Gaylord,Bros., Inc. Wray & Raber Angeles Electric Co. JennUu Norris Harold Hibbs Plumbing & Heating Johnson & Bork Ifl'be College Bindery ,Edwin Allen Co. University of California Preas l)'41qyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. A. c. McClurg & Co. Nn Method Book Bindery, Inc. ITlle H. W. Wilson Co. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Belt, Lime Sewer Pipe Gasoline, Oil, Cleaning Solvant 1 Golden Rod Oiler 2 Wheela First Aid Supplies Plumbing Supplies Tractor Parts, Rim & End Bit Parts Plugs 115.40 J 150.58 459.77 2.42 18.54 4.55 5.75 75.12, 40.981 l.70j 75.95 .57, 25.591 300.00 32.19 16.07 197.591: 49.44, 54.06,1 1.29 121.25 2.27, 176.75,1 I 1l~251 14,995.50 I 5.251 52.44,1 43.15 , 5.61 15.09 45.7211 1.241 5.80 16.48 57.03, l,062.47j 584 .05 1.05 4.12 5,175.07 I 'I 1.60 I 80.801 50.03 I 42.75i 17.25, 5.001 40.261 8.501 11.05 ,I 1.55 6.80 3.75 7.21' 9.71, . 159.84 23.97 1.64, 2.961 68.42: 5.19 i 68.70, 7.40 Truck Repair & Service Parts Supplies cash for Postllge Rent & Ligllts Sewer Pipe Pipe & Bands Hydrotite Nails & Tools Glass & Putty Lumber RadioTuhe Meters Mechanical Service on Trucks July Power Tir e Lock Car Repair Gasoline Book Supplies Phone Screml Water at Store Poles Lamps & Supplies Transformers Meters & Olr. Traosf. Frt. Charges Radio Parts Transformers Water Gasoline car Mileage for July Extra Labor Extra Labor Extra La bor Ligllt, Water, Garbage, Painting Flag Pole Phona Service Supplies Grind Lawn Mower Fluo. Tubes Cash. Paid for Labor Painting Floor Plumbing Repairs . Paint, Turpentine Binding Books Book 1947 Year Book Booka Books . Books Books I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington .., :960 ~ ..-.1 _.. .._..__"._ PL ,n,. _ IPARK RJND: / t' 3 6..3 Marlatt's Grocery , Harold Hibbs Plumbing & Ileating 'C.M.St.P. & P. Railroad )'TOdd'S Cycle Shop Allan Distributing Co. 'City street Dept. City Treaaurer ,Clallam Grain Co. I Downs Auto Electric PARK ING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL WND: Felix Gallacci M. H. Rhodes, Inc. {,o . CEMETER Y RJND I .J- ,i City Street Dept. I i L1BllARY MEMORIAL WND: Puget Sound News Co. /S (0 A.ugulljL6~m.~1!m!l!i, 19SL Purex Plumbing Supplies Freight on Playfield Apparatus 2 Tubes 5 Lbs. 1l0bUgreasa Gas, Oil, Labor Light, Water, Garbage 500 Lbs. Lime 4 Valves '13r f3 car Mileage for July Co. 's Share of July Collections Gas oline Books {,5 U. S. INOOME TAX WITHHOIDIOO FUND: .;( 'II? - City Treasurer July Income Tax Withholding ,if, L. I. D. GENERAL WND: Jo, : Port Angeles Evening News !Olympic Stationers Legal Publications Envelopes, Sidewalk Prints I !- Th~re being no further business. the session was declared adjourned. J ?~Jti;L I a. t ;i,~~ i (J Clerk " I j ;i I , I , . I I I I. I , , I 2.27 6.7~1 50 .451 2.sa .00, 25.551 102.92 '10.00 4.48 , I u.si 914.86 Ii 5.60 1 I , 15.10 I 2,497.65 I 24.64 6.22 I A"'"' _. . ,I I I I ....