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,.. 458
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
A1Wl5t 18
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The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P..M.. and was called to order by ~or Smith. Roll call j
showed the'following present: ~or Smith, Councilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, Matthieu, and McFadden,
Ma~ger Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and CIerI< Law. . , , I
It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that minutes of the previous meeting be approved as received. Seconded
, by Co~Cilman Brown a~ carried.
Under the head of unfinished business, bids for construction of Penn Street Area lateral and sanitary sewers
and trestle were received as follows:
THORBURN AND LOGOZO, Sewer, $71,267.25; Trestle, $16,053.23
IDUIS ELTJ:;RICH CO., Sewer, $89,685.43, Trestle, $15,416.42
F. H. JARNAGIN, Sewer, $68,580.60, Trestle, $12,132.92
DEL GUZZICQNSTRUCTION CO., Trestle, $11,600.90
~ULONE AND TUCCI,. INC., Sewer, $70,565.76 .
OWENS BROTHERS, Trestle, $17,471.87 . I
PIELER CONSTRUCTION CO., Sewer, $91,311.11
HAROLD KAESER co., Sewer~ $74,449.40, Trestle, $26,262.48 I
All bidsl<ere.referred tothe Engineer for checking and it was moved by Councilman McFadden that the low I
bids by Jarnagin for sewers and Del Guzzi Construction for the trestle be accepted. .Discussion followed
regarding legality of accepting other than the lowest bid. It 1<aS then moved by Coun<;ilman Neer that the I
bids by Joe Avery and Del Guzzi be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Brown. After further discussion
this motion was then withdrawn and original motion seconded by Councilman Neer. On roll call, all members.
voted Aye. Motion carried.
Council considered approval of Ordinance as read at the previous meeting providing for licensing of Private
,IDetective. Due to insufficient information concerning such Ordinance, it was moved by Councilman 11cFadden
Ithat any action be tabled until ~urther information is obtained. Secomed by Councilman Neer and carried.
l'Under the head of ne~r business, claims paid August 9, 15, 16, 18 were approved in total amount of $7,744.06. I.
It was moved by Councilman Brown that claims be approved as pdd. Secomed by Councilman Matthieu. All I
,voted Aye. Motion carried.,
I '
It was moved by Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilman McFadden, that Treasurer's report for JIllJ' be I
'accepted andplaced on file. Motion carried. .
I ' I
It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that the Police Judge report for JuJ.;r showing $2,149.50 collected, alao
:monthly budget reports, be accepted and approved. Motion secomed by ,Councilman Brown am carried. i
I . I
Requests for renewal of beverage licenses were received as follows: .
Clifford G. Swain Salmon Club
Briclde's .Place Marine Drive
Corner Cuppoard 524 Cherry
~ne Drive Lunch 536 Marine !live
Harbor Tavern. 125 H. Front
Safe~ray. Store No. 188 117 E. 4th
Parkway Grocezy 719 South Race
Walter Akeley Post, American Legion 216 W. lat
'It was moved by Councilman Brown that requests for renewal be approved. Seconded by Mrs. Matthieu. . All
'voted Aye. Motion carried.
I _
'Two claims for damages were filed against the City. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Elofson fOr injuries to child at.
Elks Memorial Playfield. John Lacey, dJlmage to property caused by blasting rock at 816 South Washington
Street. 'It was moved by Councilman Brm-m that claims be referred to the City Attorney am Insurance GomPaIij'4,
S.econded by Councilman McFadden and carried.
J .. . .
Report on Pilot Barge removal revealed that little progress has resulted after assurance by Captain Olsborg
that project would be completed by August 14. After due consideration, it was moved by Councilman Mc-
Fadden that the Attorney be instructed to proceed with legal action for ejection against the Pilots Assoc-
iation. Motion seconded by Councilman Sandison and' carried.
~or Smith informed of request by Herman Swanson at Second and Oak Streets for removal of Oak Street
zig-zag which extends upon his property, thereqy relieving him of possible claims in case of accident.
It was the opinion of Attorney Severyns that no liability exists as the structure was constructed and is
lmaintain~d by the City. Mr. Swanson will be so informed.
