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Port Angeles, Washington
August 7, 1990
Mayor Sargent called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council
to order at 7:03 P.M.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Shannon Wear's Summer
Parks kids. Members present: Nicole Croxford, Haley Croxford, Courtney
Oakes, and Jessica Oakes.
Members Present: Mayor Sargent, Councilmen Gabriel, Hallett, Lemon
Ostrowski, Wight.
Members Absent: Councilman Nicholson.
Staff Present: Interim Manager/Attorney Knutson, Clerk Maike, S.
Brodhun, M. Cleland, B. Collins, L. Glenn, B. Titus, B.
Coons, G. Beck, B. Upton, K. Ridout, B. Myers, J. Hicks,
G. Kenwor thy.
Public Present: W. Winters, T. Hawksworth, N. & W. Johnson, M. Langley,
R. Howatt, G. Eustace, D. Rudolph, M. Schrader, Mr.
Mrs. H. Abbott, D. Berry, D. Wood, J. VanOss, L. Schmitt,
E. Colompos, K. Schermer.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting
of July 17, 1990, and the special meeting of July 30, 1990, of the Port
Angeles City Council. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion.
Mayor Sargent noted a correction to Agenda Item X, indicating there were
several topics of litigation discussed.
The motion was voted on and carried unanimously.
1. Request for Progress Payment to DelHur for Landfill Construction of
$815,449.64; Retainage to Escrow of $39,760.23
Councilman Wight moved to authorize the progress payment to DelHur for
Landfill construction in the amount of $815,449.64, less the retainage to
escrow of $39,760.23. Councilman Ostrowski seconded the motion, which
carried unanimous ly.
Interim Manager Knutson added an item to the Consent Agenda Item 3B,
Request to Hold an Adult/Teen Dance at the Clallam County Fairgrounds on
August 16, 1990.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to accept the items as presented on the Consent
Agenda, as amended, including: (1) Request to call for bids for "E" Street
Reservoir reline; (2) Request for out of state travel to GRCDA Conference
in Vancouver, BC - Public Works, Solid Waste Division; (3A) Request to hold
adult-teen dance in Vern Burton Gym by Derby Days; (3B) Request to hold
adult/teen dance at Clallam County Fairgrounds on August 16, 1990; (4)
Consideration of extending contract with Gates McDonald for payment of
Workers' Compensation claims; (5) Correspondence from Washington State
Liquor Control Board; (6) Vouchers of $1,280,405.39; and (7) Payroll of
August 7, 1990
7-22-90 of $276,389.86. Councilman Lemon seconded the motion.
Following discussion of some of the items as presented, the motion was
voted on and carried unanimously.
Craig W halley, 1000 Mt. Pleasant Road, requested the Council allow him to
speak to Legislative Item No. 10.
Mike Langley, 1036 West Seventh Street, requested he be allowed to speak
to Legislative Item No. 6, together with Mark Schrader and Dave Berry.
Mr. Langley also presented to the Council photographs of the opening
ceremonies in Port Townsend for the dedication of the Discovery Trail and
also a photo of the opening ceremonies in Port Angeles for the dedication
of the Waterfront Trail. He thanked the Council for their support, both
past and future, for the Centennial Trail project.
Everett Winters, 724 East Second Street, requested to speak on Legislative
Item No. 3A.
Interim Manager Knutson added an item to the Agenda, Consideration of
Parking Agreement, Waterfront Antique Mall. This item was placed as Item
No. 14 on the Council's regular Agenda.
1. Yard of the Month Award Presentations - August, 1990
Mayor Sargent presented Yard of the Month awards to the following citizens:
Harlan and Marion Holldorf, 2127 West Eighth Street; Don and Lola Anderson,
721 Seamount Drive; Frank and Sue Thayer, 315 Whidby Avenue; Dave and
Michele Flodstrom, 2816 South Laurel Street; Bob and Roberta Dickinson,
1028 South Cedar Street; Lewis Sample, 732 Caroline Street.
2. Presentation by 4-H International Exchange Program Japanese Students
Mayor Sargent received gifts from 4-H International Exchange Program
students, Tatsuyuki Yakara, representint Ebina-Shi; Yumi Aoki, representing
Sendai; and Daiji Traba, representing Hyogo, Japan, and also presented
letters and gifts in exchange.
