HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/07/1950 I I I I 83 ", Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington August 7, 19~ '"0<' "'""H. oHm. ".,,~... ."".......oo ~ The Commission met in regular session at 10,00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were It-ayor Feeley, COll'Jllissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. Under the head of Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. licenses the following were granted: applications for building permits and '" () 1t fO Building Permits: DelGuzzi "ros. DelGuzd Bros. DelGuzzi Bros. I DelUuzzi Bros. DelGuzzi Bros. De1Guzzi "ros. DelGuzzi BrOs. DelGuzzi 'wros. DelGuz zi Bros. Arnold Levy Clara Pola nd Ivan Mesford iV. D. Sanders Fare Baptize Holiness Church 11. H. G. Stone George Gillespie Melvin Corfee I 'I Licenses: Palace Tavern Pala ce Tavern Palace Tavern Aggie s !Jog Hous e Aggie's Dog House Aggie's Dog House I Aggie's Dog House Peter Paul studio Port Angeles Recreation Port Angeles Recreation , Cozy Home Cafe I Cozy Home Cafe I Br,ickie I s Place King gros. Circus Bawden I s Studio Salad ilO'f,l Sala d Bowl 00 5/3 ~ Build 5-lI.oom I}"elling; !,ots 2-3, Elk. 190, Townsite Build 6-hoom House; Lots lQ-11-12, Blk. 220, Townsite Build 5-Hoom House; Lot 2, tJlk. 288, Tov.nsHe To ite Build 5-lI.oom House; E16 2/3' Lot 12, All of Eot 13, Blk. ~g, Build 5-hoom House; Lot 1, Blk. 334, Townsite fuild 6-1I.0om House; N 60 I Lots 11 & 12, Blk. 588, Towns i te Build 5-1I.00m House; Lot 17, Elk. 294, TO'fmsite Build 7-Room House & Garage; Lots 19-20, Blk. 421, Townsite Build 6-lI.oom House; Lots l-~, Elk. ~7, Tovmsite Extend Existing fuilding; N Lot 18, Blk. 251, Townsite Repair Foundation &. New Siding; Lot 19, lllk. 112, Townsite Re-roof Existing Dwelling; Lot 11, dlk. 544, Tovmsite Construct Addition to Existing Garage; Lot 0, Blk. 128, Townsite Construct Church; Lot 5, JJlk. 442, Townsite Build Hobby Shop; Lot 14, Elk. ,,50, Townsite New Roof & Siding on Existing Dwelling; Eot 6, Blk. 178, Tovrnsite Mdition to Existing Dwelling; lot 15, dlk. 120, Townsite 9,000.00 19,000.00 7,000:00 6,000.00 6,000.00 12,000.Oei 9,000.OQ 16,000.00 13,000.00 500.0Q 200.0ei 200.00 250.00 1,000.06 100. cD 350.00 300.00 1 24.00 12.00 5.06 24.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 4~00 60.06' 50.00 12.06 5.00 12.00 250.06 2.00 12.00 12.00 Ann1sement Uachine Music ].lachine Soft Drink Amus emen t l.!a chine Restaurant 1iusic Machine Soft Drink Traveling Photographer 6 Bowling Alleys 5 Pool Tables Restaurant Soft Drink Music Machine Circus Traveling Photographer Rest8urant Music l~achine '1. Under the head of unfinished business, one bid was submitted to furnish continuous st,ave .wood pipe for the Water Department by Federal Pipe and Tank Company. Amount of bid was $5.05 per lineal foot or total of Ili3,557.90. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the bid be accepted. Seconded by 1:ayor f'eeley. All , voted Aye. Motion carried. ; The Commission again discussed the bid by Sig L9rson to construct a building at Second and Vlashington Sts. ! fQr housing carrier current control equipment. Light Supt. McLean advised that the bid was too high, and I Commissioner Taylor moved that the bid be rejected and Supt. McLean instructed to proceed with construction ; as advisable. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. H1 voted Aye. !.lotion carried. I One bid was submitted by General Electric Company to furnish for the Light Department, one converter, I auxiliary cabinet, transactors, and capacitor units, in total amount of ~6,150.00. It was moved by Comm. Robinson that the bid be accepted. Seconded by Comn. Taylor. All voted hye. Motion carried. Bids to furnish one calculator machine for the JO.ngineer's Department were also ccnsidered. It was moved by ji Commissioner Hobinson that the bid by Monroe Calculating 1/JSchine Co., at ;1571.50, tax not included, be ac.cepted. Seconded by Comm. Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. , , I Under the head of new business, Gerald Chamberlin appeared for Petersen and craver concerning connections to sewer lines between 9th and lOth Streets on Washington. hay Petersen and Don Morrison also spoke regarding I I the same, advising installation of storm sewers to relieve sanitary sewers. After further discussion, it Vias moved by Commissioner Taylor that the matter be referred to the Engineer's Department. The motion was 'withdrawn pending dis~~ssion vnth the County Commissioners at 11:00 Q'clock. . 1..I'C'=)."lliaSslSioonsbre Taylor informed regarding the serious condition of the foundation under the G.A .R. Hall. This discussed in th the County Commissioners. I I Und~: the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was placed on first am second re.aaJ.l1g: ORDINANCE NO. 1255 AN ORDINANCE stating the facts of an emergency a ffecting the public health, safety and welfare of the City of Port An!;",les; requiring the unforeseen expenditure of funds; providing for the issuance of emergency ,warrants and declaring an emergency. It was moved by Commissioner 'l'a:r1or that the foregoil1& Ordinance be passed first and second reading_ Seconded by Commissioner ltobinson. All voted Aye. ,"otion carried. The Commission examined and approved the following clairr.s and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: CURRENT EXPENSE ~1JlID: 5' I \i". 8''f City Treasurer John '1'. 'l'rumtull I fussing Office Supply ~ Street Dept. I Goss Stationery I Olympic Stationers I Olympic Stationers 1 !!oore Business Forms I f,rt furnside & Co. 1 , Light, Water, Uarbage, stamps, Refills Traveling Expense Envelopes Gas am Oil Field Books Drawing Tape.) Carbon Storage Binder 20 lteceipts Books 2 Ripkamp Saps I 280.62 24.13 .82 10.30 9.89 6.81 3.14" 43.85 B.09 -~ ,.- 34 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington il1lgus.t~-""ntinued . ,.<. . ".."', ....'" .,,,..,,.. ....... m.. ..., CURRENT ~XPENSE FUND. continued: NoWay Shoe Repair Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Peninsula fuol Co. Olympic Printery Zellerbaeh Paper Co. Stuart Filion Tower Super Service Angeles ouilding Center Middleton Motor Parts Co. CITY STHEET FUND: 157>0, III Little iiDilnTire Co. Automotive Parts Service T~ler Super Service Middleton Motor Parts Co. .1estinghouse Electric Supply Co. The Ol.empic Electric Co. City Treasurer Crown Zellerbach corp. Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Angeles Building Center Nailor Lumber Co. WATER FUND: iP ,!!l.