HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/19/1954 "..-' 406 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington --:--~ August 19 19~ '0<< . ""... "on... "",_.. 0""0'. ..... ... The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M.. and was called to order by Mayor Neer. Roll call of officers showed the fol101<ing present: Mayor Neer, Councilmen Brown, Powell"Wolfe and McFadden, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. - It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that minutes of the previous meeting be approved as amended. Seconded by CO\L'lcilman BrOlm. All members voted Aye., Hotion carried. Under the head of unfinished business, Frank Poll011 submitted bids for. house moving as follows: Apt. House and small building from Marine Drive, $4,183.86, State' tax included. House from 612 West 3d to Lot 9, Blcck 96, $795.00 plus tax. 612~ W. 3d to Lot ll, Blk. 160, $435.00 plus tax. 616 West 3d to Lot 4, Blk. 316, $865.00 plus tax. 615 South Valley to Lot 161 Blk. 75, $850.00. J1r. Pollow also submitted bid for purchase of the buildings at 612, 612~, and 616 vT.- 3d Street in total amount of $1,5OC.00. It "las moved by Councilman JlJcFadden that the Hanager be granted authority to award any and all bids as appear of best interest to the City. Motion seconded by CouncilJr.an Brown. All voted .\ye. Motion carried. Stanley Taylor, Attorney, appeared for Reid Priest and filed for approval by the Council, replat' of approxJ imately nine blocks to be designated as Cresthaven.' }tr. Taylor also filed for approval, a petition for I vacating the area and one for approv~l of the replat. Manager Vergeer advised that the replat has concurr- ing approval by the Planr~ng Commission. Also that Y~. Priest has verbally agroed to'cooperate in providing adequate drainage for this and adjacent area, and approval of the replat should be subject to written agree'; ment that proper drain~ge facilities will be provided before the rain,y season. It ",as moved by Councilman I McFadden that the replat be approved with provision that Mr. Priest submit written agreement providing for proper draina,~e of the area. Seconded by Counci~n i10lfe and unanimously carried. Guy Bellinger submitted for ap[.roval a replat of area known as Grandvie'" Hei!;hts, previous request having been rejected due to elimination of alleys. It was moved b;c Councilman ![cFadden that this replat .lith alleys provided be approved. Seconded by Counci.lman Bro"" and carried. Under the head of new business, the Council set requested minimums as follows: All of Block 1.54. It was' moved by Councilman McFadden that mi.nimum for the Block be $1,500.00. Seeonded by Councilman Po",ell and carri ed. Lots 1 elnd 2, Block 245. It was moved by Councilman Bro,<n that minimum be $100.00 for the two lots. Seconded by Councilman Vlolfe and carried. . Lots 12, 13, 14, Block 243. It was moved by Councilman HcFadden that the minimum be $350.00 for the three lots. Seconded by Councilman Brown and carried. Lots 5 and 6, Block 245. It '1as moved by CounciL-..on ;'Iolfe thnt minimum be $103.06 for the two lots. Seconded by Councilman Brown and car:'ied. Lots 15, 16, 17, B1k. 34. Tnese lots not having been properly appraised, it was~.oved by Councilman Bro"" that fixing of minimum be postponed until the next meeting. Seconded by Councilman 110Fadden and carried. George Hells, owner of Red's Taxi, and Hr. Long, representative of Union Radio Cabs, appeared'..before the Council and filed maps showing proposed changes in taxi rate schedule, the same being uniform rates to be charged by all companies. They also informed 0 r difficulties encountercd when rates are not uniform. Council questioned the rate set for transportation to the Coast Guard Air Belse, the same being considered too high. Hr. Wells cited distance traveled to the Ease and cost per mile showing no profit in the fare. Y",nager Verge,r reminded that the cor..paniec d:olC'.cl ':>e considered as a utility and public service, profit on all services not to be e1.llected. Also some service personnel may not be in position to pay rate as set , for Coast Guard Base. After further discussion, it was moved by Councilman McFadden that the rate schedule be approved as filed excepting the Ediz Hoole Air Base which shall be $1. 