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Port Angeles, Washington
August 17, 1982
Mayor Duncan called the special meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. and adjourned
to executive session. The purpose of this meeting is to meet in joint
session with the Clallam County Ccmnissioners to discuss litigation. All
IreIrbers of the City Council and County Ccmnission were present. The
meeting adjourned at 6:55 P.M.
Mayor Duncan called the joint meeting of the Port Angeles City Council and
Clallam County Ccmnissioners to order at 7: 00 P.M. The purpose of this
meeting is to receive status re!X)rts fran representatives of the Trans
Mountain Pipeline Carpany and the Northem Tier Pipeline Carpany.
County Conrnissioners: Comnissioners Feeley, wtzgesell and Lydiard.
City Council: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewocx:1, Hordyk,
Polhamus, Quast, and Whidden.
Staff Present: Manager Flodstrcrn, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Lannoye,
P. Carr, D. Frizzell, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R. Orton,
A. Rose, G. Booth, R. Morgan, and D. Warner.
Public Present: B. Feeley, C. & M. Weston, H. Frazier, J. Key, M. Bishop,
M. 0Nen, O. Pegg, A. Rud, D. Cockrill, R. Knox, A. & C.
Dunker, H. Hopkins, V. Reider, E. & H. Berglund,
R. Stehman, E. & H. Kailin, G. Smith, W. Sage, J. ShanBs,
M. Ara, E. Sofie, L. Ross, C. B1UIrenfeld, D. Durrant,
J. & M. Lyon, M. & K. Greubel, S. Fahnestock, C. Lamb,
J. Sargent, 1. Eckblad, C. Jurgensen, C. Bednarek,
L. Tinsley, C. Whalley, L. McArthur, M. Hollingsworth,
C. Dalton, B. McCrorie, N. Turner, D. Niichel, K. Maike,
J. Merrill, P. DcMnie.
1 . Status Report on Trans Mountain Pipeline Carpany
Mr. Charles R. Blurrenfeld, representing the Trans Mountain oil Pipeline
Carpany, and Mr. Trevor Durrant, Manager of Governmental Affairs of Trans
Mountain, addressed the Council and Conmission regarding the current status
of their project. Trans Mountain Oil Pipeline Carpany has received a two-
year extension of their application for the project fran EFSEC, subject to
review every six months. Mayor Duncan indicated Trans Mountain had pre-
viously rejected Port Angeles in favor of another site and questioned if
Trans Mormtain's !X)sition on this is the same. Mr. Durrant confimed it
was at this tine.
2. Status Re!X)rt on Northern Tier Pipeline Company
Mr. Gary Smith, IDeal Relations Contact, and Mr. J. E. ShanBs, President of
the Northern Tier Pipeline Carpany, also addressed the Cormci]" providing
them with an interim progress re!X)rt of the Northern Tier project. Based
on the Govemor's rejection of Northern Tier's application for a pipeline
project, Northem Tier is now meeting with local government officials in an
attenpt to detennine and address their concerns in lieu of tabling the en-
tire project. Mr. ShanBs also indicated Northern Tier still has plans for
locating the terminal site in Port Angeles.
August 17, 1982
Following these presentations a recess was called at 7: 20 P.M. and the
regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council convened at 7:30 P.M.
Councilman Hordyk rroved the Council accept and place on file as received I
the minutes of the July 31, 1982 continuation of the July 20, 1982 meeting
and the minutes of tbe August 3, 1982 regular meeting and Councilman
Gerberding seconded. Councilmen Gerberding and Quast noted sate amendments
to the minutes of August 3, 1982 and the rrotion to pass the amended minutes
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept tbe i terns listed under the Con-
sent Agenda including a final payment to Cohen, Andrews, Keegan and Goeltz
for services on Northern Tier application; Washington State Liquor Control
Board correspondence; vouchers of $601,462.09; and payroll of $181,435.08.
Councilman Gerberding seconded and the IOOtion carried.
1. Bids for Old Mill Road (Ahlvers to Rhodes Road) and
8th & C Intersection Inproverrent
Councilman Quast rroved the Council concur with Public Works I reccmnendation
to accept the lowest. responsible bid of Del Hur Construction Co., Inc., in
the arrount of $156,426.51 and award a construction contract for the recon-
struction of Old Mill Road fran Ahlvers to Rhodes Road and channelization
of the 8th and C intersection c:x:rnbined projects. Councilman Gerberding
seconded and Councilman Hordyk restated his previous position that these I
projects should have been financed through an L. I .D. On call for the
question the rrotion carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "No". Mayor
Duncan noted that had she been required to vote in the case of a tie she
would have abstained due to a conflict of interest.
2. City's Share of utility Defense Group Costs
Mayor Duncan referred the Council to Attorney Miller's merrorandum regarding
a statement for the City I s participation in the Utility Defense Group,
noting the initial statement was higher than expected future statements.
Councilroan Quast moved the Council concur with Attorney Miller's reccmnen-
dation to authorize payment of $2,886.20 for the City's share of Utility
Defense Group expenses for the period of June 11 - June 15, 1982. Council-
man Whidden seconded and the rrotion carried with Councilman Haguewood
voting "No".
VII 1.
Councilman Quast requested police surveillance of parking near the ferry
terminal to avoid departing ferry traffic bottlenecks, jams, etc.
1. Public Hearings:
A. Parking Ordinance Revisions
Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on the proposed Parking Ordinance
amendments and requested COII1feI1ts or questions from the audience or staff.
