HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/09/1944 I I I I I Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 29 August 9 , 1944 19_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 o'clock a.m. and was called to order by.Mayor llobinson. lloll Ii call showed the following officers present: Mayor Robinson, Commissioners Beam and Masters, Attorney John- ston and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses the following were granted. Frank-B. Knoph, build garage, Lot 7, Elk. 345, Townsite Harr-.t. Andrews, Addition to building, Lot 1, Blk. 167, Townsite John R. Roddy, reroof house & build WOOdshed, Lot 6, Blk. ,119, Townsite Donald L. McLean, Remodel porch, Lot 18, Blk. 91, TownUte Club Billiards 5 Amusement machines Nelsons 2 Amusement machines Olympic Recreation 5 Amusement machines Dlck Inn Cafe 1 Amusement machine Larrick I S Cafe 2 Amusement machines Rayonier Cafe 2 Amusement mschines Mexican Chili Bowl Soft Drink Mexican Chili Bowl Resaurant License Olympus Hotel Hotel License, 49 rooms Club Billiards 4 Pool & billiard table s, :! card tables, soft drink Dew Drop #l Restaurant Dew Drop Soft Drink NeIson's RdtalIrant Nelaon's Dusic machine Nelson I s Soft Drink Drovdahl's Soft Drink Drovdahl's Restaurant Drovdahl t s Music machine Port lngeles Hotel Hotel license, :!9 rooms Mrine. Drive Lunch Restaurant, soft drink Duck Inn Cafe Restsurant Duck Inn Cafe Music ma chine Dlck Inn Cafe '<;0 ft drink larrick's Cafe Restaurant Larrick's Cafe Music machine Larrick's Cafe Soft drink Ten~! s Restaur:;mt Ten~!s Music Machine Ten~!s Soft drink Rayonier Cafe Restuarant Rayonier Cafe Soft drink Merchant's Hotel Hotel license, 54 rooms Pershing Hotel hotel license, 16 rooms 190.00 180.00 200.00 200.00 72.00 48.00 72.00 24.00 48.00 48.00 5.00 12.00 49.00 55.00 12.00 5.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 5.00 12.00 12.00 29.00 17.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 12.00 5.00 54.00 16..00 Under. the head of Introduction of Resolutions, the following resqlution was introduced: RESOLUTIONETOlC1lRIlY FORWARD BUDGET ITD.l WHEREAS, On April 1, 1942, the City Commission passed an Erllergency Ordinance No. 1100 for ~50,OOO.00 to be used with the 194:! budget for the Water Department for the replacement of the old decayed wooa pipe on nineth street in order to eafely furnish the neGessary water service required, snd WHEREAS, on account of Federal Goverllll1ent restrictions of the purchase of pipe and pipe fitting, only 155,595.67 was used, leaving a balance of $14,406.55 unexpendee of the $50,000.00 provided by said Ordinanc. No. 1100, and that it will be necessary to use the unexpended balance of $14,406.53 in order to complete .1 the work originally provided for, and :1' WHEREAS, the unexpended balance of $14,406.33 above referred to was transferred from the 1942 budget leaving a bslance of $7,668.05 unexpended, which said amount will have to be transferred to the 1944 budget to be used in completeing the project provided for in the 194:! budget. _ I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Commission that the unexpended portion of the $50,000.00 pro- I 'tided for, to ~e used with the 1942 budget of the Water Department for the purchase of pipe and pipe fittings, amounting to $7,668.05 be transferred from the 1945 budget to the 1944 budget, and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to make all necessary entrees to make said transfe.. in order that warrants may be I drawn against the same in payment for material to complete the construction of the pipe line originally provided for. Commissioner Beam moved that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Conmiseioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of introduction of Ordinances, the following ordinance was introduced, read in 001 md pieced on its first and second readinga. \', AN ORDINANCE setting forth an emergency affecting the public health and safety; requiring expenditure unforeseen} providing for the iesuance of Emergency Warrants} declaring an emergency amking the ordinance immediately effective. The COI1IlIission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered .....rrants dra1Tl1 for same. CURRENT 1l!~ Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Port Angeles Evening N....-e Olympic Stationers Olympic Stationers Tide water Associated Oil Co. Sta te Treasurer Service contra ct Publication Envelope s & Pads Office Supplies (Engineer) Gasoline Ind Ins & Med Aid 4.53 21.76 .-' 1.86 1.18 32.00 6.02 CITY STREET D. A. Masters, Sr. Port Angeles Evening News Willson Hardware Co. Standard on Co. of Calif. Car Expen se Call for bids Light globes Asphalt 25.05 2.52 5.58 9.36 ". 30 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Au~.t-1l.-111M 19 II General. Petroleum Corp. Of Ca Uf. I. Puget Sourd Navigation Co. , Hood :canal Auto Freight state Treasurer Gas Freight Freight Ind Ins & Med Aid '" 160.00 :1 28.06 I .82 JlP 31.75 14.75 1).\1 4.25 1.04 \ 5.50 \9 55.76 1 . WATER DEPARTMENT SamuelsoQ Mctor Co. , Willson Hd... Co. , Kel~ & DeVine 1 Port Angeles Evening News State Treasurer Tire Recaps Small tools & Lamp Socket Repairing tirea Sprinkling Notice Ind Ins & Med Aid LIGHT DEPARTMENT C1ity Treasurer I Port !Angeles Evening News Little-Holm Tire Co: Willson Hardware Co. Iilrroughs Adding Machine Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Line 1~ter1a.l Co. State Treasurer Stamps & Supplie s Reward Notice Tire Repair Office Supplies Maintenance on 5 machines Power Light Fixtures Ind Ins & Med Aid ..\ '( 105.46 2.20 5.72 4.47 11.35 5,6l!2.00 148.20 22.46 1 ','1 o,ifI PARK FUND t . ~I Fred R. Anderson Ii Port Angeles Thirft Market Ii King AIIdl.and Photo Shop I Thos. H.. Guptill Ii Willson Hardware Co. Sllate Treasurer Labor with Bulldozer Milk Photogrl!.phs Signs Supplies Ind Ins & lied Aid II r/' 20.12 4.39 25.18 4.64 29.96 1l.78 WAR LIQUOR TAli: Lannoye & Davidson Larilloye & Davidson Lannoye & Davidson Evening liews PressBind in" , Angeles Tires & Recap . Hoare & l;Ieadrick State Treasurer Repairs Repairs Repairs Binding Book Reapir Tube Lub. Job and Labor 100 Ins & Mad Aid 51.04 61.80 2.06 .77 .36 l5.5~ 25.61 STATE AID "I, )~'Y \ Willson Hardware Co. Supplies 5.55 I VICTORY TAX City Treasurer Victory tax withheld for Ju~, 1944 1,672.69 There being no further l>.1siness the meedli.'lg then adjourned. 71,?n:~~ 'City Clerk ~J~ !ria I' ,I I ~