HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/16/1962 Proceeoings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington AUGUST 16 19~ .LtlIi PRII'lTlnOCQ, P-2U:U ~ ,The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m, Officers present were: Mayor Maxfield, Council- men Smith, Thorne, Haguewood, Cornell, Willson and Wolfe; Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and I Clerk McNeece. I \ Minutes of the previous meeting were corrected to include Councilman Haguewood as being present at I ~he meeting. It was moved by Councilman Willson that the minutes of the previous meeting be accept~d I~s corrected. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried, :1 Bids for sale of warrants and bonds for L.I.D. No, 184 in approximate amount of $200,000.00 were rejj ceived as follows: Southwick, Campbell, Waterman Co" warrants at par; bonds at par plus .09 for I ,each $100.00 par value, interest at 4.20 % per annum" Grande & Co" Inc, warrants at par, bonds '100.12% of par value plus accrued interest from the date of issue to the date of delivery interest ~t 4.20% per annum. It was moved by Councilman Smith that the bid of Grande & Co., Inc. be accepte . peconded by Councilman Willson and unanimously carried, ~ The City Manager having presented report on the leases on Ediz Hook, pursuant to the request of RaY~ ,onier, Inc. for renewal of their sublease, it was moved by Councllman Willson that the sublease to I IRayonier, Inc. be renewed, but that the descrlptlon be drawn to coincide with the city's survey, ~nd the annual fee be flxed at $100,00. Seconded by Councilman Smith and unanimously carried. I~e City Manager read report of meeting with the Park Board on August 7th re: playing of baseball a, 'Erickson Playfield. The Park Board recommended that, because the baseball season is over for the Isummer and due to the numerous complaints of damage from property owners adjacent to the field ibaseball be prohibited on the field and that the diamond and back stop be removed. AlSO, before Ithe next baseball season arrives, measures be taken to make the fence along the alley higher, per- ~aps move the existing diamond to a better location and dedicate this field to softball. ~fter considerable discussion, it was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the report of the Park !oard be accepted and acknowledged, and that the Park Board be instructed that the Little League rogram is to be continued, whether in this field or another field; if in this field, adequate pro- tection be taken; if not in this field, another location be provided. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried. IThe report and sketch of existing private water mains across the Golf Course to supply water to residences showed that none of the lines are adequate, The Mayor suggested that the people in- Ivolved meet with the City Manager and Water Superintendent to try and work out a feasible plan for 'water service. 'Hourly fees to be charged at the Municipal Swimming Pool were discussed. Ten dollars per hou~ plus I !any instructors or any additional personnel, was suggested for all uses other than regular use, I IAFter considerable discussion, it was decided that use for private parties will be considered later lIt was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the Pool rental to School District 21 be $10.00 per hour, the City Manager to notify the School District, and scheduling be subject to the discretion of the l,pool Manager. Seconded by Councilman Willson and unanimously carried. During further discussion on charges for private parties, Councilman Willson suggested that Mr. Frisk make a report on this, .as he has had experience with this kind of problem. A petition requesting that an L.I.D, be formed to install Sanitary Sewers in Tumwater Hill area, an, a communication from the Health Department requesting that the Council Consider extending the muni-II cipal sewer to serve this area, was discussed. It was pointed out that the description given of th~ area was in error, but since there does seem to be a need for the sewers, and the City Engineer feels that the sewer could be gravity flow, it was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the Engineer prepare an estimate, supplemented with another letter from the Health Department with a correct description of the area and stating whether the area is considered a health hazard. Seconded by Councilman Willson and unanimously carried. [The following application for liquor licenses were received: Larry's Tavern, second application, and Loyal Order of Moose, new application. It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the liquor ,license applications be approved. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. I'Results of the tabulation of hearing of complaints on L.I.D. No. 184, Pine Hill, July 5,,1962 were I submitted by the City Engineer. Estimated cost of improvement assessed against property owners protesting the improvement, $886.32 - 0.34% of total estimated cost of improvement which is $262,721.67. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the report be accepted and placed on file, Seconded by coun-I cilman Smith and carried. It was moved by Councilman Willson that the tenth and final (July) estimate of work, done and materi 1 ifurnished by Olympia Oil and Wood Products Company, Inc. in total amount of $11,000,00 be approved. Seconded by Councilman Smith and unanimously carried. The Mayor pointed out that this is the final 'payment except for the retained amount, which will be held for thirty days, I materia Council[ I A communication from the City Engineer recommending the acceptance of the completed project from J.! D. Shotwell Co, on Street Improvement in Upper Peabody L,I,D. No, 183 was received. It was ~oved by Councilman Cornell that L.I.D. No. 183 be accepted as completed, exception of retainer fee. Seconded by Councilman Willson and unanimously carried, I It was moved by Councilman Smith that the second (July) estimate of work done and material furnishe, iby Randall Kilmer Construction Co. on Alley Paving in L:I.D. No. l80, in total amount of $15,000.00!, lbe approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried. I