HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/14/1950
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
AUlZust 14. 1950.
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I The Commission met in regular session Qt 10:00 A. M., Qnd was c&lled to order by Mllyor Feeley, Officers
. present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk l.Qw. .
Minutes of the previous session were reQd and QPproved.
Under the head
for building permits' and licenses, the following wal'e granted:
of applications
: fuilding Permits:
Petersen & Craver
Arnold Levy
Arnold Levy
Don Smith
Bramwell Construction Co.
Paul Froude
Construct 5 Rm. DVlelling, Lot 5, Elk 552, Townsite
Move House Lot 4, Blk 291, Townsite
Move House Lot 5, Blk 20B, 1'ovmsite
Construct Dwelling, Lots 11 & 12, Blk 298, Townsite
Store Bldg. & Parking Lot, Lots 14, 15, 13lk. 69 Tnst.
Construct 10 Apt. Bldg., Lot 18, 8lk 40, N. R. Smith
Pa vilion Rink
Olympus Fountain
Olympus Fountain
Olympus Fountain
Club Billiard Parlor
Club Billiard PQrlor
Club Billiard Parlor
Club Billiard Parlor
City Drug
Harris & Schuller
AflfJex Blirber Shop
Elk Drug Company
Ska ting Rink
Music Machine
Soft Drink
Am1il.sement Machine
6 Card Tables
4 Pool Tables
Soft Drink
Soft Drink
V~ster Electrician
Soft Drink 2 yaars
'Under the head of unfinished business, bids for relocation and installation of Morse Creek water line in the
slide area were submitted as follows: J. M. Bruch Co., Contract not signed or properly submitted, 4,466.00.
J. P. Surace Const. Co., 6,655.00. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the bids be referred to the
Water Superintendent and aVlareed at the next session. Seconded by V~yor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion
ca rried .
Ray Petersen again i1Ppeared regarding sewer connections near 9th and Washington Streets. Commissioner
Taylor reminded that the matter had been referred to the County and City Engineers, and that present service
in this district does not permit connections from property outside the City. Also that property owners
outsi!i.e should solve their own problems. It was the opinion of Mayor Feeley that the requested serRice
would not overload, and Commissioner Robinson agreed that connections for sanitary sewer service only could
be permitted.
Commissioner Taylor read a letter from the General !<:ngineering Company regarding a survey of the situation
and creation of a sewer district. Hr. Petersen infomed th8t property valuation would not permit a seVier
distriot. Conunissioner 1'aylor advised that sewer district would be by revenue bonds an:! not by property
valuation, and that Qllowing connections lIlefore Engineers survey would be unwise and jeopardize the City
system. Mayor Feeley requested that the matter be postponed until the next session and Commissioner Taylor
was instructed to contact the Engineers regarding the same.
,Under the head of new buSiness, Gene Lindsay appeared regarding property Qt First. and Lincoln Streets,
iwhere flood water from Peabody Creek is cutting around and undermining foundQtion. Mr. Lindsay advised that
. a bulkheQd of about ten to fifteen feet in length would temporarily control. Also that it is the City's
responsibility the same as property owners, and the City should consider for its own protection. The matter
l'was referred to the Enginear to meet with property o~ners Tuesday A. M.
Notice from Van C. Griffin, U. S. District Court, instructing that claims be filed against Harry and ][01.
.Andrew, in bankruptcy, was referred to the City Attorney.
Icommissioner Taylor spoke regQrding proposed building at First and Laurel sts., and excavation Which might
cause slides. Attorney Trumbull informed that if Ci~ irllitallations are on City property, responsibility
is vnth property owner removing support.
Louise lJarnette requested permission to use or purchase a five foot strip of land adjoining her prpperty on
Washington Street at Georgiana. This was referred to Commissioner Taylor.
Commissioner Taylor reC].uested that bids be published fer a new chlorination systeli1 at the reservior. Also
for i11stallation of water screens at Morse Creak Dam. Bids to be opened August 28. It was moved by Comm-
issioner Taylor that the said bids be published. Seconded lly Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye.