No corrments were received and Mayor Duncan closed the public hearing.
Council and staff discussed tbe proposed arnendrlents at length and at the
August 17, 1982
suggestion of the Council, Planner Carr indicated provisions would be made
in the future for consideration to be given to the effects of the Transit
System on parking requirerrents, as well as further study of the parking
requirements. Jolmie Key indicated the Harebuilders' Association endorsed
the proposed arnendirents to the Ordinance. Attorney Miller noted seme
typographical errors on the draft of the Ordinance provided the Council,
and after further discussion Councilman Quast noved the Council adopt the
proposed arnendirents to the Parking Ordinance, as the arrendments prarote the
public health, safety, and welfare and are in the best interests of the
City. Councilman Whidden seconded and the notion carried. Mayor Duncan
then read by title Ordinance No. 2228, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
establishing requirerrents for the number
of off-street parking spaces required by
various land uses, providing requirements
for develO]:ment of those parking spaces,
establishing procedures for administration
of the Ordinance, providing penal ties for
violation, and arnending Sections 1
through 12 of Ordinance 1588, Sections 1
through 6 of Ordinance 2028, Section 1 of
Ordinance 2081, Section 1 of Ordinance 2097,
Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance 2121, and
Section 1 of Ordinance 2184, and adding a
new Chapter to the Port Angeles Municipal
Councilman Hordyk then noved the Council adopt the foregoing
read by title, Councilman Polhamus seconded and the notion
that the Port Angeles City
Council will hoid 0 public
hearing on August 17. at 7:00
PM, or as soon thereafter as
possible. in the Council
Chamber",_ 13.( WgS-t .Front.
Street, to consider emend.
ments to Ordinonce No. 1588
providing revised dimensions
for parking $POCQs. definition
of f100t area, improvemenf
standards ond administrative
Location: City of Port
Legol Oescription: Effective
throughout the City 01 Port
Applicant: City of Port
Property owner: Various
All interested parties. may
appear ot the hearing and ex-
press their opinion on th1$
Dole: Aug. 6. 1982
Morien C. Por-.-i'Sh
City Clerk
Pub.: Aug. 6, 1982
Planning CaTmission Minutes of August 11, 1982
Mayor Duncan reviewed the Planning CaTmission minutes of August 11, 1982
with the following action being taken by the Council:
Conditional Use Pennit - Church of God
The Church of God had applied for a Conditional Use Permit for the retail
sale of used clothing, SIPall appliances, etc., in an existing building
located at 321 South Francis, Port Angeles. Councillnan Quast noved the
Council concur with the Planning CaTmission interpretation that a thrift
store is not a carpatible use in any RS-7 or RS-9 residential zone, but
1NOuld be permitted in camercial zones. Councilman Gerberding seconded and
the notion carried.
Temporary Use permit - Assembly of God Church
Councilman Quast rroved the Council concur with the Planning Ccmnission
recrnrnendation to grant a Temporary Use Permit for a period of 18 nonths to
site a house trailer on the premises of the Assembly of God Church, subject
to review by the Planning Department at the end of one year, and subject to
the following conditions: 1) A fire extinguisher and other protective
measures be provided as required by the Fire Marshal; 2) Theutilities be
extended in accordance with the requirements of the City Light and Public
Works Departments. He cited the following as findings of fact: A) The use
of the IlObile heme is necessary to provide protection of property from fire
and vandalism, pursuant to the request of the insurance carri.er; B) The
nobile heme will not have an inpact on local public utilities, services and
streets. Councilman Polhamus seconded and in response to questions fran
the Council Planner Carr indicated the trailer would be rerIDved upon can-
pletion of the caretaker I s dwelling. On call for the question the lIDtion
August 17, 1982
suggestion of the Council, Planner Carr indicated provisions wo!
in the future for consideration to be given to the effects of ~
System on parking requirements, as well as further study of tit
requirements. Johnie Key indicated the Hanebuilders' Associatii
the proposed amendments to the Ordinance. Attorney Miller nt
typographical errors on the draft of the Ordinance provided tli
and after further discussion Councilman Quast rroved the Council
proposed amendments to the Parking Ordinance, as the arrendmentl
public health, safety, and welfare and are in the best inter~
City. Councilman Whidden seconded and the rrotion carried. M
then read by title Ordinance No. 2228, entitled f,. :.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
establishing requirements for the nmnber
of off-street parking spaces required by
various land uses, providing requirements
for developrent of those parking spaces,
establishing procedures for administration
of the Ordinance, providing penalties for
violation, and arrending Sections 1
through 12 of Ordinance 1588, Sections 1
through 6 of Ordinance 2028, Section 1 of
ordinance 2081, Section 1 of Ordinance 2097,
Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance 2121, and
Section 1 of Ordinance 2184, and adding a
new Chapter to the Port Angeles Municipal
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Councilman Hordyk then ITDVed the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as
read by title, Councilman Polhamus seconded and the rrotion carried.
Planning Cc:mnission Minutes of August 11, 1982
Mayor Duncan reviewed the Planning Cannission minutes of August 11, 1982
with the following action being taken by the Council:
Conditional Use Pennit - Church of God
The Church of God had applied for a Conditional Use Permit for the retail
sale of used clothing, small appliances, etc., in an existing building
located at 321 South Francis, Port Angeles. Councilman Quast ITDVed the
Council concur with the Planning Ccmnission interpretation that a thrift
store is not a compatible use in any RS-7 or RS-9 residential zone, but
would be permitted in ccmrercial zones. Councilman Gerberding seconded and
the rrotion carried.