A. Rezone Request REZ-90(07)3 - Ruddell: Request for rezone
of property from Residential to Commercial (located west of
Golf Course Road)
Mayor Sargent opened the public hearing at 7:31 P.M.
"Mac" Ruddell, 1134 East Eighth Street, applicant, stated he was available
for any questions the Council may have regarding this issue.
Everett Winters, 724 East Second Street, submitted a letter to the Council
outlining some concerns he has regarding this rezone application. Mr.
Winters's main concern had to do with drainage problems in the area,
especially in light of the impacts by a large facility. Mr. Winters
requested that a study be done regarding the drainage in the area prior
to approval of the rezone request.
Planning Director Collins responded that the action before the Council is
a rezone which does not involve a specific project. The rezone was granted
a Determination of Non-Significance in June and no appeals against the
Determination have been filed. He noted that at the time a building permit
application is submitted, this issue will be reviewed to make sure
standards are met regarding drainage in the area.
Council discussed with Mr. Winters the problems he has with drainage in
the area.
Mr. Winters also expressed concern regarding the increased noise from any
project which would be located on the site.
August 7, 1990
Mayor Sargent closed the public hearing at 7:44 P.M. She then read the
Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
rezoning property south of Front Street
and west of Golf Course Road from RS-7
to ACD.
Councilman Wight moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, authorizing
publication in sl,mmary form, and to approve the rezone, citing the
following findings and conclusions: Findings: (1) The rezone is in a
commercial corridor identified by the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan and
would create a large node of commercial zoning in the area; (2) Golf Course
Road, the primary access to the property, is identified as a collector
arterial and has been improved recently; (3) The ACD Zoning District
contains development standards designed to minimize the conflict between
commercial and non-commercial zoning districts; (4) The rezone would not
create a new commercial/residential interface, but would move an existing
boundary to the south. The existing commercial area has developed or has
been identified for development; (5) The rezone area is occupied by a
single-family dwelling which will become a non-conforming use; (6) Adjacent
residential property owners have testified that the rezone will not
adversely impact the residential character of the neighborhood;
Conclusions: (A) The rezone request is in the public use and interest and
will not cause adverse impacts to the characteristics of the adjacent
zoning districts; (B) Circumstances have changed since the property was
zoned RS-7 by the City of Port Angeles; (C) The rezone is consistent with
the Policies and Goals of the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. Councilman
Ostrowski seconded the motion.
Councilman Wight, in speaking to the motion, stated this small portion of
property is a logical extension which is appropriate for the Arterial
Commercial District zoning, stating the drainage and any other issues will
be dealt with during other processes of the property's development.
Councilman Hallett was in agreement with Councilman Wight, stating rezones
are not project-specific and the rezone should be approved. He requested
staff provide information to Mr. Winters regarding the drainage problem.
The motion was voted on and carried unanimously.
B. Rezone Request - REZ-90(07)4 - Howatt: Request to rezone from
Residential Multi-Family to Office Commercial (located at 113
South Eunice Street)
Mayor Sargent opened the public hearing at 7:53 P.M.
Robert Howatt, 113 South Eunice, applicant, stated he was available to
answer any questions the Council may have.
There being no further public comment, Mayor Sargent closed the public
hearing at 7:54 P.M. and read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
rezoning property located at the north-
east corner of Eunice and Second Streets
from RMF to OC.
Director Collins noted an error in the legal description in the Ordinance,
which should include Lot 12.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to adopt the Ordinance as amended, to authorize
publication in summary form, to approve the rezone, citing the following
findings and conclusions: Findings: (1) The Port Angeles Comprehensive
Plan indicates that commercial areas should be buffered, but not by
multiple-family units; (2) The Office Commercial Zone allows a variety of
residential and office uses; (3) The rezone area is occupied by a single-
family dwelling and a church; (4) The rezone area is located between
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property zoned RS-7 and ACD; (5) The area to the west of the site has begun
to develop commercially, while little redevelopment of the RMF-zoned
property has taken place; Conclusions: (A) The rezone is in the public
use and interest and is functionally related to the surrounding zoning;
(B) The rezone is consistent with the Goals and Policies of the Port
Angeles Comprehensive Plan; (C) Circumstances have changed since the
property was zoned RMF by the City of Port Angeles. Councilman Hallett
seconded the motion.