Motion carried.
lunder the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the folloVling was placed on :ehird and final reading:
1 Ordinance No. 1255
'AN ORDINANCE stating the facts of an emergency affecting the public health, safety and welfare of the City of
IPort Angeles; requir~ng the unforeseen expenditure of funds; prDviding for the issuance of emergency
Iwarrants and declaring an emergency.
It was moved by Cor'm~ssioner Taylor that the foregoing Ordinance be pa",ed third and final reading and
ladopted. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
jUnder the head of int.roduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced, and placed Dn first
and second reading:
I Ordinance No. ;:?:3(.
,AN ORDINAllCF. vacating that certain alley ~n and across Block Two Hundred and Twenty (220), Government
;Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington.
It w.s moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading.
iSeconded by M.yor Feeley. All voted Aye. tlotion carried.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
37 .,
AU<'llst 14.
Continued .
".. . ....". .m.. n'''~'''. ..."........ ....
junder the heQd of introduction of Resolutions, the following WQS introduced:
I WHEREAS, Charles A. Brown, now employed as a clerk in the Light Department of the City of Port Angeles,
jhas attained the age of 65 years, and under the provisions of Section 14 of Chapter 71 of the Laws of 1947
i of the St.te of Washington, (Section 9592-145, Remington's Revised Statutes) is eligible for compulsory
retirement from the employ of the City of PortnAngeles; and
WHEREAS, said act provides that the legislative authority of the City of Port Angeles shall have the
privilege of extending the time of such compulsory retirement until said employee has attained the age of
67 years; and
I VrtlEREAS, it is thoueht advisable and proper by the City Commission of SQid City to so extend such time
for retirement and continue the services of the said Charles A. Brown in the employ of the City of Port
,An~eles; noVi" therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, as follows:
That the time for the compulsory retirement of the said Charlss A. BrOl'ffi fromlthe employ of the City of
Port Angeles be, and the same is hereby; extended until such tirr.e as the said Charles A. Brown shQll have
attained the age of 67 years, all in accord with Section 14 of Chapter 71 of the Laws of 1947 of the
St.te of Washington (Section 9592-143, Remington's Revised Statutes).
It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing resolution be approved am adopted. Seconded llf
Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Moti.on carried.
The Commission examined and approved the folloVling clQims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of the same:.
!Hazel'S CQfe I -
Olympic HSQlth District
IWATER FUND: !,7!:l..ffl
:i'iiinersupply Co.
ISchreiner Chevrolet Co.
:Olympic Foundry Company
:Clallim Co. POD No.1'
I James IV. Caven
Taylor Heating & Plumbing Co.
:E. N. ~llgren Co.
lleals for Prisoners 120 . 51
City's share of Health Pool 4,500.00
Pipe 163.15
Truck 1,388.44
Fittings 36.01
Light Service 15.04
Fittings 18.89
Pipe & 'Fitti.ngs 77:67
Pipe Fi ttines 15.62
HQndles - Bolts 95.81
Freight Charges 4.77
Advertising 464.26
Interest on Wirrants, LID llo. 152 130.26
LIGHT !'lL@.: ;Ilb.!>~
Gem,ral Electric Supply Corp.
Pueet Sound :a.vigation Co.
,CIVIC ADVEIlTISIilG FUND: "/I.'f.,?,r,,
1'M..CWilkinS, Cole & Weber
T.. I. D. GENERAL WND / 2b':Z~
CityTn.surer -
being no further rosiness, t.he session was declared adjourned.
X-G./Jf .
City Clerk
Xotl('.. To llidd("r/ol
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(-:kl'l{ of IIle City {'( Po'r[ Allg"I.IC'r"
"\\'a:<h illR"tllll, l~/'t Jatl'\" tnan 10:00
A.M., ,\U/onl,.,t ~S, 19,',u, at thl' City
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