It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the fourth progress payment to K. T. Henderson Inc. for worki and materials furnished in construction on the new Library Building in total amount of $9,807,98 bel approved. Seconded by Councilman Cornell and unanimously carried, ! I i ~ I I I I I I I , II I!i I I I I 11 I II II ,I I II ,I I I - Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 1331 AUGUST 16 I 932...... ,~ co. .;'....0<0,',"'" ,~ _ H ~ m ~ _ IThe following reports were presented for approval: Treasurer's Report for July, Monthly Budget Re- Ports of Receipts and Expenditures, Fire Department, Police Department, Police Judge, Light Depart- ment Billing, Operating and Work Reports, and Water Department Billing, Operating and Work Reports, 'It was moved by Councilman Smith that the reports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by ,Councilman Cornell and carried. The following claims payable were presented for approval: General Funds, $60,646.17; Water Fund, $2,013.83 - warrants No. 11667 through 11684; Pipeline Fund, $20,10 - warrant No. 357 and 358; Ligh Fund, $3,849.59 - warrants No, 11281 through 11314. It was moved by Councilman Willson the Claims,~ in total amount of $66,529,69, be approved as enumerated. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried~ It was moved by Councilman Smith that the payrolls for July, in total amount of $70,145.59, be ~pproved. Seconded by Councilman Cornell and carried. / Under the introduction of Ordinances, the following Ordinances were introduced and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 1489 AN ORDIN~~CE of the City of Port Angeles making it a crime for minors to use false identification to purchase intoxicants and establishing penalty, lIt was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing Ordinance be adopted. Thorne and unanimously carried, Seconded by Councilman ORDINANCE NO. 1490 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending Section 17.36 of the Code of the City of Port Angeles with reference to parking. I I Streets this I,Th.e City Attorney pointed out that this ordinance adds to the present description of the City tlesignated and established as parking meter zones, It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that brdinance be adopted. Seconded by Councilman Cornell and unanimously carried. I ORDINANCE NO. 1491 l' AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending subsection (a) of Section 17,31 of the Code of the City of Port Angeles with refence to parking. I','he Clty Attorney pointed out that this Ordinance designates the areas described therein as "one ihour" parking zon'es, It was moved by Councilman Willson that this Ordinance be adopted, Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and unanimously carried. 'Ilk letter was received from the Library Board requesting that the 1962 Municipal Budget be amended ~n the sum of $3,000,00. The City Manager recommended that the Budget not be amended at this time, ',as later in the year when the transfers are made wi thin the various departments, this item can be , :transferred, This not being considered an "emergency" at this time, it was moved by Councilman I ',Thorne to accept the City Manager's recommendation and defer the emergency appropriation until a later date. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried, I !~he Mayor informed that the Council will be unable to meet with the Coun~y Commissioners on August ' i27th, as previously discussed. A later date to be set, probably after Labor Day, IThere. being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. d d ~.) Y;-".-L(~ ~YOR CITY CLERK UYUK "\ S:: \~~ lfOTICJl OJ' CALL NO~~~I~~~~GI~~ thall ~~~~~e~1a~f 'tr;e C~W~: :r -i~:t ~~ NOTICE OF CALL FDa g~les, 'Vashlngton tor the furnJsh- J:NFOBMAL lUDS ~I~CO:' ~j;e~~~~~ ~~~ol~~~r j~~rt~~Y~~~ C~~T~~:frH~:~~~ Jr~~~:~1 [JA.rt of the Municipal LIbrary bulld- informal .l;ealed bids are being re~ Ing. ~\II biOs wl'll !>c received by thfl ceived by the City M!I,.lla.ger o.f the', City Manager o.n or before. 'i :30 P.M. City of Port Angeles, Wa.shington; Thurat'1ny, Ol:ltober 4, 1962. Tho. City for fUl'nislllng nnd the complete 1n-' Council rcsorvcs the right w accept 6tallatlon of the following hooting lor reject any or nil bios and do the I In the old part oJ the Municipal I work by day labor, The City shall Library. Bids shull be tJ.ubmiUed thc prepare the :floor :mr1'aee for the City .Manager ll(lt Inter than 7 :30 felt co\'erjng, o'clock P. :M:. Thursday, October 4, Matorio.lf1 to bc turnislled shall be 196~. Bids shall enumera.te thc type }~ct~~~~?ske~rJ:iit~~[\~:~Cl:,'it~fl.~~I~~; I fJ~r:~SSl;~llbfncl~~' all oondult and !~:::1~r~eot;inl~;;:d70a~C~~~ :g:"~t ~i~~~~~__ ~~;ur~~IS~~~ ~~~n t~w~ Ileft!!t 48 h[)u1"l~ llrlor- to laying. Color In the lowcr switch room of the and pattern shall be selected and laid old 11Rrt ot the- Library, I a1" lnstructeC by the City 1-1anager. The work iIlYol"..ed shall include }~loor tile flhall be Armstrong on the removal of all llghtlng :fixtures ; bonded "Llnotile" - 12" :K 12" - %" in the: upper room ceiling nnd the ,it.hlck. Color to be Coral SanO:. No. replacement with eight :foot :fJXtUNl8 Hlr,2 _ HH211-1 or equal. with connecting conduit and wa.1I Floorfl shall be made readr for IH".ltehel3. Old fb:tures to be in!3talled Itlle hy the CH:r, City will olE,o lnF!tall in place of the old fixtures on the 'wall trJm or contract with the Con- lower floor. If old conduit and switch "tractor to make installation. location is suitable the). need net Prol)[)15ed bid shllll Includc full felt be replaced. !fi~v::.ln:re~"erex~~~d t:~d t;gnc~:~f IR&~~t~~eg:orS~~~ti~~o~;i~~~o~n~t;lt j~'~~n~ft~l\~:~t f~lllF~:;or15tlreOuSb~11 p~~ "n~li~'lau,::rl~~~a~~:t~o~r. control ot epmented directly tn ,the ,f~1t base An,.. questJon regarding the con~ with a recommended tile eement. tract may be llecured from the City Contl'l1dor ma)" lluhmit an alterna.te Mannger. 11rOJlo"al tll Ia.y tile -without felt on H, W. SLANKARD. I concrclc fIOQL III an)" Cflse the Cit)., City :Mannger t Managp.!"" llhu.1l determIne whether publlshed: Sept. 20 and 27.~ 1.96~...-J or not telt will ~~ ,~~e~LANKARD.\ - ---:--'~- ,~ El1bll!;~:_~RL.!.()_,_a~~y~t{ato~~~r j ....