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AUGUST 17, 1971
The Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. Officers present were Mayor
Wolfe, Councilmen B,!-.som .Ha9"1lewood, Hordyk, McRevey. and Ross" Acting City..
Manager Warder, Achng C~ty Attorney Taylor and Deputy City Clerk Hobbs .Council-
man Olson~was absent. - . ,
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman McRevey and
unanimously carried to accept and place on file, as amended, the Minutes of
August 3, 1971. Amendment to minutes add the following words to the second
paragraph of page 3, "alley to be kept open at all times."
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded .by Councilwoman Ross and I
unanimously carried to accept the low bid'of H. D. Fowler Company in the
amount of $26,092.50 for the water pipe for the Water Department.
A motion was made by Councilman Haguewood, seconded by Councilman McRevey
and unanimously carried to authorize the following lots be put up for bid
at public auction to be held September 20, 1971 at 2:00 p.m. at the City
Hall, minimum bids to be as recommended by Department of Public Works:
Lot 10, Blk 242 Townsite, Min. Bid $1,600.
Lot 10, Blk 311 Townsite, Min. Eid $1,000.
Lots 1 & 2, Blk 313, Townsite, Min. Bid for both lots $5,000.
Lots 3 & 4, Blk 313, Townsite, Min. Bid for both lots $4,000.
J Lots 5 & 5, Elk 313, Townsite, Min. Bid for both lots $4,000.
17;< Lot 7, Blk "D", GlovcL~ 1!iaditio", IJi". D';'d $2,000.
'57.3 Lot l~, Bill ~, Cail'lJ 01:11;. bet 21, l1il,. Bid Cl,OOO
Lot 13, Blk 99, Townsite, Min. Bid $2,000.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman_Hordyk and unani-
mously carried to refer the Claims for Damages for the broken windshield, Street
Dept. and the damaged automobile, Light Dept. to the City Attorney and Insurance
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani-
mously carried to approve for payment $517.10 to CH2M for engineering services
from June 25 through July 26, 1971 in connection with Booster Pump..
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani-I
mously carried to approve for payment the Claim Vouchers in amount of $57,494.55
and Payroll Transfers in amount of $65,634.47.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani-
mously carried to refer back to the City Man?ger,:for revision, the petition
for annexation by Mr. & Mrs. S. Elmo Loghry, Lots 3 and 4, Elk 22, Pennsylvania
Park~ddition, to include provision of petitioners assuming their share of the
existing city general indebtedness.(Also additional areas as set forth in petition.)
The petition f.or annexation of Blocks 6, 7, and 10 df, Illinois La rid . .andlnvest-
ment Company and Lots 2 and 3 of Ocean View Home Tracts was approved on the fol-
lowing condition: . A motion was made by Councilman Basom, 'seconded by Council-
man Hordyk an~ unanimously carried that the. area as".s~t forth in the petition
be required to assume its share of the existing city general indebtedness.
The hearing on rezonging of an area at 13th and "M" Streets for a gravel pit
was opened at 7:50 p.m. After considerable discussion and comments from the
audience the hearing was recessed at 8:05 p.m.to wait recommendation from the
Planning Commission Hearing.
A motion was made by Councilman McRevey, seconded by Co~ncilwoman Ross and
unanimously carried to rescind previous denial of variance and concur with the
Planning'Commission's recommendation to approve the variance for construction
of a catalog sales and service center on the northwest corner of Front and
Race Streets on a conditional use permit. Construction by DelGuzzi Construc-
tion, Inc. for Montgomery Wards.
A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman McRevey and
unanimously carried to concur with the Planning Commissionts recommendation
and approve the variance to allow Mr. Floyd Hill to enlarge a pre-existing
non-conforming residence at 913 East 9th Street by adding to the rear.
A motion was made by Councilman Haguewood, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and
unanimously carried to concur with the Planning Commissionts recommendation and
(AUGUST 17, 1971 Continued)
approve the variance to allow Mr. James S. Aynsley to enlarge his storage and
shop building at 910 South Pine.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and
unanimously carried to accept and place on file the Planning Commission Minutes
of August B, 1971.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
mously carried to concur.witH &he Park & Beautification Board I s recommendation
and authorize construction;o~ the new public works building scheduled for the
1972 budget and this building be leased to the Olympic Skater's Association,
along with the city owned ice making equipment for a period of possibly two years.