Tenq;>orary Use Pennit - Assembly of God Church
Councilman Quast ITOVed the Council concur with the Planning Camtission
recarmendation to grant a Terrporary Use Pennit for a period of 18 rronths to
site a house trailer on the premises of the Assembly of God Church, subject
to review by the Planning Depart::rrent at the end of one year, and subject to
the following conditions: 1) A fire extinguisher and other protective
measures be provided as required by the Fire Marshal; 2) The utilities be
extended in accordance with the requirements of the City Light and Public
Works Depart::rrents. He cited the following as findings of fact: A) The use
of the rrobile heme is necessary to provide protection of property from fire
and vandalism, pursuant to the request of the insurance carrier; B) The
rrobile heme will not have an impact on local public utilities, services and
streets. Councilman Polhamus seconded and in response to questions fran
the Council Planner Carr indicated the trailer would be reIlOved upon can-
pletion of the caretaker's dwelling. On call for the question the rrotion
carried .
August 17, 1982
Interpretation - Self-Service Gasoline Station
Councilman Hordyk IlDVed the Council con= with the Planning Ccmnission
interpretation that a self-service gasoline vending business, under certain
conditions could be canpatible and should be considered as a conditional
use in the CBD. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried.
Conditional Use Hearing - McCrorie
Councilman Quast noted that sare consideration had been given to rraking
Lincoln Street one way and that the applicant should be advised of this.
Councilman Haguewood moved the Council con= with the Planning Cornnission
reccmnendation to grant a Conditional Use Permit to establish a convenience
store and self-service gasoline station at the southeast' comer of First
and Lincoln Streets, subject to the following conditions: 1) Only one
driveway be permitted on Lincoln Street at the southern portion of the
property :innediately north of the alley; that channelization be provided on
the south leg of the Lincoln Street/First Street intersection to physically
prohibit left turns across traffic to enter in or exit from that driveway,
per the requirements of the Public Works Departrrent; 2) The sidewalk and
driveway on First Street be upgraded; 3) The Applicant pay for any neces-
sary relocation of trees or pedestrian light poles on the Lincoln Street
right-of-way; 4) That the existing driveway on Lincoln Street be recon-
structed as a sidewalk and =b; 5) A soils report and design of the
foundations for the proposed buildings be submitted with any building per-
mit application; 6) That the Fire Departrrent be provided with an engineered
design for bouyancy protection of the tanks before their installation;
7) Stonn water drainage collection system should include an oil/water
separator and be directed to Peabody Creek or the culvert; 8) That a land-
scaping plan, exhibiting canpatibility with the =rent L.I.D., be
developed to the approval of the Parks & Recreation Departrrent. He cited
the following findings of fact: A} It would be caT1patible with other uses
in the CBD; B) It would serve the public use and interest. Councilman
Polhamus seconded. R. McCrorie addressed the Council's questions regarding
his plans for the site and the fill rraterial used. Manager Flodstram
relayed the requests of two Dowrrtam businessmen for a continuance of this
rratter to provide them with an opportunity to caurnent. It was noted that
this opportunity was provided at the Planning Ccmnission public hearing.
On call for the question the !lOtion carried.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received
the Planning Ccmnission minutes of August 11, 1982. Councilman Whidden
seconded and the motion carried.
3. Vacation - Hearing Date Set for portions of Columbia Street and
Columbia/Caroline Alley - Olympic Merrorial Hospital
Mayor Duncan. read Resolution No. 30-82 by title, entitled
I A RESOLUTION of th~ity
of Port Angeles setting o.
I ~~~~~~ga d:~~:~~ _~t~~ilt~~b~~ ~
Street and a porNon of the
ColumbiafCoroljne .alley,
abutting Blocks 3 and 4,"
WHEREAS, the owners of, and a portion of the Columbia/Caroline
;nleresl in lot 13, Block 3; I alley abutting Blocks 3 and 4 PSCC
lots 6 and 13, Block 4, all In' , .
Puget Sound Cooperative Col. .
~~~~s;,;ubo~iv~~~n AI~gelt~s~ ~k IlDVed the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read
I have med a pemion with the ing the public hearing date for September 21, 1982.
City Clerk 10 moke vocation" ded d th t. 'ed
~ of that portion of Columbia;..l.en secon an e no lOTI carrl. . .
Street abutting lot 6, Block 4,1
~~~ ;:,b~~~~~~l~~a~3Po~~:~ ~i ! Sidewalk Obstruction Ordinance
~ ~~e ;I~~t ~~~~~ng lots 6 and;.. . .
WHEREAS, said pe';';an ap- ( prevl.ously consl.dered a stree~ and sl.dewalk ob,structl.on
l'p.or"'ohovebeens;gnedby~ July 20th and August 3rd rreetlllgs. Attorney Miller noted
:~:~;:r~h:f ;::;:etr~~n a~:f ~ to the ordinance included in the Council packets and noted
..1 ling upan tne right-ol-way had been provided them. Mayor Duncan then read Ordinance
! sON~~/o ~~E~~~c;;~t BE IT e, entitled
\ ANGELES as tollows:
Section 1. T"e petition to ~
I make such vacation sha II be I
I heard and determined by this
Council on the_2' st day of
'i September, 1982, Wlllttt-is not I
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
setting a hearing date for a petition
to vacate a portion of Columbia Street
mote than srxiy !60) days nor
~:~~~~~; twenty (20) days
Section 2. The City Clerk is
hereby directed to give twen-
ty (20) days notice of the
pen~ency of said petition ac-
cording to the provisions of
RCW 35.79.020.
