HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/18/1937 .... Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 515 AU3uSt lL, 19)7 193_ I I I I I TfUOl'" .U""...&UTn....n."""................ ..", The Commission met in reeular sesGion at 10 A.Ii. and 1'laG cllled to order by Mayor Davis, Roll ca 11 shoY/e'] th~ .rollovlin~~ officers !,r~Bent: !,lqyor Davis, Commissioner Henson and Clet'~\: HavJkinD.. The minutes of th~ :previous sefision wer~ r~ad and ap?rove<1. i ~nder the head of "J1plications for Building Permi ts anr! LicenseG the .rollovlin.~ were , granted: J. R. -"ldridge, Remodel House, Lot 11, Blk. 13:5. Towns He Mrs. Ger~rude Maude, Garaee, Lot 15, Blk. 3:\1, Tovmsite 11m. Gors~gner, Construct Vlal'eh,JUse, rill Lot 1, & Et Lot 2, Blk. 2, Tidelands 'Jest of Laur.ol ,,~. W. D, Janzen, Ad~ition to H0use. Lots 3 & 4, Bl~, 1, Cains Subd. of Sub. Lot ~l Charles U1m'r, Hestaurant Charles Ulmer, SOft Drink 1000.00 7,'i.00 3,'iC'0.OO 100.00 15.('(' .),or Under the head of Read in:; and Passal'e ,f Ordinanc es the folL"" in! Ordinam c WP. ~ read bv ti tle and p1ac ed on its third read ine, j AN ORDINA~;CS amending BeaHon ,18 of OrHnance No. 1000 Of the (Ji:;; of Port .\n:::clcs, I which is an ordinancA relatinr to intoxicating liquors, prohibiting the ~anufac+urc. possession, sale 01' other di"position thereof in the ~i ':y of Port An~eles. It was moved by Commissioner Henson,that the fore~oinE ordinance be !)laced on its final read ins and adopted. Seconded by Hayor ~avis. On roll cnll all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commissi.)n examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warr~nts dra~n for same: CURRSNT EXPEll3;;; :'UND Dave A. Masters Trick & Hurray City Treasurer Mark H. ',Iight Lynch's "ervice Ci ty Treasurer Central Motor Parts & J;Iachine "orks HI'S. L. ',/, Carder Expens e "ccount 9.17 Supplies 20.CO GtamD8 5.00 1937 LaVlJ 3. ~,~ Re pa ir s 5.cO 2/ 19,07 Sess ion Laws 3.25 II. Repairs for IL torcyclc J.,) 12.54 )) Police Hatron 3.00 , Repairs 39.[;1 Gasoline 43.20 Meter Bills 2.70 Tiro Re p8 ir '1j~ 0 1."0 Me ter Bills 10.81 Repairs 2.25 Misc. Cash Payments 4.G3 1937 Laws 3,25 Repa ir Cloek ,~ 7'+ 3.00 J' I CITY STREZT FUND V. '" Samuelson & ':':0. WATER FlITrJ The '.l!exas ";0. Blackburn Printin' Co, C. n. UcDonald Se;vice St2tion L I GUT F'U1'fD ,Blhekburn Printin~ Co. ~Hoare & Headrick ~ ~Cit" Treasurer Mark H. ;'ligh t Lewis B. Filion There be in!." no further business the CommissLm then adjuurned. /;/ -'\; ~~ ~ ?7,?-h;J ~ City Clerk Mayor ...l