HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/15/1963 "'ll Proceedings of tne City Commission of tne Ci~ of Port Angeles, Wasnington 185 AUGUST 15 19~ I I I I ~; ."~,.,"'"o _0. ,...,"~....~ liThe City Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. Officers present were Mayor Maxfield, counCiJ. ,men Smith, Thorne, Haguewood, Cornell, Willson and Wolfe; Manager Herrman, Attorney Moffett and 1'111 iClerk McNeece. I I It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that minutes of the previous meeting be approved as received. Iseconded by Councilman Willson and carried. IThe Public Hearing was opened on the rezoning of the S~ of Blk. 275, all of Blk 276 except Lots 8 : land 9, Blks. 277, 282, 283, 284, 335 and 336 TPA from second residential to first residential. Mr.1 Fred Strange, Chairman of the Planning Commission recommended for the Planning Commission that thi~' area be included as first residential in the new zoning ordinance when it is drafted. Mr. E. B. Ii ,Myren spoke strongly in favor of the rezoning. The hearing was closed and it was moved by Council-I man Haguewood that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a new zone map and the City Attorney to prepare an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. Seconded ,by Councilman Willson and unanimously carried. paving in Pine Kilmer Constructibn I paving in Pine Hill L.I.D. No. 184 by Randall recommended by the City Engineer. Seconded by i I It was moved by Councilman Cornell that the third and final estimate on the alley Hill L.I.D. No. 184, in total amount of $6,000.00 be approved and paid to Randall Co. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried. It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the alley I Kilmer Construction Co. be accepted as complete, as ,Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. iThe request of J. Lyle Beam, Inc. that the City deed 'change for a part of Lot 13, Blk. 124 was discussed. exchange of this property be approved as recommended Willson and unanimously carried. to them a portion of Lot 1, Blk. 125 in ex- It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the by the City Engineer. Seconded by Councilman The City Manager, City Attorney and City Engineer recommended that the request of Mr. Walter Reyes to have the City owned Lot 15 of Blk. 225 put up for sale be denied and the City keep the property. After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the City Manager be requested to infOrm!, Mr. Reyes that the property is not for sale. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. I The Mayor informed that the City Council, on August 6th, toured the Light System and went over with the Light Superintendent the Light Department's Capital Improvement Program. Mr. Pohl was commend~d for the comprehensive and wonderful report and the enlightening tour of the Light system. It was moved by Councilman Smith that the report be accepted, and in general to approve the program as lined out by the Light Superintendent. Seconded by Councilman Willson and unanimously carried. I' A memorandum from the City Manager concerning desired improvements to be made and proposed changes of service charges for Ocean View Cemetery was read and discussed. It was moved by Councilman i Thorne that this proposal be studied until the next council meeting, then a resolution be called for setting out the proposed rate changes as recommended in the report. Seconded by Councilman I Smith and carried. I A number of reports from Ciity employees on trips outside the'Ci ty were presented. After viewing the reports, it was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the report of Marianne Hirsekorn, Roy Frisk, Don Fairbairn and the report of the Fire Chief on the four firemen who attended training school be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Willson and carried. Wolf~ and II It was moved by Councilman Smith that a study of the cost of operati~n of the Swimming Pool be madJ and that this be taken into consideration in making up the 1964 budget. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. The Park Board minutes of August 6, 1963 were read and discussed. It was moved by Councilman that the Park Board minutes be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood carried. I ,The following claims, including the payroll for July 16-31, 1963, were presented for approval: I General Funds, $34,892.13; Water ,Funds, $7,322.88- warrants No. 12083- 12107; Domestic Pipeline Fund, $20.94 - warrant No. 379; and Light Fund, $12,738.03 - warrants No. 12033 - 12068. It was . moved by Councilman Haguewood that the claims in total amount of $54,973.98 be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Cornell and unanimously carried. The following reports were presented for approval; Swimming Pool monthly report, Light Dept. Oper - ting Statement and Balance Sheet, Water Dept. Operating Statement and Balance Sheet, Fire Dept., Police Judge, Police Dept. Work Report, Monthly Budget Report of Receipts and Expenditures and Treasurer's Financial Report for July. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the reports be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Willson and carried. i I It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the application for transfer of Liquor License from Lova I Loretta Mariani to Robert H. Miller, Market Basket, be approved. Seconded by Councilman Willson and carried. The Mayor informed that a meeting was held with the County Auditor and County Prosecutor regarding the lease on Children's Hall. The County has agreed to assume the fuel charges since there is no heat needed by the Sanitation Dept. on the lower floor of the building. The City Attorney will draft a new lease agreement. A petition that the right of way, the west fifty (50) feet of Suburban Lots 85 and 96, between Fourteenth and Eighteenth Street, approximately 375 feet east of "Q" Street, dedicated as a public I right of way by Mr. J. R. McDonald, June 8, 1950, Vol. 215, page 411 of County Records, be named McDonald Street was received and discussed. It was moved by Councilman Smith that the street be named McDonald Street. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried. I "==nm~ I I Willson reported for the committee and recommended that Lots 14 and 15, Blk. 113 TPA be ~ Proceedings oftne Ci~ Commission of tne City of Port Angeles, Washington L. fIo H PRlln"NO eo. P,2'2~~ ~ AUGUST 15 19-.il II advertised for sale at a mlnlffium of $760.00. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the committee's recommendation be accepted and the lots be advertised for sale at a minimum of $760.00 f~r both II lots. Seconded by Councilman Cornell and unanimously carried. , Ii I I There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. I I I, I C~~'r~B ~~s NOTICB IS H.....:m:lBy GlVJ:lN that I ~~~e{l oi'icJpo~~~ilI1~eg:I~~~iv~o bYW~I~~ I :{~~~ ~~~l~:~~:ir n:UW~~:Jngbe]~;"~ untH 6:00 .PM., October 3, H163, Bid::! will be olHmcd by the City Council in rel;;'uluT S<:!lsion to be held at 7;i!O o'clock P.M. on the sallie l1ate: EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: one--5 clreult swItchhuard unit one-recorder one---automntie vnrln.ble rate bat- tCI'~' charger one-cablnet tll house l\bovc e<(ulp. ment wtth writing 3Urface and equipment.amwer15 one-fire iliaI'm registoc for Police HeadqulHterl'l Bid price shaH include all delh'er)i el1l'LTgeg lU'Id l'11l1C!l: taxe!;:. The eit}' Counell reser\'es the ri~ht to aeoept or I'l'joot any .or 2:11 bids and IHll'chasc the above-' equlJl- ~~~.t I~n _~hee :gl;~onma::ciheWh6i~; Counr.11 11'1 to the beRt lnterests of We city. Olmlllete :spodnca.t.Ion~ n.r-e on fHe with tile Fire Department a.nd may be hlUl upon Teque~t o! proRpeetlve hidde~~ D. HERRMA::-: City Ma..I1Rger Puhtiahed: Se~t. 12 I\.Dd 1.9, 1963. ~ ff d /;1;7-"" '?