HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/18/1981 151 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington August 18, 1981 I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:00 P.M. I II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk, Polhamus. Members Absent: Councilman Quast. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Headrick. P. Carr, J. pittis, L. Glenn, M. Campbell, L. Cosens, R. Orton, D. Frizzell, R. Morgan. Public Present: C. Schramm, M. Wait, J. Critchfield, J. Blaylock, J. Jones, D. Bragg, S. McLaughlin, R. Hesselman, G. Thomson, J. VanOss, W. Hatch, C. Whidden. III MINUTES Councilman Hordykmoved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the August 4 and 11, 1981 meetings. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. IV ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. I ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA v None. VI FINANCE 1. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS: FIRE TRUCK During the August 11, 1981 special Council meeting, the Council took action to proceed with the purchase of a standard 1500 GPM pumper truck for the . Fire Department. Bids for this piece of equipment were opened July 28, 1981 and the three proposalS analyzed by staff and brought before the Council for consideration at this meeting. I Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Finance Director Orton concerning financing for the pumper truck (conditional sales contract), and a memoran- dum from Fire Chief Glenn containing an analysis and recommendation on the pumper bids. Councilman Buck then moved the Council concur with the recom- mendation of Fire Chief Glenn and Finance Director Orton and reject the low bid of Western States due to .the number of exceptions to the bid specifica- tions, and award the bid for a standard 1500 GPM pumper truck to the second lowest bidder, 3-D Apparatus Company, with a bid of $127,091.00, exclusive of sales tax. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. During dis- cussion on the motion, Mr. Lyle Heaton, representing the highest bidder, w. S. Darley Company, addressed the Council to point out why he felt the Darley truck would be superior to the 3-D truck. Mr. J. W. Blaylock, representing 3-D Fire Apparatus, was also present to comment on the bids submitted.. Chief Glenn then stated that, in his opinion, the W.S. Darley truck would be more cost effective in the long run; however, they were the highest bidder ($134,293.00). In response to an inquiry from Councilman Hordyk, Finance Director Orton informed the Council that the delivery date submitted by W.S. Darley was 180 days. 3-D's projected delivery date was 120 days after receiving the chassis. The City will also save approximately $2,000 by using City personnel to drive the truck from the factory in Wisconsin to Port Angeles. During further discussion on delivery dates, the Council questioned Mr. Blaylock in regard to the type of chassis used by 3-D and the length of 152 CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 18, 1981 VI FINANCE 1. Cont. time it would take for delivery of the chassis. During this discussion, Mr. Blaylock stated that a delivery date for the chassis would be rather diffi- cult to predict, however, chassis have been arriving within six to seven months after being ordered. Chief Glenn pointed out that Mr. Blaylock's prediction of six to seven months was quite different than the 60 to 90 days SUbmitted earlier by 3-D. Following further discussion on the chassis 1.- delivery date, Councilman Buck moved the Council table this agenda item until the August 25, 1981 special meeting so that delivery dates can be confirmed. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. VII CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the items listed under the Consent Agenda, including Vouchers of $629,326.10 and Payroll of $174,198.04 and $167,996.15. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. VIII LEGISLATION 1. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Request to Amend Ordinance No. 1975: Clallam County Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Clallam County's request for an amendment to Ordinance No. 1975, vacating a portion of West 19th Street and a portion of the alley in Block 454, TPA, to change an ease- ment over said vacated right-of-way, and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff. Mr. Gene Unger, Assistant Director of the County Public Works Department, explained that the new structure is now proposed for the west end of the property due to the existing topography. Only the east 50 feet of the vacated alley in question will be covered by the new structure; the restriction on structures over the remainder of the vacated alley could remain. Mr. Unger also outlined the proposed and existing electrical, sewer and water utilities bordering the site, and suggested that the alternate easement for utilities through the County Yard not be required by the Council. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. I Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2165 entitled, Ordinance No. 2165 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending Ordinance No. 1975, vacating a portion of the 18/19 alley and a portion of Nineteenth Street. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood, provided an alternate easement is granted to the City elsewhere across the County property. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman. During discussion on the motion, Attorney Miller advised the Council that Section 2 of the proposed Ordinance should contain a legal description of the easement reserved by the City. Councilman Buck then moved to amend his motion to include that a legal description of the easement retained by the City over the County Yard be 1___ included in Section 2 of the Ordinance. The amendment to the motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and the motion, as amended was passed unanimously by the Council. 2. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Mayor Haguewood read the Planning Commission minutes of August 12, 1981 with the following action being taken by the Council: ;-- CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 18, 1981 153 VIII LEGISLATION 2. Cont. A. Conditional Use Permit: Price I Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the Price request for extension of a Conditional Use Permit for a reduction in the number of required parking spaces, located at 321 West Eighth Street, and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff. There were no com- ments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the one-year extension of the parking reduction, subject to the original conditions. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. B. M-l Permit: Cla11am County I Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Clallam County's applica- tion for an M-l permit to expand the County Shop operations at "c" Street and Lauridsen Boulevard, and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Buck then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the M-l Permit and the waiver of the 200-foot setback requirements, subject to the follow- ing conditions: (1) that development proceed in compliance with the site plan submitted; (2) that a sidewalk be installed adjacent to the west side of "c" Street between Eighteenth Street and Lauridsen Boulevard; (3) that vision-obscuring screen be provided around the periphery of the Yard, involving a combination of reinforcing the existing row of poplars with additional trees and shrubs, the planting of climbing vines or similar vegetation adjacent to the existing fence, and/or the installa- tion of wood slats in the existing cyclone fence; (4) that provision for fire protection be made in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code and City Fire Marshal; and (5) that off-street parking areas be designed and improved in accordance: with the Off-Street Parking Ordinance (Ordinance No. 1588, as amended). Councilman Buck also included the following findings of fact in his motion: (A) the waiver of the 200-foot setback requirement is reasonable because the County is attempting to create a visually attractive landscape barrier around the property; (B) as pre- sented, the County Maintenance Yard complies with the intent of the M-l District; (C) the changes and new structures in the Maintenance Yard do not constitute a change in type of activity conducted at the facility or a significant increase in intensity of that activity; (D) with adequate vegetative screening, the visual impact on adjacent residential prop- erties can be-significantly reduced; (E) City utilities are available to the site and capable of providing service; (F) as a more intensive operation is not anticipated, traffic patterns will remain basically un- changed in this area; and (G) the M-l Permit at this location is in the general interest of the public. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. C. Street Vacation: Shillington I Mayor Haguewood read that portion of the Planning Commisison minutes dealing with Mrs. Shillington's request to vacate the east half of "A" Street right-of-way north of Fourth Street. Councilman Buck then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the street vacation request. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Boardman questioned Manager Flodstrom in regard to the prior vacation request made by the previous owners of this property (Norwood) and the temporary street use permit which was granted to the Norwoods. Following this discussion Manager Flodstrom pointed out that a public hearing on this request had been scheduled for September 1, 1981, and suggested that the matter be referred back to the Planning Commission for con-. sideration at their August 26, 1981 meeting, when more of the Commission would be present (three were absent at the August 12th meeting). Council- man Buck then withdrew his motion to approve the Shillington vacation 154 OO'OLE$ aI~ spun~ l4~~ qO!qM ~O OO'LOL'E$ sa~AAU1 40a~OId T~+o+ aqili .uo1+~4Iodsu~I~ ~o 4U6~I~daaaq+. q+~M 4Uam -66IO~ ~ a+noaxa 0+ A+10 aq+ IO~ AI~SSaOau sT +T '6uTPunJ +~q+ aAaTqo~ 0+ IapIO UI .s~~oOId oUTPunJ dSVd IO WVd aq4 qDnoIq+ sf +Da~OId ;,q+ DUTOU~U -T~ IO poq+am auo 's4TmTi A+10 eq+ uTq+~ SbUy~SOID p~O?{T~I DU1+s!xe ~O OUT I~W\pU~ OUTUDTS aq+ aAoIdmT 04 40S[OId;e JO +uawdoiaAap oUTuIao -uoo ST~+ d ~040eI1a S~IOM O!Tqnd W~IJ wnpu~Io~aw ~ P~j7/POOManO~H ~OA~W ~ S5N:lsso'd~ ClliQ<l'IIVH :NOI~n'IOS:mJ .ps1II~0 U01+~ sq+ /~,+ssno aq+ IOJ TiED uO 'paaIoE T1 un aqili '^+TiTOE~ T~TIoweN/UO+In8 uIaA aq+ JO uOT4EAouaI aq+ uo +ou IO a oOId 0+ Iaq+aqz!l. u01sToap TEU'n l a)j~w uaq4 put=? ' +aDpnq aq+ ssaSSEaI 'SOUT EI~ asoq+ MaTAa~ 0+ l+Tun~IOddo ?~ uaATD TTDunOO aq+ put=? 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'puOoas Iaq /o\aIp4+1M U~llipI"Og ut=?U1TTDunO;J ..pUB '+sanoaI '+UO;) 'Z '17 'E NOI~V'ISI5~~ IlIA T86I '81 4snbnv 5NI~~~ 'IIONnOO A~IO I I I I ORDINANCE NO. 2166 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing 'he procedures and requirements for construction or excavation work within rights-of-way of .l1e City of Port Angeles. requiring a permit for such work, providing specifications 10 which such work must coniorm. establishing a fee 'or such permits. providing penalties for violation of thie ordinance. repealing Or. dinance numbers 820. 0.8, 958. 1125. 1534, 1614, and 2100, and Section 11.04.070 and Chopter 11.08 of the Port ~~d~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~:' T~~~ 1 , of the Pori Angeles Municipal Code. BE IT ORDAINED by the City -;. Council of the City of Port .__ Angeles; .. Section 1. OEFINmONS op~'l; tof~~~;;:~iSi~~f:~r~~:'- . ordinance. unless the context. - -.ooo-h'Mitem. otherwIM:. " A. "Applicant:' Any person rmaking application for a ,permit for constroction or . excovation work, pursuant to the terms of this ordinance. B. "City." The City of Port Angeles. C. "City Council" or "Council." The City Council of the City of Port Angeles. D. "City Engineer:' The City Engineer of the City of Port Angeles. E. "Construdion" or "Ex- cavation." The act of opening, excavating, or in any manner disturbing or breaking the surface or foundation of any permanent pavement; the establishment or alteration of 'any established grade or street; and the maintenance ! ~~::;":~I~ ~f a :~~e:':~n~: sewers, water mains, street lighting or appurtenances there!~. " , F. Person_ Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, or organizotion of ant!..k'~~:~mitt..." Any arson holding a permit from the City of Port Angeles for the performance of any con- struction or excavation work within 0 right-of-way of the City of port Angeles. H. "Right-of-Way." A dedicated or owned right-of- way of the City of Port Angeles, between the outer boundaries there-of, within which may be located 0 streel, highway, sidewalk, alley, avenue or other strucful"9 used for pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or a utility structure or oppurtenance. A right-of-way or easement is included within the definition of "Right-of-Way" whether such right-of.way or easement is currently used or not. I. "Work." Any construction or excavation within 0 right of-way of the City of Port Angeles. I SectIon 2, PERMIT I REQUIRED It is unlawful for any ~ person to perform any work ~~rs~ ~~~i~~~~~i:edf a~~~~~: there.fore from the City building official 05 provided in this ordinance. Section 3. PERMIT - LIMITATION No application for a permit sholl be received, nor shall any permit be issued, other than to 0 licensed and bonded contractor of the State of Washington, provided, that If 011 work to be done under 0 C~~~~rii~so~r~d~o~~red~t~d improved street, highway, or avenue, and the fair market ~~'I:s:f :~:n w$~~c:, 1.u:~ t: permit may be issued to other than a licensed and bonded contractor. Seclion ... PERMIT "'AP-' PLICATION ". .,_' A. A writlen application for the issuance of a permit shall be submitted to the City building official, on 0 form and in a monner required by him. B. At a minimum, the application shall state the nome and address of the applicant, the nature, location, and purpose of the work to be performed, the nome of the person who will perform the work, the dote of commencement and date of completion of the work, and such other dato as may I reasonably be required by the City Engineer or the City buildIng official. C. The City Engineer may l. berequlfe that the application \ accompanied by pions and/or specifications showing the extent of the f proposed work, the 'I dimensions and elevations of the existing ground prior to ony excavation, and of the ather DrODa!.ed elevated I I Legal Natices charges relative to any proposed work. The amount of such fee shall be 9!..oblished by the City Council by resolution, and may be charged by further resolution from time to time 'as may be necessary. Section 7. PERMIT - FORM A. The City shall provide each permittee a written permit. 