~ 1 City Light Dept. Radio Servic e Appliance Co. Crown Zellerbach Corp. H, E. Dodge City Street Dept. The Texa s Co. Willson Hardware Co. McMahan Fuel Co. Tower Super Service Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Pacific Water Works Supply Co. Olympic Slectric Co. LIGHT FUND: I ~ 9 'i. r'-t Little-Holm Tire Co. Middleton Motor Parts Co. The Texas Co. Pt. Iingeles Upholstery & FIlm. Co. Eu-gene E. Williams R. L. & R. Service Samuelson Motor Co. City Street Dept. City ;later Dept. Willson Hardware Co. ~irestinghouse Electric Supply Co. Johnson &. Bark Olympic Sta tioner s Olympic Electric Co. Home Blectric Co. SANITATION FUND: :1.77. Iff> Earl Davidson Street Dept. Olympic Printery Bussing Office Supply City Treasurer Little Holm Tire Co. Janish Motor Co. Middleton Motor Parts Co. LIBlUlRY FUND: I 0'1, 0 fZ City Treasurer Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Lee Hodson, Librarian Olympic Sta tioners Evening News Press Lee Hodson Puget Sound News Co. Personal Book Shop, Inc. A. C. McClurg & Co. Doubleday & Co., Inc. 1929- 1.03 5.89 43.52 11.0'7 S.46 21.12 3.76 4.15 35.41 79.64 42.18 19.96 35.50 23.01 47.47 77.14 84.98 89.53 .67 20.51 5.81 .98 9.27 23.66 191.67 ISO .16 7.00 4.90 18.84 27.40 170.98 71.62 74.24 .77' 28.55' 25.75 7.42 5.41 14.09 241. 78 5.00 133.87 279.53 2.64 1.30 7.67 469.02 33.18 142.68 1.70 .57 1.60 82.18 7.57 8.17 10.44 20.82 5.00 12.10 5.67 24.71 7.09 5.46 7.83 4.90 6.8'7 3.80 2.50 68.61 5.15, 183 .50 804.82 llep2ir Motorcycle Seat Car Repair fuel Oil Office Supplies 1 Case Toilet Tissue Janitor Supplies Acetylene 1.!yratec, Texolite Parts, Spot Light, Extra Bulbs Tire, Tube, Repairs Parts Oxygen, Acetylene Tools, Hdwe., Hepair Dome Reflectors, Hoods Rigid Conduit, Electrical Supplies Light and Ylater Lime Sevrer Pipe, etc. Nails Nails, Lumber Lights Battery Lead 11001 Car Expense Gas and Repairs Anti-freeze & gas Tools Coal O.x;)r-gen,€ttc. Sevrer Pipe Valves Wiring Supplies Tire Repair, Tires, Tubes Head light Anti-freeze Repairs Car Expenso Repairs Repairs Gas and Repairs Vlater Lamps, etc. 1~eters Varnish Blue Prints Yliring Fittings Wire Car Mileage for July Gas and Oil 2--1 Line Stamps 1 Pad Water Tires and Hepairs Hand Brake Cable Hose, Plugs, etc. Light, Water, Garbage Service 7244 Stamps Office Supplies Paper Traveling Expense Books Socks Books Books PARJa NO I.!I!.'T ER & TRA I'J<'IC CO NTR OLF1JND : I 3. /7 Street Dept. Gas and Oil Wheeler Hdwe. & 1'lIrn. Co. Enamel, SHnd Paper, etc. Nailor I.umber Co. Lumber ..... .L. 1. D. REVOLVING !'UND: {p r. ~ I iCity Treasurer ILIBRARY MEMORIAL FUND: 5, IS- l'uget Sound NeVIS Co. !ANJJJP.L CONrRDL FUND: I' ~ ;:). ~O IC~llam County Humane Society CIVIC ADVERTISING FiJND: Rblf.~!< 11'.B:cVlilkins, Cole & We ber I Taxes & Assess., Fed. Excise .Stamps Book Dog & Cat I,icense~, Pound Feos, Budget Approp. Advertising :1 I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington August 7. ContinuEd 19~ 35 ., I 1 1- I ".. . """. '0'''. """.m. ,,,.,,... ..... .... IOn Motion by Commissioner Robinson, the meeting VIas recessed to confer with the County Commissioners.. Court House 11 :65 A. M., I The County and City Commissioners discussed sawen connections and service as requested by Petersen and Craver. Also use of City trunk sewers by the County as by previous agreements. The condition of the G. A. R. fuilding was also considered after which all was referred to the COUjlty and City Engineers for investigation. Theta being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ~~L. tJ City Clark JdJd~~1 Ma10 ~