PASSED bV t"e Council of
the City of Port Angeles this
17th day of August, 191,2.
Dorothv Duncan'
A TrEST; Mayor'
Marion C. Parrish, City Clerk
Approved os to form:
Craig l. Miller, City Attorney
f9':2: Aug. 25, Sept. 5,12,19
August 17, 1982
Interpretation - self-Service Gasoline Station
Councilman Hordyk ITOVed the Council cOncur with the Planning Carrnission
interpretation that a self-service gasoline vending business, under certain
=ditions could be ccmpatible and should be considered as a conditional
use in the CBD. Councilman Whidden seconded and the rrotion carried.
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
setting a hearing date for a petition
to vacate a ]XJrtion of Columbia Street
and a p:>rtion of the Columbia/Caroline
alley, abutting Blocks 3 and 4, PSCC.
Councilman Hordyk ITOVed the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read I
by title, setting the public hearing date for september 21, 1982.
Councilman Whidden seconded and the rrotion carried.
4. Street and Sidewalk Obstruction Ordinance
The Council had previously considered a street and sidewalk obstruction
ordinance at the July 20th and August 3rd rreetings. Attomey Miller noted
sane corrections to the ordinance included in the council packets and noted
a corrected copy had been provided them. Mayor Duncan then read Ordinance
No. 2229 by title, entitled
August 17, 1982
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
prohibiting obstructions of streets, sidewalks
or planting strips, except as allowed with or
without penni ts; providing for the issuance of
permits and fees; defining and prohibiting
certain acts as nuisances or misdemeanors, and
providing sanctions therefor; repealing Sec-
tion 1 of Ordinance 170, Sections 1 and 2 of
Ordinance No. 258, Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance
No. 572, Sections 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22, and 23 of Ordinance No. 1005, and
Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1977 and Sections
11.12.010 through .040 and 11.12.060 through
.160 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code;
recodifying Sections 11.12.050 and 11.12.170
through .190; and providing for the codification
of this Ordinance in Chapter 11.12 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Gerberding !lOVed the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as
read by title. Councilman Hordyk seconded and roved to arrend the rrotion to
adopt the ordinance, replacing the term "parking strip" as it appears
throughout the Ordinance with the term "planting strip" to clarify the
meaning of the Ordinance. Councilman Gerberding seconded the arrendrrent and
after further discussion the amendment to the rrotion carried. On call for
the question to adopt the arrended Ordinance the rrotion carried.
Manager Flodstran then noted that a Resolution had been prepared establish-
ing fees for the street and sidewalk obstruction permits. Council dis-
cussed the fee schedule with staff and Mayor Duncan then read Resolution
No. 31-82 by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
establishing application fees and annual
fees for street obstruction permits.
Councilman Whidden !lOVed the Council adopt the foregoing resolution as read
by title; Councilman Quast se=nded and the rrotion carried.
5. Sidewalk Obstruction Permit - R. Winters - Sidewalk cafe
The Council had =nsidered R. Winters' request for a sidewalk cafe at the
July 20, 1982 Council meeting. As provided for in Ordinance 2229 Public
Works Director Pittis reviewed the applicant's request for a sidewalk ob-
struction and reccmnended approval of the request subject to receipt of a
canpleted and satisfactory permit application frcm the applicant and the
applicant 's carpliance with the provisions of the Ordinance. Councilman
Hordyk rec:ornrended approval also be =nditioned upon the obstructions being
in place only during his hours of business. After further discussion
Councilman Polhamus rroved the Council grant R. winters I request for a side-
walk cafe =nditional upon 1) carpliance with the provisions of Ordinance
2229; 2) carpletion of an obstruction permit application; and 3) rerroval of
the obstructions during non-business hours. Councilman Hordyk se=nded.
Councilman Gerberding requested the final application and =nditions be
brought before the Council for their approval. On call for the question
the rrotion carried.
6. Sidewalk Obstruction Permit - R. Chamberlain - Stairs
The Council had also previously =nsidered R. Chamberlain I S request to
re=nstruct the stairs on the sidewalk at the rear exit of Rollf' s
Restaurant at the July 6th and July 20th meetings. Manager Flodstrcm
distributed sure drawings detailing plans for the stairs. to the Council and
Public Works Director Pittis reviewed R. Chamberlain I s request and
reccmrended denial of the obstruction.
August 17, 1982
Councilman Hordyk requested the Council consider this a "grandfather"
situation as the stairs were in existence for a long time and were rerroved
at the City's direction. Councilman Quast also recorrrnended the obstruction
be allowed, recognizing the special circumstances surrounding the rerroval
of the stairs and econanics of the alternative relocation of the exit.
After further Council and staff discussion Councilman Gerberding rroved the
Council grant R. Ch.arrberlain' s request for construction of the stairs,
conditional upon the design being made aesthetic and compatible with the I
,~town ~rovements, the stairs be lighted, the applicant caIlJlete an
,;:> ~strustion pennit application, and be in ccrrpliance with the provisions of .
d.,o".brdinance 2229. Councilman Whidden seconded the the rrotion carried with
Councilman Haguewood abstaining.