8. It shall be the duty of the permittee hereunder to keep the permit posted in a con- spicuous place at the site of 'he work. C. It Shall be unlawful for any person to exhlbif. sucl1 permit at or about any ex- cavation not covered by such permit, or to misrepresent the number of the permit, or the date of the expiration of the permit. Section 8. PERMIT REQUIREMENT. EXEMPTIONS The following work sholl not require a permit: A. Any work performed by or under the diraction of tl1e City Engineer of the City of Port Angeles, including work performed by employees of the City or any person con- tracting with tl1e City. 8. Any work within the external boundaries of 0 sub- division, for which approval has been gi\len by the Council or other approving authority of the City. Section 9. PERFORMANCE BOND REQUIRED. WORK IN EXCESS OF $2,000 A permittee. doing work whose fair market value is greater than $2,000 shall provide assurance to the City of completion of that work, by one of the following methods: . A. Furnishing a per- fannance bond, approved as to surety by the City Manager and as to form by the City Attorney, which bond sholl be conditioned upon faithful completion of that portion of the work performed pursuant to the permit which will require completion by the City. of Porf Angeles should the permittee or his con. tractors default. The amount of such bond shall be determined by the'- City Engineer. B. FurnishIng to the City an assignment of a savings account. or the placing in trust, of an amount deter- mined by the City Engineer ta be sufficient to assure completion of the work. This savings account or trust shall be conditioned so that no amount may be removed therefrom without prior =~~te~h:Gprr;~~:: t~~o:~1~ that, if the work is not per- formed within the time limit set by the permit, or not done to the satisfaction of the City, then the City may withdraw from the sO\/ings account or trust the amount net'essdryto complete the work. s..o\o",o'l1l. PERMITTEE . INDEMNITY TO SAVE THE CITY HARMLESS FROM CLAIMS. As a condition of permit issuance, a permittee shall agree to so\le and. hold the ~~7endh~h;IO~ a~:~~t, :~~ claims for personal injury or property damage arising out of or in any way connected with, the performance by the permittee of any work within the rights.of.way of the City of Port Angeles pursuant to the issued permit_ Section 11. PERMITTEE _ LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIRED. A. Any permittee receiving a permit under the terms 01 this ordinance, the fair morkel value - of . which is $2,000 or less, shall provide to the City satisfactory proof of the existence of a com. pr.henslve liability insurance policy, in an amount and form determined by the City C.....i..__~_..r:... "u_.._~. L... ...... -.legal Notices cement concrete or any Ite @quatfy satisfactory material approved by the Cify CE Engineer. Section 14. ADDITIONAL Jct SPECIFICATIONS he DRIVEWAYS Hy Driveways sholl be con. he structed. in accordance with Irk the following specifications: t A. The maximum single nt driveway width for lot Itts frontage of 75 feet or less ty, sl1all not exceed twenty-five las (25) feet at the curb, including transitions_ be dr~e~; :~d~hu~orSinT~~ ~d~ frontage of 75 feet or more len sholl not exceed thirty.five is (35) feet at the curb, including the transitions. s'lab C. Where two or more ible adjoining driveways are Nith provided for the some and property. 0 full curb height ped safety island of not less than east fifteen feet, at the curb, must ure, be provided. tain D. No driveway opro~ shall tion extend into the street further tion than the face of the curb or .. - of info the gutter area. tion E. No driveway sholl. be inch locoted within twenty (20) ing feet of a regular crosswalk ttee area at on. intersection or any 'e in other designated crosswalk rary area. nust F. No- driveway may be I in 0 located so os to conflict with until f7::er h:d~:~'ts ~tre:: I ~~~; :~d~~ aboveground public focilities. ]11 be Section 15. ADDITIONAL Nith SPECIFICATIONS - City DRIVEWAYS. RESTORATION Whenever an existing..,t of driveway is abandoned, s not relocated, or ceases to be y to used as a driveway, the curb over opening provided shall be Ide in restored to normal curb elion height in '0 manner mder satisfactory to the City If the Engineer, within _ thirty days "I or otter notification by the City may Engineer that restoration DY 0 shall occur. Such restoration at shall be the responsibility of ,ther the property owner of record, oted and shall be performed 'ex. pursuant to a permit issued such under the terms of this or- ginal dinance, ')erly Section 16. ADDITIONAL - .-"1- SPECIFICATIONS roval DRIVEWAYS. MATERIALS. City A. All residential lvenl driveways shall be con- ,g a structed of Closs 5 (1 'A) or 5 littee (~4) cement concrete. not less lctive than six (6) Inches thick. ,ered Driveways shall be con- from struded in conformance with ,york. the standard specifications .ence ~ adopted by this ordinance, :e of for type "C" cement concrete III nat driveways. of its B. AU commercial or in. er. dustrial driveways shall be ,HENT constructed in accordance POSIT with specifications provided by the City Engineer. up~a~ t;~e;:Y::~:~1 t:~~ bo~k, or property, side of the sidewalk at not less than one. "quarter (V.) inch to one (1) foot, and not more than three-quarter (%) inch to one (1) foot. Curb height at a depressed driveway shall not be more than two (2) inches, nor less than one (1) inch. Seclion 17. ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS DRIVEWAYS. EXCEPTIONS The City Engineer, upon application, may grant special permission to. con- struct driveways deviating from the specifications of this chapter. Before granting such permission, tl1e City Engineer shall affirmatively determine funds that the public use of a street tion of or sidewalk will not be of- III be fectad by such special per- !te. mission, and that such special :'1f the permission shall hove n_o ent to ~~b~~ u~~~h~h~o!~}re:~ !~~ _.::_ .~L sidewalk. I the Section 18. PERFORMANCE Ie and OF WORK - TRAFFIC \18 the ROUTING RESPONSIBILITIES I' sholl A. The permittee shall take ttee by appropria!e m~asures :0 Legal Notices propriate measures to reduce to tile fullest extent prac- ticable in the performance of the excavation work noise, dust, and unsightly debris. D. Between tile hours of 10 p.m. and 7 o.m., the per. mit1ee shall not use, except with the express written permission of the City Engineer, eny tool. ~pplio~ce or equipment producmg .nolse of sufficient volume to disturb the sleep or repose of oc. cupants in the neighboring property. Section 36. MONUMENTS The permittee sholl not disturb any surface monuments or hubs found in the line of excavation work, until authorized to do so by the City Engineer. All street monuments, property cor- ners, bench marks and other monuments disturbed by the progress of the work sholl be replaced by the City Engineer, and tile cost of tile some sholl be paid by the permitt&Q. Section 37. INSPECTIONS The City Engineer sholl make such inspections os ore reasonably necessary in the enforcement of this or- dinance. The City Engineer shall hove the authority to promulgate and couse to be enforced such rules and regulations es must be reasonably necessary to enforce and carry out the intent of this chapter. Section 38. AS-BUilT DRAWINGS A. Permittees who install structures below the surface of the street shall furnish the City Engineer with accu~ote drowings, pions and profiles, showing the locotion end curvature of 011 underground structures installed, including obondoned installations. Horizontal locations ere to be referenced to street center- lines, os marked by survey monuments, and shall be accurate to a tolerance of plus or minus one faot_ The depth of such structure may be referenced to the elevation of tile finished street above said utility-,_w.:i!~ 'deplns-'lo~"l'le- -n-eare!.t one- tenth foot being shawn in a mini'mum of fifty foot in. tervols along the location of soid utilitv. , _ B. Such "a!O-built" drawings shall be submitted to the City Engineer's office within thirty (30) deys after completion of the work. C. In the event that the permit1ee does not h~ve qualified person~el to fur,!"h the "as-built draWing required by this section, he sholl advise the City Engineer in order that necess~ry field measurements may be taken by the City Engineer dU~,ing construction, and the as. built" drawings will be prepared by the City Engineers otfice. Cost of such field inspection and measurement, and the preparing of the "os.built" drawings, sholl be at the J expense of the permittee. Section 39. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY " This ordinance shall not be construed as imposing upon the City of any official or ! employee any liability or responsibility for damages to any person injured with the 1 ~%~~m:n~~~~i~nYh:or~:~~ ~ issued. The City and its of- ficials or emploY99s sholl no' be deemed to hove assumed ony liobilitYtor responsibility by reason of inspections authorized hereunder, the issuance of any permit, or the approval of any work. --section ..40.---VIGLAlION. PENAL TV An)' person viola~ing a'!y . provision of this ordInance IS guilty of a misdemeanor, ~nd shall be punished by a hne not to exc~~~.~:X>, ~~o..~~...~~~ .1 and the sit a ) City, . to be y in of the rmed. f such "ined I by , be time. may mts,if the I not onlee k. y sholl mount 1J11l:7 UIlI~lInl:l !:II UU"U J1IIUf IU any excavation, and of the other proposed - elevated surfaces, the locotion of the work, and luch other in- formation as may reasonably be r~uired by the City Engineer. . D. The applicat~on shall be accompanied by the fee required by this ordinance. Section 5. PERMIT . AP- PLICATION PROCESSING. A. The City Engineer shan examine each application to determine if it complies with the provisions of thl& or. dinance. The City Engineer shalt cause to be inspe<:ted the premises which are desired to be used, or otherwise ascertain any fgets which may aid in determining whether a permit shot! be granted. B. If the qty Engineer finds that the opplication conforms to the requirements of this ordinance, and that tne proposed work will not unduly interfere with the right of the public in the right. of-way, he may authorize the City building officioJ to grant the permit. C. If on application is denied, the applicant may appeaJ the deniol by the City ~-building official to the Director of Public Works. The Director of PubHc Works shall review the application, to ascertain that the deniol is based upon nonconformance of the application with the terms of this ordinance. and/or a determination thot the proposed work will in- terfere with the rights of the public in the right-ai-way. D. If the Director of Public Works upholds the denial of the permit, the applicant may appeal the Director of Public Works' denial to the City Council. The City Council shall review the application, on the same basis as the application was reviewed by the Director of the Depart- ment of Public Works. Section 6. PERMIT. FEE A permit fee shall be charged by the City for the issuance of Q permit for wo~k in a right-of-way, which fee sholl be in addition to all other fees for permits or POlley, In an omount and torm determined by the City Engineer or City Attorney. but in no event providl ng coverage of less than $50,000 for personollnjury to anyone person, $100,000 for injury to more than one person arising out of the same incident, and $20.000 for property damage, again$t claims arising pur- suant to permits issued punuont to this ordinance. The City sholl further be provided with an en. dorsement to such policy, naming the City of Port Angeles as an additional Insured. B. Any permittee receiving a permit under the terms of this ordinonce, the fair market value of which is over. $2,000. shall provide to the City satisfactory proof of the Q:xistence of a comprehensive liability Insurance policy. in an amount and form determined by the City Engineer or City Attorney. but in no event providing coverage of less than $200,000 for personal injury to anyone person, $500,000 for injury to more than one person arising out of the same incident, and $100,000 for property damage, against claims arising pu rsuant to permits issued pursuant to this ordinance. The City shall further be provided with an endorsement to such. policy, naming the City of Port Angeles as ~n additional insured. Section 12. WORK - Ap. PlICABlE STANDARDS GENERAL. Except os otherwise provided In this ordinance. all work performed pursuant to a permit issued pursuant to this chapter shoU be done in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Municipal Public Works Construction issued by the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association, 1m edition. Section 13. ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS. SIDEWALKS Where there is an existing cement concrete curb, any sidewalk installed or repaired in that location sholl be constructed only with A. The permittee shall take appropriate measures to .K assure that, during the TI performance of the work, e pedestrian and vehicular Je traffic conditions os nearly c normal os possible sholl be s\ maintained ot aU 'irnes, so as s to cause as little in- it convenience as possible ~o pr the occupants of the abutting ~I property and to the general r public. II 6. The City Engineer may '" permit the closing of streets a to all traffic for 0 period of J' time prescribed by him. if in his opinion it Is necessary for completion of the permitted work. The following procedure shall be followed before any street may be closed or restricted to traffic: 1. Permittee shall rKeive the approval of the City Engineer and Po/ice Deportment; 2. Permittee sholl notify the Chief of the Fire Department of the street 10 closed: 3. The permittee sholl route and control traHic os directed by the City Engineer and Police Department; 4. Upon completion of the construction work. the permittee sholl notify the City Engineer, the City Police Department and Fire Department of the return of the street to normal operotion; 5. If determined necessary by the City Engineer, flagmen.. or other protective measures shan be furnished by the permittee, at his expense. during the period of dosure. Should it be necenary to provide a detour for traffic, and no existing street exists for such detour, the per- mittee shall construct a necessary detour at his expense, in conformity with the terms of this ordinance. Section 19. PERFORMANCE OF WORK TRAF.FIC PROTECTION RESPON. SIBILlTIES A. The permittee sholl erect and maintain suitable barriers to prevent earth from trenches or other ex. cavations from encroaching upon the streets, except as may be reasonably necessary for execution of the work, ii t: \1 C I ,t If t "II ) I II I I' , o I :-"''''I/&;)S/I''; -else;, :$~"/I'Sm. . '-US. ~ -." '- SJ10d, 1i:>"'W ~N .eJ,j "lln:~ 100'1;; .J~ /;',. .',,,, .- .~ lJ~ pu 1^1~S 'I..ep 0 P.,.,o '11111i .tuo 'uo.s , ~ 0 lJJj '}SO<1 J '11!No S!P ~ n"'IU. II l"""";~. - _ "..;,:::;',tj;. ~,'b."~.::ff ,...1 ""'A' .: .. '" ",.~I"", " .... A. ^" ~..., _'" ""..~ -" _"..,.J. .",,1'" -,.,., - ,",." _ City Engineer, Ihe permillee Irom trench.. and "i1ed schedule'lherefore. to the lu1le.1 e.tent proc' 7.,may be required 10 con.truct adiacent to Ihe trench or in Seelion 3\~RFACE ticoble in the periormance o. ,. and mainlain ade<luate and any .treet shall be "roperly "~ESTORA110N.. ..' Ihe e.cavotion work noise. ~ .sole crossing. ave' ex. malnlained in such manner as A. Permittee.. 01 cam!",ct dust, and unsightly debds. . covatians 01 .treels under 'not 10 endanger Ihase the batklill to the tap 01 Ihe 8. Between the hours 01 10 t.lmprc,.emenl. to. "ermil working on the' .;rench, trench, and shall then nolily p.m. and 7 a.m.. the "er. continued vehicular and pedeslda"s or users 01 the Ihe City Engineer Ihat the mittee shall not use, except "pedeslrian tral/ic to use the streets, so that as little in. excavation and bocklill work with the e.press w,ilten street or streel intersection. convenience as ",,"sible is is complete. "ermissian 01 the City Such crossings shall. 