HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/15/1957 1 I I, I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 559 ., Angus t 15 19~! '""' . ...." "mo. ."",,~.",. ",""" ...... ... The City Council niet in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with "the following officers present: Acting Mayor [McPadden, Councilmen Smith, Brown, Sandison, Matthieu, Wolfe and Maxfield, ~lanager Vergeer, Attorney ,Moffett and Clerk Law. , lIt was moved by Councilman ,Brown that minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Seconded by Councilman 'So.ndison and carried. .IUnder t he head of unfinished business, the hearing on final assessment foll for L.I.D. No. 174 was opened. :There having been no objections or protests made or filed, it was moved by Councilman Brown that hearing be "closed and assessment roll refeued to the City Treasurer for collection. Seconded by,Councilman Sandison I/and carried. t 1 Ipixed estimate claims were filed for Council approv~ as fol1~s: ,Port Angeles Evening News, L.I.D. No. ,176, publication, iThe Olympic Tribune, ~.I.D. No. 176, publication 'It WaS moved by Councl1man Brown that claims be approved and paid. carried. . $19.37 4.00 secooded by Councilman Sandison and 'Under the head of new business, claims paid August 2, 5; 6, 7, 8 and 9 were approved in total amount of i$12,139.28. It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman \'/olf e an d carried. IEdward and Alberta Anders of 835 Georgian~ Street' filed claim for damages ill amount of $25,000.00, their son 1having been injufred while playing on lIIe17ry-ge-round at Georgiana and Washington Street playfield. Mr. lVergeer advised that investigation confirms accident was not caused by negligence of the City, as equipment 'was inspected and in excellent condition, therefore recol1ll1lended that claim be rejected. It was moved by 'Councilman Brown that damage claim be denied. Seconded by Councilman Wolf e and carried. I Mr~. Robert H. ~elson filed claim for'damages to her shrubbery and yard during sewer installation by Matt 'Malaspina R"1' Co. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that claim be referred to the Attorney and Malaspina co. "Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried. IcounCil aC~ePt~d' P~tition signed by' owners' and" operators Of establishments serving' 2J.cholic beverages !requesting that Ordinance No. 1039 be am!,nded to conform with regulations of the St!tte Liquor Control Board recently enacted, providing for extension of closing time. After due conSideration, it was moved ;"y Councilman Sandi son that Ordinooce be amended t.P conform with Sta~e regulations. Semded by Councilman Matthieu and carried. I Terms of service for Park Board members having e>q:ired, it was moved by Councilman \1 olf e that the Board members be reappointed as follows: William S. JOhnson, one year, to expire August 15, 1958. James E. C Wise, two years, to expire August 15, 1959. Dr. Melvin Bondelid, three years, to expire August 15, 1960. ,Motion seconded by Councilman Brown and carried. '" "' . . <.zJ iIt was I1l?ved. br ~ouncilm~ Brown that ~e Treasurer's fin!tDci!ll report for July b~ acc~pted and placed OD file. Seconded by Coua:ilman Maxfield and carried. , I Manager Vergeer informed Ccuncil that the City's two lRrking lots on l'/est Pront litreet have been blacktopped. 'also a pflrtion of Ediz Hook Road. Valley Creek project will commence within' a few days. Also requested 'approval for purchase of additional g round for the City gravel pit. It was moved by Cotmc:ilmah Sandison 'that acquisition of land be approved. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. i .M>J. Vergeer told the Council that as required by Statutes, the preliminary bndget estimates fo~ year 1~58 have been s ullmitted by Department Heads and preparation will start soon. The Mayor then named Councilman Wolfe, Councilman Matthieu and Councilman Smith and any others wishing to serve, on budtet committee.. I . ',The Mayor read letter from John Glann expressing appreCiation for vacation of streets and alleys as request_ 'ed' by the ,School Board. The Mayor also reported on meeting attended at Shelton con~!,rning pollut~9n and control. 1 Councilman Smith having returned from vacation in Scotland, the Council considered appointing Mayor to replace the late Paul Neer. Councilman Wolfe' nomi~ated Councilman Smith md there being no other nominations, it was moved by Councilman Wolfe that Councilman Smith serve in capacity of Mayor until June 1958. Motion seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carli ed. .... p{'/)<. e.j, Under the head of introduction l!1 d reading of Ordinances, the following were introduced and read in full: . ORDINANCE NO. 1397 AN ORDINANCE vacating the alley running easterly and westerly through Block 21" of the G<>i eroment Townsite of Port Angeles, It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregOing Ordinl/Dce be approved and adopted. Seconded by Council~ man Smith and carded. ORDINANCE NO. 1398 AN ORDINAH::E of the City of Port llngeles, WaShington, approving llnd confirming the assessments and 'assess- I ment rollef Local Improvement District No. 174 for the improvement of a certain area I\i thin the city by the construction and installation of trunk, lateral and sub-sewers therein, including all Wyes, aanholes and' by doing 'all work necessary in connection therewitli and incidental thereto; levying and assessing the I, amounts thereof against the several lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property as shDWn'on said assess- ment roll, and providing for the payment of such assessments into the Local Improvement District No. 174 I: Fund created by Urdinance No. 1385, Passed .and approved March 7, 1957.. . There being no further business. the meeting was declard adjourned. '/ d-~. 1 ~ J .. f!. LoAJI"" City Clerk . ~~ Mayor r Bld5 w~t~ :-e~~~'~usp to 5:00 o'clock P.1\f., OCtober I, 1957, at the office. of' Ul(' City Ma.n>\.ger, City Hall, POI.t Angeles, 'Vashlngton, eov- erll1g one tmndred 4,000 to 6,000 lumen lumlnatles of Typa "Two" IES UJ;htin~ IJaUf>!'n for use with In_ cl.1.nde,Scont 5 and. 5110 amp. series clrcuit Includinc.1 % slip taters and g~;CJ~~t~?l"fd seroll type 6' upsweep BldcJcr snaJl fndlcatp. manufactur_ ers catalog nl,lmber and furnish de!'. crlptlon of mnterlals proposed here- under. PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPT. G, S. VERGEER, Ci ty Manager ~]:.rl' ~ePt. 12 and a,~_ .. +-- ~