HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/14/1935 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington 315 " Au"7uS t 14 I 1935 193_ 1 I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to ordcr by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following members present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Plummer and Clepk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. I Police Judge, Thos. Geisness, reported 42 cases tried and ~170.02 collected in fines Ifor the month of July, 1935. Report ordered filed. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits and Licenses, the following were granted: Frank Brozowski, House, Lot 10, Block 75, Townsite John Kirk, Addition to House, Lot 15, blk. 301, Townsite Madese H. Nailor, Rebuild wood shed, Lot 2, Blk. 173, Townsite Henry Davidson, Elwha Theatre Cashman's Recreation, 6 Bowlines Alleys 11 !1 Restauran t 11 : Soft Drinks , 4 Pool & Billiard Tables Union Drug ao., Soft Drink 11 11!1 J Fountain Lunch, Blue Moon, Soft Drink Jack Paris, Soft Drink Habit Cleaners, Cleaning & Pressing 800.00 75.00 75.00 100.00 60.00 15.00 5.00 40.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Under the head of New Busines,- The City Treasurer Reported that Bond No.1 of L.I.D~ No. 124, purchased and owned by L.I.D. No. 36, was :111 paid with the exception of ,p15.86 principal and 891 interest. The Treasurer further reported that all assessmenm of Distrlct No. 124 have been collected and there is pow on hand ~15.41 which leaves 45~ on the prlncipal of said Bond No.1 unpaid, plus 89~ interest. The Commission instructed the Treasurer to apply the J15.41 on hand as a payment on the said bond, cancel the 45': balance then still due, and the 89\!' interest, and close the account between L.I.D' No. 36 and L.I.D. No. 124. Under the head of read ing and passage of ordinances, the following ordinances were read by title and placed on their second and third readings,- AU ORDINANCE authorizin~ the Standard Oil Company of California to lay, oonstruct, maintain, operate, use and repair pipe lines for the transportation of petroleum and its by-products, along mmill across and under the surface of certain portions of certain streets and alleys in the city of Port Angeles. I It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing o~dinance be placed on its final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members ~oted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. AN ORDINANCE relating to the use of the public streets of the City of Port Angeles; !providing for designation of special restricted zones; providing for the manner of pa~king; designating arterial streets; establishing regulations and requirements for the,safety and control of traffic and the protection and safety of the inhabitants in the ~ity; Iproviding penalties, and repealing certain ordinances in conflict hel'ewi tho ,It was moved by Commissioner "lasters that the foregoing ordinance be placed on its final reading and adopted. Seconded by Mayor Davis. On roll call all Ijlembers voted aye. IThe 1~yor declared the motion carried. Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions, the following resolutions were lintroduc,ed: ' , A RESOLUTION author izing the Mayor and (;i ty Clerk to file an applica ti on to the United ~tates of America through the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works for a grant to aid in financing the construction of bridges on Eighth'5treet over Valley and Tumwater Gulches in the City of Port "ngeles, and designating the City Engineer and City Clerk to furnish such information as the government may request. