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Port Angeles, Washington
August 7, 2001
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Doyle called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Doyle, Councilmembers Campbell, Erickson, Hulett,
McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Dickson, B. Collins, M.
Connelly, G. Cutler, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, C. Hagar, K.
Dubuc, T. Sm/th, and K. Asquith.
Public Present: A. Harrison, T. Price, L. Lee, Nicole VanDerSchelden, K.
Rogers, and S. Woolett.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilman Hulett.
PUBLIC CEREMONIES, Intergovernmental Agreement with Lower Elwha Tribe:
PROCLAMATIONS: Mayor Doyle summarized the information provided with regard to the proposed
agreement with the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe. Manager Quinn reviewed the purpose
Intergovernmental of the agreement, stating it is a policy direction type of document. The intent is to allow
Agreement with Lower the Tribe and the City to discuss issues on a govermnent-to-govemment basis and arrive
Elwha Tribe at mutually agreeable solutions. The types of issues discussed might be water
mitigation, development of the land the Tribe leases on Ediz Hook, Rayonier site clean
up, and other environmental issues. The City and Tribe would meet at least once a year
to set an agenda and identify common issues and review progress.
Upon completion of Manager Quinn's review of the agreement, Mr. John Miller,
Executive Director of the Lower Elwha Tribe, was introduced to the Council. Mr.
Miller, 2832 Mt. Pleasant Road, spoke in support of the agreement and responded to
questions posed by the Council. He advised the Council that the Tribe hopes to enter
into similar agreements with the County and the Port as well. The agreement is an
effort to create more congenial relationships between the Tribe and other governmental
Councilman Campbell moved to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the
Intergovernmental Agreement between the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe and the
City of Port Angeles and that the City Manager be designated as being responsible
for facilitating the implementation of the Agreement. Councilman Williams
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
August 7, 2001
LATE ITEMS TO BE Councilman Wiggins asked to add Item I. 4, a Lodging Tax consideration.
FUTURE AGENDA: Mayor Doyle announced that item H. 2., Adoption of InVestment Policy, was removed
from the agenda and will be brought back to a future meeting.
Peter Ripley informed the Council that his intemet "newspaper" The Port Angeles
Journal is celebrating its fourth anniversary.
FINANCE: Solid Waste Containers Bid Award:
Solid Waste Containers Mayor Doyle summarized the information provided regarding the purchase of the 90-
Bid Award gallon containers. Director Cutler informed the Council that the City was in receipt of
a protest regarding the award of this purchase contract. A supplier had submitted a bid
that was received late and subsequently returned to the company. This particular
supplier has protested an award of the contract to the apparent low bidder based on the
opinion that the product to be purchased does not conform to the bid specifications.
The unsuccessful supplier has requested that all bids be rejected and the project be
rebid. Staff has not had sufficient time to review the protest, and Director Cutler asked
that this item be deferred to the next Council meeting.
Following brief discussion and clarification, Councilman Wiggins moved to table the
Solid Waste container bid award to a future meeting. Councilmember McKeown
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Hulett moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include the City
Council minutes of the July 17, 2001, regular meeting. Councilmember Erickson
seconded the motion, which carried 6 - 0,' with Councilmember McKeown
abstaining from the vote due to absence from that Council meeting.
CITY COUNCIL Councilman Campbell attended a Shared Strategy for Salmon Recovery meeting. A
COMMITTEE draft copy of the shared strategy is available, and anyone interested in reading the
REPORTS: document can contact Councilman Campbell. The purpose of the group is to provide
a forum for consultation, sharing successes and failures, technical services, and group
Mayor Doyle reported he attended 15 events since the last Council meeting. One of the
highlights of the past week was hosting a member of the family with whom he stayed
while visiting Mutsu City, Japan. Also, there was a change of command at the Coast
Guard Cutter Active, and Mayor Doyle signed a proclamation for the event.
