HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/14/1952 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington August 14 19~ -<. . ""~... ..".. ""'"~.. ,"'",,,...... ..... ! The City CounciL met at 7:30 P.M., pursuant to recess declared with all officers present. Under the head of unfinished business, Manager Vergeer informed that after checking and tabulation of I bids submitted for water pipe, hydrants and miscellaneous fittings, the following appear to be the best bids: . I I PACIFIC STATES CAST IRON CO. I Item 1, 2,000 ft. 12" C. I. Pipe, Bell and 6p1.~ot . Item 2, 2,600 ft. 10" C. I. Pipe. Bell and Spigot Item 3. 600 ft. 8" Bell and Spigot, C. I. Pipe Item 4, . 600 ft. 6" Bell and Spigot, C. 1. Pipe lItem 7, Valves PACIFIC WATm ~JORKS SUPPLY CO. Item 5, 10,000 ft. 2" Mechanical Joint C. I. Pipe I Item 6, Crosses, Tees, Etc. I I PALMER SUPPLY CO. Item 8, Miscellaneous fittings I E. N. HALLGREN Item 9, IIy.drants 7,844.00 8,073.00 1,389.00 951.00 994.53 6,100.00 1,021.15 2,428.44 712.80 WESTERN UTILITIES SUPPLY CORP. I Item 10, 2,000 ft. 3/4/1 Copper Tubing 646.80 Mr. Vergeer further informed that the bid for cast iron pipe is preferable, as installation of the same eliminates complicated hydrant connections at extra cost and that life expectancy of cast iron pipe I was established. Also that the Attorney has advised against consideration of bids not qualified. The I Manager then reconnnended that bids be awarded according to the above tabulation. It was moved by I Councilman McFadden that the Council accept the recommendation and that bids be awarded as tabulated. Seconded by Councilman Brown. All vot ed Aye. Motion carried. . The Council considered recommendation by the Park Board filed April 16, 1952, recommending that no exceptions be made in charges for lots and burials in Ocean View Cemetery. Also that an additional charge of $5.00 be made when concrete sectional boxes are used.. It appears that morticians have advised I that the full amount is prohibitive when they are allowed only $100.00 for welfare burials. After due I consideration and. on recommendation by hanager Vergeer, it was moved by Councilwoma~fbwell that in cases , of welfare burials the charges shalL be 50% of regular charges or $20.00 per lot and $12.50 for burial I permit when the concrete sectional box is used, these rates to apply only when morticians file sworn affidavit that burial is paid for by welfare funds only and no other funds available. Motion seconded by 'I Councilman Brown. All members voted Aye. Motion carried.. George Johns, Cha1rman of the Park Board recommended 1IDprovement to the Cemetery Road as 1ncent1ve wh1ch I would increase Cemetery revenue, suggesting a small charge be added for garbage collections to pay co st , of road improvement. The matter was referred to the Manager to determine amount of charge necessary. I . . The Council approved renewal or tranfer of the follo',iing licenses: Don Feeley, Smith's lle17erages, I Catherine D. and Herbert R. Burns, added partner to Babe's Tavern, Allan G. and Anna D. Fletcher, HanDee ! Food Shop. " I , . I Frank Thompson, merchant, and hr. Stoner, hotel operator on West First Street, appeared regarding signs and parking space in front of their establishments. After lengthy discussion, the matter was referred to the I Manager for sign removal and investigation regarding loading zones and parking space required. i The Council discussed proper procedure concerning annexations, plots, sub-divisions, and vacations, when the same are before theCouncil for consideration. . Manager Vergeer recormnended that such requests an! proposals be" ref&rred,;to the Flanning Commission to IlIake all preliminary surveys and submit their recommend. ations g .~ 'u .~~' d refer all such matters to the Planning Commission. ~lotion seconded by CounCilman I o vot ed ye. Motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned. a. g City Clerk (J *L~ I~ayor . ;;taur- ~'- -P~' //-r2A~ud ~tf-y ~i:~-rt-<~~ ~v~ ~/- ~~ ~~J /l-~~~ tI ~ '7?:?d/77~ 277