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Port Angeles, Washington
August 16, 1988
Mayor McPhee called the special meeting to order at 6:48 P.M. The purpose
of this special meeting was an interview for the Parks, Recreation and
Beautification Commission.
Council interviewed Mrs. Peggy Western for approximately 10 minutes.
Mayor McPhee called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to
order at 7:00 P.M.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Brownie Troop #883,
sponsored by Franklin Elementary School, leaders Rita Frick and Chris
Watkins. Members: Mary Frick, Mary Leinhart, Samantha Hauff, Maggie Smith,
and Michelle Coe.
Members Present: Mayor McPhee, Councilmen Gabriel, Hallett, Hesla,
Sargent, Stamon.
Members Absent: Councilman Lemon.
Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Maike, P.
Carr, M. Cleland, S. Hardy, S. Brodhun, L. Glenn, J.
Pittis, D. Wolfe, T. Smith, J. Hicks, D. McGinley, K.
Ridout, B. Coons, B. Jones.
Public Present: M. Merrick, T. Leinart, C. & A. Alexander, R. Gruver, D.
& P. Brewer, J. VanOss, W. & R. Doty, H. Berglund, R.
French, S. Taylor, D. Willson, M. Crawford, E. & R.
Dorr, K. Northrup, V. French, L. Lee, J. Shefler, P.
Western, B. Anabel, B. & B. Smith.
Councilman Sargent moved to accept and place on file the minutes of the
August 2, 1988, City Council meeting. Councilman Stamon seconded.
Councilman Stamon offered a correction to Page 5, Agenda Item 3A, Fireworks
Concerns, to add to the end of this section: "Staff was directed to come
back to Council with a proposal for their consideration."
Councilman Sargent offered a correction to Page 6, Item 6, Request for
Funds for Downtown Walking Tour Brochure from Port Angeles Downtown Asso-
ciation, to include in the motion: "Councilman Sargent then restated her
motion to authorize funds for the printing of 20,000 brochures, in the
amount of $1,378 from the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund."
August 16, 1988
2. Request for Payment to Riddell Williams of $955.88 for Legal
Representation on the WPPSS Issues
Councilman Sargent moved to authorize payment of the June 1, 1988, Riddell,
Williams bill in the total amount of $955.88 for representation on the WPPSS
issues. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Stamon moved to accept the items listed on the Consent Agenda,
including (1) Request permission to call for bids for waterline extension
(18th Street, Owens to "0" Street) (Park Avenue, Washington to Porter); (2)
Request permission to call for bids for Eighth Street Bridge repair; (3)
Request permission to call for bids for Automated Meter Reading System; (4)
Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board; (5) Vouchers of
$228,241.25; and (6) Payroll of 7-24-88 of $238,818.24 and of 8-12-88 of
$233,534.49. Councilman Sargent seconded.
After some discussion of the items presented, the question was called and
the motion carried unanimously.
1. Appointment to Parks Recreation and Beautification Commission
Candidates who applied for the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commis-
sion were Nancy Phillips, Betty Warder, Christopher Martin, H. Duane Wright,
Peggy Western, Sam Boddy, Jr. Council held a roll call vote to determine who
would be appointed to the Commission. Councilman Gabriel voted for Nancy
Phillips. Councilman Hallett voted for Nancy Phillips. Councilman Sargent
voted for Betty Warder. Councilman Stamon voted for Betty Warder. Coun-
cilman Hesla voted for Christopher Martin. Mayor McPhee voted for
Christopher Martin.
As a result of the tie vote, Council recast their votes, with Councilmen
Gabriel, Hallett and Stamon voting for Nancy Phillips, Councilman Sargent
voting for Betty Warder, Councilman Hesla and Mayor McPhee voting for
Christopher Martin.
Since once again, there was not a majority vote for the appointment, Council
decided to vote for the two candidates with the most votes, those being
Christopher Martin and Nancy Phillips. Councilmen Stamon, Sargent,
Hallett, Gabriel and Hesla voted for Nancy Phillips, and Mayor McPhee voted
for Christopher Martin. Mrs. Phillips was appointed to fill the vacancy on
the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission.
2. Public Hearings
A. Public Input on Development of 1989-1990 Budget
Mayor McPhee opened the public hearing at 7:20 P.M.
