HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/16/1944 I I I I I Proceedings of tbe City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington AllglI~t. lhJ 19J1JI 19_ u<"_"'_'_"'_~."",,"m -. 'I The Commission met in regular session at 10 o'clock a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll , call showed the 'following officers present. Mayor Robinson. Com"issioners Beam and Masters. Attorney John- aton and Clerk H..wkins. I I The minutes of the previous session were read !lIld approved. I' I Under the head of Applications for building per'll its and licenses. the following were granted. A. R. Konopaski. BuiH addition to house. Lot 3. Blk. 173. Townsite 200.00 Edna K. Hale. Build 2 roo'llS to house, Lot 3. Blk. 413. Tovmsite 200.00 i' The Marina it Amusement machines 48.00 I Willmer I S Cafe 2 Amusement machines 48.00 I Harrington & Giles 3 Amusement machines 72.00 B & M Grocery soft drink 5.00 Holmer"s Natural F(,od Shop soft drink ,.00 " Holmer" s Natural Food Shop Restaurant 12.00 I Ho~mer" s Cafe Soft drink 5.00 Holme"" s Cafe Restauro:nt 12.00 Harrington & Giles Soft drink, 5 card tables 30.00 Lee Hotel Hbhl. 86 rooms 66.00 I Olympi"o Laundry Cleaning and Pressing 5.00 Habit Cle!lIlers Cleaning !lIld Pressing 5.00 ! Club Cafe Soft drink 5.00 1 Club Cafe Musio Machine 12.00 'I' Club Cafe Restaurant 12.00 l'iiilmer's Cafe Soft drink 5.00 I Willmer' s Cafe Mus ic mal!hine 12.00 , Will mer I s Caf'e Rest"urant 12.00 I, The Little PIa 'e Restaurant. Soft drink 17 .00 , Goneis Cafe Restaurant 12.00 I . f S" 'j "..0 ; Gonels C~ e oft drink ,,,,'- (V ; - 5.00 The Marina 1 music maohine. Restaurant. soft drink 29.00 S"die G. Rapp. owner of the Gate City Store. hav~ng sold said store to H. B. Lathrop. requested in writing that he re aeeond hand Deo.l~r' s Lineense. No. 5354, be trans ferred to t h~ Mid H. B. Lathrop. There be ing no objections the Co~ission instructed the Clerk to make the transfer 8.5 requested. Under the head of Re'ding !lIld Fo.ssage of Ordinanoe.. the followinf> Ordinance wa. read by title and pas5ed its third re,,-ding !lIld finally a:Jopted. tp1 ,I AN ORDI:,-~NCE setting forth an emergenoy tJ'feoting the public health and saf~ty; requiring expenditure un- forseen; providing for the issuance of Emergency Wa.rrants; declaring an emergency' makine; the ordinance im- 1 mediately affective. It w',s moved by Commissicner Mo.sters that the foregoing ordinance be approved and adopted. Seoomded by I !.Iayor Robinaon. On roll call all memh.rs voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. " CURRENT EXPENSE I Epperson & Sons I' : CITY STREF.T Pi ling Cases 53.05 427.45 332.M ;h.d' r, '1'1 2449.09 ,.. 9.'1/ I'V~~ 2.62 3.70 29.51 61. 70 58.51 1(, q,Ll 19.95 7.50 tf,l.84 7533 .99 Ste.r Machinery Co. star Machi~ery Co. Star Ilachinery Co. I 11 A TER DEP llll TIlENr I! D & B Battery Co Puget Sound Navigl>.ticn Co Supplies Supplies Supplies Battery Freight LIGHT DEPARTMENT Puget Sound Navigation Co Freight LlBRllllY Larry steuer' 6: Office EquipT!len t H. W. Nilson A. C. McClurg Geylord' Bros. Ino Service Books Books Office Supplies Pf.RK I A. A. Young I puget Sound Na.vigation ! EpperGon & Sons i STATE AID FUND j Pac. Tel & Tel Loop Auto Wreoking I Shell Oil D &; E Battery 'I 'I'he Texas Company I WAR LIQUOR TAX IR. O. Ide I Larrick' 8 Cafe The Marina D &; B Battery ~hel.l Oil Spray Mnterhl Freigh t Ll,unber, et c . Service Part. (;.asoline Shcp .,ork Supplies 0./0.3 10 14.68 9.27 35.64 5.64 38.80 Car Expense Meals for prisoners Sholl. Shop work Gasoline I ~ ~ J 0 21.90 77 .61 4.12 2:;.07 68.00 II Ther 0 I the metting then adjournod. u~ J O?~ Mc\yv<i be.ing no further business, ~~~.~ ~.EEiH 31 ", ~