01 a caused to those using streets II. The I' e r man e n t ~ngineer. any tool. appliance :minimum, be constructed and and adjoining "roperty. resto,alian 01 Ihe streelS or equipment producing noise maintained of plank, timbers. II. Where the conllnes of sha1l be made by the City, 01 sullidenl volume todiSlurb .and blocking 01 adequate sise the orea being excavated are alter Ihe permillee has the sleep or re!",se alae. to occammodale vehicular too narroW to permit the completed his work. cupants in Ihe neighboring ond pedeslrlan trallie wilh piling 01 e.cavoted maledals C. The pe,mlllee may be prope,ly. salety. beside the trench. the City required to place a temporary Section 36. MONUMENTS ,. section 20. PE~FORMANCE Engineer shall have the surface aver openings mode lhe permillee shall not r..OF WORK. FIRE FAClLl1I~S authority to require Ihat the in pClved Irallie ianes. When disturb any surface CLEARANCE REQUIRED permittee. haul the e.cavated such tem!",rary surface is monuments a' hubs laond in . Any work perla,med material 10 a storage site, reauired, Ihe liII above the the line 01 e.cavatian work, . pursuant 10 Ihis ardinonce ond then re.hClul it to the ballClm 01 Ihe. paving slab until authorised to do sO by , shall . be performed and trench site at Ihe lime al shall be made with suitable the Cily Engineer. All slreet conducted sO as not to in. backlillin~. II .hClll ~~ the materiCll, in .accordance wilh monumenls, property car' .te"ere with access 10 fire perm,ttee s res!",nSib,llty to the preceedong section. and ners, bench mark. and ather ~ stations and lire hydrants. secure the necessary per. this till shall Ihen be topped monuments disturbed by the I . Materials or alher ab. mi.sian and make all with a minimum 01 at leasl progres.ol the work shall be , structions shall not be placed necessary arrangements lor one.lnch blluminaus mix lure. reploced by the City ~ within filteen leel Clt lire all required slarage and which is suitClble 10 mointain Engineer, and the cast at the , hydrants. Passageways dis!",sa!. theo"ening in good condition same shalr be paid by the ( leoding to lire escapes or /ire Section 26. CLEAN. UP unlil permanenl restoration permiltee. , lighling e<luipment shall be REQUIREMEN1S can be mClde. lhe crown ot Section 37. INSPEC1IONS , ke"t Iree 01 all obstructions. A. At the conclusion of Ihe such temporary restoration lhe City Engineer shall , Section 21. PERFORMANCE work at a !",rtlcular site. ClI1 shal1 not e.ceed one. inch make such inspecllans as are 'OF WORK . ADJOINING streets and private property above the adjoining r""sonably necessary in the , PROPERTY PR01EClION shall be thoroughly cleaned pavement. lhe permillee enlorcement ClI Ihis or. , ; REQUIREMEN1S Cll all rubbish, e.cess eorth, shall exercise special care in dinance. lhe City Enginee, . A. Permittee shall. at all rock and alher debriS making such lempOrory shal1 have the autha,lty to : times, at his expense, resullinglram such work. restorations. and must promulgate and cause to be ; preserve and protect Irom B. Such c1ean.up work shall maintain such reslarotion in a enforced such rules and , iniury any public or private be performed wilhin twenty- sale traveling condillon until regolations as must be . property adjoining the tour hoUrs of conclusion 01 such time as permanent reasonably necessary 10 location at the work. by Ihe work. or as otherwise restoration con be made. enlorce and carry out the .. laking all necessa ry directed by the City Engin....r. As"hall which is used shal1 be in lent 01 this chapter. measures lorsuch purpo.e, and at the e.pense 01 Ihe in accordance with Seclion 3B. AS.8Ulll . 8. lilt is necessary lor the permittee. Should the per. s"ecilicatians 01 the City DRAWINGS . proper "erfarmance 01 the mittee. Cllter having received Engineer. A. Permittee. who instal1 . work that adjoining property an orde, to do so. lail to clean D. It, in Ihe judgement at slruclures below the .urlace be entered upon. the per- up soch reluse. such work the City Engineer. it is not at the slreet shall furnish the millee shall abtoin a llcense shal1 be done by the City. expedienl or necessary to City Engineer with accurate or other permission Irom the ellher by itselt or by can' replace the pavement over drawings. plans and p,ofiles, owner 01 said property lor trClctor. and the cast thereal any cut or e.cavatian made in showing the laealion and such purposes. Such license charged 10 Ihe permittee. the streel, u"on completion curvatu,e of ClI1 underground 'ar permission .hall be Section 27. WATER 01 Ihe work allowed unde, sl,uctures installed. including p,esented to the City COURSES. SEWERS AND such permit. by reason at the abandoned inslallations. Engineer as a portion 01 the DRAINS. PROTEC1ION looseness of the earth or Horisontallaeatians are to be application to' the permit. A. lhe permittee shall weather conditions, he may relerenced to sl,eet center- . Clnd the City Engineer shall provide lor the Ilow 01 all direct the pe,millee to lay a line.. as marked by survey . not issue a permil until such water courses, sewers or temporary pave men I 01 monuments. and shall be ; time as all nece.sClry licenses drains which are involved in wood. asphall. or other accurale to a tolerance 01 have . been oblained and Ihe work, and sholl' replace suita~le materiai designated plus or minus one toot. The presented to him. the same in as good condllion by hIm over such cuI or e.. deplh 01 such structure may , Seclian 22. PERFORMANCE as it lound Ihem or .hClI1 cavatlan. to remain until such be rele,enced to the 'OF WORK _ U1IlITV FACIliTIES makeuJil'c~ provisions 10' time as re!",ir at the original elevalion 01 the linished 'pR01ECTION REQUIREMEN1S J~"Ij\.....Alle" City Engineer !",vement may be properly street above said utilily. wilh _"A:-1'ermltlee -'.halt""'l0t. _ may direct. ."/';^t e-I..1q,M5 I ."""d".'M",~ - , n ,I'.' .---t .dep.'hs 'i6~I1ie' ned,es.."ne. I inlerfere with any existing II. The permi1!l-~ not, E. Acceptance or approval tenth loot being shawn in a r utilities without the wrillen obstruct Ihe gutt.... 01 any at any work by Ihe .Cily minimum at /ilty foot in. . <an sent 01 the utility cam!",ny streel. but shall use 011 Engineer shall not prevenl tervals along the location 01 'or person owning the utility. p,aper measu,es to provide the City trom asserting a saidutilitv. \ II. 11 it is nece.sary to la' the Iree passage al claim against the permitlee 8. Such "as. built" drawings . remove Cln e.isting utility. surface water. lor incomplete or detective shClIl be submitted to the City Ihis shall be done by the C. The permittee shall work, if It is discovered Engineer's allice wilhin thirty 'owner. 01 the expense 01 the make ",avlsion. to take care wilhin twelve months from (30) days oher com"letian 01 permittee. 01 all surplus water. muck. Ihe completion ot the work. the work. C. lhe permittee shall sill. or other runalf pumped The City Engineer's presence C. In the event Ihat the rsup!"'rt and protect. by or resulting Irom the work. during Ihe "erformonce 01 permittee does not have 'jimbers Clr otherwise. 