Kathy Northrup, 210 East Seventh Street, President of the Economic Develop-
ment Council, encoura ed, conti g su or f Cn ihe DC Sha
August 16, 1988
Councilman Hallett questioned Ms. Northrup as to whether she would be
satisfied with the existing funding level. She stated she was not prepared
to give a specific funding request; however, she did state they had not
asked for increased funding over the past five years. She believed the
funding they had been receiving would be adequate for the work they needed
to accomplish.
Jewell VanOss, 1019 East Fourth Street, spoke for continued support of the
beautification project, also Council's consideration of paving that portion
of the Waterfront Trail which lies in front of the Boat Haven in the rail-
road right-of-way.
Councilman Stamon asked Ms. VanOss if she was in support of continuing the
efforts of the beautification on a wider basis throughout the City, and not
just the Downtown area. Ms. VanOss replied that very definitely she would
like to see the expansion of such, most particularly in the Fine Art Center
parking lot, and also to landscape City properties.
Tom Leinart, 3002 South Peabody Street, a school teacher at Stevens Middle
School, complimented the Port Angeles Police Department on their DARE
program and asked Council to support the continuation of the Program.
Council should also consider adding an additional officer to the Program,
as it has been expanded from the grade school level to include the middle
school level. Mr. Leinhart did not feel that Officer Terry Gallagher would
be able to fulfill the commitments of the expanded program alone. He
commented that Officer Gallagher's time was stretched thin and one more
officer could be added to make the Program an even greater success than it
already is.
Dick Pickett, a resident of Port Angeles and a business banking manager for
Seattle -First National Bank, urged Council to continue their support of the
EDC. He believed one of the most important aspects for success of a commu-
nity is that of a healthy and growing economy and what that economy means to
that community - jobs, tax base, tax revenues, etc. He felt if we reduced
the marketing program, it would put us behind other communities in the
Northwest which are attracting businesses to keep their economy going.
Jerry Cornell, 824 East Fourth Street, spoke in support of the beautifica-
tion efforts. He stated in terms of the beautification Downtown, the
merchants have noticed a major change, whereas in the past tourists had
complained about how dirty and unkempt the Downtown looked. However, this
summer, tourists have been very pleased and have had positive attitudes
about the area. He also made note of the street ends and viewpoints within
the City, stating those are generally well taken care of, and believed the
Parks Department needed some assistance in in order to keep up with the
Craig. Miller, 403 South Peabody Street, a member of the Board of Directors
for the EDC, spoke in favor of continued support of the funding for the EDC
for two reasons: (1) He has lived in Port Angeles all his life and did not
want to see Port Angeles wither and die economically. He wanted it to
continue to be a vibrant place, a place where ert-onomic growth continues.
(2) Economic development is good for the business he is in.
Milton Ranta, 911 South "C" Street, thanked the City and the Councilmembers
for the efforts and the work they have done in helping make the City more
accessible for the physically handicapped. However, he did make some
recommendations, as he felt the job was only part-way done, one of those
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August 16, 1988
Councilman Stamon stated there is a possibility, since it was only an ad hoc
committee and they could expand the membership.
Hattie Berglund, 1834 West Seventh Street, spoke in support of Council's
continued effort to include funding of general public services, including
police, fire, water, street, sewer, Medic I, and recreation. She also
commended the Parks Department for the maintenance of the parks, the
baseball fields and the tennis courts, the Swimming Pool and general picnic
play areas, together with the summer recreation program. She was also in
agreement with Ms. VanOss' comments on upgrading the Waterfront Trail. She
spoke on the continued support of the permitting process, stating orderly
government in Port Angeles must have a permitting process. It is essential,
she felt, that Council provide the Planning Department with the staff and
the financial needs to monitor and enforce all permit conditions, present,
past and future, stating without enforcement of those permit conditions, you
may as well forget the permitting process. She also encouraged Council to
give top priority to recycling programs. She suggested the program include
incentives, with penalties for those households who do not participate.
However, she was opposed to continued support of the EDC.
There being no further public comments, Mayor McPhee closed the public
hearing at 7:55 P.M.
Councilman Stamon thanked those people who came forward with their comments.
B. Consideration of Resolution for Abatement of Overgrown Lots and
Public Nuisances
Mayor McPhee opened the public hearing at 7:57 P.M.
Larry Leonard, 1030 Olympus Avenue, questioned how many lots have been
declared public nuisances to date, and also stated the City should take a
look at its own property; also asking who is responsible for the upkeep of
Mayor McPhee stated that 80 was probably the absolute minimum of lots
considered nuisances.