I Councilman Neer cited reckless manner in which a few truck loggers are operating their equipment along
Istreets within the City, the same being a hazard to life am property. Council authorized the City Manager
to contact the Truck Loggers Association and request action against any reckless' operator.
'Mr. Vergeer informed that department heads have submitted estimates of receipts and expenditures for the
'year 1956, the same now being assembled into preliminary budget form for Council consideration.
,Council discussed financial condition of the Firemen's Pension Fund and necessity of appropriating one mill
from taxes to said fund. It was moved by Councilman .McFadden that an~actuarial survey be requested to
'detennine status of the fund as to millage required. Secomed by Councilman Brown and carried.
,ume~ the head of introduction of resolutions the ib llowing was introduced and read in full for Council
consJ.deration: ,
, A RESOLUTION, pursuant to Subsection 3, Section 3, of Chapter 4, Laws of the State of Washington,
lilictr'i'ordinary.Session 1955, amending RC\'f 41.48.030, that the Governor. be requested to authorize a referendum
election as provided therein.. ~
Section 1:.. That. the Gover,:;or be requested to authorize a referendum pursuant to Subsection 3, Section;l
.,of Chapter 4, .Laws of the State of Washington, Extraordinary Session 1955, amending ROW 41.48.030, for the
purpose of submitting to the City of Port Angeles employee members of the Statewide City Employees Retirement
System the adoption of a proposed plan of the board of trustees of said Statewide City Ehtployees' Retirement i
System, providing for coordination ci the benefits of Feeeral O.A.S.l. coverage w.i.th the benefits provided I
Ro' the Statewide City El:nployees' Retirement System with no reduction in the' present contributions to the :,
Ilystem, . and in the event said plan is adopted, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles is hereby author- \
i,zed to enter into appropriate agreements with the.El:nployJUIlt Security Department al)d the Board of Trustees I
10f the Statew.i.de ~ity El:nployees ~etirement System to implement said plan, the coverage provided by, said I
plan to be effectJ.Ve as of the Fust day of January, 1955, with 100% prior service credits. !
I .~
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
August lS conti nued.
.." . ..-,,: """. ,..,,,.... '".."....." .....
Section 2: The above mention agreement with the Employment Security Department ma;y contain
provision for payment by the City of Port Angeles to the . Employment Security Department of the"
pro-rated share of the costs of administering Social Securi~Y aIlocable to the ,City' of Port Angeles.
It was moved by Council.maI\ McFadden that the foregoing Resolution be approved am adopted. Seconded
by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. ~lotion carried.
There being no f,urther business, the meej;ing was adjourned.
'9 - G. LalAr'
(J City Clerk
, .
'l'HAT the City COllncil of the Cit:~;
,of Port >\ngeles wlll hold a henr.ing
ROLL, .prepaud by the Cilv Ell-
llineer, in LOCAL n\fPROVEMEN1'
DISTRICT NO. 168 of the Citv cf
by the con.<:tnlC-
gutters and side-
ng bcinq held un
Thursday Ule 15th day of Septet'l.
b~r ]955, at the hour of 7:30 p.i:!.
1,0 clock at the City CounCIl Room
]at 12.0 North Oak Street, Pod
liAl1g~el:Gchw~~~~t1galgd' Pl~ce and al
1'<:llCh other tlmr.s (IS such hEa dn"
i mfiy be continued to, said ell';
Counell .<;ilting 8,':; n Bon!'(i of EQ!..IaJ.
Il:>.aUon will con~ider objection." t.n
II :Hld wm correct, I'{'vise, l'R1SP..
lower, change or modify su-ch Roll
a.nd order tllat such "Assessment
be m3de de novo, as to such body
shall appeal' ju.'3t nnd equitable, [lllr1
wlll th~n proceed to confil'ln said
Roll by ordin:mce.
All person::; who may desire to
object to 1;ald roll are hel'ebv not!.
f!f'd to make ,Oiuch objections .il~
writing and t.o file the same with
thp. City CIerI\: at or prior \0 the
date !lxed for ~u('n hearing,
J. E. LAW.
City Clerk
PUbJ!~!Ji!~~!SePt. 2,l!W