011 Clnd shall be responsible lor ony excavation work shall not qualilied persannei to turnish .?ipes. conduits. paleo, wires any damages resolling from relieve the permittee at its the "os. built" drawing ~or other apparalus which may hislailure to so provide. res!",nsibililies here..nder. required by this section. he 'In any WCly be alIected by the Section 28. BREAKING Section 32. PERMANENl sholl advise the City I work. and do everything lHROUGH EXIS1ING RES10RAll0N DEPOSIT Engineer, In order that 'neces.ary 10 sup""rt, sustain pAVEMENl REQUIRED nece..ary field 'and protect Ihose lacililies. A. II. In the performance ot A. Upon Ihe approval and measuremenl. may be taken , D. In case any 01 such any work. it is necessary 10. grant 01 the pe,mil. the by the City Enginee, during utilities shall be damaged by break thrClugh e.isting permitt.... shall de!",.it a construcllan. and the "as. .Ihe WClrk. It shall be re!",ired !",vement, Ihe pavement restoration lee wilh the City, built'. drawings will be 'by the owner thereol, at the shall be removed at at least to assure that the work to be prepared by Ihe City "expense 01 the permitlee. si. inches beyond the outer performed by the City. in Engineer's altice. Cost 01 such "., E. lhe permittee shClII limits 01 any subgrade that is permanent restoration ollhe lield Inspeclian and 'inlorm ilsell. prior to com. to be disturbed, in orde, 10 street shall be performed. measurement, and Ihe .menclng work. ClS to the prevent selllemenl, and 0 six lhe minimum amount ClI s..ch preparing 01 Ihe "as.built" ....istence and locCltian 01 011 inch sho..lder 01 undisturbed de!",slt shall be delermined drawings. shall be at the I -underground utilities, Clnd material shall be provided on by the Cily Council by e."ense 01 the permittee. protect the same agoinsl each side 01 the excavated resolution. and moy be Section 39. LIMIlATION OF . damoge. in Clccardance with trench. Pavement shall be changed Irom time to time. LlA81UlY .the provisions of this .ection. vertical. lhe City Engineer may fhis ordinance shall not be _. Section 23. LlA81L1TY FOR 8. A !"'wer driven concrete require additional amaunls. il construed os imposing upon -DAMAGE 10 SlREErS saw shall be used sa a. to he determines thaI the the City at Clny allicial or '. A. lhe permitlee will be prevent complele breakage minimum amount is not employee any liabilily or -respon.ible lor all damage 01 01 cClncrete !",vemenl or base sullicienl to guarantee responSibility lor damages to "ony kind- to the streets or wi.hou1 ragged edges. \ perfarmClnce 01 the wark any person injured with Ihe 1\ighways 01 the City as a Asphalt pavlOg shall be 8. All work by the City sholl perlarmance 01 any work tar result 01 pe"armance 01 work .cared or otherwise cuI in a be billed againsl the amaunl which a permil has been -Under the terms 01 Ihe permit straight line. No pile driver ollhe depa.its mode. issued. The City and ,ts of. 'granted pu..uant tCl Ihis may be used in breaking up C. II there are lunds lido is or employees sha1l nat 'ordinance. including damage e.islingpavement. remaining oltercomplellan01 be deemed to hove assumed done by mobile equipment Secllan 29. lUNNELS the work, they .hall be any Iiabillly or responSlbilily required to be present at the lunnels under pavement returned to Ihe permIttee. by reason 01 inspections .slle. _ shall not be allowed, e.cept D. II the amaunl 01 the aulharized hereunder. the .'11. All damage shall be where required or permitted de!",sit IS not sulfidenl 10 issuance at ony perm II, or the .repaired by the permillee. a' by Ihe City Engineer. Where caver the costs incurred by approval 01 any work il the City Engin....' deler. "'nneling IS performed under the C.ty in performing It.~ __tien ~., VIGLATION mines. such dClmage shall be thoraughla,es. conuete responsibilIties, then Ihe PENAL1V ,epai,ed by Ihe City. ond the streets, state highways. amounl ,emalning due and Any person violating ony~ casllhereal shall be billed to asphalt streets. or wherever awing aver and above the provision 01 this ordinance is the permittee. otherwise designated by the amaunl 01 the de!",sit shall gumy of a misdemeClnor. Clnd C. \/. upan being ordered to City Engineer. such work be billed 10 the permittee by shall be punished by a line repair the damage. Ihe shall be one by the jacking or the City. not to e.ceed $500. Each day permittee lails to lurnish Ihe boring 01 ca.ing. under the Seelian 33. WORK 10 BE Ihat a vialallon continues necessary labor and slreet surface, and plClcing COMPLElED PROMPllV shall constitute a separale ~n.erialslor Iherepair~, I~Le pipes or cables inside 01 such The "ermittee sholl alienee. __.'__c prClsecute with diligence and Section 41. SEV~RA81U1V .........iDrlitA 0\1 work, and shall If any provisions of this . ~ _..J~",,,,,,,".CI nr it$ oppUcat.on I I, , . I . ;Xl=---- """l'~-- O--oI::V1C-ID'.. _Q._3-&'CIl<C"OOCTlD ~~ 3n-3-n3:::1"'C1 ~m :> .., cO .., Gl 0 fT:T:r c: c: "0 )II( C J" 0 =r' ... - III ., )( Cl'" ;::;; :. :T -:r 0 -. lD 1II .0 > ~ S. J" g. ~ ., ~ '" .-c; ~ ~ 0 n n . :J 0 g.O D.. 3" 41 n .., at )10 ",. > C/II -:; Q 41 2. -< 2. n ., ~ ~ !l ~ =- ~ CIl CTP3 :.- ~ c g. ~:J ~ :T; CD =:. ~ 41 iQ ~ ~ i.!l. ~ CA ~ ; = D ~ n ~ !t 0 ~. ;0 '" _. :."0 _ - ~ 3'g.. -;. Q"'CI III !: l;T g - :t ::l Q ., ~ ell c: ~!D CIl -< ii" ~ ~ S" ~ ~ n'I ): go.., <" o. ~ iii. ~ ~"o ~ lD ItI i c :r'" lD :i'::C' ~ :r - S. ~ c.: ;!:;u ~ g Q. Q ur II' 9..;- ~ lD ~~ ~~m"'mcg~~Q2~~n~3111 ~Gl~~D..~~~.()m~ ~~_lD-_.,O tn 0 _. :I '" - =....., CD - n iIlo 0 0 ~ .. c.. 0 ::r 0 -< - Z N-D.tr'OOo' ~-CF"Q.o 00 g-~ n~ c- c: tr.> co c,tlD..." ~ =~~~l~E:s al4l~i3or~~~~ ~~~-!1~~~ ~~r~~~ ~ > 0 ~~m~ ~ CQD- ~__- ~~..,~n..,m ~O 7 41-- _".,-0 ;. Cij"c,g Cl ~ ~ =' 7:" ~ -. CD "C. CD::'. 0 ~ CD !J 3 0 ~ ~ - n - ;. a 0 Z x C"CD; .., _ cO' ~ ~. ~ :!.. 0")0 i ~:I l.Il 0 c,tl =- iii :;:v g ~ - II ;; cr_ ~n~; o~g 7-~ a~n-~~ ~~ c:am ~O --~~o~~~ ~<>~_O~~Q ~"~ar~2lio.~ :~~o~m ~~ ~~~gS! ~ > o~ <~ ~C'" a -~ Q .0 O~ n am ~~ ~ > .., g,. :I -< (II S 3 ~ ~. ~. c = f = ~ v.o ;:: II'l -Cf) ~ > -4 - == D- 0 ~ 0 ~ z~ _Q::r_O c-- moo-om-o C 0:1"- ~ z-; 0..,_ ~ ~H~ i" ~ ~ i; g.c& ~ ~? a.? g ~ i;. r;. ~ a g. i ~ ~ c ~ , f ~ &..~ i ~ i 0" 2.;' a ~ )10 ~ S 0- ~ s...:f 5' ~ g 3 ~::r S ~ ..a e ~.: 0: 0: ~ 0 e ~ 200' a ~ B ~ ~ g ... -= ~ < Q.~ Gl _ ~ 41 ~ a:. Q. g 3'" ~ !" a :J ~ ~ =:: :; 3 e.. ~ 0 ~ - 0 ~ ,.. 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Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of August 12, 1981. The motion was seconded by Council- I man Boardman and carried. 3. CONVENTION CENTER STUDY Mr. Don Jewell, of Event and Facility Consultants, was present to summarize the findings of a draft study on the proposed convention/community center in Port Angeles. The basic objective of this study, explained Mr. Jewell, was to determine the attitudes of potential users of the facility towards Port Angeles and the Olympic Peninsula as a site for state and regional meetings. Areas covered included time of year, size of meetings, maximum seating requirements, food function seating, number of meeting room required, size of meeting rooms, hotel rooms required, previous meetings in Port Angeles, attitude toward Port Angeles, meeting site considerations, pre- vious convention sites, and future convention sites. The study also contained information on the spatial needs of a convention center, po- tential revenues and expenses; the options available to Port Angeles, and the renovation needs of the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center. If the Council should choose to renovate the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center, the following actions would be necessary: (1) identify maximum funding available; (2) develop budgets identifying construction, movable equipment and start-up costs; (3) select and engage an architectural firm with particu- lar expertise in interior space design to undertake identification of program items that can be achieved with available construction dollars; and (4) if preliminary schematics and construction estimates prove acceptable, I the same architectural firm should be authorized to proceed with design development. I Following Mr. Jewell's presentation, the Council discussed several subjects, including possible renovation of the Elks building at First and Lincoln; whether Mr. Jewell had been able to identify potential desirable sites for a new convention facility; problems associated with the location of the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center such as the distance to hotel/motel accommodations and transportation to and from the facility; the present depressed economy of the area and the feasibility of remodeling the Vern Burton elemorial Community Center and u3ing it as a short-range facility; use of buses to and from the Convention facility; the impact of a conven- tion center on Forks and Sequim; and wherher the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center would still have adequate parking if it were renovated. Councilman Duncan then moved the Council proceed with the above-mentioned actions for renovation of the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center into a convention/community center, including the selection of an architectural firm. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman. During ,discussion on the motion, Manager Flodstrom suggested that the City proceed with the understanding that schematic drawings would be developed of the facility and the Council given an opportunity to review those drawings, reassess the budget, and then make a final decision. whether to proceed or not on the renovation of the Vern Burton Memorial facility. The Council agreed. On call for the question, the motion carried. 4. RESOLUTION: RAILROAD CROSSINGS Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Public Works Director pittis con- cerning development of a project to improve the signing and marking of existing railroad crossings within the City limits. One method for fi- nancing this project is through the FAM or FASP funding programs. In order to achieve that funding, it is necessary for the City to execute an agree- ment with the Department of Transportation. The total project involves $3,202.00 of which City funds are $320.00 ... .:II':"~ 154 I "1. -r-"' ..;.. eITY COUNCIL MEETING August 18, 1981 155 VIII LEGISLATION 4. Cont. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Resolution No. 29-81 entitled, Resolution No. 29-81 I A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement be- tween the City of Port Angeles and the Washington State Department of Transportation for funding of improvements and signing and marking of existing railroad crossings within the City. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. 5. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION: STREET CUT PROCEDURES Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Public Works Director pittis outlining the content of a proposed ordinance dealing with street cut permitting pro- cedures. The primary intent of the ordinance is to more clearly define the requirements and procedures for any construction and excavation work within City rights-of-way or easements. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2166 entitled, Ordinance No. 2166 I AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing the procedures and requirements for construction or excavation work within rights-of-way of the City of Port Angeles, requiring a permit for such work, pro- viding specifications to which such work must conform, establishing a fee for such permits, providing penalties for violation of the ordinance, repealing Ordinance numbers 820, 848, 958, 1125, 1534, 1614, and 2100, and Section 11.04.070 and Chapter 11.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, and adding a new chapter to Title 11 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilman Buck moved the title. by Mayor Haguewood. carried. unanimously. Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Resolution No. 30-81 entitled, Resolution No. 30-81. A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles establishing fees for permits for construction or excavation work in rights-of-way, and the amount of deposits required for permanent restoration of rights-of-way. I Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 6. DERBY DAYS ACTIVITIES Mayor Haguewood read a letter from James A. Jones, President of Derby Days, Inc., requesting Council consideration of the following Derby Days activities: (1) August 28th - Kiddies Parade; (2) August 29 - Grand Parade, Tug-o-War at Hollywood Beach, and City pier concert and dance (police surveillance needed for dance). Mr. Jones also requested a blanket permit to control all vending, and other activities during the week of August 28th through September 7th. 156 CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 18, 1981 VIII LEGISLATION 6. Cont. During discussion on Mr. Jones' letter, the Council expressed concern over the request for a "blanket permit to control all vending." Mr. Jones, who was present to answer any questions, pointed out that several local and out-of-town groups have expressed a desire to sell ballons, popcorn, etc. during Derby Days, and a blanket permit would help control these vendors. However, as Attorney Miller then advised the Council, this is not a re- I sponsibility which the City can assign to Derby Days. Additionally, vendors must still apply for a business license with the city. The counCil- then suggested. that all individuals requesting vending permits be directed to contact Mr. Jones prior to the issuance of any permits. Derby Days could then screen all vending requests and offer their input. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council approve the Derby Days activities as requested by Mr. Jones, except for the blanket permit to control all vending. The motion was secondedli~"Councilman Buck and carried. 7. LETTER FROM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RE AIRPORT ANNEXATION Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Sam Hurworth, President of the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce, encouraging the Council to allow the annexa- tion of the area surrounding the Airport and west of the present city limits. Furthermore, the Chamber recommended that the City adopt a pre- annexation Resolution establishing an intent to zone the area M-2 Industrial when it is annexed to the City. Manager Flodstrom then added that all of the options for the proposed annexation should be studied carefully, in- cluding prezoning, annexation without prezoning, rezoning, no consideration for annexation, consideration for the required development permitting processes, and how best the Council might proceed with the matter of an Environmental Impact Statement. planner Carr will be exploring all of the options that the Council should consider, or ,would like to consider, before taking any action on this matter. I Mr. Mike Wait, 1763 Evergreen Drive, then addressed the Council to voice his objection to a speedy annexation of the subject area without first receiving input from the residents of the area. Several concerns were raised by Mr. Wait in regard to the impacts of annexing this area, and the effect the proposed annexation and industrial zone would have on the resi- dents. Following Mr. Wait's comments, Mayor Haguewood noted that annexation of the Airport area is presently just a proposal, and there will be no "quick" annexation. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council refer the letter from the Chamber of Commerce to the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Council- man Buck and carried. 8. CLALLAM COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Councilman Buck gave a brief presentation on the status of the Clallam County Economic Development Council, a group recently formed to promote economic growth in Clallam County. Councilman Buck outlined the develop- ment of the EDC, and urged the City Council to support this coalition of private and public interests, especially in light of the "no growth stigma" which has been attributed to the Council because of their opposition to the oilport. Councilman Buck then moved the City Council set aside, for a three year periOd, $5,000 per year in order to become a partner in this public/private entity known as the Clallam County Economic Development Council. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus. During discussion on the motion, the Council and Manager Flodstrom discussed whether the Council could obligate funds for future budgets. Councilman Duncan pointed out that the commitment of the City is based on the City's legal obligation under state law; the Council can only provide the kind of support that they are legally able to, under a contractural arrangement (i.e the City must prove they are receiving benefits in the amount of their contribution). Following this discussion, Councilman Buck withdrew his motion, and then moved the City endorse the concept of the public/private Economic Development I CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 18, 1981 157 VIII LEGISLATION 8. Cont. I Council arid.-contracLwith- the Economic Development Council for a mlnlmum of $5,000 worth of services in 1982, based.upon-the'_validity of need for those services, and that the City indicate its intent to be a participant in subsequent years, at least for 1983 and 1984. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. Mayor Haguewood then commented on HJR-7, a proposed amendment to the Wash- ington State constitution that provide for the sale of tax-free, revenue bonds, payable only from private sources, to finance pollution control, Job and economic development projects. Washington is now the only state in the nation that does not have full authority to use this bond program. Councilman Buck also pointed out that passage of HJR-7 would permit im- plementation of the Local Economic Development Act of 1981. 9. 1982 BUDGET PLANNING I During the August 11, 1981 special Council meeting, the Council was given a 1982 Budget Packet which contained a statement from each department head on his 1982 goals and objectives. At this meeting, each department head give a verbal presentation to the Council, summarizing those goals and objectives as follows: (A) Finance and Administrative Services: Senior Energy Credit Program; Data Processing; personnel classification update; self-insurance programs; PURPA hearings; conversion of garbage trucks to propane; and withdrawal from the social Security System. (B) City Attorney: Northern Tier and Trans Mountain oilport proposals; implementation of the self- insurance program; update the Municipal Code; and the creation of a Traffic Violators Bureau. (C) Parks and Recreation: Repair of the plumbing under the swimming pool; Municipal Pier maintenance; upkeep of the Downtown Beautification planters; user group fees and policies; the Convention Center; and maintaining the current level of services with existing funds. (D) public Works: the Trails Program; development of arterials; records improvementi safety programs for each Division; employee self-improvement; west end sewer system; sewer rates; improve the water capacity of the Peabody Heights pump station; lining the "E" Street reservoir; analysis of the Solid Waste rates; and a combined Water/Sewer Utility. (E) Fire Depart- ment; change the concept of the Fire Department; fire prevention education; cost effective uses of the volunteer firemen; station relocation and/or addition to existing station; engine medics to WOrk with the Hospital and ambulances; and a consolidated POlice/Fire dispatch. (F) Light Department: power generation; purchase power contract with BPA; WPPSS Nuclear Projects No. 4 and 5; substation metering change; conservation; commercial weatheriza- tion program; financial stability; and service fees and charges update. (G) Planning Department: update land use regulations; implementation of plans adopted (i.e. the Trails Plan); guiding economic development; a new parking ordinance; the Waterfront Trail Plan; improve records system; investigate housing alternatives; and oilport'work. (Police Chief Cleland is on vacation and will give his presentation at a later date.) Following the presentations, Manager Flodstrom informed the Council that there will be additional discussion on the 1982 budget at the August 25, 1981 special Council meeting. 10. OFFER TO SELL PROPERTY TO CITY: MARTIN I Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Shirley Martin in regard to property that she and her husband own on the northeast corner of Fourth and Francis Street. Ms. Martin offered to sell this property to the City for recrea- tional use (tennis courts) in the future, since the property is adjacent to Erickson Playfield. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council refer Ms. Martin's letter to the Park Board for a recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. IX ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. 158 .- CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 18, 1981 X LATE ITEMS 1. RESOLUTION: CITY!MIAOLI COUNTY; TAIWAN Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 31-81 entitled, Resolution No. 31-81 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles, Washington establishing a Sister County-City Relationship be- tween the Miaoli County, Taiwan, Republic of China and the City of Port Angeles, Washington, the united States of America. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and ca.rried. 2. SHORT PLAT APPEAL: GOODWIN Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Planner Carr informing the Council that Mr. William Goodwin has requested an appeal from a right~f-way dedication required by the Planning Department as part of approval of his short plat. Councilman Buck then moved the Council refer this matter to the Planning Commission for a recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 3. DOWNTOWN BEAUTIFICATION: SIDEWALK REPAIR r Manager Flodstrom informed the Council that the Downtown Improvement Group has requested input from the Council on whether sidewalk improvements should be made part of phase II of the Downtown Beautification project. The Council and Manager Flodstrom discussed this matter at length, with seVeral of the Council members expressing the opinion that the maintenance and repair of sidewalks should be the responsibility of the property owner. The discussion concluded with the Council agreeing that, where the side- walks were good, there should be no cost to the property owner for whatever decorative treatment would be applied, as part of the downtown beautifica- tion. However, if a sidewalk required repair, then the decorative treat- ment and the surfacing would be applied as part of the beautification project and whatever repairs were required underneath would be provided by the property owner. XI STAFF/COUNCIL REPORTS Councilman Duncan: Informed the Council that she has the tape of the Keegan- Goeltz final arguments before EFSEC, if anyone wants to listen. She will be representing. the City August 21, 1981 at EFSEC, and the proposed order from Judge Von Reis should be available at that time. Manager Flodstrom: Informed the Council that there will be a meeting August 27th at 7:00 PM between Makers and the downtown property owners and merchants to discuss Phase II of the Downtown Improvement Project. Commented on the Final EIS on the proposed Gund Plaza which the Council just received. Invited the Council to tour the Fire Hall at 6:00 PM on August 25th. Informed the Council that there is a breakfast scheduled for August 19th at 7:30 AM and a luncheon at noon to meet with the Director of Commerce and Economic Development for the State of Washington. Called the Council's attention to Item No.1 (Water Consumption) and Item #15 (Six Month Budget Status Report) in the Informational Packet. XII ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M. to an Executive Session. XIII RETURN TO OPEN SESSION/ADJOURNMENT The meeting returned to open session at 11:15 P.M. and was adjourned. ~A~O":~' e. /2h'~~ City Clerk .<l.-nfj/~ - Mayor I I I