75, schedule to be filed with the Police Department. Notion seconded by CounciL'llan POI1ell and unanimously carried. Discussion opened regarding removal of Salffion Club buildings and Pilot Station to a location 1600 feet west of their "resent site on Eaiz Hook. Manager Vergeer read letters from the 13th Coa.t Guard District.Head- quarters, minutes of el meeting at the Air Base of Coast Guard OffiCials, Pilots, .Salmon Club Officials and the City Manager, also a proposed amendment to lease of Ediz ijook between the Government and the City. Palmer Kaas, S,lmon Club President, advised of objections made. Also that the Club is a non-profit organization, have no finances, and no place to move. If the Club gets som<:. help it will stay, but if not, it will be out. Captain Hyde of the Pilots Association reminded that certain.Club members hac) signed note to borrow money for improvements "hich they are loathe to leave ~lithout a struggle. Bill Blakey also thought the public as citizens and fishermen have a right to be on the Hook and questioned removal. Attor- ney Severyns cited the Ediz Hook lease with the Government ",hich states that an,y portion can be revoked. Councilman McFadden expressed desire for a compromise ",hereby all conce~ned would be protected. Cmdrs. McCaffery and Hellen emphasized hazard of Coast Guard buildings as well as others, also t.r,e Hook area being too narrow for type of planes now used. Miss Powell questioned the possibility of Ediz Hook becoming inadequate in the near future, due to increase ,and type of planes in the service. Cmdr. McCaffery ad- mitted that eventually moving the Base to Sand Point mi.ght be the ultimate solution, thus having at one time been contcmplated. l'!a;yor Neer cited the Coast Guard as '1ell as industries being assets cf this community. Also the Salmon Club which has accomplished much by volunteer cooperation and labor. It ",as his opinion that something should be saluagcd and in spite of hasty decision the City Goverrnnent "ill do all in its power to help out. The Hayor then reminded of the n111Ther of citizens, both loCal and tourist., ,;ho take advantage of and enjoy the scenic drive out on the Hook and reiterated determination of the Council to make honest effoM. to save the Salmon Club and prevent abandornnent by the Coast Guard. Applications for approval of beverage licenses were requested as follm<s: Lois E. and Robert E. Hinkleman, Harbor Tavern.; I';alter E. Dier, Walt's 101 Service and Grocery; Edward F. Herman, Parkl-"ll' Grocery; Safeway Stores, Inc.; Safe\<ay Store No. 1$8; Trade\'lell Stores, Inc., Tradewell Hodern Food Store No. 37; Arthur T. Filion, Corner Cupboard; Harry F. Gunsalus and Robert F. Reimer, Babe's Tavern; I'r. K. Rideout, Brickie I s Place. It was moved by Councilman Bro"ffi that all applications for: beverage license renewals be approved. Seconded by Councilman Powell. All'voted Aye. Notion carried. Claims paid August 9, in total amount of $1,808.04, 3454 filed for approval. It was moved ~y Councilman Fowell that the claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Brown and carried. Th'e City Treasurer'r report for July, also monthly budget reports of City departments were filed for approval. After proper inspection, it ",as,moved by Councilman ~~Fadden that repo~~ be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Pm/ell. All voted Aye. 140t~on carried. Council 1 Jl th C '1 commended Councilman ~Iolfe for excellent conduct According to suggestion by Councilman ~m:e.: e ~unc~ as Chairman for the Rosenheim return Vls1tat1on proJect. 