7. Parks & Recreation Review Carnnittee - Finalization and Confinnation
Mayor Duncan referred the Council to a rrerrorandum iran Parks Director
Frizzell regarding finalization of the Parks & Recreation Review Carnnittee
and Councilman Gerberding rroved the Council confim the Carnni ttee to the
Parks Department. Councilman Hordyk seconded and after further discussion
the notion carried.
-{ 8.
BPA Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement
Mayor Duncan s\.lImlarized a menorandum fram Power Manager Booth recomrending
the Council approve the BPA Residential Exchange Contract which allows the
City to preserve any rights under the contract, including being offered a
Transmission Agreement, while incurring no obligation unless the City
elects to exchange power with BPA. She then read Resolution No. 32-82 by
title, entitled
I A RESOLutiON of th" Cily
.01 Port Angeles authorizing
th.. Mayor on~ City Clerk 10 ,
.1. ~xe(ute Q R,(,siden11ol pur-I.
chase end Sole Agre..ment
wilh Ihe Uniled Stoles 01.
America, --D.epar1.ment of
Energy. ocling by and Ihrough
the Bonneville Power Ad.
t ministration, under the provi~
sions oi the Pacific Nor1hwe$t
~ Electric Power Plonning and
I' Consrvo1ion Act, P. L. 96-501. ~~
WHEREAS. the City 01 Port
Angeles; Q MuniciPQI Cor*:~
porotion 0'1 the State of
Woshinglon (h..reoller "Cily")1
is authQrized by law to pur-
: chose electri-c power end:
! energy far its cuslome";,ond'lk rroved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read
WHEREAS, the Un lied . . .
Stetes 01 America, Deport-:alman Quast seconded and the motlon carrled.
men' 0'1 Energy, atti ng by and
through the Bonneville Power
Adminislrotion (hereafter] Stove and Chinmey Inspection Program
"80nneville"] has requesled
the City to exQcu'e a Res.lden~. ..
liol Purchase and Sole Agree-l reported to the CounCl1 on the File Departnent I s expanded
m..nl (Conlroct No. DE- Ch' I ct. P . S ptember 1 1982
MS79-818P90628l, Ihe r.rovi,_ llTU1~ nspe l?n ~am corrrnenc~g e '.
. sions 01 which w;ll enob e Ihe >art, lllVOl ve an lllspectlon by an Engllle Carpany. Councl.l-
, ulility 1<;> s"i1 eleclric power 10 ;sted the resident of the inspected chimney be advised that
Bonneville (If the- average
\ system cost 01 ils reso"rces,y will be inspecting in order not to alann anyone. Coun-
and 80nneville in rel"rn to ded th F' De...."'v+m.o~ f th ded . t'
I seil on equivalenl omo"nllor g CattreIl e lre ~ ~"".ut or e expan lllSpec lOTI
~ resale to the utility's restden.,
tiol and farm users, 011 under.
the provisions 0'1 the Nor-' . ...
Ilhwesl Eiectric Po~r Plonn- tlllg at C1V1C Fleld
ing and Cons9Nahon Act.
i P.L. 96-501; and .
I WH~REAS. Ih" Cily C?uncil n reviewed the request of the Port Angeles Booster Club and
d..termines thai execullon of, t' Department f ., t tabl' h f ed
~ lhis Conlrocl is in Ihe beslln- ~ lC or permsslon 0 es lS pre err re-
I teresls ollhe City and ils light'c Civic Field and the presale of season tickets for this
,ulility c",lomers: NOW'fort to enhance the sale of tickets for the High School
, SE IT RESOLVED THAT: Thel Council discussed the request with Manager Flodstram and
i Mayor and Cily Clerk ore . d t f th Boo te Club t 1 gth d Co . lman
hereby oulhorized ond.eSl en o. e s r , a en an unCl
I direcled, on beholl of Ihe c,.[ the Councl1 approve the Booster Club's request for re-
ty.toexewtew;INhBonneDvl~le;. Civic Field. Councilman Quast seconded and the notion
Con t roc to. 1;, .',- ,
MS79.81 BP90628, doted I
Aug"sl 22, 1981.
PASSED by the Cily Council I
01 Ihe City 01 Port Angeles,
Ihis 17th day 01 Augusl, 1982'J
Oorothy Duncen I
Marion C. Parrish, City Clerk 1
Approved os to form:
:::: ".lIor.. GO, A:..:
f"b.~~g.~:- ~ ,. _
RESOLl1rION NO. 32-82
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute a Residential Purchase and Sale
Agreenent with the United States of
America, Department of Energy, acting
by and through the Bonneville Power
Administration, under the provisions
of the Pacific Northwest Electric PCMer'
Planning and Conservation Act, P. L.
illM SlSJl.Ill J1loO'J .;
'ure 01 ~\? 111l!1J~s-
-~SJ!J \? S! Sfl!~!A!l;)"Il
unllaq Sllq APBfl.I[B ted th ' 1 . d thi " df th "
sfl[flllUV J.lod flllli r~s ,e ~unCl conSl er ~ a gran a er
-JflljSJJ S'llopnm fsoiPtalrS were In exlstence for a long tirre and were rerroved
:!ction. Councilman Quast also recarmended the obstruction
L- nizing the special circumstances surrounding the rerroval
SA80 J. econanics of the alternative relocation of the exit.
hcil and staff discussion Councilman Gerberding moved the
- Chamberlain I s request for construction of the stairs,
J OJ p. the design being made aesthetic and c:onpatible with the
-.ents, the stairs be lighted, the applicant c:arplete an
Sl ,.t application, and be in ccmpliance with the provisions of
ua A: Counei~ ,wttidden seconded the the rrotion carried with
~ ~ abstaInIng.
