HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/06/1951 ,. 156 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington August 6. 193L ,~. . ..... ...." ..."...... ...,... ..... ... I The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law. I !fdnutes of the previous session were read and approved. Officers preJent Under the head of for building permits and license renewals, the following were approved: applications r... /1).00 BUILDING PERMITS: Martin Hoff Jim Kravas ~1. C. Adolphson M. C. Adolphson !fll's. Phyllis Pfahler Dick Wray Howard E. Kirby Shingle roof, Lot 14, Blk. 346, Townsite, Add Bedroom, Lot 1, Blk. 94, Remoded home, Lot 4, Blk. 33, N.R.Smith Sub. Repair foundation, Lot 10, Blk 191, Townsite Build garage, Lot 5, Blk 230, Townsite Const. 4 room house, Lot 9, Blk 15, P. S. C. C. Remodel dwelling, Lots 1, 2, Blk 430, 100.00 500.00 3,500.00 350.00 250.00 8,000.00 1,500.00 LICENSES: Tugboat Cafe I II II 00 1/t5- 12.00 12.00 5.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 6.00 12.00 1,2.00 5.00 12.00 5.00 6.00 12.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 1,000.00 Restaurant Music Machine Soft Drink Restaurant J1usic Machine Soft Drink Amusement Machine Restaurant Music Machine Soft Drink Musi c Machine Soft Drink Amusement Machine Music Machine Soft Drink Amus ement Machine Amus ement Machine Amusement Game Distributor Birney I.S Drive In II II II Aggie 1 s Dog House II II II Tip Top Tavern II II " Recreation Grill Goldie I s Sundries Chinook Tavern Little Brick Tavern Ruby Amusement Company Under the head of unfinished business, 1.LD. No. 157, Street Lighting on Lincoln and Eighth Streets, was considered. The Engineer reported that 63.3% opposition to the project had been .filed, being more than sufficient to require abandonment of the project. Commissioner Taylor cited the unnecessary cost to the City when property owners sign petitions requesting improvements and then .oppose the same, thereby forcing expenae upon the City, but to no avail. It was the opinion of Commissioner Robinson that the City should not discourage projects, but when started, they should be completed if possible. Pursuant to bids published for improvement of Fourth Street, no bids were submitted. C. E. Shields suggested the possibility of the City making improvement and pay for the same from the Guaranty Fund, that Fund to be re-imbursed by property O\""ers benefitted. Possibility and legality will be determined and consedered at a mesting Thursday at 10: A. M. One bid was submitted by Western Asphalt CompaI\Y for surfacing Ediz Hook road .in amount of $30,927.50. The Engineer advised that the bid is more than 10% above estimate, and it was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the bid be rejected and the City proceed with project using equipment as promised by the County and portion I of cost to be paid by lease holders. ).lotion seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. COl1unissioner Taylor was then instructed to continue negotiations for use of machinery and cost contributions. K. O. Eeickson again appeared regarding requested vacation of portions of Streets near the Cemetery and was advised that the Attorney, although not yet present, may have prepared required documents. Under the head of new business, ~rr. Joe Morrison appeared regarding property adjacent to the Morse Creek gravel.pit and requested that the City pay him $)00.00 for gravel removed from his property. Also that he owns property between gravel pit and highway ~nd has mever been paid for use of his road. Commissioner Taylor agreed that the City should pay for gravel removed and right of way if o\<nership can be legally established and clear title obtained. Mr. Morrison, Attorney Trumbull, and Commissioner Taylor will discuss and try to arrange settlement by next Monday. Commissioner Taylor advised that the water system, repairs, etc., are due for immediate consideration, and discussed advisability of employing Cunningham and Associates regarding the same. Mr. Taylor also reported on meeting of the Olympic Health District at Sequim and advising them that the City is not in a position to make definite pledge for Health Pool until after thorough study of the proposed budget. Gordon R. Bingham of Seattle informed in writing that he is making survey of Cities regarding Firemen's penJ sion Funds, tax levies provided, and Legislative Amendments. Cost of survey woilld be $100.00 plus $1.50 1 per active fireman, plus 25~ per retired fireman or beneficiary. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the letter be referred to the r.[ayor And Attorney. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. - Earl Davidson requested information regarding sale of Lots having un-guaranteed assessments, and whether or not the City is permitted to sell. It was the opinion of the Commisdon that sales could be made, and the ~ity Treasurer was instructed to proceed with sales. I Felix Gallacci requested that the Commission adopt resolution for striping approximately three miles of City Streets, to be done by the State Highway Department. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the City I adopt said resolution and arrangements be made for street markings. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All votea Aye. Motion carried. Captain Hyde appeared regarding parking space on North Peabody Street, complaining that dust interferes with his house painting and requested that the City pave or oil to hold dust. Also informed regarding backfill 1 on Ediz Hook near the Pilot House where cars get stuck in loose sand. Commissioner Taylor will instruct . Mr. Dodge to consult the Engineer about the same, but could promise nothing regarding paving of parking space. l I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 157 .., August 6 Continued. 195..L I I I I '...... ....., ""n' ....".." ..""". ..... ..... ILyle Beam submitted a proposal for insuring and inspection of biolers in public buildings. The matter was I postponed until the next session. I Lee 'Hodson, City Librarian, requested transfer of $100.00 from Binding to Office Records a~d Supplies in the Library Budget, It was moved by ~;ayor Feeley that the request be approved. Seconded by Commissioner I Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of reading and paesage of Ordinances, the follm<ing were placed on third and final reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1255 AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 1126 relating to regulating and licensing the business of distributing and.exhibiting for use and play, certain amusement machine devices, fixing the license fees thereof. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and I adopted. Seconded Py Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I . I ORDINANCE NO. 1256 I AN ORDINANCE relating to rates and service charges for the use of water supplied by the City of Port ! Angeles, amending Ordinances No. 778 and 1076, and declaring an emergency. . I lIt was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and I ado~ted. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion varr1ed. The .Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of the same' 1 CUMENT ~ .E!:lli!!.: 7.t l? ~ 7 Olympic Stationers Office Supplies, !flSchine Rental 25.99 Olympic Tribune Publication 24.33 Olympic Printery Office Supplies, 3,17 j. Bussing Office Supply Books, Ink, etc. 17.30 City Shop Dept. Gas, Oil, Repairs 25.61 City Treasurer Water 208.33 Olympic Printery Office Supplies 5.92 Seattle Radio Supply Radio tubes 11.81 1 Headricks Repair Service Rapairs 19.48 Hazel's Cafe' Meals for Prisoners 106.45 I Olympic Stationers Office Supplies 5.93 iFitchardls Associates Service Repair 20.50 i City Treasurer Light, water, garbage 26.72 i,lash. Saw Filing & Grinding Works Grinding Paper Cutter 1.55 IW, S. Darley & Co. \-Thistles 2.80 Richfield Oil Corp. Oil 19.56 I City Shop Dept. Repairs 137.40 1 Bussing Office Supply Office Supplies .8;0 Duplex Truck CornpaI\Y Instruction Manuel 5.40 I City Treasurer Light, Water, Garbage 30.02 i Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Service 3309 29.28 I'CITY STREET FUND: ItJ/O.