HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/10/1932 5~, ., Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington ltilgUBt 10; ___193~ T~IC~ ~ l'V~PAV. '~OT'Il.(' eT"'O"~RIl. nl"H~e. Bl~~ 1 I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. ,and was oalled to, order by J.layor Davis, Roll call showed the following offioers present. Mayor Davis,Commissioners Beam and. Filion ,A ttorney Plummer and Clerk Haw::ins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for permits and lioenses the following were granted, V.A.Samuelson & Co. Remodel store, Lot 11,Elook 17 N.R.Smith Sub'd. East End Trading Company Seoond Hand Store $l800.00 Z5,OO The Bond of the ~ast End Trading Co. to operate a Seoond Hand store was approved by the. City Attorney and aocepted by the Commission. ~he Commission examined, and allowed the following olaims and ordered warrants drawn for.same,- street Department Lysall TIelding & Forge Works Harold T.Caven Western Traotor & Equipment Co. Penn's Garage Port Angeles ,Concrete Produots Co. James Hardware Co. City Transfer Co, Willson Hardware Co. Gehrke & Johnson M.R:Alleman Laura Burns Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. City Parking Co. Ulmer Printing Co. C,A:\'Ialverton City Treasurer Port Angeles Iron \'Iorks Puget Sound Navagation 60. Paoific Tel & Tel Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. Taylor & Caven E.r:Barden Ulmer Printing Co. Gehrke & Johnson Lee'Cafe James Hardware Co. Paoific Tel & Tel Co. Lowman & Hanford Co. Paoifie Tel & Tel Co. Glenn's Servioe Station George's Servioe Station Lincroln Insuranoe Agenoy Ulmer printing Co., City Treasurer Paoifio Tel & Tel Co. Benjamin Franklin Thrift Market Washington state Bank Evening News Paci~io Tel & Tel Co. Ulmer Printing Co. state Treasurer Sta te Treasurer Seattle Hardware Co. 11 Gordon Prentice Ino. 11 Graybar Eleotrio Co. 11 Fobes Supply Co. " General Eleotrio Supply Corp. I Floyd Barnett 11 Electrical ,Engineering Co. Paoifio Lamp & Supply Co. stewart Plumbing Shop F,lLPierson Puget SQund Navigation Co. Modern Plumbing & Heating Co. J.Lloyd Aldwell Inc. Westinghouse Electrical & Mfg. J.Lloyd Aldwell Inc. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. iPuget Sound Navigation Co, Continued on next page,- Current Expense Fund Pay roll Repairs Repairs Tractor parts Repairs to traotor Pipe. Powder eto. Oil for Streets Hardware Gafj Lumber Rent Cement Repairs Supplies Car operation \'later 1 Fire Door Freight Servioe Insto Soap Spiral flue brush Wood Supplies Gas Meals for Prisoners Supplies Servioe Stencils Servioe Repairs Repil.irs Blue Prints Supplies Light & Hater: Servioe Soap Rent Publications Servioe Supplies Med Aid & Ind, Ins Med. Aid & Ind. Ins. $ ll7.50 13.95 22,45 18.40 46.64 13.81 40.50 4.50 16.75 24l,06 24.19 10.00 45.53 2.00 .55 15.00 3,66 3.25 .45 8.70 2.20 2.35 18.00 7.65 47.60 9.45 2,10 3.15 3,34 4.-25 2.00 3.Z0 1.32 .60 924,40 8.88 2,16 50.00 68,67 1.25 3.10 26.91 . 