,eation Review Camri.ttee - Finalization and Confinnation
'sa!J.lro Iltoq
nIM do flWO;)
. lI!ll'J.Ifl;) tau
)\?;u aq P[Dro
lpue ~ SfUl?jd
(hI.lOU SJ and
~AO lIUflllue.IM
~ SAawOnv
roS sl 111I!laam
tOl A\?PSJIll{J,
I pUB llBM. at
OSl\OBf d!T!lld
~ow lIU!,!flflm
~aJs Sf! terred the Council to a rnenorandum fran Parks Director
-, eq J?:ng finalization of the Parks & Recreation Review CorImittee
aIltAlPl.Qoa.E!rberding moved the Council confim the Camri.ttee to the
PjIIOM VdB 1. Councilman Hordyk seconded and after further discussion
fllll uj!S at "eO..
'~ pue !
JflMOd onqri ,
s,and fltit J,tlal Purchase and Sale Agreement
S3AJ1lM. tOl!Jl
tellall/tqJall;marized a rnenorandum from Power Manager Booth recrnmending
'UOrlll-tove the BPA Residential Exchange Contract which allows the
tpqIMI20d\?.Qu~ any rights under the contract, including being offered a
or .aO tSI wh'l" 001' t' 1 .." C't
PI.QSTOAt!I'reement, 1 e IncurrIng no 19a lon un ess Wte 1 y
, , 'nge power with BPA. She then read Resolution No. 32-82 by
I~ns oj
i 1
...~------,--- -'
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute a Residential Purchase and Sale
Agreement with the united States of
America, Department of Energy, acting
by and through the Bonneville Power
Administration, under the provisions
of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power
Planning and Conservation Act, P. L.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read
by title. Councilman Quast seconded and the rrotion carried.
9. City r s Wcod Stove and Chimney Inspection Program
Fire Chief Glenn reported to the Council on the Fire Depart:1Tlent I s expanded
Wocrl Stove and Chimney Inspection Program cClltlrellcing September 1, 1982
which will, in part, involve an inspection by an Engine Ccrcpany. Council-
mID Hordyk suggested the resident of the inspected chimney be advised that
an Engine Company will be inspecting in order not to alann anyone. Coun-
cilman Gerberding ccmnended the Fire Department for the expanded inspection
10. Reserve Seating at Civic Field
Manager Flodstran reviewed the request of the Port Angeles Booster Club and
High School Athletic Department for permission to establish preferred re-
served seating at Civic Field and the presale of season tickets for this
seating in an effort to enhance the sale of tickets for the High School
football program. council discussed the request with Manager Flodstran and
Dick Niichel, President of the Booster Club, at length and Councilman
Hordyk then moved the Council approve the Booster Club r s request for re-
served seating at Civic Field; Councilman Quast seconded and the rrotion
August 17, 1982
11. Establishing Cla11am COunty Courthouse as Future Meeting Place of City
The Council had considered relocating the meeting site for the City Council
to the Clallarn County Camiissioner I s Meeting Room at the Courthouse at the
Julr ~O, 1982 meeting. Mayor Duncan read Ordinance No. 2230 by title,
enti t1ed 'fl~7.i,.:':;:: c,.,:;"':P;A'''::;;'
;;I;1;<OROINANCE NO:2230.:'\
~*-d\N~!!9!NA~E oflh.. City
;;o~<p',or:p~'!9e1,",,; .-tGbllsh.ing
.)!!",,!s~ /Qr,,}!he ;,Clty,. Ccluncil .
, ,.m..llngl,'ondomenifing Sec.
AN ORDINANCE of the C1ty of Port Angeles 1;,tl9l\>"~f,Qrdlnon~2098'and
establishing tines for the City council.;,SitdIO'l:'2,04:01".of.',the;?~ry'
t' d din tie 1 f 1,~..lfl MunitiP<lI,CQd..",~",
mee illgS, an aID2Il g Sec on 0 '{,.,TH~ Ci~ =O:':No;;'.on'l:::'
Ordinance 2098 and Section 2.04.010 of ,<CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES:
th . , .-<;HERE8Y ORDAIN CIS follow!:. .:
e Port Angeles Mun1c1pal Code.:"'in~IO".I; Sectlonliilf.Or'/
~!l ",!ce,No..2098 arid Sitdian'
'l---Wh'dd edth '1 d th . ..2;o;,:OIO.OftheCcXfoCiftli".CI~';'
CounC1.llIl<:Ul 1 en IOOV e COunC1 a opt e foregoJ:n:;J Ord 'CIt!lt.~~~~gefl!OlI.I..are,:~T,~l~
by title; Councilman Quast seconded and the IIDtion carned. -+I'-fh'~~"""l~".a,~'q.._,.,.,>"
11''''1- e re,gu .ar"1"~I'ng"!>f !he,
tt. ' !'~J~' Ihal/:be: ,h~~ an:i!.~..':
~n." ond: lh1rd:Tu'llodoy.;~ot.
, Imtn.. begiitnlnlP..al,
M;':>:,S\,'ch ,'rligLifor.;
i,:'otlall' coftclude;!'aj'
~ n~r "m~.~ u-pon;~~o:..