ORDINANCES NOT Ordinance Designating Agent to Receive Claims for Damages:
HEARINGS: Mayor Doyle pointed out that there was an error in the original cover memo, and a
corrected memo has been distributed to the Council. He summarized the information
Ordinance Designating provided regarding the designation of an agent to receive claims for damages. Manager
Agent to Receive Claims Quinn explained the necessity of the Ordinance which came about by virtue of a recent
for Damages change in the State statutes. Mayor Doyle read the Ordinance by title, entitled
Ordinance No. 3093
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, appointing
the Risk Manager as the City's agent to receive claims for
damages and amending Ordinance 2736 as amended and Chapter
2.76 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
August 7, 2001
Ordinance Designating Councilmember McKeown moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title,
Agent to Receive Claims appointing the City's Risk Manager as the agent for receiving claims for damages
for Damages against the City. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried
Ordinance No. 3093 unanimously.
RESOLUTIONS: 1. Street Vacation Petition for Peninsula Bottling/Fidler: Request for vacation
of a portion of the 3/4 alley east of Valley Street
Street Vacation Petition -
Peninsula Bottling/Fidler Mayor Doyle summarized the information pertaining to the street vacation.
Resolution No. 14-01 Councilman Wiggins, having left the Real Estate Committee meeting early due to
another commitment, asked Councilman Hulett for clarification regarding the rates set
for this vacation, which were provided.
Following brief discussion, Mayor Doyle read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate
a portion of the 3/4 Alley in Block 72 of the Townsite
of Port Angeles, Washington.
Councilman Hulett moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman
Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Adoption of Investment 2. Resolution for Adoption of Investment Policy
Councilman Williams moved to table the adoption of the Investment Policy.
Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
OTHER 1. Mail Room/Copy Room Contract with Diversified Industries
Mayor Doyle summarized the information provided regarding the contract with
Mail Room/Copy Room Diversified Resource Center and deferred to Finance Director Ziomkowski.
Contract with Diversified
Industries Director Ziomkowski stated that the City was in receipt of a letter from Marie
Campbell, Executive Director of Diversified Resource Center. Ms. Campbell indicated
she was forced to terminate the City's contract as, due to lack of outside funding, the
agency was losing $306 per month on this contract. Staffhad researched other methods
of getting the work accomplished, such as outsourcing or job sharing, but felt raising
the contract by $306 per month to keep the existing staff was the best solution. The
Diversified staff has become part of the City family, and they work hard to provide
good service.
Councilmembers Erickson and McKeown agreed that this contract provided a service
both to the City and to the Diversified clients employed in the mail room. Therefore,
Councilmember Erickson moved to increase the contract payment with Diversified
Resource Center to $1,577 per month with an automatic COLA increase as of
January 1, 2002. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion. Brief discussion
followed, and it was pointed out that Dr. and Mrs. Skerbeck started this agency more
than 40 years ago. Mayor Doyle suggested a clause be added to the contract providing
for the COLA in January, 2002. The City Attorney's office will make the necessary
change prior to the contract being signed. A vote was taken on the motion, which
carried unanimously.
August 7, 2001
Purchase Contract for 2. Purchase Contract for Lot 17 Island View Estates
Lot 17 Island View
Estates Director Cutler explained that the title report was received today and needs to be
reviewed by staff. Also, a notice of summary judgment was received today, and staff
recommends tabling the matter to the next meeting to allow more time for review. It
was pointed out that, in this event, the closing date would have to be changed, as the
next meeting is not until August 21, 2001. Should Council wish to attempt closing on
August 15, 2001, authorization may need to be granted to proceed with the closing
pending approval of all issues by the legal department.
Discussion followed. Councilman Campbell noted that the City Attorney was out of
town and asked if he would be back to review the documents prior to the August 15
closing date. Manager Quinn responded that Attorney Knutson would be back in time,
and all issues should be clarified on a timely basis.
After further limited discussion, Councilmember Erickson moved to authorize the
purchase of Lot 17, Island View Estates for $83,000 ($80,000 as the City
contribution and $3,000 as the First American Title Company contribution), and
authorize the Mayor to sign the purchase and sale agreement, pending review and
approval of the City Attorney. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Mid-Year Financial 3. Mid-Year Financial Report
Finance Director Ziomkowski gave a power point presentation on the City's mid-year
financial report.
Director Ziomkowski stated that the purpose of a mid-year report was to evaluate goals
and objectives, review the status of projects, evaluate revenue trends, and review
expenses, strategies, and reserve levels. This aids in proposing budget amendments and
helps prepare for the new budget process.