A motion was made by Councilman Haguewood, seconded by Councilman Hordyk, and
unanimously carried to authorize call for bids for mobile type bleachers for
Civic Field, asking for immediate delivery and payment out of 1972 budget.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unani-
mously carried to accept and place on file the Park & Beautification Minutes of
August B, 1971.
The following ordinance was read in full:
AN ORDINANCE establishing salary~the Mayor
and City Council.
A motion was made by Councilman Basom and seconded by Councilman McRevey to
adopt the foregoing ordinance as read. Councilwoman Ross voted l'No," all other
Councilmen voted "Aye," motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded'by Councilman McRevey and unani-
mous~y carried to refer the water pipe line request of James R. Meehan to the
Public Utility District for service.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman McRevey and
unanimously carried to approve the request of Public Utility District for water
service to the lower Mount Angeles.gQa~ and Scribner Road area and authorize
the City Manager to enter into a ;Jgf2ement with P.U.D. on this area.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani-
mously carried to allow Del Guzzi Construction, Inc. permission to connect the
new shopping center east of the golf course road to the City sewer and City
water supply on the condition that this area be annexed to the city.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani-
mously carried to refer to the City Manager thenrequests of FireFighters Local
#656 and Teamsters Local #589 and to contact locals regarding meeting dates.
A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
mously .carried to approve the request of the Port Angeles Retail Merchants
Association to hold a sidewalk sale on Thursday, September 2nd during the
Derby Days Week.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross,seconded by Councilman Hordyk, and
unanimously carried to refer to the budget committee the request .to -raise rent
for Youth Center Services-Child Guidance Clinic ,building.
The following ordinance was read in full:
AN ORDINANCE repealing Ordinance 1555 dealing with gambling.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Haguewood and
unanimously carried to adopt the foregoing ordinance as read.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and
unanimously carried to accept and place on file the followin~ reports: Light,
Equipment Rental, Sanitation, Sewer, Street, Off-street Parklng and Water for
July Financial Reports; Utilities-July; Light and Power July ~ork Rep~rt;
,Water July Work Report; Fire, Municipal Judge, Park & Recreatlon, Pollce and
(AUGUST 17, 1971 Continued)
Treasurer's monthly reports for July and the out-of-town reports from the
Police Chief and the Senior Citizen's Supervisor.
Other subjects of discussion were the youth center being promoted in the city
of Snoqualmie; Emanon Committee not yet chosen; Warner Childress receiving his
certificate and passing tests for CPA; and it was noted that Mr. Warder would
be in Olympia August 18th and 19th for a meeting on solid waste and with the
Urban Arterial Board.
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
~~-, ;t )Y~I
. Deputy City Clerk
1-iOTICl:: 18 h(lreb~' R''''tn thllt seal-
led bIds will he received by the City
1).[anager"H' Office, City of Port An~j
'gellJ~. 140 "~t'st Front Street, until
~~OOtlf~mCJi~);;{)~I~;el~9~u:~~t n~~'a~~ri:
'at 1:81) p.lTl_. f~t:
.. OUe Jlrew 4-Whcel Front End
I ~:;~~5D~=~:r Front.
IEnS~e~rf~~:ijon~ arc a....atlnble at the. l
City l..ight Garage. 13ldder "hall suI).
mtt with. btd the rcquir("cI delivery
; time. -5 %: bid deposlt or t)ond. and fI
,sign('-d certificate litatiJlg' thnt the-
bi(ld(~r, If fiUccc~Rfnl. will meet the
spcd:l'lcatlcms without esception. .
, The CI1J' CouncH rc~e-r"cs the l'lghl
; to accent Or l'e-j.('ct n.nJr or all hidl:'l.
. .JOH:-1 B. WARDJ.Jn
Actin~ City Manng'CI"
jPul>IIShoo: .July 8 "nd lfi. 1~,1.
&l.n1tation Dept.