~'I I D. Concre'te'P'roducts Company DUly Journal of Cornrnerc e ,City Treasurer jCity Shop Department Schrni t ts Sheet Metal Hibbs Plumbing & Heating Woodie's Harley Davidson , 1flTI:~Kl!@: fl,~JfJfS I Richfield Oil Corp. i City Treasurer I P. A. Auto Supply Co. I Schreiner Chevrolet Co. I Automotive Parts Service ~.E!:lli!!.: ,/$7. So IWillson Hardware Co. I P. A. Evening News I City Shop Dept. Eklund Lumber Company !woodie's Harley Davidson Nailor Lumber Company I OlJunpic Electric City Light Department Zellerbach Paper Co. I P. A. Concrete Products Co. 'James Hardware Co. I City Treasurer IJQI:!l .E!:!!!Q: 7, IS 3. 53 Bussing Office Supply Olympic Stationers Clallam Adjustment Corp. Addressograph Sales Agency City Shop Drpt. Standard Oil Co. City Water Dept. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Angeles Pittsburgh Paints Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Sewer Pipe, etc. Publication Water Repai rs, Gas, Oil 1 Sheet Nipples, Couplings Lock repair etc. 125.13 16.86 66.66 777.39 16.97 7.17 .52 Oil Light, Water Cear Shift Assembly Parts Parts 42.86 9.39 2.27 22.60 157.33 Supplies Adv Gas, Oil, Repairs Lumber & Steel Keys Lumber & Nails Wiring Materials Light at Reservoirs Supplies Service Boxes Bolt s Cash for postage 13.30 2B.OB 203.05 124.70 2.M 10.59 4.95 5.65 26.94 33.16 1.20 3.00 Office supplies Blue prints Collection Expense J1achine Service Gas, Oil, Repairs Oil Water at Sub. Pole rentals Sprayer Meter Block 1.55 1.45 2.50 21.89 313.61 16.19 3.00 121. 50 3.09 16.69 ~ l ,. 158 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington A'1gll~t h, r.nnt;n1lf~rtJ 19_5L :zrs, :JD Supplies 24.19 Lumber 68.03 Wiring material 61. 88 Ware House & Remodel 6,497.96 Gas & Oil 153.16 Tire 94.14 Light, ''later, Garbage 10.34 Supplies 9.33 Stamps 8.00 Supplies 6.74 Memo. Book Plates 6.Jl:8 I Printing 7.21 Light Globes 3.96 Tape 8.52 Expense 25.02 Traveling Expense 16.20 Books 13.68 Books 25.41 Books 15.82 Books 13.40 Books 14.90 Boo!rs 5S.71 Prebound Books 4.28 Books 29.55 Books 13.00 Records 10.15 Gas & Uil 6.63 Oil, Key .85 Express Charges 4.97 Notice of Sale 1.32 Notice of Sale 1.98 Publications 28.83 Blue Prints 5.25 Publications 18.00 SANITATION FUND: Ci ty Shop Dept. J. J. Dailey LIBRARY FUND: j ()~. 'tD Ci ty Treasiirer Olympic Stationers9 City Library Willson Hardware Co. Sturgis Printing Company, Inc., Quick Print Luxor Lighting Products, Inc., Bor-Dart Industries E. H. Woodruff Lee Hodson and Alice Swanson Beckley-Cardy Company Crowell CompaI\Y I Doubleday & Company, Inc., Imperial Book Compa~ David 11cKay Company, Inc., A. C. McClurg & Co. New Method Book Bindery R. S.& S . Co., Inc., H. I,. .Wilson Company King & Folk Music Co. PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: I:G. 'IF City Shop Dept. P. A..Auto Supply Railway Express Agency L. I. REVOLVING FUND: Olympic Tribune - I.~~ L. I. GUARANTY FUND: OlympiCTM:bUne - /.'18 1. 1. .GERERAn FUND: .7Z. ()~ Olympic Tribune Olympci Stationers Daily.Journal of Commerce There being no further business, the meeting was recessed until Thursday at 10:00 A. M. August 9, 1951. The Commission re-convened at 10:00 A. M. with all officers present. Improvement of Fourth Street by curbs and paving was again considered. The Attorney informed that an act of, the 1951 Legislature permits cities to hire County or State Departments to do Street construction if bids 1 submitted are not satisfactory or are not received. If the State is employed, cost of construction would be. deducted from the City~s-portion of gas tax. Engineer Ahlvers expressed doubt that the County of State have paving machines. The Commission further discussed possibilities of laying pavement With a grader, comparing the same with spreader operation. On motion by Commissioner Robinson, the meeting was recessed while the Commissioners consulted the County Engineer as to possibility of the City employing the County for street improvement. Following the said consultation, the Commission informed that the County Engineer will ascertain if it is possible for the County to make the street improvement and inform the City regarding the same. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. o () c: ~. City Clerk ~,,/ /7 ~7 I I I