HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/11/1937 I I I I I ,( Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington August 11, 1937 193_ ... 513 T~'C< .. ""~M'. ItATTU. nl"QtCU ~~'~lVOI. ~!gIG I The Commission met in re-ular session at 10 A.l.l. and Vias called to ord..r by 1.1ayor Da"is, Roll call showed t~e following officers present: Mayor ~avis, ~ommissioners HenRon and I Masters, Attorney "onniff and "lerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. II Under the head of Buildin'1 Permits and T.i.censes the followine were granted: Otto Frame, Construct ~oodshed, Lot 18, Blk. 12, P.S.C.C; , Jeans Barber oihop, 1 Barber Ch~iI' John Hehir 1 II Eubanks .LIru3 "tore, "oft JJrinks Fry JJrug Co. n" l!:lk Druc' "0. Harry Andrews Clallam Theatres Inc, Olympian Theatre Habit ~leaners, Cleaning & Pressing Under the head vf Introduction of Ordinances the following OrdinRnce Vias introduced, read in full and plaoed on its firs, and s,"cond r~adinf(s: AN ORDHLlNCE amendin,!: Section 18 of Ordinanc e No. 1000 of the Jity of Port An!.'el- s, which is an ordinance relating to intoxicating liQuors. prohibi ~inl': the manufacture, Dossession, sale or othel' disposi tion ~h~reof in th~ Vi ty of Port An~el~s. 200.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 100.00 [;.00 The Commission examined and allowed the foll o\'ling claims and order ed war':ant s dru';m for same: CUR:~ SIfT EXl)EHS S :i'UND Trick & l.lurray Olympic ->ta tioners Getchell & Ilagnon Olympi c <ita tio ne 1'8 R. I,:. "tarbuck & Sons Johnson & Bark Getchell & Ga~non ~alkline Motor ~o. Lennoye's "U'O Rebuild Standard Oil ":0. James Hardware Co. Treasurer of the Unite d States City TreaAur'r " 1/ 3upplie s II 'rube 3uppli~s " Oil R~pa ir s n Gas t/og Tags Rent of ~diz Hook Ind Ins & Med ..id 11 11 I,J y33 1 I CITY S'l'll:-;~T "'tElD : Seattle DRilv Journal of vommerce j'Standard Oil' Co, Automotive P~rts Service Getchell & Gaenon Frank Ua~donald & ::lJns llillson Hardware C6. lf II Publica, 10 iiS G8.S Parts R,p ai 'rs Ha "dware Johnson & Eork WashLgton Pu1" & ""aper COIj). Crescent l:otors Ci ty Treasur"r Paint & brush Lim~, etc. Repairs Ind Ins & Med Aid 1S ./ 1.0{ :7,1. T";R [o'UND . V. ". Samuelson & Go. II Truck Re pairs II n Johnson & Bor;': D & B Batter',v & :11ectl'i c Service Getchell & 'Jaenon Hersey I,lf". Co. Ci ty Li(ht D~pt. Willson H8.rd"Jare Co. Hersey Mf~. Co. Hooker F.lectroehemical Co. Olymnic Stationers City Trea~urer "'namel Char!;e Ba:tery S~rvice ~ruck Met~r & "arts Draftsman's Time Ma tee iHls lleter Parts ChlOrine Blue Brints Ind Ins & Med "id .}\~ LIGl!~ FU~ Epperson & "ons OlymJic Jtutioners Lannoyes flutO Rebuild Lin~ U1~eriql CJ. ~nzel"s Eill~or~ Co. Stani,9.rd Oil Co. Pacifi, Larn;' & Supply ';0. A. "i. l'cLean, Pur,et Sound Power & Lieht Co. Kaufman LeonAri Go. Ma ter i als Sup!, lies Rep3.irs Anchors Millwork Gasoline Light Carp en tel' Work Power Bill Linoleum GO.16 1.90 ".4~ 7.22 7 .0(\ 1.25 G.45 1. 71' H.nO 36.00 6.00 100.00 2. .3<: 36.72 25.50 257.3,], [53.30 1.'10 2c..4C 7.:)4 3.97 1.23 .70 254.44 51. :\0 21.83 o . ~ 28.55 1.06 2.85 1.15 1.25 8:\. ,51 87.96 4.71 32.54 H.67 4.16 ;;:'.59 ,10.18 39.64 3.00 n.93 112.20 '9.20 18.00 30.00 5G73.43 ,5c.10 .j ,. 514 Au=st 11, 19,W Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ I Jam~ s nard'llar e Co. V. ". Samu~lson & Co. , Johnson & Bork I Burroughs Adding I.I'lchLle Ci t~, Treasur ~r Jo. Grass Catch er Re pa irs Paint Servi ;e Ind Ins & Mea l'A:lK FUHD City Elec:ric Co. Willson Hardware Co. James Hard',Bl'e Co. Ci ty Tr~asur er Lamps Slid~ GomT)le to. Hardware Ind Ins & Mod "id Ther~ beinG no fur;;her busineo's th~ ":ommis8ic,n then adjourned. ?;md~ , , City gl~:rk ... "id b~ ~~ 1 .. /1'" c~~ /,(' /~ 1.ig,yor 1.12 .78 7.8" 16.75 ]5.51 0; 3.15 I 159.00 2.3>5 9.5:; 1 I I I (