Fourth Quarter of 1982 and listed sixteen possible reduction . i,/ii'~ii~,jo ~rii.e<!f;~a.i;
ture levels. council discussed the proposed budget reducti ~rigenifd~::n~{d~r::';'1r'i:,r...
with staff and Manager Flodstran indicated that though he P2J"G;Q!"f'MI)I,fthOdat,;c..of;any.
f ed bud edu. dmin' . 1 h d "'S,U~oc!!>9U or meeting' oFIlia.
ten,o the propo~ get r chons a .1strat1ve y, e 19h!. ; ~iJ~.ci!. .oh<:!l[ f.a'Fiii:i9.(i.a
action on the S1X other proposals. COunC1lman Quast rroved ~!,egaJ~.ti.9hdOV.~~uch:;m""tln9
th. th . . 1 th ed b"'" Iholl'!-b;; h,,(d'elther'an th".
au or1ze e C1ty Manager to llll> ement e propos 'Uuge:,p~l~g.bu.sines.d~'Qi-'on~
administratively wherever possible and to prepare the necess~th'?'~~c.".edlrog-b~.in.;s...doY"
, '-- ~-t f th ed t' he t t dmin' tr ,...NOllce of the day selacte'i:l for'
illS"""UlL';;:'" S or e r uc 10ns canno ac on a 1S a .,~lhe;m_ling shall be liren.,a':
bring those before the Council on or before August 31, 198 :!).I;~)~al ~iow. medi,,~olle~st'
Gerberding seconded After further discussion the IIDtion '~'I'!'!i~ry.~~t?~~"(24) '.hou~s p,ler
. ..,0,: .Iti.. . m...tlng.".S...cll
and failed with Councilman Quast voting "Yes". The IMjority U"eetlngs.sholl bG held,lti the.
indicated they would like to act separately on each of the:iC~'f'ml."io.~"I'5'~M.,..tin9
, i. R"""" at !~e. Clollom County..
1 terns . .~":~~n~t~~:l?:,~o~ ~~~~I~~;
I~....~~.~oction '2." Thti'::"ordjnanto.
They !"s!lall.take ,,!teet .~s ,p~ovided ,
: -::...'?v low. :."- _"~ ,': ;':~:"'-.:.~ L-. f'"
:......PASSED.by the. City..Counci/:
J.af,lhe City of Part AngeJO$.at
1. Direct charging the City's Self-Insurance Fund for the ':lQ.r"!l~lor meelirig of tlie City
. . .". Counc,' hold on IlIe 17.lh doy'
costs W1thln the Administrative Serv1ces Department (Deputy "b!August..1982., '. . ~'b',\
Personnel D~ector) for the remainder of 1982. The IMjOrity.<~;j::"_"'iDf'r,:,.~h,(?~.~. ~...
approved this proposal. .;,ll'resT:.. : _ ',J'.~::;';'f.,.~
.Morlan.C. Porrish" Clty'Clerk '}
2. Closillg the front counter at the Port Angeles Po11ce ~'.CIi:i19f.. Mill..., Clry Altome)'
the non-daytime operating hours. Assistant Police Chief Mcl~~~o~g',~~),~2,;,,'::,/.
support of the proposal and the COuncil approved this proposaYl1iiimllllOusJ.Y';"'';>,
Budget Reductions for Fourth Quarter 1982
Manager Flodstran read his memorandum of August 17, 1982 to
regarding additional considerations for reducing expendit
The COuncil then considered the following proposals.
only the remainder of 1982:
3. Stop all non-emergency overtime use for all City errployees including
Police reserves and the volunteer Fire Department. The Council discussed
this proposal at length and the proposal was denied with Councilmen Hordyk,
Haguewood, Whidden and Polhamus voting against it. The Council further
instructed Manager Flodstran to provide manpower for the Derby Days
activities and to further use his discretion in approval of all other
overtine. They also requested staff look into some fonn of remuneration
fran the Sallron Club for traffic suppression in future years.
4. Increase fees at the Port Angeles William Shore Merrorial Pool fran a
50% subsidy basis to a 25% subsidy basis. This would generate ?Lpproxi-
IMtely $9,000 in additional revenue in the 4th quarter of 1982. COuncilman
Haguewood spoke in strong opposition to this proposal and on call for the
vote, COuncilmen Quast, Gerberding and Whidden voted "yes"'.and COuncilmen
HOrdyk, Haguewood and Polhamus voted "No". Mayor Duncan, voting to break:
the tie, voted in favor of the proposal.
August 17, 1
11. Establishing Clallam County Courthouse as Future Meeting
The Council had considered relcx::ating the rreeting site for thE
to the Clallam County Conmissioner' s Meeting Room at the Cour
July 20, 1982 rreeting. Mayor Duncan read Ordinance No. 2231
entitied I
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles I
establishing times for the City Councill
rreetings, and arrending Section 1 of
Ordinance 2098 and Section 2.04.010 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Whidden m::Jved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read
by title; Councilman Quast seconded and the m::Jtion carried.