Councilman Hallett asked for clarification of who was responsible for
alleys. Public Works Director Pittis asked whether Councilman Hallett was
referring to improved or unimproved alleys. Councilman Hallett asked that
he address the issue of an unimproved alley. Director Pittis replied that
generally, with unimproved alleys, the maintenance is divided between the
abutting property owners. Usually, however, nothing occurs because unim-
proved alleys are just like unimproved property, and essentially the City
does not provide any maintenance for an unopened area.
Councilman Hallett asked for an example of improved alleys. Director Pittis
replied that improved alleys fall within the City for maintenance.
Following further discussion, Mayor McPhee closed the public hearing at 8:03
P.M. He then read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City
of Port Angeles, Washington, declaring the
existence of a public nuisance and requiring
August 16, 1988
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
vacating a portion of "L" Street.
Councilman Sargent stated during the Real Estate Committee meeting, the
Committee had determined this piece of property would be very dangerous to
designate as a viewpoint, and the suggestion was made in the Committee to
place a sign at the bottom of Hill Street advising residents and visitors of
Crown Park and its location.
Councilman Hallett noted the Planning Commission did pass this issue.
Mayor McPhee pointed out to Council the Planning Commission did not act on
this issue unanimously. He stated the City is going to grow, and viewpoints
will be at a premium. Additionally, this is public land that can be used in
time, and what Council is proposing is to take away that property. He
believed it would present a pleasant view for the public coming down the
hill from the top of "L" Street and did not believe the City was gaining
anything by giving up this property. He was opposed to the street vacation.
Councilman Stamon requested the value the Real Estate Committee had placed
on this piece of property.
Councilman Hesla replied the value placed on the east half of the right-of-
way was $269.50, which is half of the assessed value.
Councilman Hallett asked whether there are any restrictions which would
prohibit the person requesting the street vacation to use that piece of
property without the City allowing the vacation to take place. Planner Carr
responded, typically people can use unopened rights-of-way abutting their
property for landscaping and open space. However, when they desire to place
structures or permanent activities in the right-of-way, usually a right-of-
way use permit is required and it is allowed on that location if the permit
is issued, with any subsequent public use of the right-of-way requiring the
removal. Currently people can use unopened rights-of-way for non-
permanent use; however, structures, if they have a permit, are all subject
to removal if the public should need the right-of-way for public use. One
modification is on a hillside. The City may want to exercise additional
control to protect the stability of the hillside and the vegetation.
Councilman Hallett stated if Council allows the vacation, then what is used
on the property would be entirely within the discretion of the property
owner. Planner Carr replied that was correct, subject to the zoning
Councilman Stamon voiced her concern with the street vacation, making
specific note of a memo written to the Planning Commission from the City
Attorney addressing the legal standards which apply to a city's decision to
vacate a street or not to vacate a street. In the memo, the Attorney is
very emphatic about street vacations based on State law; orders of vacation
must have within it some element of public use and cannot be solely for the
private benefit of abutting property owners. She stated she was hard
pressed in this issue to find public benefit other than that of the abutting
owner. She felt there were good arguments on both sides, but in weighing
the argument very carefully, she felt the recommendation from the Council
should be to retain this particular piece of property. She stated the
Comprehensive Plan speaks to the need to preserve and protect unique
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August 16, 1988
City Attorney Knutson commented in regards to his memo, stating even though
case law is adamant about street vacations having to be for public use, the
question is not really that simple. He believed the preferred rule should
either be that there is an element of public use or the public benefit
outweighs any detriment that would result from the street vacation and would
not interfere with any future public use that might be made of the property.
Councilman Stamon incorporated language in her motion, at the end of the
findings: The preferred rule should be that there is an element of public
use or the public benefit outweighs any detriment that would result from the
street vacation and would not interfere with any future public use that
might be made of the property.
On call for the question, the motion carried unanimously.
D. Street Vacation Request - STV -88(8)7 - Fitzpatrick (portion of
Caroline/Victoria Alley
Mayor McPhee opened the public hearing at 8:25 P.M.
Michael Fitzpatrick, 825 East Caroline Street, gave Council a brief history
of the ownership of his property, stating the area in question has been used
as a lawn and has been landscaped and maintained as part of the home since
1923. Fifteen years ago, an addition was built on the back side of the
house and at that time he was given permission by either the Planning Com-
mission or City Council to go ahead and build the addition. However, more
recently there was the anticipation to possibly open the alley. At that
point Mr. Fitzpatrick decided something needed to be done and so he applied
for the street vacation request.
