HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/10/1949 I I I I I Proceedings of tbe City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Wasbington 571" Aueust 10. 19~ pm~."IIIIIA'.""TfLLn"__,..... IJl7'1e.~ The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and WqS called to order by Mayor Fee~ey. Officers 'present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law. Ninutes of the previous session were read and approved. 'Under the head of applicatj;.ons for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: t~l;o<l - I' Building Penni ts: '\filliam P. Ditz Petersen & Craver T. A. Laycock Gordon V. Johnson Frank H. Erickson Jack Blossom Enlarge Windows; Lot 8, 31L 5ffl, Tovmsi te Construct 4-Room Dwelling, Garage; Lot 5, ciLk. 70, Tovmsite Build New Garage; Ea"t ~ Lots 8-12, Inc., BLk. 4, Doyles Add. Construct Jarage; Lot 15, Blk. 110, E.C. Baker Add. Remodel Existing Dwelling; Sub Lot 54, Townsite Build Jarage; Lot 16, BLk. llO, Dakers Add. 760.00 i 5,000.00 500.00 550 .00 250.00 400.00 .." p- licenses: Aggie 1 s Dog House : Aggie 1 s iIlog House Aggie's Dog House Aggie 1 s Dog House Club Cafe I Club Cafe Club Cafe AmU8 ement lAachine Restaurant Music Machine Soft Drink Restaurant !;usic Machine Soft Drink 24.00 12.00, 12.00 5.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 'UndeI' the head of unfinished business, the hearing for vacation of an alley in the Easterlo' portion of I Block One, Cain's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 21, Townsite, was opened. No objections being made or filed, it was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the said alley be vacated and an ordinance be presented vacating ithe "ame. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Earl Davidson reported regarding sale of timber on City property and advised that no decision be made until 1MI" Hubbard, the County]1,and Agent, is consulted. hecommendation accepted. lUndeI' the head of new business, a request from the Derby ,Veek Committee that a Coronation Ball be permitted ,to dance August 51st, from 10100 I?M. until 2:00 A.M. was granted. " :Mrs. Katherine Townsend and Lena Belle Tovmsend of Rathdrum, Idaho, presented claims of ~17 .95 and 1:>50.00 Iror damages inflicted to their clothing from a tar pot being used at First & Laurel streets, August 5th, : It was regularly moved and seconded that the claims be referred to the City Attorney and Insurance Company. IAttorney ;7ilson filed a claim for damages for injuri~s to Robert L. S~hlege1 near I"irst & Laurel Streets, July 15, 1949. The claim was also referred to the City Attorney. I I The City Planning Commission subnitted a proposal and map showing Major and Secondary City "rterials as , proposed b:r the said Commission. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Commissioner Taylor ji that the recommendation be adopted. Motion unanimously carried. I I Don MorrisOl\ of the Health Department, introduced Robert Leaver, District Engineer from the State Health , II Department, to the Commission, who tojked briefly regarding the water system and sewage disposal. Mr. Leaver informed tha t chlorination system should be installed at water intake. Also the Health Dej:Brtment should be consulted rllgarding construction of water mains before work is started, and that the City should adopt I la ~lan in advance for sewage disposal. Commissioner Taylor decided to contaot ~~. Leaver for fUrther ~dviS~ ,:Attomey 'frumbull discussed the acoident, April 8, 1949, in which a fire truck was damaged and infonned J j; tha t it would be necessary for the City to start legal procedure in order to collect damages. It was moved . by Commissioner Robinson that the Attorney be authorized to proceed with claim for damages. aeconded by IKayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motior. carried. h ....O'I'WI.1 01<' ."AI.I.: :\otk(" i~ lH.rl'l,>, g-1\'f'1l 111nl l,j(J~ I will I,," ~'l'(','j\''''d h~' \Iw l'il~' l'lprl, or 111<' l 'it~. "f Port .\nf';,'lt's. "':I~hlng. 1 !~~r;/; .li~;:l \I:I~ ~'iL[;~I:l~l ::;~1:~-~~~11 ~ ~'l: ;;Fl~~ ~,~:~.:I ~!:;,i~~/I~(~li::'I~'.1 ~~_llt: n~l::/:I,~~ ..,...." .d Ill" \'it,t ."1[iJ~-I.i\linll, HI;) En."t ~~~11 d~\lt 'i"';:('r,'(i;~.I_~1:1~~~~;:;;,HC11:~;:~~ ('j{I' {'1"I'le r'lIl,li~I,,-d: ,\.IW;tlf<t' l~. l~l. 1~11~1 Commis"ioner Taylor announced the appointment of H. E. Dodge as Superintendent of ! the l'iater Department. Commissioner Robinson requested that bids be published for the sale of one Ford car owned by the Light Lepartment. It was moved and seconded that the said bids be published. Motion carried. i Under the head of introduction of resolutions the following was introduced: IMPROVEMENT HESOWTIO:i NO. 152 , BE .IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES. FlilST: That the public interest and convenience of the City of Port Angeles requires, and it is the intention of the City Commission of the Gi1{r of Port AngelM to order the following improvements in the