HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/16/1956
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Auaust 16
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The City Council met in retular session at 7:30 P.M. ,and, was called to order by Mayor NeeI'. Roll call
of officers showed the following present: M;l.yor, N"er, Councilmen Smith, Sanlison, Matthieu, l1'olfe, Mc-
Fadden ani Maxfield, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law.
It was moved by Councilman Sandison tilat minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Seconded by Council-
man Smith and carried.
Unier the head of unfinished business, it was moved by Councilman Smith that contracts by 9sberg Construct-
. ion Compal\Y and F. H. Jarnagin for work done and ooterial furnished in L.I.D. No. 167 be officially accept-
ed as completed and warrants issued in payment of 15% retained after expiration of time for filing claims
as r"!'l.uired. Motion seconded by Councilman l1atthieuandcarried. '
Council considered report of Bonding Attorney concernirg proposed L.I.D. No. 173 for installation of
sanitary trunk and lateral sewer system in Lincoln Heights District., The Attorney advised that due to
property which .all benefit and valuation of property inclUded, it well be necessary to reduce area of
proposed district, thereby increasirg cost ,per ,lot as specified in original notices. Therefore, it will be
necessary for Council to adopt resolution of intention fixing date of hearing for revised district. It
was also suggested that the balance of property in originally proposed area be assessed a portion of the
cost of trunk sower as said trunk will be beneficial to this property. The following Ordinance was intro-
duced and read in full, repealing Ordinance No. 1373:
,0RDINilNCE NO. 1375
AN ORDINANCE of the CitY' of Port Angeles, ,IVashington" repealing ,Ordinance No. 1373 and setting aside the
formation of Local Improvement District No. 173.
It ~tas moved by Counci1man HcFadden that the foregoing Ordinance be approvsd and adopted. Seconied by
Councilman Sandison and carried.
It was moved by Councilman Smith that the Cit;r 11a;"'ger be instructed j:.o obtain an improv6Ilent resolution
in proper form for approval by the Bonding Attoml)y. Hotion seconded by Councilman KoFadden and carried.
,A"-Pyevio,,^sly re_q~1;,€cl, the l1anag~r..J:.i~cl".r.eport~an,;l..i"'a1ysis of u~i.!i.~y~rates.. It ~taS moved by
Counc:ilman ]I'olfe that report be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried.
Pursuant to former complaint concerning parking restrictions ~n Marine Drive lrast of Cedar Street, Council
recei ved request that restrictions be removed. It was moved by Counc:ilman McFadden that parking restrict-
ions be removed in compliance with re'l.ucst filed. Seconded by Councilman Haxfield and carried.
Under tbe head of new business, clailIE paid August 3, $, 10, ani 15 '<ere approved in total amount of
$17,165.19. It "as moved by Counc:ilman NcFadien that claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman
}!axfield and carried.
Council received re'l.uest fram the Retail Herchants Association for improvement of parking lots by black-
topping the same. Plr. Vergecr advised that the Street Department has been instructed to gravel lots but
funds arc not available in the current budget to permit further improvenent this year. If agreeable
with Council, provisions may be possible in the 1957 budget for blacktop surfacing. Also.considered was
installation of parking meters to assist with cost of improvement and a9quiring' parking area in Port Fill
area. It ~tas moved by Counc:iihman J.!atthieu that the Hanager confer ,-lith Merchants Association for recom:nend-
ations. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. The Attorney '"as also instructed to ascertain the
legality of second,class citiescacquiring property for, and operating parking lots.
The following reports were filed for Council approval: City Treasurer's financial report for July, Police
Judge report for June, and report of Street Department ope~ations. It..was moved by COWlcilman J.latthieu frat
reports be accepted ani filed. Seconded by Councilman Haxfield and carried.,
Property owmr5 CO\;ling and Ketchum re'l.uestcd in ~lI'i ting that :Lmprov<>llent of Cherry Street from the South
margin of 15th Street to the, Boulevard be included in L.I.D. No. 171. ~~. Vergeer informed that this
imprOVEment was. not contemplated although the area is included within the district boundaries. It was
moved by Councilman Smith that the request be referred to the City Attorney. Seconded by Councilman
Matthieu and carried.
Transfer of Ocean View Cemetery property "as considered by Council. Edith S. Prickett having purchased
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ani 6 in Block 119, Section J, by Deed No. $61<. re'l.ucsted that the City approve quit
claim deed to Thomas V. and Helen H. Hawkins for sai,;Llots. It was moved by Councilman Saniison that
transfer be approved. Seconded by Counc:ilman \-folie and carried.
CouncilJnan Sandison cited five instances where vicious, dogs have attacked indi viduals as reported by
Dr. Uyborney. Council instructed that the matter be referred to the Humane Society for investigation.
Under the head of introduction of Resolution, the following "as introduced and read in full:
A RESOLUTION OF THE City of Port Angeles, il'ashirgton, declaring the intention of the City Council to order
the >fork to be performed urrler Improvement Resolution No. 172 for the improvement of a csrtain area within
tIE city by the construction and installation of lateral, storm and sanitary sewers therein by the
construction of a combination storm and sanitary lateral se1'Ter, including service to each property line,
ballasting and paving of an alley and by ~oing all work necessary in connection therewith by Louis
Elterich Co. of Port Angeles, \vashington. -
It lias moved b'f COWlc:ilman McFadden that the foregoing resolution be app~'oye~ and adopted. Seconded by
Counc:i lman Sandison and carried.
There being no further business, tile meeting was declared adjourned.
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