1 t t 1 ad have f< led estimates of budget "^llenditures and receipts Manager Vergeer reported that al depar men 1e s ~ for the ye~r 1955 and that the same are now in the process of assembly. ...... I :1 I, , I I I I I '"", Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington i~ A1lg,,!":t 19 r.nm.i nu~d 19---.2.!i. ,..' . ...." .."'U. ,,"'_.. .."".. '"... .... Under the head M readin~ and passage of Ordinances, the :t:ollowing ,,/as read in full and placed on 2d and final 'reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1330 AN ORDINAJiCE of the City'of Port Angeles to be kno\'IU as the "Building Code", regulating t he erection, constr'J.ction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, conversion, demoli~iDn, occupancy" equipment, use, area and maintenance of buildings or structures in the City of Port Angeles, providing for the issuance of permits' and colJretion of fees therefore, declaring and establishing fire districts, providing penalties for the violation thereof, adopting by reference a uniform building code and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict "dth this ordinance, ,and specifying the effective date hereof. It ",as moved by Councilman l':olfe that the foregoing Ordi~ance be passed second and final reading and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Brown. All ",_embers voted Aye. }[~tion, carded. ; . . Under the head of intrQduction and reading, of Ordi.nances, the folloIDng were introduced and re~d in full for consideration by the Council: . 'I ORDINA'lCE NO. iJ32 AN OJl')INANCE a,ppro'inz and conf:.rming the assessments and assessment roll for Local Improvement District No. 165 created by rdinance No. 1324 pa,sed on the 4th day of J,;,arch, 19:>4 v;hich ordered al!d provided for the improvement of certain streets in the City of Port Angeles lJ;j" the construction of curbs, gutters and such storm Sel;ers and catch basin? as may be requtred and incidental thereto, all in acc?rdance I ,dth Improvement Resolution No. 165 of the City of Port Angeles, and the plans and specifications adopted ~' by the City-Council of the City of Port ;'rI!lele~ and ord~ring the levy and collection of assessments agc.inst the several lots, tract~, ;u1d parcel s of land benefited aM creating a special improvement fund to be known ~s Local Improvement District Fund 165. I It l1as It,oved by Councilman Powell that the fore;::oing Ordin~nce be approved and adopted. Secon1~1 :);" Councilman HcFadden. All voted A;,'e. Hotion carried. ORDINANcE NO. 1333 AN ORDINANCE providing for the vacating of and replatting of a portion of the Plat of Port Angeles, I ~ashington, as shm<n by a rcplat on file in the records of the City of Port Angeles, and designating t said replatted area "CRESTHAVEN". '11 It was moved by Coun9ilman NcFadden that the foregoing O,din1L'1;e be approved and a10pted. S~conde<!- by CounciLllan l-Iolfe and unanimously ca.rried. I No further business appearing, the J!leeting was adjourned. j (2. ~ f;, ~~ City Clerk /~---, , . J . jf.,C2bY~ Ha;yor U:OJU, .rt1BLlCATlON I C,\I.L oR BID~SWITCHES "Notic~ j<; hereby given that bids. ~~gt. bf6th711[J~i.d a~~h~Oof~i: ~.l;;le! ~~;.'t ~t~:l~~\J:~~'t~t fKI~;~ll~h ~k;l \l't'WOH'U9 KVAiOO Amp, a!r"-s~'ltches,! 01' ,POl~ t.ot:l"~ounting ~mnllar to'j Pac,fic. Electl'lC T Y P e TW.t. Cit~ te,e'v" 1he i-ight. to accept or reoJ ject Rn;y or all blds." , G.. S. Vergeel", ~Ub:~s~~L~~.~_1'l No'neE OF SALE' REAl, l'ROPERTl:' NOTICE _ is hereby given.. thal the City of': Port Angeles will" sell to the highest and best bldljer the. COI- }ow~ng lIIescribed real property,_ to- wit. . , Lot! 13 and 14, BlOCk 12'7, ~ , MinImum, $300.00 j. Lo~9 and 10, Block 245, MiuiJn.I1![1, $100.00 .1 Lots 16 (lnd 17, ~lI>c~"45r : . , Mmfmum, $-200,00 , Lois 1, Block 440, t Minimum, $100,00 rNotice is furlhcl' given Ulat 5ealed itg~?~~~lCW: 3~~~ ~lil{Jl~e recetve~ 1,~ntll 5:0. I. 1954, U nust be ne f not less than '10 I mount bid or tile onsidel'ed. The I; ~erv~ lhl" right "'to' re t ." In bJd~.. K LAW, Cit3-:"bt:'I"lr:, I Pub' AUi,::. ~6, 31, tu[!.,t N, . '407