Director Ziomkowski stated that overall, the City has 51% of revenues collected and
48% of appropriations expended. Taxes, which represent 60% of the General Fund, are
at 49% collected. Sales taxes are down for the year, at 6% less than the year 2000, due
to businesses moving outside the City limits. However, utility taxes are 9% higher than
the year 2000, largely due to water and wastewater rate increases and increased power
purchases by Daishowa America. Most other revenues are on target except for criminal
justice, which is only 44% collected.
The Street Fund has collected at 3% lower than last year, with expenditures at the same
level as 2000. There was been an almost $300,000 decrease in this fund's reserves
since 1998. Economic development is needed to help improve the status of the fund,
as the Real Estate Excise Tax supports debt service of major street projects.
Ms. Ziomkowski reviewed capital projects, utility funds (electric, water, wastewater,
and solid waste). She concluded with a review of Equipment Services, Information
Technology, and Self-Insurance funds.
Director Ziomkowski then reviewed the City's Investments. The market has been
unpredictable, and there have been six Fed fund rate decreases in 2001, with another cut
expected in August. The City's investment portfolio has more than $36 million
invested, with 68% of investments maturing in less than two years.
Mayor Doyle thanked Ms. Ziomkowski for the excellent presentation and for doing
such a good job in handling the City's financial affairs.
August 7, 2001
Lodging Tax Consideration Lodging Tax Consideration: Councilman Wiggins explained to the Council a proposal
that the Chamber of Commerce receive the marketing contract funded by lodging taxes.
To that end, Council approval is necessary to transfer the contract from the
VCB/Chamber of Commerce to the Chamber only. He explained that the VCB will still
be performing regional marketing strategies.
Councilman Wiggins moved to endorse changing the marketing contract from the
VCB/Chamber Group to the Chamber of Commerce effective January 1, 2002.
Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion. Councilman Campbell stated he
felt this was a wise move. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried
Break Mayor Doyle recessed the meeting for a break at 7:45 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 8:00 p.m.
INFORMATION: City Manager's Calendar, Reports & Project Status Update: Manager Quinn reviewed
the calendar contained in the packet and informed the Council that the joint Victoria
B.C. / City of Port Angeles Council meeting would take place on September 14, 2001.
The Victoria delegation should arrive around lunch time with the actual meeting starting
at approximately 2:00 p.m.
Manager Quinn reviewed the City's project update and pointed out the Budget calendar
provided. He noted that the first Town Meeting on the budget will be held October 23,
2001. He briefly noted the report on change orders, as well as the memo from the Fire
Chief regarding the City's fire protection classification.
Manager Quinn gave a brief analysis of the memo regarding the 8th Street bridges
weight classification and deferred to Director Cutler who drew the Council's attention
to the table regarding vehicle types and weight limitations. Certain types of vehicles'
will no longer be able to use the 8t~ Street bridges, and that traffic will have to be
redirected. Signs will be erected and letters of nohfication will be sent to various
tracking f'u'ms advising them of the new weight liraitations. Manager Quinn pointed out
that this is a safety measure required by the State.
Mayor Doyle suggested that staff also inform the cement companies of the weight
liraitafions. He then questioned the table in the packet, as a full five-yard dump track
would not weigh 23 tons, but closer to 15. A ten-yard dump track would likely weigh
23 tons. Staff agreed to look into the correction.
Director Cutler felt there might be State resources available to help fund replacement
of the bridges, and the City's cooperation today in enforcing these weight limitations
could help in securing these funds.
Referring to the Parks and Recreation monthly activities report, Councilman Campbell
noted that the year-to-date column for the Senior Center must be in error. Staff will
check into this.
Referring back to Committee Reports, Mayor Doyle noted that he sits on the Board for
the Lauridsen Trust. The Board will be making some improvements to the old Olympic
Fitness Center building on Lincoln street, as there is a gentleman interested in renting
the facility.
August 7, 2001
ADJOURN TO The meeting was adjourned to Executive Session at 8:35 p.m. to discuss a matter of
EXECUTIVE SESSION: potential litigation for approximately one-half hour.
RETURN TO The meeting returned to Open Session at 9:21 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: ~ ~1~, ~j ~ll~elr/4l~_ ~
Larry Doyle, ~or /J B-eckY ~.'UP~,~tY~