following described portions of the City of Port Angeles, to wit: The improvement of South Pine Street from the present terminus of the trunk sewer thereon a t the intersection of said street with the alley between Twelfth and Thirteenth Streets to a point approximately 20 feet North of the boutherly margin of Sixteenth IStreet, by the construction and laying therein of a trunk sewer, including all necessary labor and material :~ for. the complete construction and installation of ouch improvement. I! : All work to be done and material to be furnished in connection with such improvement shall be in accord with' 'plans, specifications and maps to be ;>repared by the City Engineer of the City of Port Angeles, adopted by 1.1 the City Commission and filed with the City Clerk of said City. I SECOND: That there be created a local improvement district, consisting of the following described proper1{r, ho .wit: Lots Nine (9), Ten (10), Eleven (11), and TV/elve (12) in !!lock Three Hundred Ninety (590); Lots One' (1). to Twenty (20), inclusive, in Block Three hundred Ninety-one (591); Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3), , Four (4), Five (5), Six (5), Seven (7), Fifteen (15), Sixteen (16), Seventeen (17), Eighteen (lS), Nineteen i ,(19), and TWenty (20) in Block Three "undred Ninety-two (592); Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Nineteen 1 (19) and Twenty (20) in Block Four Hundred Seventeen (417); Lots One (1) to Twenty (20), inclusive, in Block Four Hundred Eighteen (41S); Lots Ten (10), Eleven (11), Twelve (12) and Thirteen (15) in Block ,'our ' Hundred Nineteen (419); Lots Seven (7), Eight (8), Nine (9), Ten (10), Eleven (11), 'l'welve (12), Thirteen ,I (15), r'ourteen (14), and Fifteen (15) in Jlock Four Hundred Twenty-four (424); Lots One (1) to Twenty (20), I inclusive, in ,Hock Four Hundred Twent;y-five (425); Lots One (1) to l'en (10), inclusive, in Block ,'our Iiun- , ,dred Forty-six (445); all in the United States Government Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Wash. , I ..... ,.... 572 Proceedings of the City Commission of th~ City of Port Angeles, Washington 19...J.L A~~ust 10th. c~d. That the Northerly and Southerly boundaries of said district shall coincide with the Northerly and Southerlyl' II boundaries of the most Northerly and Southerly lots and blocks above described, and the Easterly and Westerly boundaries of said district shall coincide with the Easterly and Westerly boundaries of the most I Easterly and Westerly lots and blocks above described, and that the above described property constitutes, as near as may be, all of the territory which can be sewered and drained through such trunk sewer and the subsewers which may be connected thereto, and which property and district shall he specially assessed for the cost and expense of such improvement in the manner provided by laVl. I THIRD: A meeting of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles to be held on Vlednesday, the 7th day of.September, 1949, at the hour of ten o'clock, ~.M., at the Commission Room of the City of Port Angeles, at 215 South Lincoln Street in said City, are hereby fixed as the aate, time and place for all persons desiring to object to such improvement to appear and present such objections, and all such persons.are hereby notified to be and appear at such t.ime and place and then and there present any objections to such improvements that they may have. ,FOURTH: That the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles is hereby directed to give notice of the date, , time and place of the hearing of objections to such improvement as above fixed to each owner or reputed ,: owner of each lot, tract or parcel of land, or other property specially benefited by such improvement, by mailing to the owner or reputed owner of the property as shown on the tax rolls of the County Treasurer, at the address shown thereon, a notice setting forth the nature of the proposed inprovemen t, the total estirrated cost and the estimated benefits to the perticular lot, tt'ac't or parcel, and the date of hearing before the City Commission, at least fifteen (15) days before the date of such hearing, and to publish this resolution in at least two (2) consecutive issues of the official newspaper of the City of Port Angeles, I, the date of first publication to be at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date fixed herein for the hearing 0 f obj ections to such improvement. I FIFTH: The City Engineer of the City of Port Angeles is hereby directed to submit to the City Commission of said City at or prior to the date herein fixed for the hearing of objections to such improvement the estimated cost and expense of such improvement, and a statement of the proportionate amount thereof which should be borne by the property within the proposed assessment district, and a statement of the aggregate assessed valuation of the real estate, exclusive of improvements, within said district accortiing to the . " valuation placed upon it for the purposes of general taxation, together with a diagram or print showing I thereon the lots, tracts and parcels of land and other property which will be specially benefited thereby, : and the estimated amount of the cost and expense of such. improvement to be borne by each lot, tract or parcel of land or other property, and to furnish to the City Clerk of said City such information as may be I necessary for the giving by him of the notice of hearing as herein provided. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Co~ssioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examined and approved CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: :?;), fl !! I' Port Angeles Evening News 'Olympic Stationers 'I City Trea surer Richfield Oil Corp. Don Wickersham Olympic Stati0ners 'Dobson Auto Electric . James VI. Caven IE. O. Ide W. S. Darley & Co. Willson Hardware Co. Ci ty Trea surer I~ Tower Super Service ,Richfield Oil Corp. I, Willson Hardware Co. Natural Lias Corp. of Ylash. . Tower Super Service , Brown's Second Hand Store City Street Dept. City Treasurer "I CITY STREET ~1JND: /.13~.... Port Angeles Motors D & 0 Battery & Electric Co. Angeles Machine & Welding Works Tower Super Service Port Angeles Evening News Ol.;mpic Stationers Ecklund Illmber Co. Willson Hardware Co. Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Crovm Zellerbach Corp. I,Western Tractor & Equip. Co. 'Armco Drainage &. Metal Prod., Inc. Port Tie &. Lbr. Mill Richfield Oil Corp. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. o WATER FUND: 8/fJ7_ City Treasurer Hersey Manufacture Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Tacoma Plbg. Supply Go. Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. E. N. Hallgren Co. Angeles /lJachine {, Welding ,iorks Automoti ve Parts Service Western Utilities Supply Co. Garlock Packing Co. Fitchard's Associated Service Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. V. H. Haller Hardware D & B Battery & Electric Station ~ , the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: Publica ti ons 4 Blue Prints Fire Hyd., St. Lights, Office Hent (ias oline Radio Parts Office Supplies Car Repair Plbg. Service Car Mile a ge --I uly Siren ArmatUre Lamps, Nipple , Valve Light, Water, Garbage, Postage Ace tyeline Gasoline Mise. Supplies lias Ol<Ygen !:Slock, Rope Va 0 oline Light, Water, St. &. Sewers 25.86 1.241 1,478.10 166.136 5.57 I 8.14 1 7.22 I 57.95 25.90 15.69 7.09 75.15 ' 5.98 203.40 27.85 5.58 6.58, 5.55 " 6.621 107.54 I I 12.46,1 5.00 19.10, 5.78 1.98 .72 50.03 ! 25.65 ' 165.88, 25.57 I 26.29 I 450.15 I 17.56 566.90 5.16 La bor and Material Spark Plugs Labor and ~lSterial Engine Mounts, !Jemurrage Publica tion 100 Sheets--Ring Book Lumber Tools and Supplie s Supplies Repairs to Waste Liquor System 1'00th Half Round Metal Pipe Lumbe I' Lias, Qil, etc. Cement Cash for Envelopes, Rent, Lights Meters Bands, Saddle Fit tings VEilves, Pipe Fittings, Pipe, Clamps Shop Work Parts Fittings Packing Gasoline S Pipe Bolts Battery 92.59 ll2.48 61.46 58.01 7,577.08 590.:51 25.65 .44 57.57 18.71 4.45 56.16 .78 21.34 I I I I I I I I I 'I Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington .:l7 PARK FUIlD: 117 ... Angeles Gravel'" Supply Co. I Willson ttardVlare Co. " City Tree surer Scanlan 's l!.usic &. Radio Shop 'f!S' ; SANITATION J'UlID: i~_ I. City Treasurer I Port Angeles Evening News ! Pierce Trailer'" Equip. CO. ,I ~i PARK ING METER & TRAFFIC CONTRO.. FUND: " City Street Dept. Willson Hardware Co. i<ngele s Gravel "- Supply Co. Johns on & Bark Virgil E. Childers Clark & Edwards Armor-Flex Distributors L. 1. REVOLVINli FUND: 4-1. 3 G City Treasurer Taxes, Costs & Recording; Lots 1"- 2 Block 396 Port Angeles Evening News Publication I There being no further business, the session VIas declared adjourned. 'tIloe.. ..~""'..._............._ _...~.. una I LIGHT :FUND: 1[', 'n() -- Glallam Adjustment Corp. Air Reduction Pacific Co. 1 Truck & E:a.uif1l1ent Co. I Port Ange le s Evening News 11. Contesti Cit~r Treasurer Gene ral Electric Co. Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Clallam County P.U .D. No.1 Richfield Oil Corp. Schreiner Chevrolet Co. City Thel Co. Ci ty Water Dept. Augu$t 10th. continued. 19~ Commission was Repairs Adv. Concrete & Ditching Lots Meters Conduit July Power Gasoline Lubrication furna c e un Water Brick Mix, Sand Tools and Hardware lLight, Wa tel', "arbage, Lower Rings Labor, Gasoline Yiater, Gas, Dis play Ad. Truck Parts ::l,t '7$(., '- Oil Uasoline Tools and Misc. Supplies Cemsnt, Sand Enamel'" Supplies Inlaying Armor ~lay-Tile, as per contract Cedar Posts White Armor Flex Markers "- Supplies, One Laying W.achine 573 i: 4.20 II 40.481 14.93 .90 : 200.85 : 175.22 [ 205.41 112.09 I 17,988.00 92.66 7.67 45.22 70.80 3.35 4.781 165.741 5.40 122.44 2.80 19.211 5.15 7.50 20.92 52.29 80.00 71.19 1 559 .15 46.06 1.52 t-~ tl --I!~. /' I. Mayor ; I I ! o t ;i~ (j City Clerk