Craig Miller, 403 South Peabody Street, representing Mr. Fitzpatrick,
commented on Councilman Stamon's quote from Attorney Knutson's memo, stating
his recollection of the law regarding street vacations is the requirement of
public benefit in the vacation, but he did not believe the public benefit
has to be a great public benefit; in fact, he believed Council would not see
a great public benefit in the majority of vacations to come before them. He
believed a sufficient public benefit is to (1) put the property on the tax
rolls so taxes can be received, and (2) do away with the maintenance
liabilities the City may have. He believed those to be sufficient public
benefit to justify the vacation.
Mayor McPhee then closed the public hearing at 8:33 P.M. and read the
Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
vacating a portion of the Caroline/
Victoria Alley.
Councilman Hesla reported the Public Works Department has estimated the
value of the subject property as $3,110 and under State law, the City may
charge up to half the assessed value, which would set the compensation for
the vacation at $1,555.
Councilman Sargent moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, and to
incorporate the following conditions: (1) The lots on the north side of the
vacated right-of-way be combined with the lots on the south side into one or
August 16, 1988
the developable area can be reached by emergency vehicles using existing
rights-of-way; (E) Given the existing zoning and topography in the area,
vacation of the subject right-of-way will not significantly affect develop-
ment patterns and may result in a better lot arrangement that is more
reflective of the topography, provided the conditions are attached; (F)
Provided a utility easement is retained, vacation will not restrict utility
services to the area; and to set the compensation for $1,555. Councilman
Stamon seconded, with the understanding that the Council authorize the
Ordinance be published by summary, rather than in its full text. Councilman
Stamon stated it may seem the Council is contradicting themselves by deny-
ing one vacation and then approving another, but she believed there was a
clear distinction in this particular instance where a number of issues came
forward; first Council is not vacating a public viewpoint, the topography of
this particular lot is different; also the fact there is an encroachment on
the alley by the applicant's home.
Councilman Stamon stated somewhere in the past there had been a misunder-
standing and now Mr. Fitzpatrick does not have clear title to the property
he owns. She agreed with Mr. Miller's comment: public benefit is not the
only criterion to weigh.
Attorney Knutson, in responding to Councilman Stamon and Mr. Miller's
comments, reiterated the issues brought out in the memo, stating if there is
no particular public use trying to be made of the right-of-way after it has
been vacated, then the standard we would look to is whether the public
benefit that will result outweighs any detriment. Therefore, there does not
have to be any particularly significant benefit, but whatever benefit there
is should outweigh any detriment that could otherwise result.
On call for the question, the motion carried, with Councilman Hallett
voting "No".
E. Street Vacation Request - STV -88(8)6 - Cronauer/Whitman (Portion
of Caroline Street) - Continued to September 20, 1988
Councilman Stamon moved to continue this item to the September 20, 1988,
City Council meeting. Councilman Sargent seconded and the motion carried.
3. Planning Commission Minutes of August 10, 1988
A. Conditional Use Hearing - CUP -88(8)14 - Olympic Disposal
Councilman Stamon moved to concur with the recommendation of the Planning
Commission to approve the Conditional Use Permit, subject to the following
conditions: (1) As proposed, the 16 -foot travel trailer shall be approved
subject to review by the Public Works, Light and Fire Departments, to ensure
that the building meets those requirements necessary to comply with the
regulations of City Departments and other applicable regulatory agencies;
and citing the following findings: (2) One smoke alarm and one lAl0BC fire
extinguisher be installed in the trailer before being occupied; (3) That
this Permit be reviewed after one year of operation; (4) That approval of
this Permit be terminated if the applicant's contract with the City is
terminated; and citing the following findings: w (A) Existing mitigation
measures located at the Landfill site and incorporated in the site plan, as
submitted by the applicant, will ensure the project is compatible with the
existing use of the Landfill site and surrounding properties in the imme-
diate vicinity; (B) Design review of the project required by this Permit
will reduce the potential impacts of the project to insignificant levels;
(C) This use has been conditioned to ensure that it shall not be detrimental
to th,- h,-nl th caf,-ty rnmfnrt- anti coal far,- of th,- acn,-ral cnihl i r ('nnn-
August 16, 1988
areas shall meet all State Department of Health requirements for a family
day care center; (3) State and local Fire Codes shall be complied with,
including smoke alarm, fire extinguishers, and approved exit areas. The
premises would be inspected yearly by the Fire Department and shall comply
with the UFC requirements; (4) If, in the future, the City or other appro-
priate regulatory agency, finds that the family day care center, as
approved at this site, requires greater on-site parking facilities, the
applicant shall provide such on-site parking, subject to the City's Planning
and Public Works Departments approval; (5) If substantive complaints
regarding noise are received, the authorized hours of operation may be
reduced and/or other noise control measures required by the Planning
Commission; (6) The applicant shall make repairs to the fence, gate(s), and
latch(es) surrounding the outdoor play area subsequent to inspection and
recommendations by the Associate Planner; and citing the following findings:
(A) This location is physically suited for a family day care center; (B) The
proposed use will not result in any significant impacts on the environment;
(C) The proposed use is consistent with the City of Port Angeles Residential
Policies of the Comprehensive Plan; (D) A family day care center on this
property, as conditioned by this Permit, will not adversely affect the
surrounding properties. Councilman Hallett seconded and the motion carried.
