HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/10/1959 I I I :1 ., Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Page 641 August 10, SPECIAL MEEl'ING 19~ ,." . ."~", ..."'. '''''_'', ..m.., ..... .... The City Council met in Special Session at 7.50 P. M., with the following Officers present: Mayor Richardson, Councilmen Smith, Sandison, Maxfield, Thorne, Randall and Caldwell, Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law. The Mayor advised that the special meeting was called for the purpose of considering bids for construction in L. I. D. No. 179. Bids submitted were as follows: Storm Sewers Alleys Streets Assoc iated Sand and Gra vel 25,159.95 555,281.58 Louis Elterlch 42,595.40 27,516.20 511,555.80 Randall Ki1mer Cons t. Co. 26,166.20 Acme Construction 26,166.20 508.955;20 J. D. Shotwell 256 ,l.B4 .40 Milone and Tucci, Inc. 59,765.60 Asphalt Paving & Engineering 58,271.90 26,166.20 285,714 .10 Del Guzzi Construction Co. 41,655.80 25,505.70 515,148.10 Morris Construction 46,085.91 25,591.20 521,089 .70 The Manager read bid analysis and recormnendations by the City Engineer. Qualifications of the J. D. Shotwell Company were questioned. Due to previous experience, Counci1:man Thornel I and Fred strange, Chainnan of the Planning COll1lllission, confirmed qualifications of this contractor. I i It was moved lJy Councilman Maxfield that the bid by Milone and Tucci for Storm Sewers, 59,765.60, Alleys lJy IRandall Kilmer Const. Co., at 26,166.20, and Streets lJy J. D. Shotwell, 256,134.40, be accepted as recam- !] mended and contracts awarded. Seconded lJy Councilman Sandison and unanimously carried. Ons bid was reoeived from Randall Kilmer Const. Co. for resurfacing First Street from Lincoln to Valley Streets in amount of: Plant Mix $9,450.00, Tack Coat $lOO.OO. It was moved by Councilman Smith that the contract be awarded to Randall Kilmer Const .Co. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. The Manager commended the Engineering Department for work done cn this project which should be an incentive for other inprovements in the City. , Messrs. Tozier and Robinson appeared for the Chamber of Commerce Convention COll!Ili ttee requesting that the Council allocate .6 Mill of tax revenue and include in the 1960 budget for publicity fund. Also cited Port Angeles in recent years as a dying City, explaining what has been done toward recovery and recommended taking advantage of opportunities offerec;l,thereby inviting tourists and industry. Robert Wilson cormnended the comnittee for publicity and results, but wal'ned against gouging tOUrists and visitors as this would not be worthy of tax money expenditure. I George Woods also spoke regarding publicity and if there is to be a tax increase, the same should be used in a more constructive manner. Councilman Randall emphatically denied that Port Angeles is, nor has it ever been, and assured it will never' be a dying City while timba:r resources are available. Also cited the price of gasoline as highest in the State and dealers gouging all the residents of Port Angeles on account of tourists and fishermen. , Councilman Maxfield pointed out curtailment of two years previous as effective Nationally and expressed doubt if this City was effected more than others. Attorney Moffett clarified the tax l,lr,y; explaining that added millage ovsr the fifteen as fixed by Statutes ,must be by vote of the Electors. lThere being no fUrther business or discussion, the meeting was declared adjourned. Q,t~ () City Clarl<: ~,~j! J?~ yor I J ~-r;::Ep:c3P~~ :1 X"OTIClo] is bere!J:r Biyen thot the Cay of Port Angelo\'! win 13ell to th", hll;!h9\>t and be.!lt. hldCler the folIow- In,g' rl("'ct'[IJed I'l'ml lIroporLy, to--wlt:. :LD1I 9, Dlo.ck 2.:;1, 'l'ownslte, 1W.n- I bntllll prJoe 3.'1 :f:l3wod by tbe City C"'IUl~ $....~.OO. Lota 11, 12, 13, BlOCk 350, TOW1l_ ri~b ~h~W:1i, $~~ ~e;, ~~n~ I ~~~;T~~~~I~~~~~f'~e~t1;tO;eal~ I Nl blllr;. will be received fnl' :'1l~ i I"llme at the City Ha.1I unlil 5:0(1 0._ clock P. 1.1, StlJ)tcmher 3. Hl59. ,mfl not l,nter. Bids mu:!t be accomlJanfellj hy oepot'it of !lO!; lel:l:S than IQ7n of amOlllll hid or the offer will not be ~onfJjd('r("d. The City Counc-i1 re:oen- es the right to reject an~. 01' all bids. M. W. SLAX[{AnD, City Mana~t:]" PtlhlHlhcCl: Augu!;t 13 am] 20. HHi'!). '- - --.---.. , ..... ,.. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington , 19_ "" . .,.m, """., ".'''.''', ..'.".. ..'" ..... ... ! - I I ~ I '<::- . : -, I I I ~ I / I I I / I . / ; I I , , I I j I - ' I I I I I '.~ I I i i , ~