Following a brief discussion, the motion was voted on and carried
C. Appeal of Short Plat SHP-90(04)3 - Abbott: Appeal of
Preliminary Short Plat denial
Interim Manager Knutson explained to the Council that at the previous
Council meeting there had been some discussion regarding the possibility
of amending the Short Plat Ordinance in order to provide some type of
relief in situations where there are panhandle lots being proposed as part
of a short plat. He stated staff has met and considered this issue, and
the decision of staff was to recommend that the Council not consider that
type of amendment to the Short Plat Ordinance which would provide for
discretion to deviate from the development standards. However, another
option could be proposed by the proponent with regard to implementing a
variance procedure. This would require a new short plat application be
submitted and it would follow the variance procedures.
Mayor Sargent opened the public hearing at 7:58 P.M.
Doug Wood, P.O. Box 1381, Port Angeles, representing the Abbotts, spoke
in support of a proposed change in the Short Plat Ordinance which, in his
opinion, was very rigid. He requested that the Council consider allowing
a variance to be incorporated in the amended Short Plat Ordinance.
Councilman Wight asked Mr. Wood whether or not the applicants would be
willing to consider withdrawing or tabling the request as a mechanism to
enable the Planning Commission and the Council to review an amendment to
the Ordinance. Mr. Wood stated if it is possible, that would be
Mayor Sargent stated a petition has been submitted by the neighbors of
Harold and Peggy Abbott, signed by 17 residents in the area. It reads:
To Port Angeles City Council, City Planning Commission,
City Planner, and Port Angeles City Attorney:
We, the neighbors of Harold and Peggy Abbott of 3231
Regent Street, support their effort to divide their one-
acre lot into two one-half acre parcels. We feel that
the addition of one home in this area on a half-acre
site will not change the rural setting of our community.
Since these lots that would contain over 20,000 square
feet each in an area that is zoned for 9,000 square
feet, we feel that consideration should be given for
approval of their request or possible change in the
Short Plat Ordinance that would allow them to meet the
City requirements.
The Council discussed briefly with Planning Commission Chairman Leonard
the testimony which had been received during the Planning Commission's
public hearing, as well as any possibility for the Planning Commission to
address this issue.
Interim Manager Knutson noted to the Council that a precedent has been set
in the past, when the Council denies an application, that it can be
withdrawn without prejudice, and the City will allow for a new application
to be submitted without payment of the appropriate fees.
Following a discussion of the issue, Councilman Hallett moved that the
Council concur with the Planning Commission recommendation to deny the
Short Plat appeal, citing the following findings and conclusions:
Findings: (1) The subject property is identified by the Port Angeles
Comprehensive Plan as suburban, which promotes residential developments
of between 9,000 and 14,000 square feet; (2) The subject property is
August 7, 1990
identified by the Port Angeles Zoning Code as RS-9, which allows single-
family dwellings on 9,000 square-foot lots; (3) The Port Angeles
Comprehensive Plan identifies the following Residential Policies
applicable to the proposed short plat: Necessary services such as
schools, water and sewer, street lighting, power, sidewalks, and police
and fire protection should be available prior to or at the time of
residential development, not after; [Residential Policy ~4]; - Ail
developments should provide improvements such as paved streets, gutters,
sidewalks, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, power, water, street lighting,
public open space and recreation areas in a manner that is complementary
to the character of the four residential environments and in compliance
with City standards; [Residential Policy #5]; (4) The proposed short plat
would create two parcels of property, each approximately 0.5 acres in
size. Neither of the parcels would abut an improved City right-of-way and
one lot would include a 15-foot panhandle; (5) The Port Angeles Short Plat
Code establishes the following development standards for short plats
within the City of Port Angeles which the proposed short plat will not
comply with: - Each lot shall abut on a dedicated, improved, and
maintained City street [PAMC 16.04.070(1)]; - Panhandle or dogleg lots may
be permitted if the original parcel has insufficient width to reasonably
