HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/13/1951 I I I I ---..:.. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington .., 159 AUllUst B. 19-5L ~o,.. "~". "..~ "',,,"m. 'om", ..... ..... i The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feele,r. Officers , pt'esent were Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull-and Clerk Law. I , Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. I U';der the head of ~plications for building permits, the follOl<ing were granted: . - /21()O- JGhn Haas' Cement Foundation under Garage, Build Lean-to Woodshedj Lot 4, Blk. 301, Townsite DelGuzzi Bros. Build 4-Room House; Lot 16, Blk. 418, Townsite G. P. Nelson Build l-Car Garage; Lot 4, Blk. 20, Townsite F. C. Naldron Build 4-Room House; Lot 13, Blk. 396, TOImsite G. G. Samchuck Remodel Office, Lot 11, Blk. 230, Townsite Lennard Smith Remodel Garage for Living Qts., Temporary2 Lot 2, Blk. 324, Townsite Frank Wolney Build Playhouse & Move to New Location; SLots 19-20, Blk. 165, Townsite A. G. Hansen Cement Block Foundation, Composition Roof, Enlarge Kitchen, Lot 2, Blk. 318, Phil ~lallory Remodel Back Porch for Utility Room; Lot 14, Blk. J19, Townsite Eddie Kostlevy Add on to Garagej Lot IJ, Blk, 287, Townsite 100.00 I 7,000.00 I 500.00 2,500.00 800.00 500,00 75.00 Twnsite. ],000.00 200.00 25.00 Under the head of unfinished business, K. O. Erickson again appeared regarding vacation of certain streets near the Cemetery. Attorne,r Trumbull informed that as the requested vacation is of no particular benefit to the City, prep""ation of documents should not interfere with City business. Commissioner Robinson advised that as the Commission has instructed that resolution, etc., be prepared, the same should be done as agreed, and as soon a.s possible. Commissioner Taylor considered the vacation a.s not detrimental to the City, and as the Planning Commission has already filed recommendations, agreed with suggestion of I Commissioner Robinson. Mayor Feeley informed Mr. Erickson that the necessary material will be ready by the : next session if possible. Dr. Risser appeared regarding the City's contribution to the health pool, informing that $5,000,00 is neces3ary from the City if the health program is continued as scheduled. Commissioner Taylor advised that the City is interested in doing all possible, but Can make no commitments ,rithout further study of the proposed budget. Mayor Feeley further advised that the Commission will study proposed budgets as submitted and see what can be done. I Pursuant to resolutions adopted and publications, heari~S ,.ere opened for establishment of Local Improve- ment Districts Nos. 158 and 159. The Engineer reported that opposition of 26.46% has been filed opposing .1 District 110. 158 for improvement of Twelfth Street from Peabody Street to Chase Street by construction of , curbs and gutters, ballastinll and asphalt surface. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the Attorney I be instructed to prepare an Ordinance creating Improvement District No. 158. Seconded by Commissioner I Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I The Engineer reported that no opposition had been made or filed against Local Improvement District No. 159 for improving Vine, Peabody, and Tenth Streets, by construction of curbs and gutters. It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the Attorney be instructed to prepare an Ordinance creating L.I.D. No. 159. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Engineer filed the Assessment Roll for Local Improvement District No. 155, construction of sid61'Jalk on .Jest Fifth Street from "A" to "E" Streets. It >/as moved by Commissioner Taylor that the Assessment Roll be approved and accepted, date of hearing set for September 17, and notices published and mailed according to proper procedure. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Comrrdssioner Taylor informed of letter received from Cunningham and Associates, ,.ho will arrive at 11:30 for consultation regarding the water system improvement and repair. Under the head of new business, Stirling Long of Port Angeles Transit System, requested that the d01<Dtown bus station be changed from present location on Front Street to the corner of First and Laurel Streets in front of Fry Drug Co. Chief Ide recommended that the change be made and Corrndssioner Taylor informed that the Engineer or Street Departments have no objections. It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the necessary I parking meters be removed from First and Laurel Streets and replaced on Front Street, change to be effective August 27th. Motion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Ted Brown and Joe Janish appeared before the Commission presenting petitions requesting that the Commission ,. submit the question of adopting a Council-H~p.ager plan of City Govemment at a special election, time of I same being held as specified by proclamation, and provided by the Laws of the State 6f Washington. The i petitions were referred to the Clerk for checking and comparison with registration records. The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: ~ ,{ / C:..,I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: i Quick Print j The Texas Co. l' Hooker Storage Garage Port Angeles Hotors , Aiken Olds-Cadillac Co. I Samuelson Hotor Co. I James Hardware Co. R. O. Ide C. A. violverton If WATER FUND: /';S- Seattle Plbg. Supply',CO. Middleton Motor Parts Co. lIailor Lumber Co. Taylor Heating & Plbg. Co. Angeles Mnchine & Welding Works Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. LIGHT FUND: Jr~ ~1 I'lestinghouse Electric Supply Co. Line Material Co. General Electric Co. Nailor Lwnb er Co. City Treasurer Office Supplies Gas Tire Ilepair, Oil Car Repair Weld Tow-hitch Steam Cycle-t1<ice Hose Connector, Light Car 11ileage, July Travel Ex.pens e Socket 14.42 102.56 2.27 14.07 2.50 7.21 .82 23.31 54..45 9.09 I .52 I 14.83 3.76 23.71 93.28 15J.76 13.47 97.59 28.05 94.10 , 24.991 , ~ 1 Wrenches Fittings Lumber Fittings Rods, Shop '"ork Cement, ete. Meters Bolts P-F Meter Lumber & Paint Lot 6, Blk. 2, Doyles llubd., for bldg. sub-stn. SANIT ATION FUND: I Earl Davidson 11 ~f ~ Car Mileage for July "'-160 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ,,<. . ...... ....".. ".,-,.. """". ..... .... PARK FUllD: 3 of -:1 Port Angeles 4utO Supply Co. Clallam Grain Co. City Shop Dept. City Treasurer Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Angeles Pittsburgh Paints Wheeler Hdwe. & Furn. Co. Olpnpic Tribune Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: Johnson & Bork 2/ CEMETERY FUND: /7- Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. City Shop Dept. Olympic Printery SO AlInlAL CONTROL FUND: I 'iI, Clallam County Humane Society AngllRt 13th) p..nnt;nl1.:lti" 19_~_ 42.75 15.45 42.19 I 116.83 16.86 1).21 26.35 4.47 .30.90 22.40 6.83 2.45 7.93 147.50 Grease Gun, Hose, Hedge Trimmer 15 Sacks Lime Gas, Oil, Repairs Light, jo[ater, Garbage Services 3851, 5288 Green Shingle Stain Hdwe., Paint, Oil Can, Toilet Seat, etc. Legal Publication Concrete Pipe ;{.? to ,Enamel, Oil, etc. Crescent \'Jrenches Gas Office Supplies There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. Budget Approp., Dog & Cat Lie., Pound Fees a. I cL~. LEGAL PUBLICATION :\'o'rICI.~ 41F IIF.AIUNG ox .\~Ji'H"S.UI~.s'I' flU).I. NMIc(> is; hereby g..."n th!ll tile 0.11\' Comml~!o:lon of tJle City OJ: l'orl _\11i,:'f11i>.'! will holc1 a hearin~ upon 1I1.. lL,,!''l{'IHUn{'1\l }'01l no; PI'''P31'('II b~' t1H\ c;Uy Englneel' In J,ocl\11mllrO\','mell[ ,lJi~trl"t :-On_ 15.; of . till' Cily of J'lln _'\ll~"lll_~. sa I_II heal"hl~' Lo 1)[' 11('111 on )j{lf]df!)', t.he-'.1:i'th Iiay of ~eJlL('llI"f't.. 1 :1:';1. lit ~ ,h't" hour oC Tel] o'CIOo;;k, ~\. M" at t.he Cvmml:;sion Haom of th,-. City C'ommi:,;",ion or the' City or ro~.t.Ang(>lcs. at 21" South Lincoln ~ll'<'<~t, ]'ort.\ng'cle's, 1,Vntc1hill!;'ton. At ;~~~~'r i~i~~ ~~d :Jtc1~Cl;cd~I:*g nl~n~,U~~1 ('()nl in\ll't1 to, f<llill Cit~. Commil'.~loll :-liU\nlf n.~' a HOA.l"d of l';qlmll2utioll will ('on~lder obJections ,to S:lIIL .'\S!H~flf:mC'llt Holl and will cC>I're('l, l'e- vlH~ rnil'c, lO\l,'el', change ot' nlol1lf~' f.'u('l\ l'Ol!, or :'\n~' pal't ther....of," 01' f!('l :Jl'ide !'iueh 1'011 and onler tllnt stich fos!'l'~"m(lnt be Inarl€' ne nrWll, aH to tl.lIch ootl)"c .~hnll n]lpe:n ju~l llml "llIllt:101.., aJ'ld will then procc('d to ('onrinil said roll by On:'lin~II(;(", All ll:I'~~r{1 r~\~O a~/),c~;~~~'C n~fll~~e~~ m;1k~ ~ncll c.hkctirm,.; ill wl'illn~ antl tQ flip. the same with the 011\' l~lL~r'l~ at Ill" l1rlor t<:'\ tile' Ilntc l'ix;:-d 1'01' :HI('11 ~::~ ,I;~ ~:'~~. :-'.t u]~t ;~~ ';f,j t?~ ,c~ fi~ ~t: ..... City Clerk jt$//4/L cl. /7- Mayor I I I