HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/13/1947 '370 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington AlII!\lst 13. 1942- 1,:The Commission mt in regular session at 10 A, .1.1. and was called' to order by Acting Mayor Steele. Roll call ,ot: officers showed the following present: Co)llDlissioners Jojmson and Steele, Attorney Wilson and Clerk Law. " 'Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. l\1nder the head of applicati~~s for building permits and licens,es, the following were granted: :!lliuding Permits: ~.3 f;l"dd - C. H. Young Remodel Present Dwelling; Lot 9,. Blk. 205, Townsite ,Le,on Monpas Remodel Present Dwelling; Lot 15, Blk. 414, Townsite Jack King Remodel Present Dwelling; Lot 17, Blk. 270, Townsite Jack DelGuzzi Build House; Lot 14, Blk. 341, Townsite F. P. Schaffner Build Dwelling; Lot 12, Blk. 102, Townsite iW. n. Rand Build Additions' to Present Dwelling; Repair Foundation, ; , Lot 5, Blk. 2, Williams Cramer Addition ilport Angeles Poster Reblild B Sign Boards; let & Jonesl& 1st & Valley !~lJlX Watt Remodel (Add One Room, Put on New Roof); Lot 16, BU:. 128, Townllite Chas. W. Schmidt atild 3-Room and Bath; Lot 5, 8lk. 109, Townsite W.E. Coffelt Remodel fresent Apartments; Lot 5, Blk. 15, Townsite . T. H. White ~' BUild p:...aogm Dwelling; Lot 5, Blk. 3, Hartt & Cook Add. Tradewell Stores, Inc. Remodel S~re; Lot 9, Elk. 1, Tidelands East Arnold Grant Build 5-Unit Apartment; Lots 3-4, Elk. 42, N. R. Smith Add. E. F. Roth Build 4-Room and Bath Dwelling; Lot 6, Blk. 180, Townsite 400.00 550.00 ' 250.00 6,000.00' 2,500.001 2,500.001 800.00 500 .00 2,000.001 500 .00 1,000.00 2,000.00 11,500.00 I 4,500.00: Licenses:; ~;(~ t) ~o I Audett Hotel Hotel-29 Rooms 29.00' Log cabin Tavern 5 Amusenent Machines 72.001: Log cabin Tavern Music Machine 12.00 Log Cabin Tavern Soft Drink 5~00 M & C Tavern 2 Amusement !.Iachines 48.00 11 & C Tavern Skee-Ball l.lachine 12.00 : 11 & C Tavern Music Machine 12.00'; M & C Tavern Soft Drink 5.00 ' Taylor Haating & Plbg. Co. Master Plwnber 25.00' \Jnder the head of unfinished business the hearing on the assessment roll for L.I.D. No. 148 was opened. '!Wo I property owners were present, and a petition with thirteen signatures was presented. There being insufficient protest, it was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the assessment roll be confirmed and adopted as submittedi Seconded by Mr. Steele. All voted Aye. Motion carried. _ j Under the head 'Of new business, Fire Chief Wolverton infonned thst the oil burner at the fire station should j be remmed. Commissioner steele suggested that the Fire and Police Departments and Library include in their 1948 budgets sufficient to pay for new blrner and equipment. I 'The Fire Chief also informed that a fire boat, retired from Coast Guard service, could be purchased from the \1. S. Maritime Commission as surplus. The Chief advised that the boat could be operated without much ' expense and no additional personnel. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that a bid of 13,800.00 be submitted. Seconded by Commissioner Steele. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Qlmmissioner Steele read a letter by the Chamber of Commerce to be presented to the N. W. Power Aesociation .Convention at .Longview inviting them to meet in this City for their next session. iComlllissioner Johnson reported the progress of obtaining estimated City Gansus. Ths estimate completed and set at 11,800 will be sent to the State Board. H. B. lIatticks requested the vacation of the alley in Block 125 of D. W. Morse's Subdivision of Suturban Lot No. a, and was instructed to present petition signed by property OlII1ers requesting the said vacation. ,I iThe COmmission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of the same: il J' 32... . ,bmmENT EJPENSE EUND: I tJ f' . '\James Hardware Co. Puget Sound Navigation.CO. 'Hooker Service Station a~.O. Ide Smith Ice & Bottling Works Loop Auto Wrecking Co. G & W Fire Service Williams Brothers 1 ~ .< CITY STREET 1lUND I .:31 ' Hooker Storage Gar. & Ser. Stn. Howard-Cooper Corp. 61 WATER FUND: ""? F 7J?' - D & B Battery & Electric Station .Johns-J.!anville Corp. George L. DralriJ~ Frank Kaemmle Horace Frank Hambly 17 ,LIGHT 1lUND: HI JI.< Puget Sound Navigation Co. General Electric Co. Maydwell & Hartzell City Treasurer General Ele ctric Supply Corp. Westinghouse Ele ctric Supply Co. Home Electric Co. I d :;J.I SANITARY RIND: 'f;'- City Treasurer Johnson & Bork Williams Brothers Brooms, Shovels, Shields, Lege Freight Repairs car Mileage for July 15 Cases Soda Pop for School Patrol Picnic Coil, Tire & Tube 5 Gals. of carbon Tet. Rent: April, May, June 16.151 2.03' 1.04 34.37 6.00 10.46 9.?7 50.00 1.25 I 1 29.961 .461 65.801 7,287.551 250.00 I 275.00! i 6.671 5.90 160.661 .871 176.76 615.77 348.141 1.05, 18.181 50.00 Gasoline Metal Hose Parts Tee Road Work Easement Easement Freight Charges Ink Brackets cash Payments Meter Socket Boxes Hardware, Meter Parts, Meters Tranaf., Cur. Transf. Express Paid Paint, Brush Rent: April, May, June I I ...... I I I' I I ..... I I" .- ~I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington AUIi'Il.st 15. continued, 19~ PARK FllND: /0 r.2. Pete Adolpheen ' James Hardware Co. Montgomery Ward Extra La bar Six i" Ties Two Lengths in Pipe ~ J"- 50, Paint, Brush PARKING METER & TRAme ooNTROL FUND: Johnson & Bork r n L. 1. GlJARANTY FUND: ~6? < Ci.ty Treasurer .3 6 REVOLVING FUND: -";oS&' , City Treasurer Assessments Paid Taxes, Assessments and Filing Fees Paid I There being no further rosiness, the session was declared adjourned. i () t~. (J 371 1 5.251. 1.24 ' 4.53 50 .52 667.99 1,056.55 I I I CJ..e rk .\- ~ ~ --., ~,..)( 'C ll' C 1.~ -1') A' ~ -'"'Mayor