provide each lot with a dedicated right-of-way occurring within the
interior of the plat, or if there is no reasonable likelihood that
standard rights-of-way could be provided in cooperation with abutting
properties [PAMC 16.04.070(4)]; - The panhandle shall have a minimumwidth
of twenty feet and shall serve no more than one lot [PAMC
16.04.070(4)(b)]; The provision of streets and rights-of-way must be
adequate to serve the short subdivision and comply with Sections 16.04.070
and 16.04.140 of the Short Plat Code, as determined by the Departments of
Public Works and Planning [PAMC 16.04.090(B)]; - Water supply and fire
protection facilities must be adequate to serve the short plat and comply
with Section 16.04.140 of the Short Plat Code, as determined by the
Departments of Public Works and Fire [PAMC 16.04.090(C)]; Sanitary sewer
facilities must be adequate to serve the short plat and comply with
Section 16.04.140 of the Short Plat Code, as determined by the Department
of Public Works [PAMC 16.04.090(D)]; The short plat lot arrangement must
comply with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and further the
attainment of the objectives and goals of the Comprehensive Plan [PAMC
16.04.090(E)]; (6) PAMC 16.04.100 requires that the Port Angeles Planning
Director determine if appropriate provisions for the public health, safety
and general welfare of the community have been made and whether the public
use and interest is served by the approval of the short plat application;
(7) The Department of Public Works reviewed the proposed short plat and
indicated that the lots would be served by a private roadway, that a
proposed panhandle lot is 15 feet wide, that sanitary sewer is by private
line, and it is uncertain how water and fire protection would be provided
to the short plat; (8) The Light Department reviewed the proposed short
plat and indicated that the applicant has not provided an ingress/ egress
or utility easement to be property for the installation of electric
facilities; (9) The Fire Department reviewed the proposed short plat and
indicated that a turn-around for fire apparatus and a fire hydrant would
need to be provided; Conclusions: (A) The proposed short plat is not
consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code; (B)
The proposed short plat is not consistent with the Port Angeles Short Plat
Code, Chapter 16.04 PAMC, and the Washington State Subdivision Act,
Chapter 58.17 RCW; (C) The approval of the proposed short plat does not
provide for the public health, safety and general welfare of the community
and does not serve the public use and interest, without prejudice; refer
the issue back to the Planning Commission to consider possible amendment
to the Short Plat Ordinance to include a variance procedure at its
earliest convenience. Councilman Lemon seconded the motion. The motion
was voted on and carried unanimously.
D. Appeal of Condition of Approval CUP~90(07)ll HO Ketchum
Councilman Lemon moved to remand the Conditional Use Permit to the
Planning Commission in order to provide adequate public notice and review
information received from the Administrative Services Department.
Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion.
Mayor Sargent asked whether the delinquent account owed by Mr. Ketchum had
been paid. Interim Manager Knutson stated that the full amount owing had
not been paid.
August 7, 1990
Following clarification regarding the posting notice requirements and the
failure of the applicant t~p~ovide, ~n affidavit proving that he had
completed those requirements, the motion was voted on and carried
4. Planning Commission Minutes of Special Meeting of July 18th and
Regular Meeting of July 25, 1990
Councilman Hallett moved to accept and place on file the Planning
Commission minutes of the July 18th meeting. Councilman Wight seconded
the motion.
Councilman Lemon noted he was opposed to the recommendation made on the
SEPA appeal. He did not believe the issue and the impacts had been fully
- reviewed.
The motion was voted on and carried, with Councilman Lemon voting "No".
Councilman Hallett moved to accept and place on file the Planning
Commission minutes of the July 25, 1990, meeting; further that the Council
direct staff to provide refreshments at the Planning Commission meetings
where public hearings are held. Councilman Wight seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
5. Consideration of Amendment to Electric Rate Ordinance
Councilman Hallett, speaking for the Utility Advisory Committee, stated
the main point of the Ordinance is to be consistent in the rate procedure
so all rate classifications are on an even basis.
City Light Director Titus gave a brief presentation and overview regarding
the rate recommendation and past rate schedules.