Xotlce i~ hereby given that sealed'
I ~~~(l;;~ll(lrb~!l~'~Cr~J~e~f 'f~rtt~~ng~~;.~"
at 140 .Wegt Front Strt'et until 2:-00
p,m, Aucu!;'It }G, 1'37l, for:
1 NeW 1971 Tilt Cab Garbage Truel.:.
and ~
1. New 1 (j. Cubic Yard IIp..ll pn-eker
Lnll, c('tlnj)Jetf', mO\lIllcd 011 the
Rho\'(> truck ('hH8~1~,
Spp,clfl(!at(on!l: Are a:nLilallle nt the
offl('e of the City Managr:f.
A certified check or b1d bond of
6 % of the amount bid ~h:l.Il nccont-
pn.nv eat"h b1<1,
nhi~ wl1l br> con!oiid('r~d 'hr UlC
Council In I"egular ses..<:ion Augu!:>t 17,
I' T1H' CU:r Counril r(>~er-\'c~ the r-lsht
to aecelll or T('1pC"t allY (lr All hi.rtfl.
: Acting CUy :Matll'1g"p.r
, PuhlJ5!h.e-cl: Jlll). 29 and Al,lgURl fi, i
~pur~~I[1nt to the requlrcmc-lHs ot nC'Y.
i.~~' ~~;t~.l 0 A~~g~]~~C~~t:I~~tsl.~; l;c~.ll~vo:~~~ :
,::ollx Year Comllrehen~i\'c Stl"e~l pro-',
l~l'Hm, ~
, The e~timatl..'d CORtfl and mentH'l 0(.'
~fin:1n('ing nre on rBe with the ell)":'
~Ellglnl'L:t. and fil'e avnl1::l.blu fQt' lHlb-i
lie ln~p('ction .;and ))eru~al.
J A pul.Jlk, heaTing on the pr(}I~Oscd I~
('Qrll1Jr('lH,n~I\'() plan will be- h-r.-la 1)(';-
fore the City Council in the City'
COUl1Ctl Chanlbe.'s at 134 "-(':!'it )'~ront!
f~tJ'['~t' POI't Ange-Ie:-:, \"J]l'ihingtOll, al
7:.30 p,j\f., Augu:st :1, H,'ll.
All:r ~J"I'~nn deslrln~ 1n ohj(l("t to
Ra.l:d Jl.t:l(ljllol1 HhaH file fi. ,"'I'\Uf'n
,prol("l'lt wall thC" City Clel'k or Ql'ally
object at the public lwar1n,K.
I ,U"'HX R "-.\l~DEH,
eft)' En~inCf:I'
Pnbll:shed: July 29-, 1971.
'------~-----.-.-- ---
~ i,J. W"k
'I-li~~- ~~..~I~: .
lhat at 7: 30 p.m. on !.he 21st day of
September, 1971, in the Council
Chambers at 134 West Front
Street, the City will conduct a
public hearing on a pelition to
annex to lhe Cily of Port Angeles
!.he following described property:
That portion lying westerly of
Whiles Creek of Blocks 6, 7 and 10
of the Illinois Land and
Investment Company Addition to
Port Angeles, Washin8ton, and
Lots 2 and 3. Ocean V,ew Home
Tracts, Port Angeles,
Washinglon, in Section 14,
Township' 30 North. Range 6.
West, Wtllamelle Meridian.
All interested persons are
invited to appear and voice
approval or disapproval of the
B.B. McNeece, City Clerk
City of Port Angeles
~~.:.l'epl. 12, 1~71
NonCE 0:1' CALL :1'011. BIDS
~ NOTICE lS l-n~RE13Y GIVEx that
! :son-led 'bIds 'will he r('ceiycd until'
2':00 P,M '. Augut IG. 1971. a.t ,,,'hleh
time tJlC'Y wBI be OIl(~ncc1 am1 read.
