HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/14/1940 '"'llIl 193 Proceedings of the City Commissio~ of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~ugust 14. 1940 19_ I I I I I T""OK...U.........."'-...,.....O.........'.T....'....,,, The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 a.m. and was called to order qy Mayor Beetle. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Beetle, Commissioners Beam and Lind, Atoorney Conniff and Cler k Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session wer~ read and approved. IUnder the hea~ of Applications for Licenses the following were granted: ~,Mrs. Fletcher lake, 1 Beauty Parlor Chair I,Mrs. L. D. Lowry, Soft Drink IGeo. SylVia, 2 Barber Chairs ,ICo-operative Laundry, Cleaning and Pressing IBen Weeks, Master Plumber Harrington & Giles, Location Amusement Game Brickie t s Place ~ 11' 11 It IThe Little Brick Tavern, h h h lThe Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: ICURRENr EXPENSE FUND 'I , IWilson Hardware Co. Richfield 011 Co. ~ n n n \WaShington Saw Filing Harold Hibbs Plumbing Co. 101ympic Stationers lMook Electric Service ',Willson Hardware Co. Rensselaer Valve Co. City Treasurer 11 n Wallace & Tiernan Sales Corp. City Treasurer The Den Olympic Laundry & Cleaners 'lfalkling Motor Co. Ci ty Treasurer C. A. Wolverton, Fire Chief Fehly Studio h h Angeles Gravel & Supply Johnson & Bork II' II 'I Automotive Parts Co. Harris & Schuller state Treasurer CITY STREET FUm1 C M St. Paul & Pacific R.R. Co. tl << It n n ,Standard Oil Co. jNattinger & Levy It fl II Thos. Guptill \ State' Treasurer \ iWATER FUND Water Department " 11 Dempsey's Service Station Puget Sound Navigation Co. The Mueller Co. Hooker Electrochemical ~o. Marshall Wells Co. ~cClellanHardvmre Co. State Treesurer LIGHT FUND Dempsey & Bourm City Treasurer Remington Rand Inc. Line Material Co. Puget "ound Power & Light Co. State Treasurer PARK FUND State Treasurer Davidson Motor Co. CITYWIDE SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION FUND Angeles Gravel & Supply Go. 1.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 25.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 Flashlight Gas & Oil II 1.38 61. 58 115 .4 7 5.06 1.44 10.56 10.71 26.55 5.24 5.00 1.00 1.:13 8.11 2.21 1.65 6.53 5.00 100.00 8.68 12.91 ... 16.54 8.67 . 54.50 3<1- 54.96 foS - 2.62 24.lli 151.10 156 .94 89.24 87.45 ,I, 25.65 IJ'-f -: 6.12 17.68 " , 502.20 440.70 2.15 .96 5.11 14.88 ?~ 11.25 10'6 3'- 62.56 45.52 1.02 qr' 70.56 ~/ 15.68 (, -v I 75.95 6050 .50 7.26 0""'" 5.41 '6 ' 2.61 559.55 (,f1.fr3~ Mayor e ...... Filing Hand Saws Plug, etc. Supplie s Repair Motor Hardware Wrenches Stamps h Sui;plies Filing Dee, etc. Batteries Laundry . Repairs Stamps Convention Expense Pictures Prints & Developing Lumber Modex Paint, etc. Parts Downspout, etc. Ind Ins & Med Aid Freight ,8 Grease, etc. Insurance " Signs for 8th St. Bridges Ind Ins & Med Aid Pay Roll " n Gas & 011 Freight Drill & Tap Chlorine Forge Tools, etc. Ind Ins Service Dodge Truck Gash Payments OverhaUl Typewriter Line Hardware Power Bill for July Ind Ins Ind Ins Gas & Oil There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. Cement, etc. ?;~~ City Clerk .I