C. Interpretation - Wood Waste Landfill in the Light Industrial
Councilman Stamon moved to concur with
Commission that a wood waste landfill
under Section 17.32.040(G) because it
comply with the purpose of the Light
Sargent seconded and the motion carried.
D. Acceptance of Minutes
the interpretation of the Planning
be classified as a Conditional Use
is an industrial use which could
Industrial District. Councilman
Councilman Hallett moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commission
minutes of the August 10, 1988, meeting. Councilman Gabriel seconded and
the motion carried.
Mayor McPhee recessed the meeting for a 15 -minute break at 8:52 P.M.
4. Consideration of Resolution to Set Public Hearings for LIDS - Alder
Street, Regent Street and Sixth Street in Cresthaven
Mayor McPhee read the Resolutions by title, entitled
RESOLUTIONS of the City Council of the City
of Port Angeles, Washington, decl4ring the
intention of the City Council to order the
improvement of a certain area within the
City by doing street improvement and by
doing all other work necessary in connection
therewith and fixing a time, date and place
for a hearing on this Resolution of Intention.
August 16, 1988
months. She stated she seriously hoped Council would consider the goals
recommended by the Committee. She felt this to be a possible goal.
Councilman Hallett questioned whether the 50% of the solid waste stream
referred to by the Committee's recommendation included sources of waste
stream that the City wants to recycle, or if this included things over and
above that 50% which are not identified. Councilman Sargent replied if
Council would encourage the public to support a recycling program and the
recycling included aluminum cans, tin, glass, paper, plus the institution of
a composting program, there would be no problem of achieving the 50%
reduction. This, would, in turn, make the Landfill last twice as long.
Councilman Hallett asked what the time line was to accomplish this goal.
Carl Alexander, 1712 West Fifth Street, a member of the Recycling Commit-
tee, addressed Councilman Hallett's question regarding the recycling
program. He stated the Committee was looking for a 50% reduction in the
waste stream within the next five years. Basically what that means, is
Council needs to adopt the recommendations up through the intermediate
stages of the program, and if that is enacted, the goals will be met.
Mayor McPhee questioned Public Works Director Pittis if the City was to
remove the paper products, cardboard and vegetation from the Landfill, would
that not be a 50% reduction? Director Pittis replied on an average, that
might be a little less than 50%. However, in the summer time, it is most
certainly higher because the increase in yard waste comprises a large volume
of the material collected at the Landfill.
Councilman Stamon stated the key to any kind of rapid attainment of the
goal of 50% would have to be curb -side collection of the compostable type of
materials, and felt this should be one of the prime targets Council should
consider during the budget process.
Councilman Sargent then amended the motion to include in Council's Goals and
Objectives a 50% recycling program, to review short-term, intermediate and
long-term goals of the Committee in the budget process, within a three to
five-year period. Councilman Gabriel concurred. On call for the question,
the motion carried.
Councilman Stamon requested this issue be added as an item of discussion
that will be on the agenda for the budgeting of the Goals and Objectives
Councilman Hallett requested a letter of thanks be sent to the Committee.
Council agreed.
Councilman Sargent discussed with Councilmembers and staff the Committee's
recommendation for pursuing the solution of the tire problem in the ravine
immediately east of the Cemetery, stating two experts had been out to review
the problem and their recommendations were (1) the Port of Port Angeles
start appropriate settling basins in order to check the water flow from the
Airport, and (2) the Port contribute to the City a portion of the cost of
extending the culvert and its covering with earth; to be excavated from the
Landfill; because their recommendation was to extend the culvert and to fill
the ravine with dirt. She asked that Council instruct staff to pursue the
recommendation and see if it was a feasible solution to the problem.