Mayor Sargent read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
altering the rates for the sale of
electricity; amending Section 3 of
Ordinance 2054 as most recently amended
by Section 1 of Ordinance 2273; amending
Section 4 of Ordinance 2054 as most
recently amended by Section 1 of Ordinance
2361; amending Section 6 of Ordinance 2054
as most recently amended by Section 1 of
Ordinance 2461; amending Section 2 of
Ordinance 2173 as most recently amended
by Section 2 of Ordinance 2461; amending
Section 6 of ordinance 2273 as most recently
amended by Section 3 of Ordinance 2461;
amending Section 3 of Ordinance 2173 as
most recently amended by Section 4 of
Ordinance 2417; repealing Section 2 of
Ordinance 2361; amending Sections 13.12.030,
13.12.040, 13.12.060, 13.12.071, 13.12.072,
_ and 13.12, 073 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code; repealing Section 13.12.050 of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code; and adding
a new Section 13.12.041 to the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
Councilman Lemon moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilman Hallett seconded the motion.
Following a brief discussion, the motion was voted on and carried
Mayor Sargent recessed the meeting at 8:55 P.M. The meeting reconvened
· at 9:15 P.M.
August 7, 1990
6. Consideration of Resolution Authorizing 1991 Centennial Trail Grant
Interim Manager Knutson explained to the Council that the intent of the
memo regarding the Waterfront Trail extension was to make the Council
aware of risks that will be involved in proceeding with the project. With
regard to liability issues, he noted that there is a State statute which
provides immunity to liability for recreational properties. Although the
statute contains provisos which exempt the liability immunity provision
from things such as attractive nuisances or known hazards which are not
adequately posted, the statute does provide a significant amount of
protection from liability exposure for recreational properties.
Parks Director Brodhun gave the Council a step-by-step outline of the
application process to date, discussing with the Council the application
date deadlines and the possible dates when the application could be
withdrawn if the Council should decide to do so.
Mayor Sargent noted that any grant money given to the City from the
Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation will be for property
acquisition only and cannot be used for maintenance or operation.
Mike Langley, 1036 West 17th Street, thanked the Council for its support
on this project and requested continuation of support by passage of the
Resolution. He stated he would be available to answer questions on the
Mark Schrader, 220 West Fifth Street, spoke in support of the Resolution,
as a member of the Peninsula Trails Coalition. He noted that he believed
the trail would be an asset to the lives of the citizens and the community
of Port Angeles. He stated the community is desperate for ways to provide
activities for youth and believed this would be a key answer to the
pursuit of the problem.
Dave Berry, 701 Ridgeview Drive, urged the Council to continue to look at
the positive aspects of the project, noting that the memo outlines two
major concerns: the acquisition of the property; secondly, that grant
funds are available from the 1AC. He believed that other issues raised
do have solutions, and referred to the Bellingham Interurban Trail, which
is a successful project, noting this is not a paved trail but is a dirt
trail, which is a possible solution the City may want to review. He
requested that the Council focus on the goal and not on the problems.
Council and staff discussed the City's responsibility as the lead agency
in the project, as well as funding issues raised, potential donations and
appraisal of the property to be acquired.
Following a lengthy discussion on the issue, Mayor Sargent read the
Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of
of Port Angeles authorizing the Mayor to submit
a grant application to the Interagency Committee
for Outdoor Recreation as provided by SB 6417,
for 1991 funding assistance to acquire property
for the development of the Centennial Trail
portion of the Olympic Discovery Trail.
Councilman Wight moved to pass the Resolution as read by title, and to
direct staff, with assistance from the volunteers who are showing interest
in the project, to clarify title and ownership to portions of the property
which are unknown, and to seek either appraisals or market evaluations of
the properties which the City may need to acquire. Councilman Ostrowski
seconded the motion.
Councilman Wight, in speaking to the motion, stated there are some risks
and unknowns involved with the acquisition and the continuation of the
project. However, there are several possibilities which are available in
terms of seeking support, funding, and participation by various
organizations. He suggested contacting other age~cies, such as the
August 7, 1990
County, in the development of the Trail. In looking at the value of the
project to the community, in.his opinion, there is significant potential
as he saw the Trail as an asset to the City of Port Angeles.
Councilman Ostrowski spoke in favor of the motion, recalling that one of
the Council Goals and Objectives was to move the Trail project to a high
priority goal, but urged staff to pursue possible other agency cooperation
in the project.
Councilman Lemon requested that staff, in reviewing the appraisal and
clear titles, keep the Council abreast of any costs which are incurred.
Councilman Hallett spoke in support; however, he expressed concern that
the continuation of this project does not take away from the City's
commitment to the existing Waterfront Trail, noting that if this project
is to continue, the Council will need to make some budget adjustments in
the future.