9-,08 J 8.)0 :c:- Light Fund Range parts 2-1500 \'Iatt Units Range Coils Range Units Peroulator Stem Range parts Lamp pa rt Coils Range Baok snlasher S\7i tch' Terminals ,Contacts ,etc. Thor parts Fuses Fuscs Case Halves Hot point Plugs Wiring for range Wiring for range Refinish waffle iron Tank Covers Plumbimg stove parts Freight Plumbing 'Insuranoe Co. Advertising Rent Power Bill Freieht 4.26 9.27 20.01 5.63 .47 22.44 .16- 4.13 126.73 3.55 1.57 l::'39 .35 9.32 1.54 1.18 2.02 30.00 35.00 5,01 14.11 6.11 4.75 3.08 4.50 7.19 18.00 50.00 4,847.32 2,92 ......Ill r" 56 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193~ August lO, Gehrke & Johnson V.A.Samuelson & Co. Shell Oil Co. Harold T. Ca ven Triok & Murray 11 Ulmer Printing Co. " Wenham Press Willson Hardware Co. Evening news Byron rlinter D.A.Masters A.J.Sanford Washington State Bank S.T.Eddy City Treasurer Pacific Tel & Tel ~o. " Zellerbaoh Paper Co. Clifford Cowling Graybar Eleotrio Co, " Paoific Lamp & Supply Co. James Hardware Co. Line Material Co. " City Treasurer state Treasurer Gehrke & Johnson Paris J.:otor Co. Federa~ Pipe & Tank Go. Hartzl~r & Weldon Lumber Go., Seattle Plunbing Supply Go. " Hersey l1anufacturering Co Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Lysall Welding & Forge Works PugfJt Sound Navigation Co.' 11 Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Ga te Gi ty J.!aohine Shop Port Angeles Conorete Products Go. Iel. R .:All eman Harris & Sohuller '{Jillson Hardware Co. Ulm~r Printing Co~ Eokert Shoe Shop state Treasurer The ~uget Sound News Agenoy Paoific Tel & Tel Co. , City, Treasurer GaYl,ord Bros. Inc. Chas.E.Hutchinson Amerioana Corporation Jennilu Norris City'Treasurer Angeles Gravel Shell Oil Co. G.L.i.loDonald C.LeRoy Sarff Johnson & Bork & Supply Co. ';1enham Press Evening He'.7S State Treasurer Gas , Repairs Oil Repairs Supplies Shelves Supplies Supplies Prin ting Supplies Push BrOOl'l,etc. Advertising Lamps,Eto. Insurance flood Rent Rent Water Servioe Servioe Tovle Is Car hire 1 barrell of Sozol Cable & Conduit Solder & Knobs Hammer,eto. Street fixtures Sorews,pins,rods etc. Federal tax Med.Aid & Ind.Ins. Water Fund Gas Repairing tires Pipe Pipe Lumber Lumber Pipe Pipe Meter Parts Pipe Repairs Freight Freight Cement Repair for Fire Hydrant Sewer boxes & oaps Lumber Sheet Iron Hardware Supplies Boo ts !\led.Aid & Ind,Ins. Library Fund Books Servioe Light & water Supplies Repairing Clock Books Petty Cash Park Fund Light & Water Cement & Gravel Asphalt Gas Reuairs Blaok Asphaltum L.I.D.General Fund Printing Publications J.!ed. Aid & Ind. Ins. There being no further business the Commission then );,m,1~~ City Clerk ..... ad~'ourn . [LD~ I r Mayor S'1{f If ~l $l6 d~ 11 t1 SJ .., <./-...... ) q1~ 45.90 l5.20 ,7.58 15.75 3.06 27.98 10.85 26.50 8,.50 4.50 3.13 71.70 12.79 85.75 4.75 50.00 3.00 1.95 9.55 8.25 10.00 35.00 30,00 33.05 12.18 v 5.15 39.4Z 61.47 .72 17.92 1 I 34.00 4.25 147.29 42.07 1.05 1.90 99.71 95.22 22.37 7:09 3.50 6.30 15.89 .50 .50 11. 65 1. 77 .70 23.22 l8.75 5.15 17.l8 I 4,~. 79 4.25 10.50 4.90 2.50 7.50 3,85 11.07 39.87 21.00 7.93 3.60 .95 I 1.00 ll. 31 6.99 I