HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/10/1948 "..-- 479 ~- Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington A11e:'H::+ 10) 19AIL The Commission net in regular session at 10 A.L!., and "a,s called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call ehmo/ed II the follO'lling officers present:: Mayor Epperson, Co;;"missioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Wilson, Clerk 1>\1". I ) II Minutes of the pr~vious ses~ion were read and approved. , ttJ-J,ro /" "'-1>1"'''' 'I Under. the hea'd of apphcations for building permits, the folloring were granted: :1 George Adams Build 2 car garage, Lot 11 Elk. 25 N. R. Smith 'A. B. Beutler Remodel, add 5 rooms, Lot 13, Elk. 1, Hartt &. Cook , Sam PaJ.lm<uist Build garage & woodshed, Lot 15, Elk 317, Townsite I" E. L. Johnson Remodel dwelling, Lot 10, Elk. 236 Townsite 1~s. C. H. Lisk Remodel dwelling, Lot 11, Elk. 157, Townsite I. J. E. Lindstrom Move hilmse & reihodel, Lot 11, Blk. 107, Townsite Robert Mulligan Build 5 room shack, Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Elk. 100 F. G. Richards Sub. Lot No 14 500.00 I Iver Smith Wld office Bldg., So. 80' of Lots 8 & 9, Blk. 200, Tnst.16,OOO.00 I Under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish material for the light department were opened as I foilows; for approximately 20,000 feet of No. 2/0 wire: Line Material Company, $55.78 per cwt., alternate I ,bid, $56.15 per 00. Graybar Electric Co., Inc., $55.08 per 00. Maydwell and Hartzell, $55.58 per 00. I General Electric Supply Corp., hard drawn, $55.78 per 00., medium hard drawn, $56.16 per 00. ,I .! For Transformers: Graybar Electric Co., $1084.44; General Electric Supply Corp., $1084.44;, General Electric , Co., 1084.44; Westinghouse Electric Supply Co., $1221.68; Ma,,-dwe11 & Hartzell, $10S0.50. It was moved by ,I Commissioner Steele that by recommendation of Supt. Lean the bid submitted by Graybar Electric Co., Inc. fOl wire, and Maydwell & Hartzell for transformers be accepted. Motion seconded by Mayor Epperson. All voted 'I Aye. Motion carried. 200;00 1500.00 1000.00 :t00.00 500.01il 1000.00 No bids having been submitted for construction of blilding to house diesel power plant at Second and Valley ,sts., it was moved by Mayor Epperson that the opening date be advanced to August 25. Motion seconded by Commissioner Steele. All voted Aye. Motion carried. "The Commission considered the opening date of calls for bids for construction of a appeared that the Seattle Architect had published date of opening for Sept. 1, the I' dated as of August 25. It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the bids be opened "Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 'I city Fire Station. It i local publication being " Sept. 1. Seconded by !SO'1. IT " The Commission examined and apprcwed the folloring claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of the s""7: Current Expense FUnd: 'i P. A. Evening News " City Treasurer I V. H. Haller Hardware CO. I" R. O. Ide Hooker Storage Garage Olympic Printery 'I Wash. Co-op Association Enterprise Development Corp. , Downs Auto Electric ! Allan Distributing Co. !! Willson Hdwe. Co. , Tower Super Service I'~ Street FUnd: H. G. Horstman P. A. Evening News Allan Dist. CO. 'I Crown Zellerback Corp. ., Willson Hdwe. Co. 'Olympic Printery Ii Truck & Equipment Co. Downs Auto Electric Tower Super Service ". ~ Via ter fund: 7 . . Sea ttlePlumbing Supply Co. ,Angeles Machine & Welding Wks. ,Olympic Printery , Boyd I s Wood Specialty Co. <:'" Light Fund; 11, S' t.,e. <-=. I' Clallam County P.U .D. No. 1 OilI,)'IDpic Printery Multigraph Sale s Agency Carl VI. Price 'I Allan Distri b.l ting Co. 'Olympic Electric Co. ,Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. "Un. S. Rubber Co. Bethlemem Pacific Coast Steel Co. , Sanitation FUnd. 17. ~ Tower Super Service City Treasurer ,Library FUnd. 'i ~ [>, .:zl; Zellerbach Paper Co. Gaylord Bros. The Librarian of Congress "Olympic Stationers Janies liardware Co. Peninsula fuel Co. City Treasurer , Pacific Tel. & Tel " Salop's Baokhouse Mac Rae's Elue Book Co. I'Doubleday & Co. Thomas Y Crowell Co. ~ I'!. :t2 ..... Publications Fire Hydrants, Light, Water, Garbage, flush tanks, Hose Car Mileage Repair & Oil Paper, Pads Straw Traffic Safety Cones Repairs Gas & Oil Tools & Hardware O:xygene, Acetylene 5.54 1154.10 17.15 2B .70 5.g7 3.91 5.08 11.66 16.91 212.65 4.44 66.90 Rent for Lots Adv. Gas. Flanged Ell Tools & Hdwe. Dispatch Book Parts Supplies O:xygenB, Acetylene 50.00 11.16 501.50 10.52 56.5g .98 .50 12.41 ]6.01 Pipe ~pairs Forms Plugs 59.10 9.89 18.19 11.17 July Power Paper Supplies Washing Cars Gas Fittings Transformers Wire Steel Jl7,088.00 8.18 9.95 12.00 79.56 8.55 4179.98 1588.20 488.35 Part s & La bar Water 56.56 1.60 5.41 2.75 9.42 2.10 2.36 42.46 9.83 7.21 7.83 12.50 7.10 5.85 Towels Slips Supplies Supplies Grass Catchar Oil L. & W. Sendee Boolts Blue Book Books Books I I I I' I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 473 ~ ~- AUe'llst 10, 191fL ; ~~ "_.,_._m_ .~.....". _ rLibrar.v fund, Continued: Books 50.00 ,I ,starr Book Co. ;Quarrie Corp. Encyclopedia Set 110 . 22 ,Nero Year Book Book 4.60 ,I ,Vlil cox & 'Follet t Co. Book 5.71. ~. C. McClurg & Co. Bcoks 124.52 'Americana Corp. Annual 5.00 !H. W. Vfilson Co. Renewal Sub. 70.70 I INew.Method Book Bindery, Inc.- Binding 25.41 ,I IThe.Parentls Institute Renewal 1.00 I ~ fund:; . iii'. :<Iii City Treasurer Light, Water, GarBage 88.26 IPar~iIlf( ~ !'; Traffic Control Fund: 3~1 Vfillson Hdv",. Co. Bolts, Nails .B8 I 57...E! i;Librar.v !.'emorial FUnd" I:King & Folk 5 Phonograph Records 5.61 I:Puget Sound News Co. Books 55.67 I / : 'Thel'e being no further lnsiness, the session was declared adjourned. I I j t ~. 51:'.. . '1 U) ~~------~ City Clerk Mayor I I I I i ; I i I I I , I , I I , I , I I I - I .. i :1 i I , , .....