The award of' bids will be mnde at
7:iH} P,M" Augu~t 17, 19'i1 by the
City Council in the-Ir chamberH at 1\
regular .mecting. Th~se 1tCh1.f"l will l){~
uficd to con....ey wate>r nnd will be-
com!) a. pal"t of the domestic '\\'a.t~l"
Hem 1. 10,('1(10 Lin. Ft. or 8" '''.ater
Pipe, Class 150,
lt~m 2. 5.000 Lin. Ft. of 6" 'W:ttcr
, Pipe, Clas.s ] 50.
Specifications and bid ~heet~ mny
thl":. obt~il\.:d n..t the- (:iffice of the CHy
Engineer. -
I i~N,;;, ttl~;\~;'~~er
,Pl\h1i$lu:d: July 2~4 and August 5,
1971; __
);TOTICE i!; hereby ginm thnt he~l.
ed rids .,..'lll I)(':l r~.c-eiyecl by Hw Clty
"1anagcl", Cil)' of Port Angell'~, ''\"ash~
:lng-ton, 140 'Y('st Front Strc~t, until
3:(l(l p.Ill" September :=t, 1971. for:
Portable type bleachers for Civic j
Speci.:rlcatiom: arc ,ava1lable at 1he
i of~Ce;;~( ~:leto~~tt I~{:nd~~~'~it ('l~e'Ck
jor b](l Iwnu of equal nm01ml shall
acpompflll).' !!3ch bW
lUd;f:. Will be C'omadl'red In. tlH~
Coullcll hl regular :,;c~~fon Rcptr:m-
))Cl' 7, ]'971 at 1 3(1- S) nl. nud the
Council reE'ierves the J'Jght to a-cccpt
or I eject allY or ull bid.::.
b .JOH" B W.\RDEft
Acting Clt~. :i\!f1nngcr
PuhliHhcrl. Aut; ]9 and 26, l~lil
Sanitation Dept.
N'oticr: l~ hereby given that s.ealNl
bid:-; will he r-ecclw~d h.... th(' Cit.....
::Uannger of thp. City of r-'Ol't l\t1f:;"el("s
at 140 "'Vest J<"runt Street until 2:00
p,m, S€'PtembN' 3, 1971, f()r:
1 Xew J 971 Tnt Cab Garbage
Truck. .ana
1 New If) Cuhie Yard Hei1 PllC"lt!'-r
Unit, complete, mC)ulited 011 the",
abo....c truck chn:-;si~.
C:::necific.'1tlon~ are n"ai1nblc nt the
office of tlJn r:it:'t~ 1(;'L.nl-l~oCr.
A certIficcl ('heck or hi r1 hond .fl f
5 % of the ~PT1ount l)id f-:.ha!l accom.
I pany ~flcll bi(1.
Co~~~~ I ~ill~-N/~~nr c~~s~r6~'C~el)~~In~l~~ J
:7, 1971. 1
Th,p, Clty COllncH l'e~lJr""ns th~ right.
to accept or r..fn....t RIl\.T nr ~11 hld~. I
Actln~ f":l t)" l\talH\gf'lr
Puhll.!":hNl:. AllgURt 26 nnd Sept. 0)
Sa.nitlltlQn JJept. '
. I
I Notice ls hcreb~' gh:en that .!';eal('d:i
bids w1H be rece~"cd iJy tho City';
, Manager of the Clly of Port _\n-;
; g.el....s at loin "'eM F'roOnl Street tIntl1
~:OO P..M. OCTOBBJ~ ::t, 1971, for: I
2 Xcw l~T~ T'Ht t,;aiJ Gt\l'b.a.gc
Tl"uek,<t, and .
2 New Hi Cuhic Ynrd Heil Pncker
l;l1it, complete, mounted OJ) the
above truck ~haR:;is, !
Slleciflcatlons nre R.'-ai1nb1e. at the
office of lh~ Clt;y Managel', ,
, A ce1'liCiec:l check or- hid hond of
l !j.~~ of thl} ::lmount or blrl shall ac~
company l:nch hfd,
Bidl" will be c()n::oidt"l'cd b~. the
Council in regular ~esslon Oetoher 5,
'J'HC' Clt}. Council l'c,<:;(:n'Cfi the right
toO nc~ept or n~kct nov or aU hld~.
ANlng City Manager
,Pu\.)l1shc-d: Sept. 16 aJ1~ 23, 197 J.