Mayor McPhee reminded Council they would be able to discuss this issue at
great length at a later time.
August 16, 1988
Mayor McPhee questioned the need to have a representative from the Economic
Development Council. He indicated this is actually the Clallam County
Economic Development Council and the City has a local Chamber of Commerce.
He felt it would be more appropriate to have a representative of the Chamber
of Commerce, rather than from the County Economic Development Council. He
stated if this change was made, he would support the motion.
Councilman Stamon replied her motion was deliberate in that issue, as she
considered that as an alternative but believed the reason the City had
received the moneys for this program initially was for the purpose of
promoting economic development within the City of Port Angeles, and the EDC
exists to do exactly that.
Councilman Hallett stated he understood the Mayor's concern; however, he
believed of a seven -member committee, there would quite likely be seven
members of the Chamber as well.
On call for the question, the motion carried unanimously.
7. Consideration of Contract with Power Washington Loan for Insulation of
Swimming Pool Roof
Councilman Hallett moved to authorize the Mayor to execute the loan contract
with the Washington State Energy Office for the amount of $17,355. Coun-
cilman Sargent seconded.
In speaking to his motion, Councilman Hallett stated this loan is zero
interest and a finance fee of 5%. Therefore, the loan amount is $16,529,
with the 5% finance fee of $826. He commended the Light and Parks Depart-
ments for their time in securing this loan.
Councilman Stamon specifically named and commended Sheila Hardy, Conserva-
tion Manager, and her staff because of their involvement in securing the
On call for the question, the motion carried.
8. City Council Will Consider Meeting Dates for Reviewing the City's Goals
and Objectives
Council set meeting dates for consideration of the City's Goals and Objec-
tives for September 7th, 8th and 9th, from 5 PM to 9 PM, in the City
Council Chambers.
9. Consideration of Procedures for Filling City Council Vacancy and
Setting Interview Dates for Applicants
Councilman Sargent suggested using the interview process.
Councilman Stamon agreed with the interview process.
Council discussed several different options they could proceed with to fill
the vacancy of the Councilmember.
Councilman Hallett then moved that on Friday, August 19th, at 5:00 PM the
applications for the Council position be closed. Council will then
schedule interviews with those applicants who have applied. Interviews will
be held for each applicant and each Councilmember will be given an oppor-
August 16, 1988
Council set Tuesday, August 30th, 5 PM to 9 PM, and Wednesday, August 31st,
7 PM to 9 PM for interviews of the applicants.
10. Consideration of Contract with Clallam County for Health Services
During 1988
Councilman Stamon moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract for
health services for 1988 between the County and City. Councilman Hesla
seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Hesla bade a fond farewell and expressed his hopes that Council
would be able to find his replacement expeditiously for the sake of the City
and that it would be a good, positive situation to bring the Council
together. He stated he was proud of achievements Council has accomplished
in his term.
Mayor McPhee, speaking on behalf of the Council, wished Councilman Hesla
the best and thanked him for serving on the Council.
Councilman Gabriel posed a question to Public Works Director Pittis
regarding the dumping of sewage from trailer parks in the City system.
Director Pittis replied that sanikan wastes would not be allowed, and
notices were sent out to that effect. This was in conjunction with the
notice sent to septic tank dumpers. However, the Department is in the
process now of retracting that for sanikans, providing they follow the
correct procedures.
Councilman Hallett asked if Items 20 and 21 on the Information Agenda,
dealing with Medic I billing for services, and transfer of cable TV
franchise, would be addressed at the September 6th meeting. Manager
Flodstrom assured him that they would be.
Councilman Sargent, referring to Item 10 on the Information Agenda,
regarding a potential business application of the strip -tease club, stated
Council needed an ordinance regarding this issue and requested that it be
put on the September 6th Agenda. After some discussion. on the issue by
staff and Council, Council agreed they would be ready to speak to this
issue at the September 6th meeting. Attorney Knutson stated he would
provide Council with a memo which would explain in detail the different
kinds of provisions that could beincluded in an ordinance, so Council could
consider that ahead of time and a decision could be made.
Councilman Stamon, in speaking to the report from the survey on fireworks
and curfew issues, stated she would be organizing a town meeting on the
issue of curfew some time in September.
Mayor McPhee adjourned the meeting to executive session at 10:06 P.M. to
discuss three items of pending litigation and one item of labor contract
discussion. Estimated time was to be 30 to 45 minutes.