Councilman Lemon echoed Councilman Hallett~s concerns.
The question was called and the motion was voted on and carried
7. Consideration of Amendment to Sewer Pretreatment Ordinance
Mayor Sargent read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
amending the Industrial Wastewater
Pretreatment provisions of Ordinance
No. 2290 and Chapter 13.06 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Lemon moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title and to
authorize publication in s,~m~ary form. Councilman Gabriel seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
Councilman Hallett, as a point of order, moved to continue the items as
listed on the Agenda, as it was past 10:00 P.M. Councilman Lemon seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously.
8. Consideration of Resolution for Abatement of Public Nuisances
(public comment accepted)
Mayor Sargent read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles, WAshington,
declaring the existence of a public
nuisance and requiring the elimination
of such nuisance.
Staff provided Council with a revised Exhibit "A". Councilman Hallett
moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman Wight seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously.
9 Consideration of Implementation and Funding of Consolidated
Dispatch/ Records
Councilman Hallett stated that an ad hoc committee had met with the Police
Department and representatives from the County in the discussion of the
Consolidated Dispatch/Records Center issue. This issue has been a high
priority goal of the Council for several years. A great amount of time
has been spent reviewing the project and the proposal before the Council
will allow the City to do a number of things; primarily, to take a major
step forward in combining the resources with the County in the
implementation of the project. He urged the Council to concur with the
August 7, 1990
Police Chief Cleland introduced Assistant Chief Myers, who has been
working on the program for the past year with Under-Sheriff Dan
Engelbertson, to give a presentation on the facts and figures and to
answer questions regarding this project.
Assistant Chief Myers presented to the Council an overview of the cost
analysis and an explanation of the proposed system, reviewing cost
comparisons between 1991 Dispatch costs without consolidation, versus
costs with the consolidation and County funds. He reviewed with the
Council the 1990 start-up and one-time cost-sharing between the County and
the City, including computer hardware costs, software costs, and the
Dispatch console cost. He reviewed current funding available in the
Police Department capital funds, and the anticipated shortfall.
Staff and Council discussed the issue of handling funds for the project.
Assistant Chief Myers noted that this is actually a City-run Dispatch
Center. A draft contract has been presented to the County Commissioners.
Other users which contract with the City for services will have a vote
based upon activity in a users' committee. This will allow input from
other jurisdictions.
Councilman Hallett moved that the Council approve the project and funding;
to direct staff to prepare a final project, with required amendments to
the Civil Service Ordinance and bring it before the Council for approval
at the August 21, 1990, City Council meeting; and further to address the
funding issue regarding the difference of $19,730 and defer this to the
first quarter of 1991. Councilman Lemon seconded the motion.
Following further discussion, the question was called and the motion
carried unanimously.
10. Consideration of Requests to Lease Old City Hall
Councilman Lemon gave the Council a brief report from the Real Estate
Committee regarding this issue, stating that the Committee had met with
Mr. Schermer, representing the Historical Society, and that it was their
understanding the issue would be referred to the Real Estate Committee for
further consideration.
Craig Whalley, 114 West Front Street, endorsed the idea of moving the
Museum to the old City Hall building and urged that the Council support
consideration of this request.
Councilman Wight commented that the Real Estate Committee had suggested
the possibility of a two-year lease with incremental extensions as
mutually agreed upon. His recollection was that the Committee wanted a
specific offer from the Historical Society to be returned to the Real
Estate Committee so a specific recommendation could be made to the City
The Council discussed this issue briefly.
Ken Schermer, representing the Historical Society, stated the information
received was an oral response between himself and Interim Manager Knutson;
that the Historical Society would prefer to meet wLth the Real Estate
Committee to discuss the costs involved in reL~ovation and the possible
cost of rent.
Interim Manager Knutson pointed out to the Council that the Economic
Development Council and Umbrella Services had made requests to lease the
old City Hall. Subsequently, the EDC's need was so immediate that it
proceeded to rent another facility. However, in speaking to Mr. Gruver,
representing Umbrella Services, the advantage to the City of leasing to
Umbrella Services is that it has money budgeted to pay rent. In the memo
presented to the Council, it was indicated that the City could include
rental of old City Hall in the agreement it has with the Museum. However,
he did not point out that the old City Hall building is owned by the City
Light Department and the Light Fund would have to be paid for use of the
Following further discussion of the issue, Councilman Lemon moved to refer
the request to lease the old City Hall to the Real Estate Committee.