/p,,,,o/ CITY CLERK ~'...i.'J.el.: 13 :.U:~EBY GIVE.N~ TJM1. .-..,...IF,~j bit'!', .....Ill l;e l'\:ceit'ed 0\' t.:l"I'\~ (J}.' l'OJ:'1' .\,l\:UI';I..t<:::;, l:t,HT A."'(ii~Ll>i~, \\" .\:-;HIXUT0~ "IJ.I .:,,1} .e.:'L,. ll\'tui)l"l' ,... 1:!1j:J, ;It whkh lime lI1L'Y ",iiI be oj)t;:Iled .and jluhll"iy ldld a_utili ill Ill!.' CIty Cuun- ", {.),illlllJers lad}, will cun:.<r the lle~jgn. COIl- gL;~IC' ~~t' ~::~in~\ ~~~I~I~,II"~~i'd~:l> ~,~; ',,;I','in ,-,ll~ ,,'ulll,ietc 1:;OUlJjI3St'U! : I\:':~~~' :~;:,;~~o7~;I\J~ j e nl ::~ :::tcl t io l~~ ~iS\.t;: :1:: ' to ~h(' CITY OF PORT ASG-l.~LTo:;S, (JI.FICE 01" '::i'HE L:JTi ~U.:XAGT';H. P(IWl' ,\:-\(;l!:J..E;-;, \L\SHI:.\'Ul'U::\', 1.0 ltl'l'in' Ill.'t la'c!" thulI ;:3U P.;\L, O.;tlJl>,r cO, l!lC;;. AU blu.;;> ",ba.ll be I !ri~-t~~" ~~l~l;jkl1lI~?l ~~'~!l'~'ii~~~'r .\- ;':Il,',I(I('lIllolll< l'li"l,Of plan:- may be l'x:l.tllinr'd at the c,rrle.. [,f the t;i?~~~~l' l}r~Hf~~:~lli;,I~:~;~~t::h~:'~~~ ,..'jJ\ 1,- made f"I' .,'lu1'n (>r i>]Jl'clfi- catic,n,., Bid- mn"t be [l.('l'OIllIHlllku Ilr fl ""nlfiHl ~hei'k for tIle >,Ulll of not ](>!lS thlln S }WL'Cl'nt ,}f the prCljlo,-al, ll1' l1lfl 11011(\ of >!IJUill fllllo-Ullt, IJay- ahle t() tilt' City of Port A II!'wiL'~. ;~~'i~~1'::;~~:r;:01~~:7k~1Ir1;~~~;~F Il~l~~ tIer, ~~i~I~~l~{it~~ ;l:T:('ur~;:yil:~;?~~pr~~,.~]l~ O!(I,,!p'] ~{TP)llall('e ndect:on or ('{)ntinu~tioll b~' the rlt.)' f':lllllll'il wilJ he made In tIll? ('in" Cnunell Chllm~ Ill'rl< ~)' 7 T;~\riR~~'LI~~ir)~~~~~~~~~~~ f'1I1!Jj:,<hed: 8("pt. 12 and H, 1(163, ~~ S lru-~,Pf-eJ - MAYOR --- ~ I..OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: r, Tha.t ;;eHled bid!; wIll be received by tile CITY OF POHT AN'GJ~Ll~S, ~I?twr 12to~G~~~~S'oe:b-;~HirGir'l~~' 'it wlJich tlme thcv will IJC oponcd autI ])ubliely ,('ad aloud in tlHl City CO~~d~l ~~fm~~~;~'r the furnishing, j . installatIon, H~sllllg and :'itartull of' i ~~1t C~~1~~;l~o~50~o~~i~~~11:;t~~o~r;~~: ~ : rr;~el;el:;~lt~,\hnd g;all~oJ~:~~U1~~~~;: , Illcnt antI line wOTk flS per SPCClflca_j tions The unit is to be SI) dcsigned Hnd 'CIllHil1'ucled a:;; to be l'uitnble fOI' rll.mllcl ollf'raUOIl Wit, h an e::dst- lng 7~OU JCFA u11lt lC1t lhe Port An- geles 2nd & VaUe~" sta.tlOn, Bldfl m[\y ]le mailed or (1f:lln~I.f'd to CIT\: OF PQH'I' A:",GEljES, OF- ~g1{~ OXN6b~~~S~IT~~A~Ui~~~~~:1 lo nn-ivl' not late, than U:Ol 1,1\'1',,1 October 24, 1.963, All bids ahall be plalnl... marlu'fl "7;'iOiJ KVA OU'f- UDUH UXIT SURSTATIO?>:", 1063 BID INVITATION, :51)cclficatiQIl:;; and/o]' ]llnllH ma)' be cxamined at 1,I1C offIce of tl,e f~~io:las~~;rft;~~;:~n~\n~~~~!\:';~~: ,-.hafi,-.d at ~r,.{)O pCI' set. No refund will lIe mau.e for return of s!>cc\{lca- lions 1 BI,j~ mugt be :u:eoffilJanie{l b~' a, COl'tlned cllecl, for t.ile sum of not~ Jess than 5 percent of the proJllYsal or bid huml or equal amC>lIIH, ]):-I)._j I II,hle to the City of, Port AngelQs I Pr-cf1u(l.lificf>.tion o! bidders lS rl!- Qlllrerl antI the City rC$CI'ves, tlle I'igllt 10 I'efu,",o to qualify all),' buBel', Tht! City Council rel'eTYc? t~c ]'igllt to wnh'c an~' informality )]) bids and tQ reject :tny m- all bids. . Offlc!n] :lCCll).1't."Jnce, TCieCtlUll, (If eontlnun.tinll ill' the ell)' ClIUllci! ,viii be mfuk 'in- t.hl.' CIty Coullell Chamber!' at 7:30 P,M., November ';, 19r,~ II Ii I II I I: 11 II I I I , 'I i Ir I' II II I , I I I I I i I! ,I r II I I I. I DDXAT.D D. HEHRl\lA:l\' City ;\iana,e-cl', ~_I~d'E;eII1.2f;alldOct.:J,19G3,