12. Budget Reductions for Fourth Quarter 1982
Manager Flodstrom read his memorandum of August 17, 1982 to the Council
regarding additional considerations for reducing expenditures for the
Fourth Quarter of 1982 and listed sixteen possible reductions in expendi-
ture levels. Council discussed the proposed budget reductions at length
with staff and Manager Flodstrom indicated that though he could initiate
ten of the proposed budget reductions administratively, he did need Council
action on the six other proposals. Councilman Quast m::JVed the Council
authorize the City Manager to irrplement the proposed budget reductions
administratively wherever possible and to prepare the necessary legislative
instruments for the reductions he cannot act on administratively and to
bring those before the Council on or before August 31, 1982. Councilman
Gerberding seconded. After further discussion the m::Jtion was called for
and failed with Councilman Quast voting "Yes". The rrajority of the Council
indicated they would like to act separately on each of the six proposal
The Council then considered the following proposals. They are made for
only the remainder of 1982:
1. Direct charging the City' 5 Self-Insurance Fund for the administrative
costs within the Administrative Services Department (Deputy City Clerk and
Personnel Director) for the remainder of 1982. The rrajority of the Council
approved this proposal.
2. Closing the front counter at the Port Angeles Police ,-Station during
the non-daytirre operating hours. Assistant Police Chief Morgan spoke in
support of the proposal and the Council approved this proposal unanimously.
3. Stop all non-€lll8rgency overtime use for all City errployees including
Police reserves and the volunteer Fire Department. The Council discussed
this proposal at length and the proposal was denied with councilrren Hordyk,
Haguewood, Whidden and Polhamus voting against it. The Council further
instructed Manager Flodstrom to provide manpower for the Derby Days
activities and to further use his discretion in approval of all other
overtime. They also requested staff look into sane form of remmeration
from the SalIoon Club for traffic suppression in future years.
4. Increase fees at the Port Angeles william Shore Merrorial Pool from a
50% subsidy basis to a 25% subsidy basis. This would generate approxi-
mately $9,000 in additional revenue in the 4th quarter of 1982. Councilman
Haguewood spoke in strong opposition to this proposal and on call for the
vote, Councilmen Quast, Gerberding and Whidden voted "yes" and Councilmen
Hordyk, Haguewood and Polhamus voted "No". Mayor Duncan, voting to break
the tie, voted in favor of the proposal.
August 17, 1982
5. Close the Port Angeles Swimning Pool on weekends for the remainder of
1982. The council m:xlified the proposal by proposing to close the Port
Angeles Swimning Pool on Sundays only for the remainder of 1982 and voted
unanim::>usly in favor of it.
6. Reduce the hours of operation of the Port Angeles senior Center for
the renaining four nonths of 1982. The Council instJ:ucted Manager
Flodstram to investigate further the use of volunteer tilre to run the
Senior Center and took no action on this proposal.
Councilman Whidden then rroved the Council and Mayor waive their salaries
for the remainder of 1982 and donate the nonies not payable to FICA, unem-
ployrrent CCI1pensation, etc., to the Current Expense Fund, and Councilman
Quast seconded. On call for the question CouncilrPan Whidden, Haguewood and
Quast voted "Yes" and CouncilrPan Hordyk, Gerberding and Polhamus voted
"No". Mayor Duncan, voting to break the tie, voted in favor of the notion.
Councilm3n Hordyk requested staff investigate the possibility of charging
business license fees on gross sales.
13. Request fran Carl Lamb to Purchase City Property
councilman Quast noved the Council refer Mr. Lamb I S request to purchase
City property to the Real Estate Comnittee for their re<Xlll1rel1dation.
Councilman Polhamus seconded and the notion carried.
14. Proclamation - International Literacy Day
Mayor Duncan proclairred September 8, 1982 as International Literacy Day in
Port Angeles.
Derby Days - Request to Use Logo in Various City Intersections
Manager Flodstram referred the Council to a letter fran Roger Pierce, Derby
Days President, requesting permission to permanently affix the Derby Days
lDgo in various intersections throughout Port Angeles. The Council, as
well as staff, discussed the request at length and concern was expressed
for traffic confusion which could be caused by the placing of the logos in
intersections. SooE discussion was made of alternative placerrent of the
logos and Mayor Duncan noted with regret the Council had not had sufficient
tilre to weigh the pros and cons of this request as irnnediate action was re-
quired to inplerrent this activity before Derby Days this year. Councilman
Po1harm1s noved the Council deny the request due to this observation and
Councilm:m Hordyk seconded. Councilman Quast then rroved the notion be
amended to allow placement of a smaller logo on key sidewalk corners. The
notion died for lack of a second. Councilman Haguewcxx1 noted the council
encouraged this type of activity yet did require rore tilre to make a de-
cision. On call for the question the notion carried with Councilman
Haguewood voting "No".
Councilman Haguewood then noved the Council authorize Public WOrks Director
Pittis to investigate with Derby Days a tenporary affixing of a logo for
this year only, on a non-permanent basis. Councilman Quast seconded and
the notion carried with Councilmen Hordyk and Po1harm1s voting "NO".
Councilman Quast camended Roger pierce for his efforts in regards to Derby
Days this year.
2. Derby Days - Gambling Tax
councilm:m Whidden rroved the Council instJ:uct staff to prewre an ordinance
for the Mayor's signature granting Derby Days' request for a $150 flat
gambling tax fee for the carnival to be held August 27, 1982 through
September 6, 1982. Councilman Quast seconded and the notion carried.
August 17, 1982
Bob Levin I Director of the EDC, advised the Council that the Port of Port
Angeles passed an inducement resolution which encourages the Industrial
Developrent Bonds for the Cedar-All Company of Clallam Bay.
Councilman Quast noted the need for a DoNntown transit shuttle.
Manager Flodstran noted several items of interest to the Council included
in the infonnation packet.
Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting at 10:20 P.M.
~ {!. Z-"..~.~
City Clerk