HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/08/1934 Proceedings of the City Commission of the ,City of Port Angeles, Washington August 8,1934 22~"'Ill 193_ I I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m.and was oall~dtto order by Mayor Davi8~ , Roll call showed the following offioefs present: Mayor Davis,Commissioners Lutz and Masters,Attorney Plummer and olerk Hawkins. , The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Und,er the head of applioa tions for Building permi ts and Lioenses the following were granted,- H'. E. Shellshear .raise building, Lotl1',Blook 257, Townsi te W.D.Janzen, Addition to residenoe, Lots 3 &: 4 Bolok 4,Cain's C.W.Alexand.er, Master Eleotrioian Byron Winter," tI City Eleotrio Co." L.R.Thompson, Restaurant (Merohants Hotel Hazel Patterson ( Oak rooms) 9 rooms D.A.Baurook, 2 barber ohairs Union Drug Co" Fountain Lunoh "t1 Soft drink .. " $50.00 100;00 10.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 9.00 . 2.00 5.00j 5.00 5.001 5.001 5.00 Subd. Elk Drug Co., Fry Drug Co., Eubanks Drug Co., tI tI Under the head of unfinished business,- The matter of the proposed lioense for taking over the Ediz Hook Lighthouse Reserve- vation Power Line oame up,- It was moved by Commissioner Lutz that the Mayor be instructed to sign said lioense in quadruplioate on behalf of the oity. Seoonded by Commissioner Masters. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion carried. Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolution was introduced,- RESOLUTION Rela ting to Wa tershed of Port Angeles Wa tar SUpply. (Direoted to United States National Forest Department) VffiEREAS, the entire supply of water for household and domestio ,use in Port Angeles is secured from Morse Creek and distributed for drinking and. other purposes to about eleven thousand people, and VffiEREAS, the area oomprising the watershed for this supply has reoently beoome more aooessable for hunting, fishing and for logging beoause of trail and road oonstruotion by the Ci'vil Conservation Corps and the increased oocupanoy has been directly reflected in the oondition of the water as disclosed by tests, and WHEREAS, it is praoticable to regulate and oontrol these aotivities under proper authority, and WHEREAS, the area in this watershed is composed of the drainage basin of Morse Creek and its tributaries and bounded in general by ridges extending from the dam located in the center of Sec. 5,Twp.29,N.,R.5, W.W.M., to Round Mountain, Blue Mountain, (}reen . Mountain, Obstruotion Point, Eagle Point, Steeple Rock} Mt.Angeles and Mt.Pleasant, and VmEREAS, the area in this watershed. at present not within the National Forest, is approximately as follows; Seotions 11 and 12 Twp.29,N., R. 6 W. W.M.,and seotions 5,6,7, 8,16 and 17 of Twp.29, N., R. 5, W. W.M. THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED That the supervisdon, regulation and oontrol by the United States National Forest Department of all activities upon this watershed is of vital importanoe to the health and safety of the inhabitance of the City of Port Angeles. . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Commission,having in mind the health and safety of the inhabitants, does hereby request the National Forest Depatment as follows: To aCll.uire as much as possible of the land in this watershed not already controled by them. To olose all of this watershed to hunting, fishing and travel in general, save only the trails and roads so located that there use will not oontaminate the water supply or increase the danger of fire in the area. To prohi bi t the use of the watershed for grazing. To Elstablish and enforoe sui table ll'egual tions for logging and other ind.ustrial aoti v- ities on the property not aoquired by the Department. To defer all logging in that pODtion of the National Forest so.far as possible. . That suoh rules and. regulations be adopted with the intention of protecting the water supply of the City of Port Angeles from contamination by use of the area,and from ohange~l in the natural flow of the steeams,beoause of the removal of the standing timber. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That oopies of this resolution be submitted to the proper offioers of the United States National Forest for this Distriot for their immediate consid,lration. It'was moved by Commissioner Lutz that the forgoing resolution be approved and adoptecl. Seoonded by Commissioner Masters. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same,- CURREN~l EXPENSE FUND Blackburn Printing Co., Pacific Tel &: Tel Co., Ulmer Office EqJlipment Co. Blackburn Printing Co., Quiok Print Evening News J.W.Lind.say LC.Groves Frank Maodonald & Sons Pacific Tel &: Tel Co. Paoific Tel & Tel Co. Ulmer Offioe Equipment Co. SUpplies Service Supplies Supplies Supplies Publioa tions Polioe Judge Pro. tern. Meals for prisoners Repairs Servioe Servioe Supplies .75 1.25 2.83 8.50 16.75 82.23 10.00 23.40 15.16 3.75 2.75 1.05 OVE'r , - ... ,.... 230 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of P~rt Angeles, Washington August 8,1934 193_ ~. Mook Eleotrio Co. Lysall Welding &: Forge Works Hugo Olson Ulmer Offioe Equipment Co. Blaokburn Printing Co. Paoifio Tel &: Tel Co. Willson Hardware Co. Ulmer Offioe Equipment Co. Johnson &: Bork Paoifio Tel & Tel Co. Bill's Tire ShOp Lysall Welding &: Firge Works Central Maohine Works Garvin Auto Co. Frank Maodonald & Sons Wm.Sohrader Thos H.Guptill C.L.Sarff Assooiated ~il Co. Automotive Parts Co. Harris & Shuller V.A.Samuelson &: Co. J'.R.MoDonald Western Union C.A.Wolverton WATER FUND Frank Maodonald &: Sons Riohfield Oil CO. Wash~ngton State Bank Qui ok Pr in t Lysall We1:ding Co. Willson lIardwaie. Co. Evening News Water Dept. V. A. Samuelson &: Co. James Hardware Co. Cresoent Securities Co. Federal Pipe &: Tank Co. tl " n 11 rr LIGHT FUND Kissner Motor Parts Co. Mook's Eleotrio ~ervioe O. 1;;. Eddy Assooiated Oil Co. Riohfield Bil Co. Standard Oil Go. Ci ty Treasurer Johnson &: Bork Westinghouse Eleo. &: Mnfg. Co. Willson Hardware Co. City Treasurer " n The Ronald Press Co. paoifio Tel. & Tel. Co. Washington ~tate Bank J. L. Aldwell & Co. Evening News Quiok Print Wm Sohrader City Elec. Co. V. 'A. Samuelson & Co. MoHugh & Pdlterson Hare Id Vi. Ba tes LIBRARY Ci ty Treasurer Gaylord Bros. Inc. Demoo Library Supplies Bellingham Book-bindery Paoker-Soott Co. Junior Literary (}uild H. W. Wilson &0. Kaufman - Leonard Go. F. E. Compston & ~o. Jennilu Norris puget Sound News Co. Paoifio Tel &: Tel Co. EDIZ HOOK WATER EXTENSION FUND Fed~ral Pipe &: Tank Go. PARK FUND Battery Repairs Extra Fireman SUpplies SUpplies Service Hardware SUpplies Venitian red,etc. Servioe Tube repair Repairs Repairs Repairs Repairs Filing saws Painting Sign. Repairs to tools Gas Repair parts Repairing signs Repairs Killing and disposing dogs Servioe Convention expenses ~1 ~~o $49.50 3.75 9.00 1.15 5.50 6.95 37.41 3.00 2.05 5.10 1.00 29.60 8.00 53.60 2.60 1.00 1.25 2.20 280.21 4.70 1.00 7.40 25.00 1.08 50.00 10.95 1.13 45.00 9.90 6.50 8.53 3.20 84.00 9.63 8.15 1.90 9.31 175.29 17.57 9.45 3.00 74.83 10.58 21.53 1.95 .95 3,582.00 6.05 1.00 3.67 ? .80 13.50 85.00 6.53 35.63 10.40 2.00 .60 13.15 2.45 25.00 .,.J."" - 10.55 23.80 3.30 94.37 4.00 9.26 37.95 6.00 55.40 7.55 9.82 4.25 Repairs Gas Rent SupplieS Welding Hyd. Supplies Publica tions Pay Roll Supplies II "5- 3" 1,423.55 '1~ 1 2.50 2.25 3.00 Maps Saddle Pipe &: Fittings Lamps Battery Rent Gasoline Oil Gasoline Wa ter Paint Switbhboard Supplies " " Books Servioe Rent Insuranoe Publioation Supplies Filing Saws Drop Cord Repairs n /oJ 3?34- C. L. Sarff Grinding Lawn Mower Frank Maodonald & Sons Repairs ~ Fred Wesoott Repairs to Lawn Mower ' There_ be~ng nib, f}U'ther business the Commission then adjourn . E'/IGr--.L' 77~ City Clerk. / I i..~ayor. Wood Lights &: Ilater Supplies " Binddng Sup plie s Books O:lubsoriptions Window Shades Books Extra Help &: Supplies Books Servio e ]..(,c. Pipe &: Fi ttinga I I I I I