HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/18/1960 40 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington AUGUST 18, 19~ .... LI'-IolPAINTlNaCO....u2!lo1~ iThe City qouncil met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. The Officers present were: Mayor Maxfield, Councilm~n Smith, Richardson, Thorne, Randall, Caldwell, Haguewood; Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk Lat.. ',' I I It was moved by Councilman Smith that minutes of the previous meeting be appro ved as received. Seconded I by Councilman Thorne and carried. I ' Under the head of unfinished business, the Manager reported on llleeting with the Port Commission and it wasj decided that a small boat launching ramp on the South side of the Bay is not feasible or warranted at this time:. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that report be accepted. Sec~nded by Councilman Haguewood and, !il carried. I The committee appointed to investigate advisability of designating Fifth Street as Arterial reported with recoml+ mendations as follows: The Committee is in agreement that Fifth Street should be an Arterial from Cherry to i Francis and that fire alarm Signals be placed on the corners of Fifthc'and Peabody and Fifth and Francis. Also stop signs be placed on Fifth and Francis. Fifth Street Arterial from Cherry to Francis would yield to Cherry, I Lipcoln, Peabody and Francis. Signs ~o be placed on Fifth, stopping traffic going into these Arterials. Also I Fourth and Francis being a blind corner, stop signs be placed om Fourth and Francis, signs being on Fourth, I I stopping traffic crossing Francis. It was moved by Councilman Randall that the report of the Committee be I adopted. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried. The Attorney was instructed to prepare a Resolution providing for sign installations as recommended. The Engineer flied for approval, progress payment to Kaeser Construction Company for labor and materlal'fur- , nished on water connecting lines in amount of $27,183.62. It was moved by Councilm'an Richardson that the claim be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. , The Manager advised that preliminary plans and cost estimate for construction of a light department service garage will be submitted at the next meeting. Estimated cost $94,000.00. . "It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the Manager be authorized to design and call for bids to replace the substation at Laurel and Boulevard. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried. It was moved by Coun cilman Richardson that the Manager be authorized to purchase a parcel of land on the Mount Pleasant Road for location of a Chlorination Building, approximately one acre at $500.00. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. The Council considered whether to accept or reJect recommendation of the Park Board to re-adjust charge for the use of Civic Field. Revisions sugge'sted were as follows: Events covered by summer recreation program, I no charge. Athletic events other than those covered by Recreation program" no admission charge or collectio ' taken, $10.00 for each time field used. Admission charge or collection.taken, basic charge of $10.00 for each time used plus 4% of gross receipts from adult admissions and or total sum collected. Use of field for other than athletic events, rate will be set upon application to the ,Park Board. It was moved by Councilman Richardson to 'adopt report of the Park Board and recommendation as per rates be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. The City Engineer ,filed ,notice that the thirty day period has elapsed since completion and acceptance of work I done and material furnishedl::y J.D .Shotwell Oompany and Randall Kilmer Construction Company in L.1. D .#179 and no incomplete or defective work having been discovered, recommended that the amounts of $32,780 .14 ~ to Shotwell and $3,356.56 to Kilmer be paid the contractors. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that th~ ,recommendation be a,?cep,te,d ,and amounts retained bl! paid. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and Unanl- ~ mously carried. '0 - '- '. ,L , II Under the head of new business, the following reports received Council approval: Treasurer's Financial, Police, Police Judge, Water Departme,nt work, Operating and Billing, Light Department work, 'Operating and Billing, and Industrial Water Operating. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that all reports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried. . Richardson Payrolls for July were approved In total C\mount of $54,352.89. It was moved by Councilman"tli:at payrolls be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. Claims payable were approved as follows: General Funds, $6,287.71. Water Fund, $1,980.29. Light Fund, I $35,664:55~ Pipeline Fund, $2,800.71. , It was moved by Councilman Richardson that all claims be approved and paid. Seconded by bouncilman. Caldwell and carried. The Manager gave notice that the preliminary budget for 1961 has been submitted to the Council as required by Statutes governing Cities of j:he Second Class. ~,councilman Randall reminded that posting .Chambers Street as Arterial has been suggested. Also cited items I in the 1961 Budget providing for new radio equipment. It was his opinion that any traffic violations on this ; street could be corrected. , ' . I Councilman Caldwell requested that the Manager investigate the practicability of asphalt paving Marine Oriv from existing pavement to curbs, also oil surface Fifth Street from "C" to "In Streets. It was moved by CounJU- man Richardson to proceed 'with paving both 'sides of Marine Drive from ~e "Y:"intersection at Front and First I Streets to the ,?urve on Marine Drive at the R.R., crossing and along the South side of the pavement now , existing, to the curb return at Union Oil Company. Motion seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. The Mayor read minutes of the Planning Commission of August 16th. Requests considered were McDonald Funerai Home for zoning change from Second class to First class Business on Lots 16 and 17, Block 70. Mr. Lyman for variance at 1107 Caroline Street to construct repair shop. Vacation of "I" Street at Bluff be- tween Fourth and Fifth Streets. Proposed culvert on Front Street at Whites Greek. Opinion of Commission this is most practical to serve most people. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the minutes be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. The Mayor commended the Manager, the Preliminary Budget for 1961 having been prepared earlier than usual I and in good form. Melvin Bondelid reporteo on working with swimmning pool committee and only twenty days remain for prepar- ation of a proposition to appear on the November Election ballot. A meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, rugust 23 to which Councilmen will be present if postible. I I I 'I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington (Continued) AUGUST 18 , 19QL 41 " . 0 ".,on.o '0, .',.... ~ No further business appearing the meeting was recessed to the Junior High Auditorium for public hearing on Front Street Extension. AUDITORIUM, 8:05 P.M. There being no further business, the hearing was declared closed and meeting adJourned. f), E. !l NOTICE 01' CALL rOB Dms City of Port Angeles, Wasllington NO'J'.iC"~ IS 'H.ER'I~BY given that flNt](Id bids will be rc.>cei"ed at the officI.! o{ the City Managel', 14.5 'Yest 1-'1'0111 Street, Port Angeles. VVallh- Ingtoll, until 5;QO o'cJ')l'k P.~L, Au- !;U3t 2G, Itl60, 811(1 will be opened by the Clty Council, In rc~ular 15e.l"- .'\1011 tn be heir! on September I, HlfiO, at '1:7.0 (;'dock _P.)'L, in th!l C<l\J1lcli Chamher!", fel!" the follnw- InK nmoullt of wo!'I{ an(l matel'laIs' ~(JI!U Ton;; Bitumlll("lI1H Plant Mix :; Ton!' Ta{'l~ Coat Tn?- Taek ('oot :1hAll be heated cutback and the a~]JllfLJtie piant mix H:i to 100 D('lletra.t!on. The bidder :<lIa1l furnish iI. plant fully opel'- atl'n for mi.-.lug plant mix, and dis. lI'll.lulOl' for sprl'adlng taCK COHt The bjd<l~r ~h311 fUTnl>lh power anlI labor for repairing by I!l.~'j!lg a I" to ~.. leveling comprel"flod mat, a.!'l wlrl.~ as the pl'CSCllt 011 ~1UrfllC(!. Oll Fifth Street fl"')111 "D" Street to 'I" Street, includinl{ the intera.ec- fio!l. The City u! pC)rt Angeles will ~ furnl.'lh a, II .aggregn.(L', Hnd delive!" to I mixing 'plant tlunkel". ~mld haul be. Ing Ihnited to ]l),Qor, fc>et from the (;Itv gravel pit at Mor...~ Creek. The elt;. will use a~ ll\any true!:;s ns pos;;lb1c to halll the plant mix to the pavIng ~it(', The Cit,. res.:::rve:" the rlg-ht to, acccpt or ri'jer:l all bids ()r allY 11orUon thereof, amI to use Quanti. tle~ t'tther more or les!'; ,than esti., mated above. A five (5%) percent bid bond shall be submltted_ The work to be completed on or before September 3(). BIGO. Offidal action to accept or re- .if'r.t all bids sha1l he made by the' II elt}, COlllldl on the date indicated l , aho\"e. 1M. '\\'. ST,1\J,"KARD, l Cin' Mana~er. , Pl,',bll~hed August 25, 1%0 ; I----~ u ..-- __~......J ~, CITY CLERK :LEGAL NO'l"tCE NOTICE Is HElreby Gh"Em that the Pr(,;Umina.l')' Budget of the CUr of I Port Angeles for the ftsca.l yea.r l!lr.l, COlnmellclll~ on J[J.Jluary 1,1 ~~~\llcl~ ~~~~b~~b~ti\~~ ~rt~ rg~~~: j cil in accunlance with the Laws Of1' tIle Slate of ~'ashlllgtoll. Any person Intere!ltf'd, may view l'ltl.i{l preliminlll1>' lllldg-ct at an}" LIme dUl"il1g regulaI' office ]wurs: at the offiCi: of the elt:r Clerk, 140 West Front Stl'eet, Port Angeles, "-ash- lnr.::ton. . (~) M. W. sr~ANKARD, City Manager. Publlshf'd Aug. 25. Sevt. 1. 1960. "-~'-~-- - (~~ MAYOR E-k , --py) /~