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY cor',mI,sSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES; SECTION 1. That the Mayor and vity Clerk be and said officers are hereby author- ized to execute and file an application on behalf of the City of Port "ngeles, Washington, to the United "tates of "merica for a grant to aid in financing the eonstruction of ibridges on Eighth Streot in Port "ngeles, Ylashington, over Valley' and Tumwater Gulches. SECTIOII 2. That Harold':. Dodc.;e, City Engineer, and N. M. Hawkins, ~ity Clerk, are hereby authorized and directed to furnish such information as the United "tates of America through the Federal Emergency Administration of Public "orks may request in connection with the application which is herein authorized to be filed. A RESOLUTION endorsine Proposal No.2 of the City of Port Angeles :for submiss:iion to the lIorks Progress,Administration, guaranteeing materials and completion of said project. VffiEREAS, the vity of Port Angeles has submitted to the ~orks Progress Administration a project designated as "Spnnsor's Proposal No.2" fo:r; "Widening and improving oi ty streets and alleys and improving sewer s,ystem, painting bridges and provide one girl in office to help in details pertaining to ':/.P.A. projects." BE IT RESOLVED That said project be and the same is hereby endorsed and approved Ilnd the funds are available for the purchase of all materials and' supplies necessary for the construction contemplated in this project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That in the event that for any reason work upon said project ;is discontinued by the TIorks Progress Administration funds shall be made available by the 'City of Port ..ngeles to complete said project and bring the work to a conolusion ! I ~ ",.. 316 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington Augus t 14, 1935 193_ A RESOLUTION endorsing Proposal No.4 of the ';ity of Port Angeles for Subljlission to the Works Progress Administration, guaranteeing materials and completion of said project. :mEREAS, the City of Port ~ngeles has submitted to the rrorks Progress Administration a project designated as "Sponsor"s Proposal No.4" for, "Making repairs at intake of municipal water system; setting up water wheel and generator; improving mainline by anchoring water pipes on side-hills and through valleys and re-laying lateral lines in valleys and creeks." BE IT RESOLVED That said projeot be and the same is hereby endorsed and approved and the funds are available for the purchase of all materials and supplies necessary for the construction contemplated in this project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That in the event that for any reason work upon said project is discontinued by the ,iorks Progress administration funds shallbe made available by the City of Port Angeles to complete said project and bring the work to a conclusion. A RESOLUTION endorsing Proposal No.3 of the City of Port Angeles for submission to the Works Progress ~Aministration, guaranteeing materials and completion of said project. ~~EREAS, the City of Port Angeles has submitted to the ~orks Progress Administration a project designated as "Sponsor's Proposal No.3" for, "Fine grading nine-hole golf course, clearing sixty acres brush and timber land. Building drives, paths, etc. Excavating for artificial lake and island. Pafnting buildings, fences, benches, etc. BE IT RESOLVED That said project be and the same is hereby endorsed and approved and the funds are available for the purchase of all materials and supplies necessary for the construction contemplated in this project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That in the event that fb r any reason work upon said project i.s disoontinued by the f10rks Progress "'d.minis tra tion funds shallbe made available by the ~i ty of Port Angeles to comple te said pI' oject and bring the work to a conclusion. A RESOLUTION endorsing Proposal No.1 of the City of Port Angeles for submission to the ,Iorks Progress Administration, guaranteeing materials and completion of said project. ~mEREAS, the aity of Port An~les has submitted to the Works Progress Administration a project designated as "Sponsor's Proposal No.1" for, "The construction of re-inf9rced concrete culvert 6' x 8' x 300' connecting existing concrete culverts on Valley Street between First and Second Streets, Port Angeles, ~ash- ington, structure to replace old wooden viaduct which is in bad state of repair." BE IT RESOLVED That said project be and the same is hereby endorsed and approved and the funds are available for the purchase of all materials and supplies necessary for the construction contemplated in this project. BE IT ~uRTHER RESOLVED That in the event that for any reason work upon said project is discontinued by the Works Progress Administration funds shall be made available by the City of Port "ngeles to complete said project and bring the work to a conclusion. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing "esolutions be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all me~bers voted aye. The fr~yor declared the motion carri cd. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and orde~ed warrants dravm for same: CURRENT EXPENSE F\J1m City Treasurer George Rothwell Verne Francisco F. M. Godding .T. H. Thornton .T. R, McDonald Pine Hill Service Fire JJepartment Evening News The Pac Tel & Tel Co. 'Western Union Benjamin Franklin Thrift utore Johnson & Bork Garvin Auto Co. H. E. Dodge City Treasurer The Pac Tel & Tel Co. Glenn's Service Station Linc oln Cafe The Pac Tel & Tel Jo. The Den Packer-Scott Co. Shell Oil ~o. C. L. Sarff Zellerbach Paper Yo. The Pac tel & Tel Co. Howard-Cooper Corp. James Hardware Co. S. J. Lutz Olympic Forest Products Co. Ci ty Fuel "0. 3ashingtonPulp & Paper ~o. General Comstruction Co. Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Lysall ~eldin~ & Forge ~orks Garvin Auto "'0. Central Motor Parts Shell Oil eo. Associated'Oil Co. nashin~ton P~lp ~ pav.er C9.. Stamps Labor Special Police n II 1.00 12.50 9.00 81. 00 15.00 25.00 52.50 15;,.00 42.42 ;'.15 .35 .50 2. 9,~ .90 6.2.~ 1.00 :3.75 5.30 39.20 1.85 2.40 !l.00 47.25 1.50 11.00 6.75 4.70 8.49 5.00 40.16 5.10 ~. 36 480.00 3.35 5..~0 <::2.:\6 1.15 191.47 39.15 32.60 43.;'9 14.60 1.29 43.71 43.84 10.'5.74 Services as dog catcher Wood Volunteer Firemen Publications Service Telegram 6 Supe r Juds Varnish, etc. Repa irs Exp,ense Account 3 tamps Service Oil Meals for prisoners Service Flash Light Batteries Soap Gas Grinding Lawn Mower Paper ~owels Servic;e Hos e Gaske ts Supplies Exp ens e Account Lumber Fuel Oil Hardware Crushed Rcck Pipe, etc. Repairs Repairs Repair Parts Gas & Oil !l Gas Lime Hardware Lime Labor and Hardware, Lime n wire lime, etc. ~ 1 1 1 I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington August 14. 1935 193_ 317~ I I II 1 I rO;~";;~'~: m;:~ :~': ';~o~ uc ts ~IATER FUUD Co. ., Lumber " C :>.'1''/ 0 Water Department ! B. R. Sandquist Crane Company Federal Pipe & Tank 00. Graybar Electric Co. Hooker Electrochemical Go. City Light Department City .uock Co. Lysall l'Ielding & ForKe ,Iorks Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Family ':>ho e Store Lake & Boye Ci ty Light Dep artmen t Antone Smith Grocery Shell Oil "0. Pay Ro 11 Labor Universal Pipe Pipe Phone Parts Chlorine Gas & Oil Freight, etc. Shop \70rk Pipe Bands Rubber Boo ts Sign Material Empty Sacks Tir e Repairs b\ '7'" 0 - LIGHT FUlID G. E. Coolidge City Treasurer Blackburn Printing Co: H. ~. Baker & ~o. Shell Oil Co. Pac Tel & Tel .0. Johnson & Bork Olympic PrinterY Ci ty \la ter Departmen t Addressograph Sales ~gency Lysall \lelding & ?orge Works Quick Print General ~aectric v,,'o. II ft Ladder Hangers Misc. Cash Payments Printing File Folders Gasoline ;.)ervi ce Varnish & Brushes Printing and supplie s Water at substation Machine Parts Shop Work Printinp; Meter Boxes, etc. Me ter s Lubricant ...~ JI.... - C. R. Lumley Co. LIBRARY FUND Ethel Os terhou t Jennilu Norris Cit;,r Treasurer H. n. Viilson Co. The"'Pa'6Tel & Tel Co. Charl es ,/. Clark Co. The Hertzberg Bindery Union Library Association puget Sound News Co. J;;xtra Help Extra Help, etc. Light & Water Period ical s Servi ce Books Boo ks Books Boo ks PARK FUND Lysall Welding! Forge ~orks Repairs GUARANTY FUND City Treasurer City Treasurer FUing Deed Taxes on Lots 9 & 10, Townsite There being no further business the Oommisssionthen adjourned. ?J ,?7?p/~ ~~ ~~~~ Ci ty Clerk. Mayor. 828.32 19.80 36.00 3.50 410.00 123.73 5.89 14.57 19.02 4.40 52.59 9.93 30.19 2.25 4.82 .92 2.80 G.50 1. 65 12.34 1.71 36.25 13.05 2.45 34.38 1. 95 5.21 G.95 18.87 14.80 159.42 4.71 o 1!2. 3.75 6.54 7.70 41.80 4.~5 11.86 70.56 16.23 19.91 12.80 .90 53.93 ~