August 7, 1990
Councilman Wight seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
A Real Estate Committee meeting was set for August 16, 1990, at 4:00 P.M.
11. Consideration of Ordinance Establishing Revolving Repair and
Demolition Fund
Mayor Sargent read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, establishing a Repair and
Demolition Fund for the administration
of municipal funds used in the repair
or demolition of dangerous buildings and
creating a new Chapter 3.27 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
Interim Manger Knutson stated the Ordinance has been revised, adding
Section 4, Codification, which provides that this Ordinance shall be
codified in Chapter 3.27 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Lemon moved to adopt the Ordinance as amended and to authorize
publication in s,,mmary form. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
12 Consideration of Petition to Form LID - 3800 Block Truck Route
Councilman Ostrowski moved to accept the petition from the property owners
and authorize the Public Works Department to proceed with surveying and
engineering to prepare a preliminary layout and estimated costs; further
that the Public Works Department draft a Resolution of Intent to form the
LID, to be brought to the Council for its consideration at a later date.
Councilman Lemon seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
13. Request to Schedule a Utility Advisory Committee (UAC) Meeting to
Discuss Recycling
The Utility Advisory Committee set a meeting date for August 28, 1990, at
3:15 P.M. to discuss recycling, as well as a request from Transmountain
Oil Pipeline to present information about its proposal. Additionally, the
Council discussed a meeting with the Public Utility District Commissioners
to be held on August 20, 1990, at 4:00 P.M. Councilmembers were
encouraged to attend the meeting, which will include a presentation by the
Public Power Council of issues affecting the electric utilities.
14. Consideration of Parking Agreement, Waterfront Antique Mall
The Council was presented with a draft of an agreement between the
Downtown Parking Association and a Downtown business. Interim Manager
Knutson explained that the form can be used for any businesses in the
Downtown area which have parking requirements that must be met. The
reason the issue is being brought before the Council is that a specific
business in the Downtown area is almost ready to open and does not yet
have parking needs completely addressed. Interim Manager Knutson
requested that the Council authorize the approval of an agreement
substantially similar to the one presented. The agreement allows for the
$600 per space payment over a period of time and provides for City
approval, as is required by the agreement between the City and the
Downtown Association for management of the PBIA.
Councilman Hallett moved to authorize the City Manager to approve an
agreement between the Port Angeles Downtown Association and the Waterfront
Antique Mall substantially similar to the one presented to the Council.
Councilman Lemon seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Councilman Wight updated the Council on a BPA meeting he and Counail=xn
. Oztrcwzl:~ and Light Director Titus had attended regarding the debt
reduction of Bonneville Power Association, as well as a joint meeting with
the Department of Interior, Bonneville Power Association, and the Corps
of Engineers, to review the operating requirements of the Columbia River
system of dams.
August 7, 1990
Councilman Wight also noted he will be out of State from September 6th
through October 2nd, and requested that the Council excuse him from those
Council meetings.
Councilman Lemon moved to excuse Councilman Wight from the meetings of
September 18th and October 2nd. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Councilman Hallett requested that the items on the Information Agenda
regarding the excess insurance coverage, property and liability, and
options for City Hall janitorial and building maintenance be placed on the
City Council meeting agenda for September 4, 1990.
The meeting adjourned to executive session at 11:20 P.M. to discuss an
item of real estate and litigation. Approximate length, 10 to 15 minutes.
The meeting returned to open session at approximately 11:50 P.M.
Councilman Gabriel announced his resignation from the Council, citing as
the reasons for his resignation that he will be taking over shares in his
father's printing business, thus creating a conflict of interest regarding
the company's contract with the City; that he may possibly be moving
outside of the City limits; and that he has not been able to devote as
much time as he would like to his committee assignments.
Council directed staff to follow the same process as with previous Council
member resignations and to proceed with notification of the vacancy, with
a possible appointment to be made on September 4, 1990.
Councilman Gabriel moved for adjournment. Councilman Lemon seconded and
the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at approximately 12:00