HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/09/1994 2827
Port Angeles, 'Washington
August 9, 1994
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Sargent called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
SPECIAL MEETING: at 5:05 p.m. The purpose of the meeting was to conduct a workshop on the Capital
Facilities Plan.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Sargent, Councilmembers Braun, Doyle [arrived
at 5:10 p.m.], McKeown, Ostrowski and Schueler.
Members Absent: Councilman Hulett.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, B. Collins, K.
Godbey, B. Titus, K. Ridout, G. Kenworthy, and J.
Public Present: O. Campbell.
Capital Facilities Capital Facilities Plan: Light Director Titus, Chairman of the committee which
Plan formulated the Capital Facilities Plan, noted that a six-year plan, to be updated
annually, is required by the Growth Management Act. This is to be considered the
annual update. It was previously decided to move to a bifurcated budget - one for
operating expenses and the other capital expenses.
Finance Director Godbey indicated the CFP was formulated to develop an achievable
capital improvement program. What is being presented this evening are the
recommendations for funded projects. She noted that some projects were dropped
from consideration' due to lack of funding. Manager Pomeranz added that these
projects are achievable, but he stressed the fact that many will require bond issues
which will result in increased rates to the City. Manager Pomeranz asked that
review of the projects include an indication as to fiscal impact to the citizens.
Director Titus proceeded to review the project descriptions, prioritization, estimated
project costs, and estimated project funding. In the ensuing discussion, consideration
was given to the proposed enhancement and repair of the swimming pool. Manager
Pomeranz advised the Council that approximately $400,000 will be left from the Sr.
Services Community Center project. This is due, in a large part, to sound project
management, bids received below budget, and interest income generated before the
project commenced. He felt the use of these funds to upgrade the pool would be a
wise investment of funds, particularly in view of the fact the pool is so widely used
by' all ages in the community. Manager Pomeranz, however, felt it wise to seek
public input as to the level of support for such a project. It was noted that the pool
must be repaired no matter where the funding is derived.
Break Mayor Sargent recessed the meeting for a break at 5:55 p.m. The meeting
reconvened at 6:05 p.m.
The Council continued with a lengthy review of the projects included in the CFP.
Manager Pomeranz opined that the CFP was an excellent document, and many of the
projects had merit with some real quality of life issues such as water lines and sewer
lines. However, there are quality of life attributes which relate to why people enjoy
~ ~)~ and want to live in Port Angeles. Manager Pomeranz was concerned that these types
of attributes were not made a part of this document. Important aspects, such as-lam~
and sidewalks, have not been included in the plan, and these are the things that make
people feel good about their city. He suggested that projects visible to the citizens
should be included in the CFP.
Director Titus explained that many of the projects which didn't get funded were
general fund projects having limited sources of revenue. All the existing sources are
tapped, so other sources of funding must be sought. The only revenue source the
committee didn't recommend implementing was the second portion of the real estate
excise tax. That particular tax could be utilized for some general fund projects, as
could a B & O tax, but the committee did not want to seriously consider that option.
Manager Pomeranz stated that Director Brodhun should approach the State for a
grant to complete the waterfront trail to Rayonier. According to this plan; however,
the City cannot seek this type of funding if it has not been included in the CFP.
August 9, 1994
Capital Facilities Councilman Braun explained that the committee looked at projects which were
Plan (Cont'd) mandated and more critical, especially the infrastructure needing attention. Manager
Pomeranz understood and agreed, but wished to make the point that some emphasis
needed to be placed on other projects as well.
Discussion followed regarding whether certain projects should be made a part of the
CFP and how they might be funded.
Manager Pomeranz felt it was up to the City to sell this plan to the citizens. This
can and must be done in a variety of ways, such as via the City Newsletter. It was
agreed that further discussion will take place at a future meeting on the matter of the
unfunded projects.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
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